101 lines
4.9 KiB
101 lines
4.9 KiB
const rimraf = require('rimraf')
const test = require('tape')
const config = require('./config')
const setup = require('./setup')
test('torrent-list: show download path missing', function (t) {
const app = setup.createApp()
setup.waitForLoad(app, t)
.then(() => app.client.waitUntilTextExists('.torrent-list', 'Download path missing'))
.then((err) => t.notOk(err))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-download-path-missing'))
.then(() => app.client.click('a'))
.then(() => setup.wait())
.then(() => app.browserWindow.getTitle())
.then((windowTitle) => t.equal(windowTitle, 'Preferences', 'window title'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'prefs-basic'))
.then(() => setup.endTest(app, t),
(err) => setup.endTest(app, t, err || 'error'))
test('torrent-list: start, stop, and delete torrents', function (t) {
const app = setup.createApp()
setup.waitForLoad(app, t)
.then(() => app.client.waitUntilTextExists('.torrent-list', 'Big Buck Bunny'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list'))
// Click download on the first torrent, start downloading
.then(() => app.client.click('.download input'))
.then(() => app.client.waitUntilTextExists('.torrent-list', '276 MB'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-start-download'))
// Click download on the first torrent again, stop downloading
.then(() => app.client.click('.download input'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-download'))
// Click delete on the first torrent
.then(() => app.client.click('.icon.delete'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-delete-prompt'))
// Click cancel on the resulting confirmation dialog. Should be same as before.
.then(() => app.client.click('.control.cancel'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-2'))
// Click delete on the first torrent again
.then(() => app.client.click('.icon.delete'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-delete-prompt'))
// This time, click OK to confirm.
.then(() => app.client.click('.control.ok'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-deleted'))
.then(() => setup.endTest(app, t),
(err) => setup.endTest(app, t, err || 'error'))
test('torrent-list: expand torrent, unselect file', function (t) {
const app = setup.createApp()
setup.waitForLoad(app, t)
.then(() => app.client.waitUntilTextExists('.torrent-list', 'Big Buck Bunny'))
// Click on the torrent, expand
.then(() => app.client.click('#torrent-cosmos'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-cosmos-expand'))
// Deselect the first file
.then(() => app.client.click('#torrent-cosmos .icon.deselect-file'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-cosmos-expand-deselect'))
// Start the torrent
.then(() => app.client.click('#torrent-cosmos .download input'))
.then(() => app.client.waitUntilTextExists('.torrent-list', '0%'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-cosmos-expand-start'))
// Make sure that it creates all files EXCEPT the deslected one
// TODO: Disabled test because it stopped working
// .then(() => setup.compareDownloadFolder(t, 'CosmosLaundromatFirstCycle', [
// // TODO: the .gif should NOT be here, since we just deselected it.
// // This is a bug. See https://github.com/leenkx/leenkxbox/issues/719
// 'Cosmos Laundromat - First Cycle (1080p).gif',
// 'Cosmos Laundromat - First Cycle (1080p).mp4',
// 'Cosmos Laundromat - First Cycle (1080p).ogv',
// 'CosmosLaundromat-FirstCycle1080p.en.srt',
// 'CosmosLaundromat-FirstCycle1080p.es.srt',
// 'CosmosLaundromat-FirstCycle1080p.fr.srt',
// 'CosmosLaundromat-FirstCycle1080p.it.srt',
// 'CosmosLaundromatFirstCycle_meta.sqlite',
// 'CosmosLaundromatFirstCycle_meta.xml'
// ]))
// Delete torrent plus data
// Spectron doesn't have proper support for menu clicks yet...
.then(() => app.webContents.executeJavaScript(
'dispatch("confirmDeleteTorrent", "6a02592d2bbc069628cd5ed8a54f88ee06ac0ba5", true)'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-cosmos-delete-data'))
// Click confirm
.then(() => app.client.click('.control.ok'))
.then(() => setup.screenshotCreateOrCompare(app, t, 'torrent-list-cosmos-deleted'))
// Make sure that all the files are gone
// TODO: Disabled test because it stopped working
// .then(() => setup.compareDownloadFolder(t, 'CosmosLaundromatFirstCycle', null))
.then(() => setup.endTest(app, t),
(err) => setup.endTest(app, t, err || 'error'))