Upload files to "/" #1

Onek8 merged 2 commits from Onek8/LNXSDK:main into main 2025-01-22 15:23:36 +00:00
16723 changed files with 2961574 additions and 1 deletions

.editorconfig Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
root = true
charset = utf-8
tab_width = 4
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
tab_width = 4
indent_style = space

.vscode/settings.json vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"editor.detectIndentation": false,
"editor.tabSize": 4,
"editor.insertSpaces": false,
"[python]": {
"editor.insertSpaces": true

Kha/.clang-format Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
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Kha/.vscode/settings.json vendored Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"[haxe]": {
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.formatOnPaste": false

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package kha;
typedef Blob = kha.internal.BytesBlob;

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package kha;
class Display {
static var instance: Display = new Display();
function new() {}
public static function init(): Void {}
public static var primary(get, never): Display;
static function get_primary(): Display {
return instance;
public static var all(get, never): Array<Display>;
static function get_all(): Array<Display> {
return [primary];
public var available(get, never): Bool;
function get_available(): Bool {
return true;
public var name(get, never): String;
function get_name(): String {
return "Display";
public var x(get, never): Int;
function get_x(): Int {
return 0;
public var y(get, never): Int;
function get_y(): Int {
return 0;
public var width(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return 1920;
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return 1080;
public var frequency(get, never): Int;
function get_frequency(): Int {
return 60;
public var pixelsPerInch(get, never): Int;
function get_pixelsPerInch(): Int {
return 96;
public var modes(get, never): Array<DisplayMode>;
function get_modes(): Array<DisplayMode> {
return [];

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package kha;
class DisplayImpl {
public static function count(): Int {
return 1;
public static function width(index: Int): Int {
return -1;
public static function height(index: Int): Int {
return -1;
public static function x(index: Int): Int {
return -1;
public static function y(index: Int): Int {
return -1;
public static function isPrimary(index: Int): Bool {
return true;

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package kha;
class EnvironmentVariables {
public static function get(name: String): String {
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package kha;
typedef Font = kha.Kravur;

@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import kha.graphics4.DepthStencilFormat;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
class Image implements Canvas implements Resource {
public static function create(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null): Image {
return null;
public static function create3D(width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null): Image {
return null;
public static function createRenderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null,
depthStencil: DepthStencilFormat = DepthStencilFormat.NoDepthAndStencil, antiAliasingSamples: Int = 1): Image {
return null;
public static function fromBytes(bytes: Bytes, width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null): Image {
return null;
public static function fromBytes3D(bytes: Bytes, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null): Image {
return null;
public static var maxSize(get, never): Int;
static function get_maxSize(): Int {
return 0;
public static var nonPow2Supported(get, never): Bool;
static function get_nonPow2Supported(): Bool {
return false;
public static function renderTargetsInvertedY(): Bool {
return false;
public function isOpaque(x: Int, y: Int): Bool {
return false;
* Returns the color of a pixel identified by its x/y-coordinates. This only works for images for which
* the readable flag is set to true because by default images only exist in video-memory. To load images
* which are readable use a line ala project.addAssets('Assets/image.png', { readable: true }); in
* your khafile.
* For reading the content of render-targets use getPixels() instead.
public function at(x: Int, y: Int): Color {
return Color.Black;
public function unload(): Void {}
* Returns a writable Bytes object. Once unlock() is called the content of the Bytes object
* is written into the image.
* This can not be used to read the current content of an image - for this use at() or getPixels() instead.
public function lock(level: Int = 0): Bytes {
return null;
public function unlock(): Void {}
* Returns the content of an image. This only works if the image is a render-target and it is very slow
* because data will be copied from video-memory to main-memory. This is useful for making screenshots
* but please avoid using it for regular rendering.
* For reading the content of images which are not render-targets use at() instead.
public function getPixels(): Bytes {
return null;
public function generateMipmaps(levels: Int): Void {}
public function setMipmaps(mipmaps: Array<Image>): Void {}
public function setDepthStencilFrom(image: Image): Void {}
public function clear(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, color: Color): Void {}
* Returns the original width of the image.
public var width(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return 0;
* Returns the original height of the image.
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return 0;
public var depth(get, never): Int;
function get_depth(): Int {
return 1;
public var format(get, never): TextureFormat;
function get_format(): TextureFormat {
return TextureFormat.RGBA32;
* Very old GPUs only supported power of two texture-widths.
* When an Image is created on such a GPU, Kha automatically increases
* its size to a power of two and realWidth returns this new, internal
* size. Knowing the real size is important for calculating
* texture-coordinates correctly but all of this is irrelevant unless
* you really want to support very very old GPUs.
public var realWidth(get, never): Int;
function get_realWidth(): Int {
return 0;
* Very old GPUs only supported power of two texture-heights.
* When an Image is created on such a GPU, Kha automatically increases
* its size to a power of two and realHeight returns this new, internal
* size. Knowing the real size is important for calculating
* texture-coordinates correctly but all of this is irrelevant unless
* you really want to support very very old GPUs.
public var realHeight(get, never): Int;
function get_realHeight(): Int {
return 0;
public var stride(get, never): Int;
function get_stride(): Int {
return 0;
public var g1(get, never): kha.graphics1.Graphics;
function get_g1(): kha.graphics1.Graphics {
return null;
public var g2(get, never): kha.graphics2.Graphics;
function get_g2(): kha.graphics2.Graphics {
return null;
public var g4(get, never): kha.graphics4.Graphics;
function get_g4(): kha.graphics4.Graphics {
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
package kha;
import kha.FontStyle;
import kha.Blob;
import kha.Kravur;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import haxe.io.BytesData;
class LoaderImpl {
public static function getImageFormats(): Array<String> {
return ["png", "jpg"];
public static function loadImageFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: kha.Image->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {}
public static function getSoundFormats(): Array<String> {
return ["mp4", "ogg"];
public static function loadSoundFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: kha.Sound->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {}
public static function getVideoFormats(): Array<String> {
return ["mp4", "webm"];
public static function loadVideoFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: kha.Video->Void, failed: AssetError->Void): Void {}
public static function loadBlobFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: Blob->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {}
public static function loadFontFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: Font->Void, failed: AssetError->Void): Void {}

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import haxe.io.BytesBuffer;
import haxe.io.BytesData;
class Storage {
public static function namedFile(name: String): StorageFile {
return null;
public static function defaultFile(): StorageFile {
return namedFile("default.kha");

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package kha;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import kha.input.Gamepad;
import kha.input.Keyboard;
import kha.input.Mouse;
import kha.input.MouseImpl;
import kha.input.Surface;
import kha.System;
class SystemImpl {
public static function init(options: SystemOptions, callback: Window->Void): Void {}
public static function getScreenRotation(): ScreenRotation {
return ScreenRotation.RotationNone;
public static function getTime(): Float {
return 0;
public static function windowWidth(id: Int): Int {
return 640;
public static function windowHeight(id: Int): Int {
return 480;
public static function screenDpi(): Int {
return 96;
public static function getVsync(): Bool {
return true;
public static function getRefreshRate(): Int {
return 60;
public static function getSystemId(): String {
return "Empty";
public static function vibrate(ms: Int): Void {}
public static function getLanguage(): String {
return "en";
public static function requestShutdown(): Bool {
return true;
public static function getMouse(num: Int): Mouse {
return null;
public static function getKeyboard(num: Int): Keyboard {
return null;
public static function lockMouse(): Void {}
public static function unlockMouse(): Void {}
public static function canLockMouse(): Bool {
return false;
public static function isMouseLocked(): Bool {
return false;
public static function notifyOfMouseLockChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
public static function removeFromMouseLockChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
static function unload(): Void {}
public static function canSwitchFullscreen(): Bool {
return false;
public static function isFullscreen(): Bool {
return false;
public static function requestFullscreen(): Void {}
public static function exitFullscreen(): Void {}
public static function notifyOfFullscreenChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
public static function removeFromFullscreenChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
public static function changeResolution(width: Int, height: Int): Void {}
public static function setKeepScreenOn(on: Bool): Void {}
public static function loadUrl(url: String): Void {}
public static function getGamepadId(index: Int): String {
return "unknown";
public static function getGamepadVendor(index: Int): String {
return "unknown";
public static function setGamepadRumble(index: Int, leftAmount: Float, rightAmount: Float) {}
public static function getPen(num: Int): kha.input.Pen {
return null;
public static function safeZone(): Float {
return 1.0;
public static function login(): Void {}
public static function automaticSafeZone(): Bool {
return true;
public static function setSafeZone(value: Float): Void {}
public static function unlockAchievement(id: Int): Void {}
public static function waitingForLogin(): Bool {
return false;
public static function disallowUserChange(): Void {}
public static function allowUserChange(): Void {}

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package kha;
class Window {
static var windows: Array<Window> = [];
var defaultWidth: Int;
var defaultHeight: Int;
public function new(defaultWidth: Int, defaultHeight: Int) {
public static function create(win: WindowOptions = null, frame: FramebufferOptions = null): Window {
return null;
public static function destroy(window: Window): Void {}
public static function get(index: Int): Window {
return windows[index];
public static var all(get, never): Array<Window>;
static function get_all(): Array<Window> {
return windows;
public function resize(width: Int, height: Int): Void {}
public function move(x: Int, y: Int): Void {}
public function changeWindowFeatures(features: Int): Void {}
public function changeFramebuffer(frame: FramebufferOptions): Void {}
public var x(get, set): Int;
function get_x(): Int {
return 0;
function set_x(value: Int): Int {
return 0;
public var y(get, set): Int;
function get_y(): Int {
return 0;
function set_y(value: Int): Int {
return 0;
public var width(get, set): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return 800;
function set_width(value: Int): Int {
return 800;
public var height(get, set): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return 600;
function set_height(value: Int): Int {
return 600;
public var mode(get, set): WindowMode;
function get_mode(): WindowMode {
return Windowed;
function set_mode(mode: WindowMode): WindowMode {
if (mode == Fullscreen || mode == ExclusiveFullscreen) {
if (!isFullscreen()) {
else {
if (isFullscreen()) {
return mode;
function isFullscreen(): Bool {
return false;
function requestFullscreen(): Void {}
function exitFullscreen(): Void {}
public var visible(get, set): Bool;
function get_visible(): Bool {
return true;
function set_visible(value: Bool): Bool {
return true;
public var title(get, set): String;
function get_title(): String {
return "Kha";
function set_title(value: String): String {
return "Kha";
public function notifyOnResize(callback: Int->Int->Void): Void {}
public var vSynced(get, never): Bool;
function get_vSynced(): Bool {
return true;

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
package kha.arrays;
import kha.FastFloat;
class ByteArray {
public var buffer(get, never): ByteBuffer;
inline function get_buffer(): ByteBuffer {
return null;
public function new(buffer: ByteBuffer, ?byteOffset: Int, ?byteLength: Int) {}
static public function make(byteLength: Int): ByteArray {
return null;
public var byteLength(get, never): Int;
inline function get_byteLength(): Int {
return 0;
public var byteOffset(get, never): Int;
inline function get_byteOffset(): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getInt8(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getUint8(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getInt16(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getUint16(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getInt32(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getUint32(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getFloat32(byteOffset: Int): FastFloat {
return 0;
public inline function getFloat64(byteOffset: Int): Float {
return 0;
public inline function setInt8(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setUint8(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setInt16(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setUint16(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setInt32(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setUint32(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setFloat32(byteOffset: Int, value: FastFloat): Void {}
public inline function setFloat64(byteOffset: Int, value: Float): Void {}
public inline function getInt16LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getUint16LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getInt32LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getUint32LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getFloat32LE(byteOffset: Int): FastFloat {
return 0;
public inline function getFloat64LE(byteOffset: Int): Float {
return 0;
public inline function setInt16LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setUint16LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setInt32LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setUint32LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setFloat32LE(byteOffset: Int, value: FastFloat): Void {}
public inline function setFloat64LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Float): Void {}
public inline function getInt16BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getUint16BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getInt32BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getUint32BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return 0;
public inline function getFloat32BE(byteOffset: Int): FastFloat {
return 0;
public inline function getFloat64BE(byteOffset: Int): Float {
return 0;
public inline function setInt16BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setUint16BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setInt32BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setUint32BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {}
public inline function setFloat32BE(byteOffset: Int, value: FastFloat): Void {}
public inline function setFloat64BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Float): Void {}
public inline function subarray(start: Int, ?end: Int): ByteArray {
return new ByteArray(buffer, start, end != null ? end - start : null);

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package kha.arrays;
class ByteBuffer {
public static function create(length: Int): ByteBuffer {
return null;
function new(length: Int) {}

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package kha.audio1;
import kha.Sound;
class Audio {
* Plays a sound immediately.
* @param sound
* The sound to play
* @param loop
* Whether or not to automatically loop the sound
* @return A channel object that can be used to control the playing sound. Please be a ware that Null is returned when the maximum number of simultaneously played channels was reached.
public static function play(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): AudioChannel {
return null;
public static function stream(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
return null;
public static function _playAgain(channel: kha.audio2.AudioChannel): Void {}

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package kha.audio2;
import kha.Sound;
import kha.internal.IntBox;
class Audio {
public static var disableGcInteractions = false;
public static var samplesPerSecond: Int;
public static var audioCallback: IntBox->Buffer->Void;
public static function stream(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
class CubeMap implements Canvas implements Resource {
public static function createRenderTarget(size: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, depthStencil: DepthStencilFormat = null): CubeMap {
return null;
public function unload(): Void {}
public function lock(level: Int = 0): Bytes {
return null;
public function unlock(): Void {}
public var width(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return 0;
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return 0;
public var g1(get, never): kha.graphics1.Graphics;
function get_g1(): kha.graphics1.Graphics {
return null;
public var g2(get, never): kha.graphics2.Graphics;
function get_g2(): kha.graphics2.Graphics {
return null;
public var g4(get, never): kha.graphics4.Graphics;
function get_g4(): kha.graphics4.Graphics {
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package kha.graphics4;
class FragmentShader {
public var sources: Array<String>;
public var type: Dynamic;
public var shader: Dynamic;
public var files: Array<String>;
public function new(sources: Array<Blob>, files: Array<String>) {}
public static function fromSource(source: String): FragmentShader {
return null;
public function delete(): Void {
shader = null;
sources = null;

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
class IndexBuffer {
public function new(indexCount: Int, usage: Usage, canRead: Bool = false) {}
public function lock(?start: Int, ?count: Int): Array<Int> {
return null;
public function unlock(?count: Int): Void {}
public function set(): Void {}
public function count(): Int {
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import kha.graphics4.FragmentShader;
import kha.graphics4.VertexData;
import kha.graphics4.VertexShader;
import kha.graphics4.VertexStructure;
class PipelineState extends PipelineStateBase {
public function new() {
public function compile(): Void {}
public function set(): Void {}
public function getConstantLocation(name: String): kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation {
return null;
public function getTextureUnit(name: String): kha.graphics4.TextureUnit {
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import kha.arrays.Float32Array;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
import kha.graphics4.VertexStructure;
import kha.graphics4.VertexData;
class VertexBuffer {
public function new(vertexCount: Int, structure: VertexStructure, usage: Usage, instanceDataStepRate: Int = 0, canRead: Bool = false) {}
public function lock(?start: Int, ?count: Int): Float32Array {
return null;
public function unlock(?count: Int): Void {}
public function stride(): Int {
return 0;
public function count(): Int {
return 0;
public function set(offset: Int): Int {
return 0;

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package kha.graphics4;
class VertexShader {
public var sources: Array<String>;
public var type: Dynamic;
public var shader: Dynamic;
public var files: Array<String>;
public function new(sources: Array<Blob>, files: Array<String>) {}
public static function fromSource(source: String): FragmentShader {
return null;
public function delete(): Void {
shader = null;
sources = null;

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package kha.input;
class MouseImpl extends kha.input.Mouse {
public function new() {

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package kha.netsync;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
class Network {
public function new(url: String, port: Int, errorCallback: Void->Void, closeCallback: Void->Void) {}
public function send(bytes: Bytes, mandatory: Bool): Void {}
public function listen(listener: Bytes->Void): Void {}

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
package kha.network;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
class Http {
public static function request(url: String, path: String, data: String, port: Int, secure: Bool, method: HttpMethod, headers: Map<String, String>,
callback: Int->Int->String->Void /*error, response, body*/): Void {}

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package kha;
typedef Blob = kha.internal.BytesBlob;

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package kha;
import js.Browser;
class Display {
static var instance: Display = new Display();
function new() {}
public static function init(): Void {}
public static var primary(get, never): Display;
static function get_primary(): Display {
return instance;
public static var all(get, never): Array<Display>;
static function get_all(): Array<Display> {
return [primary];
public var available(get, never): Bool;
function get_available(): Bool {
return true;
public var name(get, never): String;
function get_name(): String {
return "Display";
public var x(get, never): Int;
function get_x(): Int {
return 0;
public var y(get, never): Int;
function get_y(): Int {
return 0;
public var width(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return 800;
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return 600;
public var frequency(get, never): Int;
function get_frequency(): Int {
return 60;
public var pixelsPerInch(get, never): Int;
function get_pixelsPerInch(): Int {
return 96;
public var modes(get, never): Array<DisplayMode>;
function get_modes(): Array<DisplayMode> {
return [];

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package kha;
typedef Font = kha.Kravur;

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import kha.graphics4.Graphics;
import kha.graphics4.DepthStencilFormat;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
class Image implements Canvas implements Resource {
public var id: Int;
public var _rtid: Int;
public static var _lastId: Int = -1;
static var lastRtId: Int = -1;
var w: Int;
var h: Int;
var rw: Int;
var rh: Int;
var myFormat: TextureFormat;
var bytes: Bytes = null;
public function new(id: Int, rtid: Int, width: Int, height: Int, realWidth: Int, realHeight: Int, format: TextureFormat) {
this.id = id;
this._rtid = rtid;
w = width;
h = height;
rw = realWidth;
rh = realHeight;
myFormat = format;
public static function create(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null, readable: Bool = false): Image {
if (format == null)
format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
if (usage == null)
usage = Usage.StaticUsage;
var id = ++_lastId;
command: 'createImage',
id: id,
width: width,
height: height,
format: format,
usage: usage
return new Image(id, -1, width, height, width, height, format);
public static function create3D(width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null, readable: Bool = false): Image {
return null;
public static function createRenderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null,
depthStencil: DepthStencilFormat = DepthStencilFormat.NoDepthAndStencil, antiAliasingSamples: Int = 1): Image {
if (format == null)
format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
var rtid = ++lastRtId;
command: 'createRenderTarget',
id: rtid,
width: width,
height: height
return new Image(-1, rtid, width, height, width, height, format);
public static function fromBytes(bytes: Bytes, width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null, readable: Bool = false): Image {
return null;
public static function fromBytes3D(bytes: Bytes, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null,
readable: Bool = false): Image {
return null;
public static var maxSize(get, never): Int;
static function get_maxSize(): Int {
return 1024 * 4;
public static var nonPow2Supported(get, never): Bool;
static function get_nonPow2Supported(): Bool {
return true;
public static function renderTargetsInvertedY(): Bool {
return true;
public function isOpaque(x: Int, y: Int): Bool {
return false;
public function unload(): Void {}
public function lock(level: Int = 0): Bytes {
if (bytes == null) {
switch (myFormat) {
case RGBA32:
bytes = Bytes.alloc(4 * width * height);
case L8:
bytes = Bytes.alloc(width * height);
case RGBA128:
bytes = Bytes.alloc(16 * width * height);
case DEPTH16:
bytes = Bytes.alloc(2 * width * height);
case RGBA64:
bytes = Bytes.alloc(8 * width * height);
case A32:
bytes = Bytes.alloc(4 * width * height);
case A16:
bytes = Bytes.alloc(2 * width * height);
return bytes;
public function unlock(): Void {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'unlockImage', id: id, bytes: bytes.getData()});
public function getPixels(): Bytes {
return null;
public function generateMipmaps(levels: Int): Void {}
public function setMipmaps(mipmaps: Array<Image>): Void {}
public function setDepthStencilFrom(image: Image): Void {}
public function clear(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, color: Color): Void {}
public var width(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return w;
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return h;
public var depth(get, never): Int;
function get_depth(): Int {
return 1;
public var format(get, never): TextureFormat;
function get_format(): TextureFormat {
return myFormat;
public var realWidth(get, never): Int;
function get_realWidth(): Int {
return rw;
public var realHeight(get, never): Int;
function get_realHeight(): Int {
return rh;
static function formatByteSize(format: TextureFormat): Int {
return switch (format) {
case RGBA32: 4;
case L8: 1;
case RGBA128: 16;
case DEPTH16: 2;
case RGBA64: 8;
case A32: 4;
case A16: 2;
default: 4;
public var stride(get, never): Int;
function get_stride(): Int {
return formatByteSize(myFormat) * width;
var graphics1: kha.graphics1.Graphics;
var graphics2: kha.graphics2.Graphics;
var graphics4: kha.graphics4.Graphics;
public var g1(get, never): kha.graphics1.Graphics;
function get_g1(): kha.graphics1.Graphics {
if (graphics1 == null) {
graphics1 = new kha.graphics2.Graphics1(this);
return graphics1;
public var g2(get, never): kha.graphics2.Graphics;
function get_g2(): kha.graphics2.Graphics {
if (graphics2 == null) {
graphics2 = new kha.graphics4.Graphics2(this);
return graphics2;
public var g4(get, never): kha.graphics4.Graphics;
function get_g4(): kha.graphics4.Graphics {
if (graphics4 == null) {
graphics4 = new kha.html5worker.Graphics(this);
return graphics4;

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
class LoaderImpl {
static var loadingImages: Map<Int, Image->Void> = new Map();
static var loadingSounds: Map<Int, Sound->Void> = new Map();
static var soundId = -1;
static var loadingVideos: Map<Int, Video->Void> = new Map();
static var videoId = -1;
static var loadingBlobs: Map<Int, Blob->Void> = new Map();
static var blobId = -1;
static var sounds: Map<Int, Sound> = new Map();
public static function getImageFormats(): Array<String> {
return ["png", "jpg", "hdr"];
public static function loadImageFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: kha.Image->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
loadingImages[kha.Image._lastId] = done;
Worker.postMessage({command: 'loadImage', file: desc.files[0], id: kha.Image._lastId});
public static function _loadedImage(value: Dynamic) {
var image = new Image(value.id, -1, value.width, value.height, value.realWidth, value.realHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32);
public static function getSoundFormats(): Array<String> {
return ["mp4"];
public static function loadSoundFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: kha.Sound->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
loadingSounds[soundId] = done;
Worker.postMessage({command: 'loadSound', file: desc.files[0], id: soundId});
public static function _loadedSound(value: Dynamic) {
var sound = new kha.html5worker.Sound(value.id);
sounds.set(value.id, sound);
public static function _uncompressedSound(value: Dynamic): Void {
cast(sounds[value.id], kha.html5worker.Sound)._callback();
public static function getVideoFormats(): Array<String> {
return ["mp4"];
public static function loadVideoFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: kha.Video->Void, failed: AssetError->Void): Void {
loadingVideos[videoId] = done;
Worker.postMessage({command: 'loadVideo', file: desc.files[0], id: videoId});
public static function loadBlobFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: Blob->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
loadingBlobs[blobId] = done;
Worker.postMessage({command: 'loadBlob', file: desc.files[0], id: blobId});
public static function _loadedBlob(value: Dynamic) {
var blob = new Blob(Bytes.ofData(value.data));
public static function loadFontFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: Font->Void, failed: AssetError->Void): Void {
loadBlobFromDescription(desc, function(blob: Blob) {
done(new Kravur(blob));
}, failed);

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package kha;
import kha.Game;
import kha.input.Gamepad;
import kha.input.Keyboard;
import kha.js.WorkerGraphics;
import kha.Key;
import kha.Loader;
class Starter {
var gameToStart: Game;
static var frame: Framebuffer = null;
static var keyboard: Keyboard;
static var mouse: kha.input.Mouse;
static var gamepad: Gamepad;
public static var mouseX: Int;
public static var mouseY: Int;
public function new() {
keyboard = new Keyboard();
mouse = new kha.input.Mouse();
gamepad = new Gamepad();
Loader.init(new kha.js.Loader());
public function start(game: Game): Void {
gameToStart = game;
Configuration.setScreen(new EmptyScreen(Color.fromBytes(0, 0, 0)));
public function loadFinished() {
gameToStart.width = Loader.the.width;
gameToStart.height = Loader.the.height;
Sys.init(gameToStart.width, gameToStart.height);
frame = new Framebuffer(new WorkerGraphics(gameToStart.width, gameToStart.height), null);
public function lockMouse(): Void {}
public function unlockMouse(): Void {}
public function canLockMouse(): Bool {
return false;
public function isMouseLocked(): Bool {
return false;
public function notifyOfMouseLockChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
public function removeFromMouseLockChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
function messageHandler(value: Dynamic): Void {
switch (value.data.command) {
case 'loadedBlob':
cast(Loader.the, kha.js.Loader).loadedBlob(value.data);
case 'loadedImage':
cast(Loader.the, kha.js.Loader).loadedImage(value.data);
case 'loadedSound':
cast(Loader.the, kha.js.Loader).loadedSound(value.data);
case 'loadedMusic':
cast(Loader.the, kha.js.Loader).loadedMusic(value.data);
case 'frame':
if (frame != null) {
case 'keyDown':
Configuration.screen().keyDown(Key.createByIndex(value.data.key), value.data.char);
case 'keyUp':
Configuration.screen().keyUp(Key.createByIndex(value.data.key), value.data.char);

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import haxe.io.BytesData;
import js.lib.ArrayBuffer;
class Storage {
public static function namedFile(name: String): StorageFile {
return null;
public static function defaultFile(): StorageFile {
return namedFile("default.kha");

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
package kha;
import kha.input.Gamepad;
import kha.input.Keyboard;
import kha.input.KeyCode;
import kha.input.Mouse;
import kha.input.Surface;
import kha.System;
class GamepadStates {
public var axes: Array<Float>;
public var buttons: Array<Float>;
public function new() {
axes = new Array<Float>();
buttons = new Array<Float>();
class SystemImpl {
static var options: SystemOptions;
static var width: Int = 800;
static var height: Int = 600;
static var dpi: Int = 96;
static inline var maxGamepads: Int = 4;
static var frame: Framebuffer;
static var keyboard: Keyboard = null;
static var mouse: kha.input.Mouse;
static var surface: Surface;
static var gamepads: Array<Gamepad>;
public static function init(options: SystemOptions, callback: Window->Void) {
var shaders = new Array<Dynamic>();
for (field in Reflect.fields(Shaders)) {
if (field != "init" && field != "__name__" && field.substr(field.length - 5, 4) != "Data") {
var shader = Reflect.field(Shaders, field);
name: field,
files: shader.files,
sources: shader.sources
Worker.postMessage({command: 'setShaders', shaders: shaders});
SystemImpl.options = options;
// haxe.Log.trace = untyped js.Boot.__trace; // Hack for JS trace problems
keyboard = new Keyboard();
mouse = new Mouse();
surface = new Surface();
gamepads = new Array<Gamepad>();
for (i in 0...maxGamepads) {
gamepads[i] = new Gamepad(i);
var window = new Window();
var g4 = new kha.html5worker.Graphics();
frame = new Framebuffer(0, null, null, g4);
frame.init(new kha.graphics2.Graphics1(frame), new kha.graphics4.Graphics2(frame), g4);
public static function windowWidth(windowId: Int = 0): Int {
return Window.get(0).width;
public static function windowHeight(windowId: Int = 0): Int {
return Window.get(0).height;
public static function screenDpi(): Int {
return dpi;
public static function getScreenRotation(): ScreenRotation {
return ScreenRotation.RotationNone;
public static function getTime(): Float {
return js.Syntax.code("Date.now()") / 1000;
public static function getVsync(): Bool {
return true;
public static function getRefreshRate(): Int {
return 60;
public static function getSystemId(): String {
return "HTML5-Worker";
public static function vibrate(ms: Int): Void {
public static function getLanguage(): String {
final lang = js.Browser.navigator.language;
return lang.substr(0, 2).toLowerCase();
public static function requestShutdown(): Bool {
return false;
public static function getMouse(num: Int): Mouse {
if (num != 0)
return null;
return mouse;
public static function getKeyboard(num: Int): Keyboard {
if (num != 0)
return null;
return keyboard;
public static function lockMouse(): Void {}
public static function unlockMouse(): Void {}
public static function canLockMouse(): Bool {
return false;
public static function isMouseLocked(): Bool {
return false;
public static function notifyOfMouseLockChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
public static function removeFromMouseLockChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
static function unload(_): Void {}
public static function canSwitchFullscreen(): Bool {
return false;
public static function isFullscreen(): Bool {
return false;
public static function requestFullscreen(): Void {}
public static function exitFullscreen(): Void {}
public static function notifyOfFullscreenChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
public static function removeFromFullscreenChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {}
public static function changeResolution(width: Int, height: Int): Void {}
public static function setKeepScreenOn(on: Bool): Void {}
public static function loadUrl(url: String): Void {}
public static function getGamepadId(index: Int): String {
return "unknown";
public static function getGamepadVendor(index: Int): String {
return "unknown";
public static function setGamepadRumble(index: Int, leftAmount: Float, rightAmount: Float) {}
static function messageHandler(value: Dynamic): Void {
switch (value.data.command) {
case 'patch':
case 'loadedImage':
case 'loadedSound':
case 'loadedBlob':
case 'uncompressedSound':
case 'frame':
if (frame != null) {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'beginFrame'});
Worker.postMessage({command: 'endFrame'});
case 'setWindowSize':
width = value.data.width;
height = value.data.height;
case 'keyDown':
keyboard.sendDownEvent(cast value.data.key);
case 'keyUp':
keyboard.sendUpEvent(cast value.data.key);
case 'keyPress':
case 'mouseDown':
mouse.sendDownEvent(0, value.data.button, value.data.x, value.data.y);
case 'mouseUp':
mouse.sendUpEvent(0, value.data.button, value.data.x, value.data.y);
case 'mouseMove':
mouse.sendMoveEvent(0, value.data.x, value.data.y, value.data.mx, value.data.my);
case 'mouseWheel':
mouse.sendWheelEvent(0, value.data.delta);
public static function safeZone(): Float {
return 1.0;
public static function login(): Void {}
public static function automaticSafeZone(): Bool {
return true;
public static function setSafeZone(value: Float): Void {}
public static function unlockAchievement(id: Int): Void {}
public static function waitingForLogin(): Bool {
return false;
public static function disallowUserChange(): Void {}
public static function allowUserChange(): Void {}

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
package kha;
class Window {
static var instance: Window;
function new() {
instance = this;
public static function create(win: WindowOptions = null, frame: FramebufferOptions = null): Window {
return null;
public static function destroy(window: Window): Void {}
public static function get(index: Int): Window {
if (index == 0) {
return instance;
else {
return null;
public static var all(get, never): Array<Window>;
static function get_all(): Array<Window> {
return [instance];
public function resize(width: Int, height: Int): Void {}
public function move(x: Int, y: Int): Void {}
public function changeWindowFeatures(features: Int): Void {}
public function changeFramebuffer(frame: FramebufferOptions): Void {}
public var x(get, set): Int;
function get_x(): Int {
return 0;
function set_x(value: Int): Int {
return 0;
public var y(get, set): Int;
function get_y(): Int {
return 0;
function set_y(value: Int): Int {
return 0;
public var width(get, set): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return SystemImpl.width;
function set_width(value: Int): Int {
return SystemImpl.width;
public var height(get, set): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return SystemImpl.height;
function set_height(value: Int): Int {
return SystemImpl.height;
public var mode(get, set): WindowMode;
function get_mode(): WindowMode {
return Windowed;
function set_mode(value: WindowMode): WindowMode {
return Windowed;
public var visible(get, set): Bool;
function get_visible(): Bool {
return true;
function set_visible(value: Bool): Bool {
return true;
public var title(get, set): String;
function get_title(): String {
return "Kha";
function set_title(value: String): String {
return "Kha";
public function notifyOnResize(callback: Int->Int->Void): Void {}
public function notifyOnPpiChange(callback: Int->Void): Void {}
public var vSynced(get, never): Bool;
function get_vSynced(): Bool {
return true;

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package kha;
class Worker {
public static function postMessage(m: Dynamic): Void {
try {
catch (e:Dynamic) {
public static function handleMessages(messageHandler: Dynamic->Void) {
untyped js.Syntax.code("self.onmessage = messageHandler");

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
package kha.arrays;
import js.lib.DataView;
import kha.FastFloat;
abstract ByteArray(DataView) to DataView {
static final LITTLE_ENDIAN: Bool = js.Syntax.code("new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([0x12345678]).buffer)[0] === 0x78");
public var buffer(get, never): ByteBuffer;
inline function get_buffer(): ByteBuffer {
return cast this.buffer;
public function new(buffer: ByteBuffer, ?byteOffset: Int, ?byteLength: Int) {
this = new DataView(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength);
static public function make(byteLength: Int): ByteArray {
return new ByteArray(ByteBuffer.create(byteLength));
public inline function getInt8(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt8(byteOffset);
public inline function getUint8(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint8(byteOffset);
public inline function getInt16(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt16(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getUint16(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint16(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getInt32(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt32(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getUint32(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint32(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getFloat32(byteOffset: Int): FastFloat {
return this.getFloat32(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getFloat64(byteOffset: Int): Float {
return this.getFloat64(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setInt8(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt8(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setUint8(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint8(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setInt16(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt16(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setUint16(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint16(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setInt32(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt32(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setUint32(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint32(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setFloat32(byteOffset: Int, value: FastFloat): Void {
this.setFloat32(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setFloat64(byteOffset: Int, value: Float): Void {
this.setFloat64(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getInt16LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt16(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getUint16LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint16(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getInt32LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt32(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getUint32LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint32(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getFloat32LE(byteOffset: Int): FastFloat {
return this.getFloat32(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getFloat64LE(byteOffset: Int): Float {
return this.getFloat64(byteOffset, true);
public inline function setInt16LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt16(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setUint16LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint16(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setInt32LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt32(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setUint32LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint32(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setFloat32LE(byteOffset: Int, value: FastFloat): Void {
this.setFloat32(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setFloat64LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Float): Void {
this.setFloat64(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function getInt16BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt16(byteOffset);
public inline function getUint16BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint16(byteOffset);
public inline function getInt32BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt32(byteOffset);
public inline function getUint32BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint32(byteOffset);
public inline function getFloat32BE(byteOffset: Int): FastFloat {
return this.getFloat32(byteOffset);
public inline function getFloat64BE(byteOffset: Int): Float {
return this.getFloat64(byteOffset);
public inline function setInt16BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt16(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setUint16BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint16(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setInt32BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt32(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setUint32BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint32(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setFloat32BE(byteOffset: Int, value: FastFloat): Void {
this.setFloat32(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setFloat64BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Float): Void {
this.setFloat64(byteOffset, value);
public inline function subarray(start: Int, ?end: Int): ByteArray {
return new ByteArray(buffer, start, end != null ? end - start : null);

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package kha.arrays;
import js.lib.ArrayBuffer;
abstract ByteBuffer(ArrayBuffer) from ArrayBuffer to ArrayBuffer {
public static function create(length: Int): ByteBuffer {
return new ByteBuffer(length);
function new(length: Int) {
this = new ArrayBuffer(length);

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package kha.audio1;
class Audio {
public static function play(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'playSound', id: cast(sound, kha.html5worker.Sound)._id, loop: loop});
return null;
public static function stream(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'streamSound', id: cast(sound, kha.html5worker.Sound)._id, loop: loop});
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package kha.audio2;
import kha.Sound;
class Audio {
public static var disableGcInteractions = false;
public static var samplesPerSecond: Int;
public static var audioCallback: Int->Buffer->Void;
public static function stream(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
class CubeMap implements Canvas implements Resource {
public static function createRenderTarget(size: Int, format: TextureFormat, depthStencil: DepthStencilFormat = NoDepthAndStencil): CubeMap {
return null;
public function unload(): Void {}
public function lock(level: Int = 0): Bytes {
return null;
public function unlock(): Void {}
public var width(get, never): Int;
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return 512;
function get_height(): Int {
return 512;
public var g1(get, never): kha.graphics1.Graphics;
public var g2(get, never): kha.graphics2.Graphics;
public var g4(get, never): kha.graphics4.Graphics;
function get_g1(): kha.graphics1.Graphics {
return null;
function get_g2(): kha.graphics2.Graphics {
return null;
function get_g4(): kha.graphics4.Graphics {
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package kha.graphics4;
class FragmentShader {
public var sources: Array<String>;
public var shader: Dynamic;
public var files: Array<String>;
public function new(sources: Array<Blob>, files: Array<String>) {
this.sources = [];
for (source in sources) {
this.shader = null;
this.files = files;
public static function fromSource(source: String): FragmentShader {
var shader = new FragmentShader([], ["runtime-string"]);
return shader;
public function delete(): Void {
shader = null;
sources = null;

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import kha.arrays.Uint32Array;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
class IndexBuffer {
static var lastId: Int = -1;
public var _id: Int;
public var _data: Uint32Array;
var mySize: Int;
var usage: Usage;
var lockStart: Int = 0;
var lockEnd: Int = 0;
public function new(indexCount: Int, usage: Usage, canRead: Bool = false) {
this.usage = usage;
mySize = indexCount;
_data = new Uint32Array(indexCount);
_id = ++lastId;
command: 'createIndexBuffer',
id: _id,
size: indexCount,
usage: usage
public function delete(): Void {
_data = null;
public function lock(?start: Int, ?count: Int): Uint32Array {
lockStart = start != null ? start : 0;
lockEnd = count != null ? start + count : mySize;
return _data.subarray(lockStart, lockEnd);
public function unlock(?count: Int): Void {
if (count != null)
lockEnd = lockStart + count;
Worker.postMessage({command: 'updateIndexBuffer', id: _id, data: _data.subarray(lockStart, lockEnd).buffer});
public function set(): Void {}
public function count(): Int {
return mySize;

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import kha.graphics4.FragmentShader;
import kha.graphics4.VertexData;
import kha.graphics4.VertexShader;
import kha.graphics4.VertexStructure;
class PipelineState extends PipelineStateBase {
static var lastId: Int = -1;
public var _id: Int;
var textures: Array<String>;
var textureValues: Array<Dynamic>;
public function new() {
_id = ++lastId;
textures = new Array<String>();
textureValues = new Array<Dynamic>();
public function delete(): Void {}
public function compile(): Void {
var index = 0;
for (structure in inputLayout) {
for (element in structure.elements) {
if (element.data == VertexData.Float4x4) {
index += 4;
else {
var layout = new Array<Dynamic>();
for (input in inputLayout) {
var elements = new Array<Dynamic>();
for (element in input.elements) {
name: element.name,
data: element.data
elements: elements
var stencilValue = -1;
switch (stencilReferenceValue) {
case Static(value):
stencilValue = value;
case Dynamic:
stencilValue = -1;
var state = {
cullMode: cullMode,
depthWrite: depthWrite,
depthMode: depthMode,
stencilFrontMode: stencilFrontMode,
stencilFrontBothPass: stencilFrontBothPass,
stencilFrontDepthFail: stencilFrontDepthFail,
stencilFrontFail: stencilFrontFail,
stencilBackMode: stencilBackMode,
stencilBackBothPass: stencilBackBothPass,
stencilBackDepthFail: stencilBackDepthFail,
stencilBackFail: stencilBackFail,
stencilReferenceValue: stencilValue,
stencilReadMask: stencilReadMask,
stencilWriteMask: stencilWriteMask,
blendSource: blendSource,
blendDestination: blendDestination,
alphaBlendSource: alphaBlendSource,
alphaBlendDestination: alphaBlendDestination,
colorWriteMaskRed: colorWriteMaskRed,
colorWriteMaskGreen: colorWriteMaskGreen,
colorWriteMaskBlue: colorWriteMaskBlue,
colorWriteMaskAlpha: colorWriteMaskAlpha,
conservativeRasterization: conservativeRasterization
command: 'compilePipeline',
id: _id,
frag: fragmentShader.files[0],
vert: vertexShader.files[0],
layout: layout,
state: state
public function getConstantLocation(name: String): kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation {
var loc = new kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation();
command: 'createConstantLocation',
id: loc._id,
name: name,
pipeline: _id
return loc;
public function getTextureUnit(name: String): kha.graphics4.TextureUnit {
var unit = new kha.html5worker.TextureUnit();
command: 'createTextureUnit',
id: unit._id,
name: name,
pipeline: _id
return unit;

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import kha.arrays.Float32Array;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
import kha.graphics4.VertexStructure;
import kha.graphics4.VertexData;
class VertexBuffer {
static var lastId: Int = -1;
public var _id: Int;
public var _data: Float32Array;
var mySize: Int;
var myStride: Int;
var sizes: Array<Int>;
var offsets: Array<Int>;
var usage: Usage;
var instanceDataStepRate: Int;
var lockStart: Int = 0;
var lockCount: Int = 0;
public function new(vertexCount: Int, structure: VertexStructure, usage: Usage, instanceDataStepRate: Int = 0, canRead: Bool = false) {
this.usage = usage;
this.instanceDataStepRate = instanceDataStepRate;
mySize = vertexCount;
myStride = 0;
for (element in structure.elements) {
myStride += VertexStructure.dataByteSize(element.data);
_data = new Float32Array(Std.int(vertexCount * myStride / 4));
sizes = new Array<Int>();
offsets = new Array<Int>();
sizes[structure.elements.length - 1] = 0;
offsets[structure.elements.length - 1] = 0;
var offset = 0;
var index = 0;
for (element in structure.elements) {
var size = 0;
size += Std.int(VertexStructure.dataByteSize(element.data) / 4);
sizes[index] = size;
offsets[index] = offset;
offset += VertexStructure.dataByteSize(element.data);
_id = ++lastId;
var elements = new Array<Dynamic>();
for (element in structure.elements) {
name: element.name,
data: element.data
command: 'createVertexBuffer',
id: _id,
size: vertexCount,
structure: {elements: elements},
usage: usage
public function delete(): Void {
_data = null;
public function lock(?start: Int, ?count: Int): Float32Array {
lockStart = start != null ? start : 0;
lockCount = count != null ? count : mySize;
return _data.subarray(Std.int(lockStart * stride() / 4), Std.int((lockStart + lockCount) * stride() / 4));
public function unlock(?count: Int): Void {
if (count != null)
lockCount = count;
command: 'updateVertexBuffer',
id: _id,
data: _data.subarray(Std.int(lockStart * stride() / 4), Std.int((lockStart + lockCount) * stride() / 4)).buffer,
start: lockStart,
count: lockCount
public function stride(): Int {
return myStride;
public function count(): Int {
return mySize;
public function set(offset: Int): Int {
var attributesOffset = 0;
for (i in 0...sizes.length) {
if (sizes[i] > 4) {
var size = sizes[i];
var addonOffset = 0;
while (size > 0) {
size -= 4;
addonOffset += 4 * 4;
else {
return attributesOffset;

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package kha.graphics4;
class VertexShader {
public var sources: Array<String>;
public var shader: Dynamic;
public var files: Array<String>;
public function new(sources: Array<Blob>, files: Array<String>) {
this.sources = [];
for (source in sources) {
this.shader = null;
this.files = files;
public static function fromSource(source: String): VertexShader {
var shader = new VertexShader([], ["runtime-string"]);
return shader;
public function delete(): Void {
shader = null;
sources = null;

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package kha.html5worker;
class ConstantLocation implements kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation {
static var lastId: Int = -1;
public var _id: Int;
public function new() {
_id = ++lastId;

@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
package kha.html5worker;
import kha.arrays.Float32Array;
import kha.Canvas;
import kha.graphics4.IndexBuffer;
import kha.graphics4.MipMapFilter;
import kha.graphics4.PipelineState;
import kha.graphics4.TextureAddressing;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFilter;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
import kha.graphics4.VertexBuffer;
import kha.graphics4.VertexStructure;
import kha.math.FastMatrix3;
import kha.math.FastMatrix4;
import kha.math.FastVector2;
import kha.math.FastVector3;
import kha.math.FastVector4;
class Graphics implements kha.graphics4.Graphics {
var renderTarget: Image;
public function new(renderTarget: Canvas = null) {
if (Std.isOfType(renderTarget, Image)) {
this.renderTarget = cast renderTarget;
public function begin(additionalRenderTargets: Array<Canvas> = null): Void {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'begin', renderTarget: renderTarget == null ? -1 : renderTarget._rtid});
public function beginFace(face: Int): Void {}
public function beginEye(eye: Int): Void {}
public function end(): Void {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'end'});
public function flush(): Void {}
public function vsynced(): Bool {
return true;
public function refreshRate(): Int {
return 60;
public function clear(?color: Color, ?depth: Float, ?stencil: Int): Void {
command: 'clear',
color: color == null ? null : color.value,
hasDepth: depth != null,
depth: depth,
hasStencil: stencil != null,
stencil: stencil
public function viewport(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Void {
command: 'viewport',
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height
public function createVertexBuffer(vertexCount: Int, structure: VertexStructure, usage: Usage, canRead: Bool = false): kha.graphics4.VertexBuffer {
return new VertexBuffer(vertexCount, structure, usage);
public function setVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer: kha.graphics4.VertexBuffer): Void {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'setVertexBuffer', id: vertexBuffer._id});
public function setVertexBuffers(vertexBuffers: Array<kha.graphics4.VertexBuffer>): Void {
var ids = new Array<Int>();
for (buffer in vertexBuffers) {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'setVertexBuffers', ids: ids});
public function createIndexBuffer(indexCount: Int, usage: Usage, canRead: Bool = false): kha.graphics4.IndexBuffer {
return new IndexBuffer(indexCount, usage);
public function setIndexBuffer(indexBuffer: kha.graphics4.IndexBuffer): Void {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'setIndexBuffer', id: indexBuffer._id});
public function setTexture(stage: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Image): Void {
command: 'setTexture',
stage: cast(stage, kha.html5worker.TextureUnit)._id,
texture: texture == null ? -1 : texture.id,
renderTarget: texture == null ? -1 : texture._rtid
public function setTextureDepth(stage: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Image): Void {}
public function setTextureArray(unit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Image): Void {}
public function setVideoTexture(unit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Video): Void {}
public function setImageTexture(unit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Image): Void {}
public function setTextureParameters(texunit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, uAddressing: TextureAddressing, vAddressing: TextureAddressing,
minificationFilter: TextureFilter, magnificationFilter: TextureFilter, mipmapFilter: MipMapFilter): Void {
command: 'setTextureParameters',
id: cast(texunit, kha.html5worker.TextureUnit)._id,
uAddressing: uAddressing,
vAddressing: vAddressing,
minificationFilter: minificationFilter,
magnificationFilter: magnificationFilter,
mipmapFilter: mipmapFilter
public function setTexture3DParameters(texunit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, uAddressing: TextureAddressing, vAddressing: TextureAddressing,
wAddressing: TextureAddressing, minificationFilter: TextureFilter, magnificationFilter: TextureFilter, mipmapFilter: MipMapFilter): Void {}
public function setTextureCompareMode(texunit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, enabled: Bool): Void {}
public function setCubeMapCompareMode(texunit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, enabled: Bool): Void {}
public function setCubeMap(stage: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, cubeMap: kha.graphics4.CubeMap): Void {}
public function setCubeMapDepth(stage: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, cubeMap: kha.graphics4.CubeMap): Void {}
public function setPipeline(pipe: PipelineState): Void {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'setPipeline', id: pipe._id});
public function setStencilReferenceValue(value: Int): Void {}
public function setBool(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: Bool): Void {
command: 'setBool',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
value: value
public function setInt(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: Int): Void {
command: 'setInt',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
value: value
public function setInt2(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: Int, value2: Int): Void {
command: 'setInt2',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
_0: value1,
_1: value2
public function setInt3(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: Int, value2: Int, value3: Int): Void {
command: 'setInt3',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
_0: value1,
_1: value2,
_2: value3
public function setInt4(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: Int, value2: Int, value3: Int, value4: Int): Void {
command: 'setInt4',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
_0: value1,
_1: value2,
_2: value3,
_3: value4
public function setInts(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, values: kha.arrays.Int32Array): Void {
command: 'setInts',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
values: values
public function setFloat(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: FastFloat): Void {
command: 'setFloat',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
value: value
public function setFloat2(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: FastFloat, value2: FastFloat): Void {
command: 'setFloat2',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
_0: value1,
_1: value2
public function setFloat3(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: FastFloat, value2: FastFloat, value3: FastFloat): Void {
command: 'setFloat3',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
_0: value1,
_1: value2,
_2: value3
public function setFloat4(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: FastFloat, value2: FastFloat, value3: FastFloat, value4: FastFloat): Void {
command: 'setFloat4',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
_0: value1,
_1: value2,
_2: value3,
_3: value4
public function setFloats(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, values: Float32Array): Void {
command: 'setFloats',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
values: values
public function setVector2(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: FastVector2): Void {
command: 'setVector2',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
x: value.x,
y: value.y
public function setVector3(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: FastVector3): Void {
command: 'setVector3',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
x: value.x,
y: value.y,
z: value.z
public function setVector4(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: FastVector4): Void {
command: 'setVector4',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
x: value.x,
y: value.y,
z: value.z,
w: value.w
public inline function setMatrix(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, matrix: FastMatrix4): Void {
command: 'setMatrix4',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
_00: matrix._00,
_01: matrix._01,
_02: matrix._02,
_03: matrix._03,
_10: matrix._10,
_11: matrix._11,
_12: matrix._12,
_13: matrix._13,
_20: matrix._20,
_21: matrix._21,
_22: matrix._22,
_23: matrix._23,
_30: matrix._30,
_31: matrix._31,
_32: matrix._32,
_33: matrix._33
public inline function setMatrix3(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, matrix: FastMatrix3): Void {
command: 'setMatrix3',
location: cast(location, kha.html5worker.ConstantLocation)._id,
_00: matrix._00,
_01: matrix._01,
_02: matrix._02,
_10: matrix._10,
_11: matrix._11,
_12: matrix._12,
_20: matrix._20,
_21: matrix._21,
_22: matrix._22
public function drawIndexedVertices(start: Int = 0, count: Int = -1): Void {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'drawIndexedVertices', start: start, count: count});
public function scissor(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Void {
command: 'scissor',
x: x,
y: y,
width: width,
height: height
public function disableScissor(): Void {
Worker.postMessage({command: 'disableScissor'});
public function drawIndexedVerticesInstanced(instanceCount: Int, start: Int = 0, count: Int = -1) {
command: 'drawIndexedVerticesInstanced',
instanceCount: instanceCount,
start: start,
count: count
public function instancedRenderingAvailable(): Bool {
return true;
public function maxBoundTextures(): Int {
return 16;

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package kha.html5worker;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import haxe.ds.Vector;
class Sound extends kha.Sound {
public var _id: Int;
public var _callback: Void->Void;
public function new(id: Int) {
this._id = id;
override public function uncompress(done: Void->Void): Void {
compressedData = null;
Worker.postMessage({command: 'uncompressSound', id: _id});
_callback = done;
override public function unload() {
compressedData = null;
uncompressedData = null;

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package kha.html5worker;
class TextureUnit implements kha.graphics4.TextureUnit {
static var lastId: Int = -1;
public var _id: Int;
public function new() {
_id = ++lastId;

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package kha;
typedef Blob = kha.internal.BytesBlob;

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import js.Browser;
import js.lib.Uint8Array;
import js.html.VideoElement;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import kha.js.CanvasGraphics;
class CanvasImage extends Image {
public var image: Dynamic;
public var video: VideoElement;
static var context: Dynamic;
var data: Dynamic;
var myWidth: Int;
var myHeight: Int;
var myFormat: TextureFormat;
var renderTarget: Bool;
public var frameBuffer: Dynamic;
var graphics1: kha.graphics1.Graphics;
var g2canvas: CanvasGraphics = null;
public static function init() {
var canvas: Dynamic = Browser.document.createElement("canvas");
if (canvas != null) {
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 2048;
canvas.height = 2048;
context.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
public function new(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat, renderTarget: Bool) {
myWidth = width;
myHeight = height;
myFormat = format;
this.renderTarget = renderTarget;
image = null;
video = null;
if (renderTarget)
override function get_g1(): kha.graphics1.Graphics {
if (graphics1 == null) {
graphics1 = new kha.graphics2.Graphics1(this);
return graphics1;
override function get_g2(): kha.graphics2.Graphics {
if (g2canvas == null) {
var canvas: Dynamic = Browser.document.createElement("canvas");
image = canvas;
var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;
g2canvas = new CanvasGraphics(context);
return g2canvas;
override function get_g4(): kha.graphics4.Graphics {
return null;
override function get_width(): Int {
return myWidth;
override function get_height(): Int {
return myHeight;
override function get_format(): TextureFormat {
return myFormat;
override function get_realWidth(): Int {
return myWidth;
override function get_realHeight(): Int {
return myHeight;
override function get_stride(): Int {
return myFormat == TextureFormat.RGBA32 ? 4 * width : width;
override public function isOpaque(x: Int, y: Int): Bool {
if (data == null) {
if (context == null)
return true;
return (data.data[y * Std.int(image.width) * 4 + x * 4 + 3] != 0);
override public function at(x: Int, y: Int): Color {
if (data == null) {
if (context == null)
return Color.Black;
var r = data.data[y * Std.int(image.width) * 4 + x * 4];
var g = data.data[y * Std.int(image.width) * 4 + x * 4 + 1];
var b = data.data[y * Std.int(image.width) * 4 + x * 4 + 2];
var a = data.data[y * Std.int(image.width) * 4 + x * 4 + 3];
return Color.fromValue((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);
function createImageData() {
context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";
context.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";
context.fillRect(0, 0, image.width, image.height);
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, 0, 0, image.width, image.height);
data = context.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height);
var texture: Dynamic;
static function upperPowerOfTwo(v: Int): Int {
v |= v >>> 1;
v |= v >>> 2;
v |= v >>> 4;
v |= v >>> 8;
v |= v >>> 16;
return v;
public function createTexture() {
if (SystemImpl.gl == null)
texture = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
// texture.image = image;
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
// Sys.gl.pixelStorei(Sys.gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
if (renderTarget) {
frameBuffer = SystemImpl.gl.createFramebuffer();
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, realWidth, realHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
else if (video != null)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, video);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
// Sys.gl.generateMipmap(Sys.gl.TEXTURE_2D);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, null);
public function set(stage: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.activeTexture(GL.TEXTURE0 + stage);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
if (video != null)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, video);
public var bytes: Bytes;
override public function lock(level: Int = 0): Bytes {
bytes = Bytes.alloc(myFormat == TextureFormat.RGBA32 ? 4 * width * height : width * height);
return bytes;
override public function unlock(): Void {
data = null;
if (SystemImpl.gl != null) {
texture = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
// texture.image = image;
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
// Sys.gl.pixelStorei(Sys.gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.LUMINANCE, width, height, 0, GL.LUMINANCE, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, new Uint8Array(bytes.getData()));
if (SystemImpl.ie && SystemImpl.gl.getError() == 1282) { // no LUMINANCE support in IE11
var rgbaBytes = Bytes.alloc(width * height * 4);
for (y in 0...height)
for (x in 0...width) {
var value = bytes.get(y * width + x);
rgbaBytes.set(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 0, value);
rgbaBytes.set(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 1, value);
rgbaBytes.set(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 2, value);
rgbaBytes.set(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 3, 255);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, width, height, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, new Uint8Array(rgbaBytes.getData()));
// Sys.gl.generateMipmap(Sys.gl.TEXTURE_2D);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, null);
bytes = null;
override public function getPixels(): Bytes {
@:privateAccess var context: js.html.CanvasRenderingContext2D = g2canvas.canvas;
var imageData: js.html.ImageData = context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
var bytes = Bytes.alloc(imageData.data.length);
for (i in 0...imageData.data.length) {
bytes.set(i, imageData.data[i]);
return bytes;
override public function unload(): Void {
image = null;
video = null;
data = null;

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package kha;
import js.Browser;
class Display {
static var instance: Display = new Display();
function new() {}
public static function init(): Void {}
public static var primary(get, never): Display;
static function get_primary(): Display {
return instance;
public static var all(get, never): Array<Display>;
static function get_all(): Array<Display> {
return [primary];
public var available(get, never): Bool;
function get_available(): Bool {
return true;
public var name(get, never): String;
function get_name(): String {
return "Display";
public var x(get, never): Int;
function get_x(): Int {
return js.Browser.window.screen.left;
public var y(get, never): Int;
function get_y(): Int {
return js.Browser.window.screen.top;
public var width(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return js.Browser.window.screen.width;
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return js.Browser.window.screen.height;
public var frequency(get, never): Int;
function get_frequency(): Int {
return SystemImpl.estimatedRefreshRate;
public var pixelsPerInch(get, never): Int;
function get_pixelsPerInch(): Int {
var dpiElement = Browser.document.createElement("div");
dpiElement.style.position = "absolute";
dpiElement.style.width = "1in";
dpiElement.style.height = "1in";
dpiElement.style.left = "-100%";
dpiElement.style.top = "-100%";
var dpi: Int = dpiElement.offsetHeight;
return dpi;
public var modes(get, never): Array<DisplayMode>;
function get_modes(): Array<DisplayMode> {
return [];

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package kha;
import js.Browser;
class EnvironmentVariables {
public static function get(name: String): String {
try {
var query = Browser.location.href.substr(Browser.location.href.indexOf("?") + 1);
var parts = query.split("&");
for (part in parts) {
var subparts = part.split("=");
if (subparts[0] == name) {
return subparts[1];
return null;
catch (error:Dynamic) {
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package kha;
typedef Font = kha.Kravur;

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import js.html.ImageElement;
import js.html.CanvasElement;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import kha.graphics4.DepthStencilFormat;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
class Image implements Canvas implements Resource {
public static function create(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null, readable: Bool = false): Image {
if (format == null)
format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
if (usage == null)
usage = Usage.StaticUsage;
if (SystemImpl.gl == null)
return new CanvasImage(width, height, format, false);
return new WebGLImage(width, height, format, false, DepthStencilFormat.NoDepthAndStencil, 1, readable);
public static function create3D(width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null, readable: Bool = false): Image {
return null;
public static function createRenderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null,
depthStencil: DepthStencilFormat = DepthStencilFormat.NoDepthAndStencil, antiAliasingSamples: Int = 1): Image {
if (format == null)
format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
if (SystemImpl.gl == null)
return new CanvasImage(width, height, format, true);
return new WebGLImage(width, height, format, true, depthStencil, antiAliasingSamples, false);
public static function fromCanvas(canvas: CanvasElement): Image {
if (SystemImpl.gl == null) {
var img = new CanvasImage(canvas.width, canvas.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
img.image = canvas;
return img;
else {
var img = new WebGLImage(canvas.width, canvas.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false, DepthStencilFormat.NoDepthAndStencil, 1, false);
img.image = canvas;
return img;
public static function fromImage(image: ImageElement, readable: Bool): Image {
if (SystemImpl.gl == null) {
var img = new CanvasImage(image.width, image.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
img.image = image;
return img;
else {
var img = new WebGLImage(image.width, image.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false, DepthStencilFormat.NoDepthAndStencil, 1, readable);
img.image = image;
return img;
public static function fromBytes(bytes: Bytes, width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null, readable: Bool = false): Image {
if (format == null)
format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
if (usage == null)
usage = Usage.StaticUsage;
if (SystemImpl.gl != null) {
var img = new WebGLImage(width, height, format, false, DepthStencilFormat.NoDepthAndStencil, 1, readable);
img.image = img.bytesToArray(bytes);
return img;
var img = new CanvasImage(width, height, format, false);
var g2: kha.js.CanvasGraphics = cast img.g2;
@:privateAccess var canvas = g2.canvas;
var imageData = new js.html.ImageData(new js.lib.Uint8ClampedArray(bytes.getData()), width, height);
canvas.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
return img;
public static function fromBytes3D(bytes: Bytes, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null,
readable: Bool = false): Image {
return null;
public static function fromEncodedBytes(bytes: Bytes, fileExtention: String, doneCallback: Image->Void, errorCallback: String->Void,
readable: Bool = false): Void {
var dataUrl = "data:image;base64," + haxe.crypto.Base64.encode(bytes);
var imageElement = cast(js.Browser.document.createElement("img"), ImageElement);
imageElement.onload = function() doneCallback(fromImage(imageElement, readable));
imageElement.onerror = function() errorCallback("Image was not created");
imageElement.src = dataUrl;
public static function fromVideo(video: kha.Video): Image {
final jsvideo: kha.js.Video = cast video;
if (SystemImpl.gl == null) {
var img = new CanvasImage(jsvideo.element.videoWidth, jsvideo.element.videoHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
img.video = jsvideo.element;
return img;
else {
var img = new WebGLImage(jsvideo.element.videoWidth, jsvideo.element.videoHeight, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false,
DepthStencilFormat.NoDepthAndStencil, 1, false);
img.video = jsvideo.element;
return img;
public static var maxSize(get, never): Int;
static function get_maxSize(): Int {
return SystemImpl.gl == null ? 1024 * 8 : SystemImpl.gl.getParameter(GL.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE);
public static var nonPow2Supported(get, never): Bool;
static function get_nonPow2Supported(): Bool {
return SystemImpl.gl != null;
public static function renderTargetsInvertedY(): Bool {
return true;
public function isOpaque(x: Int, y: Int): Bool {
return false;
public function at(x: Int, y: Int): Color {
return Color.Black;
public function unload(): Void {}
public function lock(level: Int = 0): Bytes {
return null;
public function unlock(): Void {}
public function getPixels(): Bytes {
return null;
public function generateMipmaps(levels: Int): Void {}
public function setMipmaps(mipmaps: Array<Image>): Void {}
public function setDepthStencilFrom(image: Image): Void {}
public function clear(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, color: Color): Void {}
public var width(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return 0;
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return 0;
public var depth(get, never): Int;
function get_depth(): Int {
return 1;
public var format(get, never): TextureFormat;
function get_format(): TextureFormat {
return TextureFormat.RGBA32;
public var realWidth(get, never): Int;
function get_realWidth(): Int {
return 0;
public var realHeight(get, never): Int;
function get_realHeight(): Int {
return 0;
public var stride(get, never): Int;
function get_stride(): Int {
return 0;
public var g1(get, never): kha.graphics1.Graphics;
function get_g1(): kha.graphics1.Graphics {
return null;
public var g2(get, never): kha.graphics2.Graphics;
function get_g2(): kha.graphics2.Graphics {
return null;
public var g4(get, never): kha.graphics4.Graphics;
function get_g4(): kha.graphics4.Graphics {
return null;

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
package kha;
import js.html.FileReader;
import js.Syntax;
import js.Browser;
import js.html.ImageElement;
import js.html.XMLHttpRequest;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import kha.Blob;
import kha.js.WebAudioSound;
import kha.js.MobileWebAudioSound;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
using StringTools;
class LoaderImpl {
static var dropFiles = new Map<String, js.html.File>();
public static function getImageFormats(): Array<String> {
return ["png", "jpg", "hdr"];
public static function loadImageFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: kha.Image->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
var readable = Reflect.hasField(desc, "readable") ? desc.readable : false;
if (StringTools.endsWith(desc.files[0], ".hdr")) {
loadBlobFromDescription(desc, function(blob) {
var hdrImage = kha.internal.HdrFormat.parse(blob.toBytes());
done(Image.fromBytes(hdrImage.data.view.buffer, hdrImage.width, hdrImage.height, TextureFormat.RGBA128,
readable ? Usage.DynamicUsage : Usage.StaticUsage));
}, failed);
else {
var img: ImageElement = cast Browser.document.createElement("img");
img.onerror = function(event: Dynamic) failed({url: desc.files[0], error: event});
img.onload = function(event: Dynamic) done(Image.fromImage(img, readable));
img.crossOrigin = "";
img.src = desc.files[0];
public static function getSoundFormats(): Array<String> {
var element = Browser.document.createAudioElement();
var formats = new Array<String>();
#if !kha_debug_html5
if (element.canPlayType("audio/mp4") != "")
if (element.canPlayType("audio/mp3") != "")
if (element.canPlayType("audio/wav") != "")
if (SystemImpl._hasWebAudio || element.canPlayType("audio/ogg") != "")
return formats;
public static function loadSoundFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: kha.Sound->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
if (SystemImpl._hasWebAudio) {
#if !kha_debug_html5
var element = Browser.document.createAudioElement();
if (element.canPlayType("audio/mp4") != "") {
for (i in 0...desc.files.length) {
var file: String = desc.files[i];
if (file.endsWith(".mp4")) {
new WebAudioSound(file, done, failed);
if (element.canPlayType("audio/mp3") != "") {
for (i in 0...desc.files.length) {
var file: String = desc.files[i];
if (file.endsWith(".mp3")) {
new WebAudioSound(file, done, failed);
if (element.canPlayType("audio/wav") != "") {
for (i in 0...desc.files.length) {
var file: String = desc.files[i];
if (file.endsWith(".wav")) {
new WebAudioSound(file, done, failed);
for (i in 0...desc.files.length) {
var file: String = desc.files[i];
if (file.endsWith(".ogg")) {
new WebAudioSound(file, done, failed);
url: desc.files.join(","),
error: "Unable to find sound files with supported audio formats",
else if (SystemImpl.mobile) {
var element = Browser.document.createAudioElement();
if (element.canPlayType("audio/mp4") != "") {
for (i in 0...desc.files.length) {
var file: String = desc.files[i];
if (file.endsWith(".mp4")) {
new MobileWebAudioSound(file, done, failed);
if (element.canPlayType("audio/mp3") != "") {
for (i in 0...desc.files.length) {
var file: String = desc.files[i];
if (file.endsWith(".mp3")) {
new MobileWebAudioSound(file, done, failed);
if (element.canPlayType("audio/wav") != "") {
for (i in 0...desc.files.length) {
var file: String = desc.files[i];
if (file.endsWith(".wav")) {
new MobileWebAudioSound(file, done, failed);
for (i in 0...desc.files.length) {
var file: String = desc.files[i];
if (file.endsWith(".ogg")) {
new MobileWebAudioSound(file, done, failed);
url: desc.files.join(","),
error: "Unable to find sound files with supported audio formats",
else {
new kha.js.Sound(desc.files, done, failed);
public static function getVideoFormats(): Array<String> {
#if kha_debug_html5
return ["webm"];
return ["mp4", "webm"];
public static function loadVideoFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: kha.Video->Void, failed: AssetError->Void): Void {
kha.js.Video.fromFile(desc.files, done);
public static function loadRemote(desc: Dynamic, done: Blob->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
var request = untyped new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("GET", desc.files[0], true);
request.responseType = "arraybuffer";
request.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (request.readyState != 4)
if ((request.status >= 200 && request.status < 400)
|| (request.status == 0 && request.statusText == "")) { // Blobs loaded using --allow-file-access-from-files
var bytes: Bytes = null;
var arrayBuffer = request.response;
if (arrayBuffer != null) {
var byteArray: Dynamic = Syntax.code("new Uint8Array(arrayBuffer)");
bytes = Bytes.ofData(byteArray);
else if (request.responseBody != null) {
var data: Dynamic = untyped Syntax.code("VBArray(request.responseBody).toArray()");
bytes = Bytes.alloc(data.length);
for (i in 0...data.length)
bytes.set(i, data[i]);
else {
failed({url: desc.files[0]});
done(new Blob(bytes));
else {
failed({url: desc.files[0]});
public static function loadBlobFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: Blob->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
#if kha_debug_html5
var file: String = desc.files[0];
if (file.startsWith("http://") || file.startsWith("https://")) {
loadRemote(desc, done, failed);
else if (file.startsWith("drop://")) {
var dropFile = dropFiles.get(file.substring(7));
if (dropFile == null)
failed({url: file, error: 'file not found'});
else {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = () -> {
done(new Blob(Bytes.ofData(reader.result)));
reader.onerror = () -> failed({url: file, error: reader.error});
else {
var loadBlob = Syntax.code("window.electron.loadBlob");
loadBlob(desc, (byteArray: Dynamic) -> {
var bytes = Bytes.alloc(byteArray.byteLength);
for (i in 0...byteArray.byteLength)
bytes.set(i, byteArray[i]);
done(new Blob(bytes));
}, failed);
loadRemote(desc, done, failed);
public static function loadFontFromDescription(desc: Dynamic, done: Font->Void, failed: AssetError->Void): Void {
loadBlobFromDescription(desc, function(blob: Blob) {
done(new Font(blob));
}, failed);

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package kha;
import haxe.macro.Context;
import haxe.macro.Expr;
class Macros {
public static macro function canvasId(): Expr {
return {
expr: EConst(CString(Context.getDefines().get("canvas_id"))),
pos: Context.currentPos()

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import haxe.io.BytesBuffer;
import haxe.io.BytesData;
import js.Browser;
using StringTools;
class LocalStorageFile extends StorageFile {
var name: String;
public function new(name: String) {
this.name = name;
override public function read(): Blob {
var storage = Browser.getLocalStorage();
if (storage == null)
return null;
var value: String = storage.getItem(System.title + "_" + name);
if (value == null)
return null;
return Blob.fromBytes(decode(value));
override public function write(data: Blob): Void {
var storage = Browser.getLocalStorage();
if (storage == null)
storage.setItem(System.title + "_" + name, encode(data.bytes.getData()));
* Encodes byte array to yEnc string (from SASStore).
* @param {Array} source Byte array to convert to yEnc.
* @return {string} Resulting yEnc string from byte array.
static function encode(source: BytesData): String {
var reserved = [0, 10, 13, 61];
var output = "";
var converted, ele;
var bytes = new js.lib.Uint8Array(source);
for (i in 0...bytes.length) {
ele = bytes[i];
converted = (ele + 42) % 256;
if (!Lambda.has(reserved, converted)) {
output += String.fromCharCode(converted);
else {
converted = (converted + 64) % 256;
output += "=" + String.fromCharCode(converted);
return output;
* Decodes yEnc string to byte array (from SASStore).
* @param {string} source yEnc string to decode to byte array.
* @return {Array} Resulting byte array from yEnc string.
static function decode(source: String): Bytes {
var output = new BytesBuffer();
var ck = false;
var c;
for (i in 0...source.length) {
c = source.fastCodeAt(i);
// ignore newlines
if (c == 13 || c == 10) {
// if we're an "=" and we haven't been flagged, set flag
if (c == 61 && !ck) {
ck = true;
if (ck) {
ck = false;
c = c - 64;
if (c < 42 && c > 0) {
output.addByte(c + 214);
else {
output.addByte(c - 42);
return output.getBytes();
class Storage {
public static function namedFile(name: String): StorageFile {
return new LocalStorageFile(name);
public static function defaultFile(): StorageFile {
return namedFile("default.kha");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import js.Browser;
import js.lib.Uint8Array;
import js.lib.Uint16Array;
import js.lib.Float32Array;
import js.html.VideoElement;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
import js.html.webgl.Framebuffer;
import js.html.webgl.Renderbuffer;
import js.html.webgl.Texture;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import kha.graphics4.DepthStencilFormat;
import kha.js.graphics4.Graphics;
class WebGLImage extends Image {
public var image: Dynamic;
public var video: VideoElement;
static var context: js.html.CanvasRenderingContext2D;
var data: js.html.ImageData;
var myWidth: Int;
var myHeight: Int;
var myFormat: TextureFormat;
var renderTarget: Bool;
var samples: Int;
public var frameBuffer: Framebuffer = null;
public var renderBuffer: Renderbuffer = null;
public var texture: Texture = null;
public var depthTexture: Texture = null;
public var MSAAFrameBuffer: Framebuffer = null;
var MSAAColorBuffer: Renderbuffer;
var MSAADepthBuffer: Renderbuffer;
var graphics1: kha.graphics1.Graphics;
var graphics2: kha.graphics2.Graphics;
var graphics4: kha.graphics4.Graphics;
var depthStencilFormat: DepthStencilFormat;
var readable: Bool;
// WebGL2 constants
static inline var GL_RGBA16F = 0x881A;
static inline var GL_RGBA32F = 0x8814;
static inline var GL_R16F = 0x822D;
static inline var GL_R32F = 0x822E;
static inline var GL_RED = 0x1903;
static inline var GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 = 0x81A6;
static inline var GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 = 0x88F0;
static inline var GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 = 0x8CAD;
static var canvas: js.html.CanvasElement;
public static function init() {
if (context == null) {
// create only once
canvas = Browser.document.createCanvasElement();
if (canvas != null) {
context = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = 4096;
canvas.height = 4096;
context.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
public function new(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat, renderTarget: Bool, depthStencilFormat: DepthStencilFormat, samples: Int,
readable: Bool) {
myWidth = width;
myHeight = height;
myFormat = format;
this.renderTarget = renderTarget;
this.samples = samples;
this.readable = readable;
image = null;
video = null;
this.depthStencilFormat = depthStencilFormat;
if (renderTarget)
override function get_g1(): kha.graphics1.Graphics {
if (graphics1 == null) {
graphics1 = new kha.graphics2.Graphics1(this);
return graphics1;
override function get_g2(): kha.graphics2.Graphics {
if (graphics2 == null) {
graphics2 = new kha.js.graphics4.Graphics2(this);
return graphics2;
override function get_g4(): kha.graphics4.Graphics {
if (graphics4 == null) {
graphics4 = new Graphics(this);
return graphics4;
override function get_width(): Int {
return myWidth;
override function get_height(): Int {
return myHeight;
override function get_format(): TextureFormat {
return myFormat;
override function get_realWidth(): Int {
return myWidth;
override function get_realHeight(): Int {
return myHeight;
override function get_stride(): Int {
return formatByteSize(myFormat) * width;
override public function isOpaque(x: Int, y: Int): Bool {
if (data == null) {
if (context == null)
return true;
return (data.data[y * Std.int(image.width) * 4 + x * 4 + 3] != 0);
override public function at(x: Int, y: Int): Color {
if (bytes != null) {
var r = bytes.get(y * width * 4 + x * 4);
var g = bytes.get(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 1);
var b = bytes.get(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 2);
var a = bytes.get(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 3);
return Color.fromValue((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);
else {
if (data == null) {
if (context == null)
return Color.Black;
var r = data.data[y * width * 4 + x * 4];
var g = data.data[y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 1];
var b = data.data[y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 2];
var a = data.data[y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 3];
return Color.fromValue((a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b);
function createImageData() {
if (Std.isOfType(image, Uint8Array)) {
data = new js.html.ImageData(new js.lib.Uint8ClampedArray(image.buffer), this.width, this.height);
else {
if (this.width > canvas.width || this.height > canvas.height) {
var cw = canvas.width;
var ch = canvas.height;
while (this.width > cw || this.height > ch) {
cw *= 2;
ch *= 2;
canvas.width = cw;
canvas.height = ch;
context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";
context.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";
context.fillRect(0, 0, image.width, image.height);
context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, 0, 0, image.width, image.height);
data = context.getImageData(0, 0, image.width, image.height);
static function upperPowerOfTwo(v: Int): Int {
v |= v >>> 1;
v |= v >>> 2;
v |= v >>> 4;
v |= v >>> 8;
v |= v >>> 16;
return v;
public function createTexture(): Void {
if (SystemImpl.gl == null)
texture = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
// texture.image = image;
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
// Sys.gl.pixelStorei(Sys.gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
if (renderTarget) {
frameBuffer = SystemImpl.gl.createFramebuffer();
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
switch (myFormat) {
case DEPTH16:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 : GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, realWidth, realHeight, 0,
case RGBA128:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA32F : GL.RGBA, realWidth, realHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, null);
case RGBA64:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA16F : GL.RGBA, realWidth, realHeight, 0, GL.RGBA,
SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, null);
case RGBA32:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, realWidth, realHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
case A32:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_R32F : GL.ALPHA, realWidth, realHeight, 0,
SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RED : GL.ALPHA, GL.FLOAT, null);
case A16:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_R16F : GL.ALPHA, realWidth, realHeight, 0,
SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RED : GL.ALPHA, SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, null);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, realWidth, realHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
if (myFormat == DEPTH16) {
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0);
// Some WebGL implementations throw incomplete framebuffer error, create color attachment
if (!SystemImpl.gl2) {
var colortex = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, colortex);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, realWidth, realHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL.TEXTURE_2D, colortex, 0);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
else {
if (samples > 1 && SystemImpl.gl2) {
MSAAFrameBuffer = SystemImpl.gl.createFramebuffer();
MSAAColorBuffer = SystemImpl.gl.createRenderbuffer();
SystemImpl.gl.bindRenderbuffer(GL.RENDERBUFFER, MSAAColorBuffer);
var MSAAFormat = switch (myFormat) {
case RGBA128:
untyped SystemImpl.gl.RGBA32F;
case RGBA64:
untyped SystemImpl.gl.RGBA16F;
case RGBA32:
untyped SystemImpl.gl.RGBA8;
case A32:
case A16:
untyped SystemImpl.gl.RGBA8;
untyped SystemImpl.gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(GL.RENDERBUFFER, samples, MSAAFormat, realWidth, realHeight);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL.RENDERBUFFER, MSAAColorBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, MSAAFrameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture, 0);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
var e = SystemImpl.gl.checkFramebufferStatus(GL.FRAMEBUFFER);
trace("checkframebufferStatus error " + e);
SystemImpl.gl.bindRenderbuffer(GL.RENDERBUFFER, null);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
else if (video != null) {
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, video);
else {
switch (myFormat) {
case RGBA128:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA32F : GL.RGBA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, image);
case RGBA64:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA16F : GL.RGBA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.RGBA,
SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, image);
case RGBA32:
if (Std.isOfType(image, Uint8Array)) {
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
else {
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
case A32:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_R32F : GL.ALPHA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RED : GL.ALPHA,
GL.FLOAT, image);
case A16:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_R16F : GL.ALPHA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RED : GL.ALPHA,
SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, image);
case L8:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.LUMINANCE, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.LUMINANCE, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, null);
function initDepthStencilBuffer(depthStencilFormat: DepthStencilFormat) {
switch (depthStencilFormat) {
case NoDepthAndStencil:
case DepthOnly, Depth16:
if (SystemImpl.depthTexture == null) {
renderBuffer = SystemImpl.gl.createRenderbuffer();
SystemImpl.gl.bindRenderbuffer(GL.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.renderbufferStorage(GL.RENDERBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, realWidth, realHeight);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer);
else {
depthTexture = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture);
if (depthStencilFormat == DepthOnly)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 : GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, realWidth, realHeight, 0,
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 : GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, realWidth, realHeight, 0,
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
if (samples > 1 && SystemImpl.gl2) {
MSAADepthBuffer = SystemImpl.gl.createRenderbuffer();
SystemImpl.gl.bindRenderbuffer(GL.RENDERBUFFER, MSAADepthBuffer);
if (depthStencilFormat == DepthOnly)
untyped SystemImpl.gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(GL.RENDERBUFFER, samples, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, realWidth, realHeight);
untyped SystemImpl.gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(GL.RENDERBUFFER, samples, GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, realWidth, realHeight);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.RENDERBUFFER, MSAADepthBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, MSAAFrameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture, 0);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
case DepthAutoStencilAuto, Depth24Stencil8, Depth32Stencil8:
if (SystemImpl.depthTexture == null) {
renderBuffer = SystemImpl.gl.createRenderbuffer();
SystemImpl.gl.bindRenderbuffer(GL.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.renderbufferStorage(GL.RENDERBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_STENCIL, realWidth, realHeight);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL.RENDERBUFFER, renderBuffer);
else {
depthTexture = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 : GL.DEPTH_STENCIL, realWidth, realHeight, 0,
GL.DEPTH_STENCIL, SystemImpl.depthTexture.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_WEBGL, null);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
if (samples > 1 && SystemImpl.gl2) {
MSAADepthBuffer = SystemImpl.gl.createRenderbuffer();
SystemImpl.gl.bindRenderbuffer(GL.RENDERBUFFER, MSAADepthBuffer);
untyped SystemImpl.gl.renderbufferStorageMultisample(GL.RENDERBUFFER, samples, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, realWidth, realHeight);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, MSAAFrameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL.TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture, 0);
public function set(stage: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.activeTexture(GL.TEXTURE0 + stage);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
if (video != null)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, video);
public function setDepth(stage: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.activeTexture(GL.TEXTURE0 + stage);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture);
override public function setDepthStencilFrom(image: Image): Void {
depthTexture = cast(image, WebGLImage).depthTexture;
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.TEXTURE_2D, depthTexture, 0);
if (samples > 1 && SystemImpl.gl2) {
MSAADepthBuffer = cast(image, WebGLImage).MSAADepthBuffer;
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferRenderbuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.RENDERBUFFER, MSAADepthBuffer);
static function formatByteSize(format: TextureFormat): Int {
return switch (format) {
case RGBA32: 4;
case L8: 1;
case RGBA128: 16;
case DEPTH16: 2;
case RGBA64: 8;
case A32: 4;
case A16: 2;
default: 4;
public function bytesToArray(bytes: Bytes): js.lib.ArrayBufferView {
return switch (myFormat) {
case RGBA32, L8:
new Uint8Array(bytes.getData());
case RGBA128, RGBA64, A32, A16:
new Float32Array(bytes.getData());
new Uint8Array(bytes.getData());
public var bytes: Bytes;
override public function lock(level: Int = 0): Bytes {
bytes = Bytes.alloc(formatByteSize(myFormat) * width * height);
return bytes;
override public function unlock(): Void {
data = null;
image = null;
if (SystemImpl.gl != null) {
texture = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
// texture.image = image;
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
// Sys.gl.pixelStorei(Sys.gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, true);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
switch (myFormat) {
case L8:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.LUMINANCE, width, height, 0, GL.LUMINANCE, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, bytesToArray(bytes));
if (SystemImpl.ie && SystemImpl.gl.getError() == 1282) { // no LUMINANCE support in IE11
var rgbaBytes = Bytes.alloc(width * height * 4);
for (y in 0...height)
for (x in 0...width) {
var value = bytes.get(y * width + x);
rgbaBytes.set(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 0, value);
rgbaBytes.set(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 1, value);
rgbaBytes.set(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 2, value);
rgbaBytes.set(y * width * 4 + x * 4 + 3, 255);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, width, height, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, bytesToArray(rgbaBytes));
case RGBA128:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA32F : GL.RGBA, width, height, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT,
case RGBA64:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA16F : GL.RGBA, width, height, 0, GL.RGBA,
SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, bytesToArray(bytes));
case A32:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_R32F : GL.ALPHA, width, height, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RED : GL.ALPHA,
GL.FLOAT, bytesToArray(bytes));
case A16:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_R16F : GL.ALPHA, width, height, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RED : GL.ALPHA,
SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, bytesToArray(bytes));
case RGBA32:
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, width, height, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, bytesToArray(bytes));
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL.RGBA, width, height, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, bytesToArray(bytes));
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, null);
if (!readable) {
bytes = null;
var pixels: js.lib.ArrayBufferView = null;
override public function getPixels(): Bytes {
if (frameBuffer == null)
return null;
if (pixels == null) {
switch (myFormat) {
case RGBA128, A32:
pixels = new Float32Array(Std.int(formatByteSize(myFormat) / 4) * width * height);
case RGBA64, A16:
pixels = new Uint16Array(Std.int(formatByteSize(myFormat) / 2) * width * height);
case RGBA32, L8:
pixels = new Uint8Array(formatByteSize(myFormat) * width * height);
pixels = new Uint8Array(formatByteSize(myFormat) * width * height);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
switch (myFormat) {
case RGBA128:
SystemImpl.gl.readPixels(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight, GL.RGBA, GL.FLOAT, pixels);
case RGBA64:
SystemImpl.gl.readPixels(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight, GL.RGBA, SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, pixels);
case RGBA32:
SystemImpl.gl.readPixels(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
case A32:
SystemImpl.gl.readPixels(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RED : GL.ALPHA, GL.FLOAT, pixels);
case A16:
SystemImpl.gl.readPixels(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RED : GL.ALPHA, SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, pixels);
case L8:
SystemImpl.gl.readPixels(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RED : GL.ALPHA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
SystemImpl.gl.readPixels(0, 0, myWidth, myHeight, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, pixels);
return Bytes.ofData(pixels.buffer);
override public function unload(): Void {
if (texture != null)
if (depthTexture != null)
if (frameBuffer != null)
if (renderBuffer != null)
if (MSAAFrameBuffer != null)
if (MSAAColorBuffer != null)
if (MSAADepthBuffer != null)
override public function generateMipmaps(levels: Int): Void {
// WebGL requires to generate all mipmaps down to 1x1 size, ignoring levels for now
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
override public function setMipmaps(mipmaps: Array<Image>): Void {
// Similar to generateMipmaps, specify all the levels down to 1x1 size
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
if (myFormat == TextureFormat.RGBA128) {
for (i in 0...mipmaps.length) {
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, i + 1, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA32F : GL.RGBA, mipmaps[i].width, mipmaps[i].height, 0, GL.RGBA,
GL.FLOAT, cast(mipmaps[i], WebGLImage).image);
else if (myFormat == TextureFormat.RGBA64) {
for (i in 0...mipmaps.length) {
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, i + 1, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA16F : GL.RGBA, mipmaps[i].width, mipmaps[i].height, 0, GL.RGBA,
SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, cast(mipmaps[i], WebGLImage).image);
else {
for (i in 0...mipmaps.length) {
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_2D, i + 1, GL.RGBA, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, cast(mipmaps[i], WebGLImage).image);

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
package kha;
import js.Syntax;
import js.html.MutationObserver;
class Window {
static var windows: Array<Window> = [];
static var resizeCallbacks: Array<Array<Int->Int->Void>> = [];
var num: Int;
var canvas: js.html.CanvasElement;
var defaultWidth: Int;
var defaultHeight: Int;
public function new(num: Int, defaultWidth: Int, defaultHeight: Int, canvas: js.html.CanvasElement) {
this.num = num;
this.canvas = canvas;
this.defaultWidth = defaultWidth;
this.defaultHeight = defaultHeight;
resizeCallbacks[num] = [];
final observer: MutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations: Array<js.html.MutationRecord>, observer: MutationObserver) {
var isResize = false;
for (mutation in mutations) {
if (mutation.attributeName == "width" || mutation.attributeName == "height") {
isResize = true;
if (isResize) {
this.resize(canvas.width, canvas.height);
observer.observe(canvas, {attributes: true});
public static function create(win: WindowOptions = null, frame: FramebufferOptions = null): Window {
return null;
public static function destroy(window: Window): Void {}
public static function get(index: Int): Window {
return windows[index];
public static var all(get, never): Array<Window>;
static function get_all(): Array<Window> {
return windows;
public function resize(width: Int, height: Int): Void {
for (callback in resizeCallbacks[num]) {
callback(width, height);
public function move(x: Int, y: Int): Void {}
public function changeWindowFeatures(features: Int): Void {}
public function changeFramebuffer(frame: FramebufferOptions): Void {}
public var x(get, set): Int;
function get_x(): Int {
return 0;
function set_x(value: Int): Int {
return 0;
public var y(get, set): Int;
function get_y(): Int {
return 0;
function set_y(value: Int): Int {
return 0;
public var width(get, set): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return canvas.width == 0 ? defaultWidth : canvas.width;
function set_width(value: Int): Int {
return 800;
public var height(get, set): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return canvas.height == 0 ? defaultHeight : canvas.height;
function set_height(value: Int): Int {
return 600;
public var mode(get, set): WindowMode;
function get_mode(): WindowMode {
return isFullscreen() ? Fullscreen : Windowed;
function set_mode(mode: WindowMode): WindowMode {
if (mode == Fullscreen || mode == ExclusiveFullscreen) {
if (!isFullscreen()) {
else {
if (isFullscreen()) {
return mode;
function isFullscreen(): Bool {
return Syntax.code("document.fullscreenElement === this.canvas ||
document.mozFullScreenElement === this.canvas ||
document.webkitFullscreenElement === this.canvas ||
document.msFullscreenElement === this.canvas ");
function requestFullscreen(): Void {
untyped if (canvas.requestFullscreen) {
var c: Dynamic = canvas;
c.requestFullscreen({navigationUI: "hide"});
else if (canvas.msRequestFullscreen) {
else if (canvas.mozRequestFullScreen) {
else if (canvas.webkitRequestFullscreen) {
function exitFullscreen(): Void {
untyped if (document.exitFullscreen) {
else if (document.msExitFullscreen) {
else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
else if (document.webkitExitFullscreen) {
public var visible(get, set): Bool;
function get_visible(): Bool {
return true;
function set_visible(value: Bool): Bool {
return true;
public var title(get, set): String;
function get_title(): String {
return "Kha";
function set_title(value: String): String {
return "Kha";
public function notifyOnResize(callback: Int->Int->Void): Void {
public var vSynced(get, never): Bool;
function get_vSynced(): Bool {
return true;

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
package kha.arrays;
import js.lib.DataView;
import kha.FastFloat;
abstract ByteArray(DataView) to DataView {
static final LITTLE_ENDIAN: Bool = js.Syntax.code("new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([0x12345678]).buffer)[0] === 0x78");
public var buffer(get, never): ByteBuffer;
inline function get_buffer(): ByteBuffer {
return cast this.buffer;
public function new(buffer: ByteBuffer, ?byteOffset: Int, ?byteLength: Int) {
this = new DataView(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength);
static public function make(byteLength: Int): ByteArray {
return new ByteArray(ByteBuffer.create(byteLength));
public inline function getInt8(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt8(byteOffset);
public inline function getUint8(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint8(byteOffset);
public inline function getInt16(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt16(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getUint16(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint16(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getInt32(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt32(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getUint32(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint32(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getFloat32(byteOffset: Int): FastFloat {
return this.getFloat32(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getFloat64(byteOffset: Int): Float {
return this.getFloat64(byteOffset, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setInt8(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt8(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setUint8(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint8(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setInt16(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt16(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setUint16(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint16(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setInt32(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt32(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setUint32(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint32(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function setFloat32(byteOffset: Int, value: FastFloat): Void {
this.setFloat32(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setFloat64(byteOffset: Int, value: Float): Void {
this.setFloat64(byteOffset, value, LITTLE_ENDIAN);
public inline function getInt16LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt16(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getUint16LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint16(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getInt32LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt32(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getUint32LE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint32(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getFloat32LE(byteOffset: Int): FastFloat {
return this.getFloat32(byteOffset, true);
public inline function getFloat64LE(byteOffset: Int): Float {
return this.getFloat64(byteOffset, true);
public inline function setInt16LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt16(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setUint16LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint16(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setInt32LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt32(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setUint32LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint32(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setFloat32LE(byteOffset: Int, value: FastFloat): Void {
this.setFloat32(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function setFloat64LE(byteOffset: Int, value: Float): Void {
this.setFloat64(byteOffset, value, true);
public inline function getInt16BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt16(byteOffset);
public inline function getUint16BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint16(byteOffset);
public inline function getInt32BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getInt32(byteOffset);
public inline function getUint32BE(byteOffset: Int): Int {
return this.getUint32(byteOffset);
public inline function getFloat32BE(byteOffset: Int): FastFloat {
return this.getFloat32(byteOffset);
public inline function getFloat64BE(byteOffset: Int): Float {
return this.getFloat64(byteOffset);
public inline function setInt16BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt16(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setUint16BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint16(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setInt32BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setInt32(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setUint32BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Int): Void {
this.setUint32(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setFloat32BE(byteOffset: Int, value: FastFloat): Void {
this.setFloat32(byteOffset, value);
public inline function setFloat64BE(byteOffset: Int, value: Float): Void {
this.setFloat64(byteOffset, value);
public inline function subarray(start: Int, ?end: Int): ByteArray {
return new ByteArray(buffer, start, end != null ? end - start : null);

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package kha.arrays;
import js.lib.ArrayBuffer;
abstract ByteBuffer(ArrayBuffer) from ArrayBuffer to ArrayBuffer {
public static function create(length: Int): ByteBuffer {
return new ByteBuffer(length);
function new(length: Int) {
this = new ArrayBuffer(length);

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package kha.audio1;
typedef Audio = kha.audio2.Audio1;

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package kha.audio2;
import js.Syntax;
import js.Browser;
import js.html.URL;
import js.html.audio.AudioContext;
import js.html.audio.AudioProcessingEvent;
import js.html.audio.ScriptProcessorNode;
import kha.internal.IntBox;
import kha.js.AEAudioChannel;
import kha.Sound;
class Audio {
public static var disableGcInteractions = false;
static var intBox: IntBox = new IntBox(0);
static var buffer: Buffer;
@:noCompletion public static var _context: AudioContext;
static var processingNode: ScriptProcessorNode;
static function initContext(): Void {
try {
_context = new AudioContext();
catch (e:Dynamic) {}
try {
Syntax.code("this._context = new webkitAudioContext();");
catch (e:Dynamic) {}
public static function _init(): Bool {
if (_context == null)
return false;
Audio.samplesPerSecond = Math.round(_context.sampleRate);
var bufferSize = 1024 * 2;
buffer = new Buffer(bufferSize * 4, 2, Std.int(_context.sampleRate));
processingNode = _context.createScriptProcessor(bufferSize, 0, 2);
processingNode.onaudioprocess = function(e: AudioProcessingEvent) {
var output1 = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
var output2 = e.outputBuffer.getChannelData(1);
if (audioCallback != null) {
intBox.value = e.outputBuffer.length * 2;
audioCallback(intBox, buffer);
for (i in 0...e.outputBuffer.length) {
output1[i] = buffer.data.get(buffer.readLocation);
buffer.readLocation += 1;
output2[i] = buffer.data.get(buffer.readLocation);
buffer.readLocation += 1;
if (buffer.readLocation >= buffer.size) {
buffer.readLocation = 0;
else {
for (i in 0...e.outputBuffer.length) {
output1[i] = 0;
output2[i] = 0;
return true;
public static var samplesPerSecond: Int;
public static var audioCallback: kha.internal.IntBox->Buffer->Void;
static var virtualChannels: Array<VirtualStreamChannel> = [];
public static function wakeChannels() {
SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying = true;
for (channel in virtualChannels) {
public static function stream(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
// var source = _context.createMediaStreamSource(cast sound.compressedData.getData());
// source.connect(_context.destination);
var element = Browser.document.createAudioElement();
#if kha_debug_html5
var blob = new js.html.Blob([sound.compressedData.getData()], {type: "audio/ogg"});
var blob = new js.html.Blob([sound.compressedData.getData()], {type: "audio/mp4"});
element.src = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
element.loop = loop;
var channel = new AEAudioChannel(element, loop);
if (SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying) {
return channel;
else {
var virtualChannel = new VirtualStreamChannel(channel, loop);
return virtualChannel;

@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
package kha.audio2;
import kha.js.AEAudioChannel;
import kha.audio1.AudioChannel;
enum abstract PlayMode(Int) {
var Stopped;
var Paused;
var Playing;
class VirtualStreamChannel implements kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
var aeChannel: AEAudioChannel;
var mode = PlayMode.Playing;
var lastTickTime: Float;
var lastPosition: Float;
var looping: Bool;
public function new(aeChannel: AEAudioChannel, looping: Bool) {
this.aeChannel = aeChannel;
this.looping = looping;
lastTickTime = Scheduler.realTime();
lastPosition = 0;
public function wake(): Void {
aeChannel.position = lastPosition;
function updatePosition(): Void {
var now = Scheduler.realTime();
switch (mode) {
case Stopped:
lastPosition = 0;
case Paused:
// nothing
case Playing:
lastPosition += now - lastTickTime;
while (lastPosition > length) {
lastPosition -= length;
lastTickTime = now;
public function play(): Void {
if (SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying) {
else {
mode = Playing;
public function pause(): Void {
if (SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying) {
else {
mode = Paused;
public function stop(): Void {
if (SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying) {
else {
mode = Stopped;
public var length(get, never): Float; // Seconds
function get_length(): Float {
return aeChannel.length;
public var position(get, set): Float; // Seconds
function get_position(): Float {
if (SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying) {
return aeChannel.position;
else {
return lastPosition;
function set_position(value: Float): Float {
if (SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying) {
return aeChannel.position = value;
else {
return lastPosition = value;
public var volume(get, set): Float;
function get_volume(): Float {
return aeChannel.volume;
function set_volume(value: Float): Float {
return aeChannel.volume = value;
public var finished(get, never): Bool;
function get_finished(): Bool {
if (SystemImpl.mobileAudioPlaying) {
return aeChannel.finished;
else {
return mode == Stopped || (!looping && position >= length);

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package kha.capture;
import js.html.audio.AudioProcessingEvent;
import kha.audio2.Buffer;
class AudioCapture {
static var input: js.html.audio.MediaStreamAudioSourceNode;
static var processingNode: js.html.audio.ScriptProcessorNode;
static var buffer: Buffer;
public static var audioCallback: Int->Buffer->Void;
public static function init(initialized: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {
if (kha.audio2.Audio._context == null) {
var getUserMedia = untyped __js__("navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia");
getUserMedia.call(js.Browser.navigator, {audio: true}, function(stream: Dynamic) {
input = kha.audio2.Audio._context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
var bufferSize = 1024 * 2;
buffer = new Buffer(bufferSize * 4, 2, Std.int(kha.audio2.Audio._context.sampleRate));
processingNode = kha.audio2.Audio._context.createScriptProcessor(bufferSize, 1, 0);
processingNode.onaudioprocess = function(e: AudioProcessingEvent) {
if (audioCallback != null) {
var input1 = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
var input2 = e.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
for (i in 0...e.inputBuffer.length) {
buffer.data.set(buffer.writeLocation, input1[i]);
buffer.writeLocation += 1;
buffer.data.set(buffer.writeLocation, input2[i]);
buffer.writeLocation += 1;
if (buffer.writeLocation >= buffer.size) {
buffer.writeLocation = 0;
audioCallback(e.inputBuffer.length * 2, buffer);
// input.connect(kha.audio2.Audio._context.destination);
}, function() {

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package kha.capture;
import js.Browser;
class VideoCapture {
public static function init(initialized: kha.Video->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {
var getUserMedia = untyped __js__("navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia");
getUserMedia.call(js.Browser.navigator, {audio: true, video: true}, function(stream: Dynamic) {
var element: js.html.VideoElement = cast Browser.document.createElement("video");
element.srcObject = stream;
element.onloadedmetadata = function(e) {
}, function() {

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import kha.js.graphics4.Graphics;
class CubeMap implements Canvas implements Resource {
var myWidth: Int;
var myHeight: Int;
var format: TextureFormat;
var renderTarget: Bool;
var depthStencilFormat: DepthStencilFormat;
var graphics4: kha.graphics4.Graphics;
public var frameBuffer: Dynamic = null;
public var texture: Dynamic = null;
public var depthTexture: Dynamic = null;
public var isDepthAttachment: Bool = false;
// WebGL2 constants
static inline var GL_RGBA16F = 0x881A;
static inline var GL_RGBA32F = 0x8814;
static inline var GL_R16F = 0x822D;
static inline var GL_R32F = 0x822E;
static inline var GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 = 0x81A6;
static inline var GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 = 0x88F0;
static inline var GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8 = 0x8CAD;
function new(size: Int, format: TextureFormat, renderTarget: Bool, depthStencilFormat: DepthStencilFormat) {
myWidth = size;
myHeight = size;
this.format = format;
this.renderTarget = renderTarget;
this.depthStencilFormat = depthStencilFormat;
if (renderTarget)
public static function createRenderTarget(size: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, depthStencil: DepthStencilFormat = null): CubeMap {
if (format == null)
format = TextureFormat.RGBA32;
if (depthStencil == null)
depthStencil = NoDepthAndStencil;
return new CubeMap(size, format, true, depthStencil);
function createTexture() {
if (SystemImpl.gl == null)
texture = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture);
if (renderTarget) {
frameBuffer = SystemImpl.gl.createFramebuffer();
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
switch (format) {
case DEPTH16:
for (i in 0...6)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 : GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, myWidth,
case RGBA128:
for (i in 0...6)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA32F : GL.RGBA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.RGBA,
GL.FLOAT, null);
case RGBA64:
for (i in 0...6)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_RGBA16F : GL.RGBA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.RGBA,
SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, null);
case RGBA32:
for (i in 0...6)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, GL.RGBA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
case A32:
for (i in 0...6)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_R32F : GL.ALPHA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.ALPHA,
GL.FLOAT, null);
case A16:
for (i in 0...6)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_R16F : GL.ALPHA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.ALPHA,
SystemImpl.halfFloat.HALF_FLOAT_OES, null);
for (i in 0...6)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, GL.RGBA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
if (format == DEPTH16) {
isDepthAttachment = true;
// Some WebGL implementations throw incomplete framebuffer error, create color attachment
if (!SystemImpl.gl2) {
var colortex = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, colortex);
for (i in 0...6) {
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, 0, GL.RGBA, myWidth, myHeight, 0, GL.RGBA, GL.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + i, colortex, 0);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
function initDepthStencilBuffer(depthStencilFormat: DepthStencilFormat) {
switch (depthStencilFormat) {
case NoDepthAndStencil:
case DepthOnly, Depth16:
depthTexture = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, depthTexture);
if (depthStencilFormat == DepthOnly)
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 : GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, myWidth, myHeight, 0,
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT16 : GL.DEPTH_COMPONENT, myWidth, myHeight, 0,
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, depthTexture, 0);
case DepthAutoStencilAuto, Depth24Stencil8, Depth32Stencil8:
depthTexture = SystemImpl.gl.createTexture();
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, depthTexture);
SystemImpl.gl.texImage2D(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0, SystemImpl.gl2 ? GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8 : GL.DEPTH_STENCIL, myWidth, myHeight, 0,
GL.DEPTH_STENCIL, SystemImpl.depthTexture.UNSIGNED_INT_24_8_WEBGL, null);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, frameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.DEPTH_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, depthTexture, 0);
public function set(stage: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.activeTexture(GL.TEXTURE0 + stage);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, texture);
public function setDepth(stage: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.activeTexture(GL.TEXTURE0 + stage);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, depthTexture);
public function unload(): Void {}
public function lock(level: Int = 0): Bytes {
return null;
public function unlock(): Void {}
public var width(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return myWidth;
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return myHeight;
public var g1(get, never): kha.graphics1.Graphics;
function get_g1(): kha.graphics1.Graphics {
return null;
public var g2(get, never): kha.graphics2.Graphics;
function get_g2(): kha.graphics2.Graphics {
return null;
public var g4(get, never): kha.graphics4.Graphics;
function get_g4(): kha.graphics4.Graphics {
if (graphics4 == null) {
graphics4 = new Graphics(this);
return graphics4;

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
class FragmentShader {
public var sources: Array<String>;
public var type: Dynamic;
public var shader: Dynamic;
public var files: Array<String>;
public function new(sources: Array<Blob>, files: Array<String>) {
this.sources = [];
for (source in sources) {
this.shader = null;
this.files = files;
public static function fromSource(source: String): FragmentShader {
var shader = new FragmentShader([], ["runtime-string"]);
return shader;
public function delete(): Void {
shader = null;
sources = null;

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
import kha.arrays.Uint32Array;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
class IndexBuffer {
public var _data: Uint32Array;
var buffer: Dynamic;
var mySize: Int;
var usage: Usage;
var lockStart: Int = 0;
var lockEnd: Int = 0;
public function new(indexCount: Int, usage: Usage, canRead: Bool = false) {
this.usage = usage;
mySize = indexCount;
buffer = SystemImpl.gl.createBuffer();
_data = new Uint32Array(indexCount);
public function delete(): Void {
_data = null;
public function lock(?start: Int, ?count: Int): Uint32Array {
lockStart = start != null ? start : 0;
lockEnd = count != null ? start + count : mySize;
return _data.subarray(lockStart, lockEnd);
public function unlock(?count: Int): Void {
if (count != null)
lockEnd = lockStart + count;
SystemImpl.gl.bindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
var data = _data.subarray(lockStart, lockEnd);
var glData: Dynamic = SystemImpl.elementIndexUint == null ? new js.lib.Uint16Array(data.buffer) : data;
SystemImpl.gl.bufferData(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, glData, usage == Usage.DynamicUsage ? GL.DYNAMIC_DRAW : GL.STATIC_DRAW);
public function set(): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.bindBuffer(GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
public function count(): Int {
return mySize;

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
import kha.graphics4.VertexData;
class PipelineState extends PipelineStateBase {
var program: Dynamic = null;
var textures: Array<String>;
var textureValues: Array<Dynamic>;
public function new() {
textures = new Array<String>();
textureValues = new Array<Dynamic>();
public function delete(): Void {
if (program != null) {
public function compile(): Void {
if (program != null) {
program = SystemImpl.gl.createProgram();
SystemImpl.gl.attachShader(program, vertexShader.shader);
SystemImpl.gl.attachShader(program, fragmentShader.shader);
var index = 0;
for (structure in inputLayout) {
for (element in structure.elements) {
SystemImpl.gl.bindAttribLocation(program, index, element.name);
if (element.data == VertexData.Float32_4X4) {
index += 4;
else {
if (!SystemImpl.gl.getProgramParameter(program, GL.LINK_STATUS)) {
var message = "Could not link the shader program:\n" + SystemImpl.gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
trace("Error: " + message);
throw message;
public function set(): Void {
for (index in 0...textureValues.length)
SystemImpl.gl.uniform1i(textureValues[index], index);
SystemImpl.gl.colorMask(colorWriteMaskRed, colorWriteMaskGreen, colorWriteMaskBlue, colorWriteMaskAlpha);
function compileShader(shader: Dynamic): Void {
if (shader.shader != null)
var s = SystemImpl.gl.createShader(shader.type);
var highp = SystemImpl.gl.getShaderPrecisionFormat(GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER, GL.HIGH_FLOAT);
var highpSupported = highp.precision != 0;
var files: Array<String> = shader.files;
for (i in 0...files.length) {
if (SystemImpl.gl2) {
if (files[i].indexOf("-webgl2") >= 0 || files[i].indexOf("runtime-string") >= 0) {
SystemImpl.gl.shaderSource(s, shader.sources[i]);
else {
if (!highpSupported && (files[i].indexOf("-relaxed") >= 0 || files[i].indexOf("runtime-string") >= 0)) {
SystemImpl.gl.shaderSource(s, shader.sources[i]);
if (highpSupported && (files[i].indexOf("-relaxed") < 0 || files[i].indexOf("runtime-string") >= 0)) {
SystemImpl.gl.shaderSource(s, shader.sources[i]);
if (!SystemImpl.gl.getShaderParameter(s, GL.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
var message = "Could not compile shader:\n" + SystemImpl.gl.getShaderInfoLog(s);
trace("Error: " + message);
throw message;
shader.shader = s;
public function getConstantLocation(name: String): kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation {
var location = SystemImpl.gl.getUniformLocation(program, name);
if (location == null) {
trace("Warning: Uniform " + name + " not found.");
var type = GL.FLOAT;
var count: Int = SystemImpl.gl.getProgramParameter(program, GL.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS);
for (i in 0...count) {
var info = SystemImpl.gl.getActiveUniform(program, i);
if (info.name == name || info.name == name + "[0]") {
type = info.type;
return new kha.js.graphics4.ConstantLocation(location, type);
public function getTextureUnit(name: String): kha.graphics4.TextureUnit {
var index = findTexture(name);
if (index < 0) {
var location = SystemImpl.gl.getUniformLocation(program, name);
if (location == null) {
trace("Warning: Sampler " + name + " not found.");
index = textures.length;
return new kha.js.graphics4.TextureUnit(index);
function findTexture(name: String): Int {
for (index in 0...textures.length) {
if (textures[index] == name)
return index;
return -1;

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import kha.arrays.Float32Array;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
import kha.arrays.ByteArray;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
import kha.graphics4.VertexStructure;
class VertexBuffer {
public var _data: ByteArray;
var buffer: Dynamic;
var mySize: Int;
var myStride: Int;
var sizes: Array<Int>;
var offsets: Array<Int>;
var types: Array<Int>;
var instanceDataStepRate: Int;
var lockStart: Int = 0;
var lockEnd: Int = 0;
public function new(vertexCount: Int, structure: VertexStructure, usage: Usage, instanceDataStepRate: Int = 0, canRead: Bool = false) {
this.instanceDataStepRate = instanceDataStepRate;
mySize = vertexCount;
myStride = 0;
for (element in structure.elements) {
myStride += VertexStructure.dataByteSize(element.data);
buffer = SystemImpl.gl.createBuffer();
_data = ByteArray.make(vertexCount * myStride);
sizes = new Array<Int>();
offsets = new Array<Int>();
types = new Array<Int>();
sizes[structure.elements.length - 1] = 0;
offsets[structure.elements.length - 1] = 0;
types[structure.elements.length - 1] = 0;
var offset = 0;
var index = 0;
for (element in structure.elements) {
var size;
var type;
switch (element.data) {
case Float32_1X:
size = 1;
type = GL.FLOAT;
case Float32_2X:
size = 2;
type = GL.FLOAT;
case Float32_3X:
size = 3;
type = GL.FLOAT;
case Float32_4X:
size = 4;
type = GL.FLOAT;
case Float32_4X4:
size = 4 * 4;
type = GL.FLOAT;
case Int8_1X, Int8_1X_Normalized:
size = 1;
type = GL.BYTE;
case Int8_2X, Int8_2X_Normalized:
size = 2;
type = GL.BYTE;
case Int8_4X, Int8_4X_Normalized:
size = 4;
type = GL.BYTE;
case UInt8_1X, UInt8_1X_Normalized:
size = 1;
case UInt8_2X, UInt8_2X_Normalized:
size = 2;
case UInt8_4X, UInt8_4X_Normalized:
size = 4;
case Int16_1X, Int16_1X_Normalized:
size = 1;
type = GL.SHORT;
case Int16_2X, Int16_2X_Normalized:
size = 2;
type = GL.SHORT;
case Int16_4X, Int16_4X_Normalized:
size = 4;
type = GL.SHORT;
case UInt16_1X, UInt16_1X_Normalized:
size = 1;
case UInt16_2X, UInt16_2X_Normalized:
size = 2;
case UInt16_4X, UInt16_4X_Normalized:
size = 4;
case Int32_1X:
size = 1;
type = GL.INT;
case Int32_2X:
size = 2;
type = GL.INT;
case Int32_3X:
size = 3;
type = GL.INT;
case Int32_4X:
size = 4;
type = GL.INT;
case UInt32_1X:
size = 1;
case UInt32_2X:
size = 2;
case UInt32_3X:
size = 3;
case UInt32_4X:
size = 4;
sizes[index] = size;
offsets[index] = offset;
types[index] = type;
offset += VertexStructure.dataByteSize(element.data);
SystemImpl.gl.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
SystemImpl.gl.bufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, _data.subarray(0 * stride(), mySize * stride()),
usage == Usage.DynamicUsage ? GL.DYNAMIC_DRAW : GL.STATIC_DRAW);
public function delete(): Void {
_data = null;
public function lock(?start: Int, ?count: Int): Float32Array {
lockStart = start != null ? start : 0;
lockEnd = count != null ? start + count : mySize;
return _data.subarray(lockStart * stride(), lockEnd * stride());
public function unlock(?count: Int): Void {
if (count != null)
lockEnd = lockStart + count;
SystemImpl.gl.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
if (SystemImpl.safari) {
SystemImpl.gl.bufferData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, _data.subarray(0 * stride(), lockEnd * stride()), GL.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
else {
SystemImpl.gl.bufferSubData(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, lockStart * stride(), _data.subarray(lockStart * stride(), lockEnd * stride()));
public function stride(): Int {
return myStride;
public function count(): Int {
return mySize;
public function set(offset: Int): Int {
var ext: Dynamic = SystemImpl.gl2 ? true : SystemImpl.gl.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays");
SystemImpl.gl.bindBuffer(GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
var attributesOffset = 0;
for (i in 0...sizes.length) {
if (sizes[i] > 4) {
var size = sizes[i];
var addonOffset = 0;
while (size > 0) {
SystemImpl.gl.enableVertexAttribArray(offset + attributesOffset);
SystemImpl.gl.vertexAttribPointer(offset + attributesOffset, 4, GL.FLOAT, false, myStride, offsets[i] + addonOffset);
if (ext) {
if (SystemImpl.gl2) {
untyped SystemImpl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(offset + attributesOffset, instanceDataStepRate);
else {
ext.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE(offset + attributesOffset, instanceDataStepRate);
size -= 4;
addonOffset += 4 * 4;
else {
var normalized = types[i] == GL.FLOAT ? false : true;
SystemImpl.gl.enableVertexAttribArray(offset + attributesOffset);
SystemImpl.gl.vertexAttribPointer(offset + attributesOffset, sizes[i], types[i], normalized, myStride, offsets[i]);
if (ext) {
if (SystemImpl.gl2) {
untyped SystemImpl.gl.vertexAttribDivisor(offset + attributesOffset, instanceDataStepRate);
else {
ext.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE(offset + attributesOffset, instanceDataStepRate);
return attributesOffset;

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package kha.graphics4;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
class VertexShader {
public var sources: Array<String>;
public var type: Dynamic;
public var shader: Dynamic;
public var files: Array<String>;
public function new(sources: Array<Blob>, files: Array<String>) {
this.sources = [];
for (source in sources) {
this.type = GL.VERTEX_SHADER;
this.shader = null;
this.files = files;
public static function fromSource(source: String): VertexShader {
var shader = new VertexShader([], ["runtime-string"]);
return shader;
public function delete(): Void {
shader = null;
sources = null;

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package kha.input;
import kha.SystemImpl;
import kha.input.Mouse;
class MouseImpl extends kha.input.Mouse {
public function new() {
override public function lock(): Void {
override public function unlock(): Void {
override public function canLock(): Bool {
return SystemImpl.canLockMouse();
override public function isLocked(): Bool {
return SystemImpl.isMouseLocked();
override public function notifyOnLockChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {
SystemImpl.notifyOfMouseLockChange(func, error);
override public function removeFromLockChange(func: Void->Void, error: Void->Void): Void {
SystemImpl.removeFromMouseLockChange(func, error);
override public function hideSystemCursor(): Void {
SystemImpl.khanvas.style.cursor = "none";
override public function showSystemCursor(): Void {
SystemImpl.khanvas.style.cursor = "default";
override public function setSystemCursor(cursor: MouseCursor): Void {
SystemImpl.khanvas.style.cursor = switch (cursor) {
case Default: "default";
case Pointer: "pointer";
case Text: "text";
case EastWestResize: "ew-resize";
case NorthSouthResize: "ns-resize";
case NorthEastResize: "ne-resize";
case SouthEastResize: "se-resize";
case NorthWestResize: "nw-resize";
case SouthWestResize: "sw-resize";
case Grab: "grab";
case Grabbing: "grabbing";
case NotAllowed: "not-allowed";
case Wait: "wait";
case Crosshair: "crosshair";
case Custom(image):
var canvas = js.Browser.document.createCanvasElement();
canvas.width = image.width;
canvas.height = image.height;
if (Std.isOfType(image, WebGLImage)) {
canvas.getContext2d().drawImage(cast(image, WebGLImage).image, 0, 0);
else {
canvas.getContext2d().drawImage(cast(image, CanvasImage).image, 0, 0);
var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
dataURL = StringTools.replace(dataURL, "/^data:image\\/(png|jpg);base64,/", "");
default: "default";

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package kha.input;
import kha.SystemImpl;
class Sensor {
static var isInited: Bool = false;
static var accelerometer: Sensor = new Sensor();
static var gyroscope: Sensor = new Sensor();
var listeners: Array<Float->Float->Float->Void> = new Array();
public static function get(type: SensorType): Sensor {
switch (type) {
case Accelerometer:
return accelerometer;
case Gyroscope:
return gyroscope;
public function notify(listener: Float->Float->Float->Void): Void {
if (!isInited) {
isInited = true;
function new() {}
public static function _changed(type: Int, x: Float, y: Float, z: Float): Void {
var sensor = get(type == 0 ? SensorType.Accelerometer : SensorType.Gyroscope);
for (listener in sensor.listeners) {
listener(x, y, z);

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package kha.js;
import js.html.AudioElement;
import kha.audio1.AudioChannel;
class AEAudioChannel implements kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
var element: AudioElement;
var stopped = false;
var looping: Bool;
public function new(element: AudioElement, looping: Bool) {
this.element = element;
this.looping = looping;
public function play(): Void {
stopped = false;
public function pause(): Void {
try {
catch (e:Dynamic) {
public function stop(): Void {
try {
element.currentTime = 0;
stopped = true;
catch (e:Dynamic) {
public var length(get, never): Float; // Seconds
function get_length(): Float {
if (Math.isFinite(element.duration)) {
return element.duration;
else {
public var position(get, set): Float; // Seconds
function get_position(): Float {
return element.currentTime;
function set_position(value: Float): Float {
return element.currentTime = value;
public var volume(get, set): Float;
function get_volume(): Float {
return element.volume;
function set_volume(value: Float): Float {
return element.volume = value;
public var finished(get, never): Bool;
function get_finished(): Bool {
return stopped || (!looping && position >= length);

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package kha.js;
class AudioElementAudio {
public static function play(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
return stream(sound, loop);
public static function stream(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
sound.element.loop = loop;
var channel = new AEAudioChannel(sound.element, loop);
return cast channel;

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
package kha.js;
import kha.Color;
import kha.graphics2.Graphics;
import kha.graphics2.ImageScaleQuality;
import kha.math.FastMatrix3;
import js.html.CanvasRenderingContext2D;
class CanvasGraphics extends Graphics {
var canvas: CanvasRenderingContext2D;
var webfont: kha.js.Font;
var myColor: Color;
var scaleQuality: ImageScaleQuality;
var clipping: Bool = false;
static var instance: CanvasGraphics;
public function new(canvas: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {
this.canvas = canvas;
instance = this;
myColor = Color.fromBytes(0, 0, 0);
// webfont = new Font("Arial", new FontStyle(false, false, false), 12);
// canvas.globalCompositeOperation = "normal";
public static function stringWidth(font: kha.Font, text: String): Float {
if (instance == null)
return 5 * text.length;
else {
instance.font = font;
return instance.canvas.measureText(text).width;
override public function begin(clear: Bool = true, clearColor: Color = null): Void {
if (clear)
override public function clear(color: Color = null): Void {
if (color == null)
color = 0x00000000;
canvas.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + color.Rb + "," + color.Gb + "," + color.Bb + "," + color.A + ")";
canvas.fillStyle = "rgba(" + color.Rb + "," + color.Gb + "," + color.Bb + "," + color.A + ")";
if (color.A == 0) // if color is transparent, clear the screen. Note: in Canvas, transparent colors will overlay, not overwrite.
canvas.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.canvas.width, canvas.canvas.height);
canvas.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.canvas.width, canvas.canvas.height);
this.color = myColor;
override public function end(): Void {}
/*override public function translate(x: Float, y: Float) {
tx = x;
ty = y;
override public function drawImage(img: kha.Image, x: Float, y: Float) {
canvas.globalAlpha = opacity;
canvas.drawImage(cast(img, CanvasImage).image, x, y);
canvas.globalAlpha = 1;
override public function drawScaledSubImage(image: kha.Image, sx: Float, sy: Float, sw: Float, sh: Float, dx: Float, dy: Float, dw: Float, dh: Float) {
canvas.globalAlpha = opacity;
try {
if (dw < 0 || dh < 0) {
canvas.translate(dx, dy);
var x = 0.0;
var y = 0.0;
if (dw < 0) {
canvas.scale(-1, 1);
x = -dw;
if (dh < 0) {
canvas.scale(1, -1);
y = -dh;
canvas.drawImage(cast(image, CanvasImage).image, sx, sy, sw, sh, x, y, dw, dh);
else {
canvas.drawImage(cast(image, CanvasImage).image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh);
catch (ex:Dynamic) {}
canvas.globalAlpha = 1;
override function set_color(color: Color): Color {
myColor = color;
canvas.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + color.Rb + "," + color.Gb + "," + color.Bb + "," + color.A + ")";
canvas.fillStyle = "rgba(" + color.Rb + "," + color.Gb + "," + color.Bb + "," + color.A + ")";
return color;
override function get_color(): Color {
return myColor;
override function get_imageScaleQuality(): ImageScaleQuality {
return scaleQuality;
override function set_imageScaleQuality(value: ImageScaleQuality): ImageScaleQuality {
if (value == ImageScaleQuality.Low) {
untyped canvas.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
untyped canvas.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
untyped canvas.msImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
else {
untyped canvas.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = true;
untyped canvas.webkitImageSmoothingEnabled = true;
untyped canvas.msImageSmoothingEnabled = true;
canvas.imageSmoothingEnabled = true;
return scaleQuality = value;
override public function drawRect(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float, strength: Float = 1.0) {
var oldStrength = canvas.lineWidth;
canvas.lineWidth = Math.round(strength);
canvas.rect(x, y, width, height);
canvas.lineWidth = oldStrength;
override public function fillRect(x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float) {
canvas.globalAlpha = opacity * myColor.A;
canvas.fillRect(x, y, width, height);
canvas.globalAlpha = opacity;
public function drawArc(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, sAngle: Float, eAngle: Float, strength: Float = 1.0, ccw: Bool = false) {
_drawArc(cx, cy, radius, sAngle, eAngle, strength, ccw);
public function drawCircle(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, strength: Float = 1.0) {
_drawArc(cx, cy, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, strength, false);
inline function _drawArc(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, sAngle: Float, eAngle: Float, strength: Float, ccw: Bool) {
var oldStrength = canvas.lineWidth;
canvas.lineWidth = Math.round(strength);
canvas.arc(cx, cy, radius, sAngle, eAngle, ccw);
canvas.lineWidth = oldStrength;
public function fillArc(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, sAngle: Float, eAngle: Float, ccw: Bool = false) {
canvas.arc(cx, cy, radius, sAngle, eAngle, ccw);
public function fillCircle(cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float) {
canvas.arc(cx, cy, radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
var bakedQuadCache = new kha.Kravur.AlignedQuad();
override public function drawString(text: String, x: Float, y: Float) {
// canvas.fillText(text, tx + x, ty + y + webfont.getHeight());
// canvas.drawImage(cast(webfont.getTexture(), Image).image, 0, 0, 50, 50, tx + x, ty + y, 50, 50);
var image = webfont.getImage(fontSize, myColor);
if (image.width > 0) {
// the image created in getImage() is not imediately useable
var xpos = x;
var ypos = y;
for (i in 0...text.length) {
var q = webfont.kravur._get(fontSize).getBakedQuad(bakedQuadCache, kha.graphics2.Graphics.fontGlyphs.indexOf(text.charCodeAt(i)), xpos, ypos);
if (q != null) {
if (q.s1 - q.s0 > 0 && q.t1 - q.t0 > 0 && q.x1 - q.x0 > 0 && q.y1 - q.y0 > 0)
canvas.drawImage(image, q.s0 * image.width, q.t0 * image.height, (q.s1 - q.s0) * image.width, (q.t1 - q.t0) * image.height, q.x0,
q.y0, q.x1 - q.x0, q.y1 - q.y0);
xpos += q.xadvance;
override public function drawCharacters(text: Array<Int>, start: Int, length: Int, x: Float, y: Float): Void {
var image = webfont.getImage(fontSize, myColor);
if (image.width > 0) {
// the image created in getImage() is not imediately useable
var xpos = x;
var ypos = y;
for (i in start...start + length) {
var q = webfont.kravur._get(fontSize).getBakedQuad(bakedQuadCache, kha.graphics2.Graphics.fontGlyphs.indexOf(text[i]), xpos, ypos);
if (q != null) {
if (q.s1 - q.s0 > 0 && q.t1 - q.t0 > 0 && q.x1 - q.x0 > 0 && q.y1 - q.y0 > 0)
canvas.drawImage(image, q.s0 * image.width, q.t0 * image.height, (q.s1 - q.s0) * image.width, (q.t1 - q.t0) * image.height, q.x0,
q.y0, q.x1 - q.x0, q.y1 - q.y0);
xpos += q.xadvance;
override function set_font(font: kha.Font): kha.Font {
webfont = cast(font, kha.js.Font);
// canvas.font = webfont.size + "px " + webfont.name;
return cast webfont;
override function get_font(): kha.Font {
return cast webfont;
override public function drawLine(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, strength: Float = 1.0) {
var oldWith = canvas.lineWidth;
canvas.lineWidth = Math.round(strength);
canvas.moveTo(x1, y1);
canvas.lineTo(x2, y2);
canvas.moveTo(0, 0);
canvas.lineWidth = oldWith;
override public function fillTriangle(x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, x3: Float, y3: Float) {
canvas.moveTo(x1, y1);
canvas.lineTo(x2, y2);
canvas.lineTo(x3, y3);
override public function scissor(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Void {
if (!clipping) {
clipping = true;
canvas.rect(x, y, width, height);
override public function disableScissor(): Void {
if (clipping) {
clipping = false;
override public function drawVideo(video: kha.Video, x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float): Void {
canvas.drawImage(cast(video, Video).element, x, y, width, height);
override public function setTransformation(transformation: FastMatrix3): Void {
canvas.setTransform(transformation._00, transformation._01, transformation._10, transformation._11, transformation._20, transformation._21);

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
package kha.js;
import js.Syntax;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import js.Browser;
import js.html.ImageElement;
import kha.Color;
import kha.Kravur;
class Font implements Resource {
public var kravur: Kravur;
var images: Map<Int, Map<Int, ImageElement>> = new Map();
public function new(blob: Blob) {
this.kravur = Syntax.code("new kha_js_Font.Kravur(blob);");
public static function fromBytes(bytes: Bytes): Font {
return new Font(Blob.fromBytes(bytes));
public function height(fontSize: Int): Float {
return kravur._get(fontSize).getHeight();
public function width(fontSize: Int, str: String): Float {
return kravur._get(fontSize).stringWidth(str);
public function widthOfCharacters(fontSize: Int, characters: Array<Int>, start: Int, length: Int): Float {
return kravur._get(fontSize).charactersWidth(characters, start, length);
public function baseline(fontSize: Int): Float {
return kravur._get(fontSize).getBaselinePosition();
public function getImage(fontSize: Int, color: Color): ImageElement {
var glyphs = kha.graphics2.Graphics.fontGlyphs;
var imageIndex = fontSize * 10000 + glyphs.length;
if (!images.exists(imageIndex)) {
images[imageIndex] = new Map();
if (!images[imageIndex].exists(color.value)) {
var kravur = this.kravur._get(fontSize);
var canvas = Browser.document.createCanvasElement();
canvas.width = kravur.width;
canvas.height = kravur.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, kravur.width, kravur.height);
var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, kravur.width, kravur.height);
var bytes = cast(kravur.getTexture(), CanvasImage).bytes;
for (i in 0...bytes.length) {
imageData.data[i * 4 + 0] = color.Rb;
imageData.data[i * 4 + 1] = color.Gb;
imageData.data[i * 4 + 2] = color.Bb;
imageData.data[i * 4 + 3] = bytes.get(i);
ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
var img = Browser.document.createImageElement();
img.src = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
images[imageIndex][color.value] = img;
return img;
return images[imageIndex][color.value];
public function unload(): Void {
kravur = null;
images = null;

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
package kha.js;
import js.Syntax;
import js.html.audio.AudioContext;
class MobileWebAudio {
@:noCompletion public static var _context: AudioContext;
@:noCompletion public static function _init(): Void {
try {
_context = new AudioContext();
catch (e:Dynamic) {}
try {
Syntax.code("this._context = new webkitAudioContext();");
catch (e:Dynamic) {}
public static function play(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
var channel = new MobileWebAudioChannel(cast sound, loop);
return channel;
public static function stream(sound: Sound, loop: Bool = false): kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
return play(sound, loop);

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
package kha.js;
import js.html.audio.AudioBuffer;
import js.html.audio.AudioBufferSourceNode;
import js.html.audio.GainNode;
class MobileWebAudioChannel implements kha.audio1.AudioChannel {
var buffer: AudioBuffer;
var loop: Bool;
var source: AudioBufferSourceNode;
var gain: GainNode;
var startTime: Float;
var pauseTime: Float;
var paused: Bool = false;
var stopped: Bool = false;
public function new(sound: MobileWebAudioSound, loop: Bool) {
this.buffer = sound._buffer;
this.loop = loop;
function createSource(): Void {
source = MobileWebAudio._context.createBufferSource();
source.loop = loop;
source.buffer = buffer;
source.onended = function() {
stopped = true;
gain = MobileWebAudio._context.createGain();
public function play(): Void {
if (paused || stopped) {
stopped = false;
if (paused) {
paused = false;
startTime = MobileWebAudio._context.currentTime - pauseTime;
source.start(0, pauseTime);
else {
startTime = MobileWebAudio._context.currentTime;
public function pause(): Void {
final wasStopped = paused || stopped;
pauseTime = MobileWebAudio._context.currentTime - startTime;
paused = true;
if (wasStopped)
public function stop(): Void {
final wasStopped = paused || stopped;
paused = false;
stopped = true;
if (wasStopped)
public var length(get, never): Float; // Seconds
function get_length(): Float {
return source.buffer.duration;
public var position(get, set): Float; // Seconds
function get_position(): Float {
if (stopped)
return length;
if (paused)
return pauseTime;
return MobileWebAudio._context.currentTime - startTime;
function set_position(value: Float): Float {
return value;
public var volume(get, set): Float;
function get_volume(): Float {
return gain.gain.value;
function set_volume(value: Float): Float {
return gain.gain.value = value;
public var finished(get, never): Bool;
function get_finished(): Bool {
return stopped;

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package kha.js;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import js.html.XMLHttpRequest;
class MobileWebAudioSound extends kha.Sound {
public var _buffer: Dynamic;
public function new(filename: String, done: kha.Sound->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
var request = untyped new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("GET", filename, true);
request.responseType = "arraybuffer";
request.onerror = function() {
failed({url: filename});
request.onload = function() {
compressedData = Bytes.ofData(request.response);
uncompressedData = null;
MobileWebAudio._context.decodeAudioData(compressedData.getData(), function(buffer) {
length = buffer.duration;
channels = buffer.numberOfChannels;
_buffer = buffer;
}, function() {
failed({url: filename, error: "Audio format not supported"});
override public function uncompress(done: Void->Void): Void {

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
package kha.js;
import js.Browser;
import js.html.AudioElement;
import js.html.ErrorEvent;
import js.html.Event;
import js.html.MediaError;
using StringTools;
/*class SoundChannel extends kha.SoundChannel {
private var element: Dynamic;
public function new(element: Dynamic) {
this.element = element;
override public function play(): Void {
override public function pause(): Void {
try {
catch (e: Dynamic) {
override public function stop(): Void {
try {
element.currentTime = 0;
catch (e: Dynamic) {
override public function getCurrentPos(): Int {
return Math.ceil(element.currentTime * 1000); // Miliseconds
override public function getLength(): Int {
if (Math.isFinite(element.duration)) {
return Math.floor(element.duration * 1000); // Miliseconds
else {
return -1;
class Sound extends kha.Sound {
var filenames: Array<String>;
static var loading: Array<Sound> = new Array();
var done: kha.Sound->Void;
var failed: AssetError->Void;
public var element: AudioElement;
public function new(filenames: Array<String>, done: kha.Sound->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
this.done = done;
this.failed = failed;
loading.push(this); // prevent gc from removing this
element = Browser.document.createAudioElement();
this.filenames = [];
for (filename in filenames) {
if (element.canPlayType("audio/ogg") != "" && filename.endsWith(".ogg"))
if (element.canPlayType("audio/mp4") != "" && filename.endsWith(".mp4"))
if (element.canPlayType("audio/wav") != "" && filename.endsWith(".wav"))
element.addEventListener("error", errorListener, false);
element.addEventListener("canplay", canPlayThroughListener, false);
element.src = this.filenames[0];
element.preload = "auto";
// override public function play(): kha.SoundChannel {
// try {
// element.play();
// }
// catch (e: Dynamic) {
// trace(e);
// }
// return new SoundChannel(element);
// }
function errorListener(eventInfo: ErrorEvent): Void {
if (element.error.code == MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
for (i in 0...filenames.length - 1) {
if (element.src == filenames[i]) {
// try loading with next extension:
element.src = filenames[i + 1];
failed({url: element.src});
function canPlayThroughListener(eventInfo: Event): Void {
function finishAsset() {
element.removeEventListener("error", errorListener, false);
element.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", canPlayThroughListener, false);
override public function uncompress(done: Void->Void): Void {

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
package kha.js;
import js.Browser;
import js.html.ErrorEvent;
import js.html.Event;
import js.html.MediaError;
import js.html.VideoElement;
using StringTools;
class Video extends kha.Video {
public var element: VideoElement;
public var texture: Image;
var filenames: Array<String>;
var done: kha.Video->Void;
function new() {
public static function fromElement(element: js.html.VideoElement): Video {
var video = new Video();
video.element = element;
if (SystemImpl.gl != null)
video.texture = Image.fromVideo(video);
return video;
public static function fromFile(filenames: Array<String>, done: kha.Video->Void): Void {
var video = new Video();
video.done = done;
video.element = cast Browser.document.createElement("video");
video.filenames = [];
for (filename in filenames) {
if (video.element.canPlayType("video/webm") != "" && filename.endsWith(".webm"))
#if !kha_debug_html5
if (video.element.canPlayType("video/mp4") != "" && filename.endsWith(".mp4"))
video.element.addEventListener("error", video.errorListener, false);
video.element.addEventListener("canplaythrough", video.canPlayThroughListener, false);
video.element.preload = "auto";
video.element.src = video.filenames[0];
override public function width(): Int {
return element.videoWidth;
override public function height(): Int {
return element.videoHeight;
override public function play(loop: Bool = false): Void {
try {
element.loop = loop;
catch (e:Dynamic) {
override public function pause(): Void {
try {
catch (e:Dynamic) {
override public function stop(): Void {
try {
element.currentTime = 0;
catch (e:Dynamic) {
override public function getCurrentPos(): Int {
return Math.ceil(element.currentTime * 1000); // Miliseconds
override function get_position(): Int {
return Math.ceil(element.currentTime * 1000);
override function set_position(value: Int): Int {
element.currentTime = value / 1000;
return value;
override public function getVolume(): Float {
return element.volume;
override public function setVolume(volume: Float): Void {
element.volume = volume;
override public function getLength(): Int {
if (Math.isFinite(element.duration)) {
return Math.floor(element.duration * 1000); // Miliseconds
else {
return -1;
function errorListener(eventInfo: ErrorEvent): Void {
if (element.error.code == MediaError.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) {
for (i in 0...filenames.length - 1) {
if (element.src == filenames[i]) {
// try loading with next extension:
element.src = filenames[i + 1];
trace("Error loading " + element.src);
function canPlayThroughListener(eventInfo: Event): Void {
function finishAsset() {
element.removeEventListener("error", errorListener, false);
element.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", canPlayThroughListener, false);
if (SystemImpl.gl != null)
texture = Image.fromVideo(this);

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
package kha.js;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import js.Browser;
import js.html.XMLHttpRequest;
import kha.audio2.Audio;
class WebAudioChannel extends kha.SoundChannel {
private var buffer: Dynamic;
private var startTime: Float;
private var offset: Float;
private var source: Dynamic;
public function new(buffer: Dynamic) {
this.offset = 0;
this.buffer = buffer;
this.startTime = Audio._context.currentTime;
this.source = Audio._context.createBufferSource();
this.source.buffer = this.buffer;
override public function play(): Void {
if (source != null) return;
startTime = Audio._context.currentTime - offset;
source.start(0, offset);
override public function pause(): Void {
offset = Audio._context.currentTime - startTime;
startTime = -1;
source = null;
override public function stop(): Void {
source = null;
offset = 0;
startTime = -1;
override public function getCurrentPos(): Int {
if (startTime < 0) return Math.ceil(offset * 1000);
else return Math.ceil((Audio._context.currentTime - startTime) * 1000); //Miliseconds
override public function getLength(): Int {
return Math.floor(buffer.duration * 1000); //Miliseconds
class WebAudioSound extends kha.Sound {
public function new(filename: String, done: kha.Sound->Void, failed: AssetError->Void) {
var request = untyped new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("GET", filename, true);
request.responseType = "arraybuffer";
request.onerror = function() {
failed({url: filename});
request.onload = function() {
compressedData = Bytes.ofData(request.response);
uncompressedData = null;
function superUncompress(done: Void->Void): Void {
override public function uncompress(done: Void->Void): Void {
Audio._context.decodeAudioData(compressedData.getData(), function(buffer: js.html.audio.AudioBuffer) {
final ch0 = buffer.getChannelData(0);
final ch1 = buffer.numberOfChannels == 1 ? ch0 : buffer.getChannelData(1);
final len = ch0.length;
uncompressedData = new kha.arrays.Float32Array(len * 2);
length = buffer.duration;
channels = buffer.numberOfChannels;
sampleRate = Math.round(buffer.sampleRate);
var idx = 0;
var i = 0;
final lidx = len * 2;
function uncompressInner() {
var chk_len = idx + 11025;
var next_chk = chk_len > lidx ? lidx : chk_len;
while (idx < next_chk) {
uncompressedData[idx] = ch0[i];
uncompressedData[idx + 1] = ch1[i];
idx += 2;
if (idx < lidx)
js.Browser.window.setTimeout(uncompressInner, 0);
else {
compressedData = null;
}, function() {

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package kha.js.graphics4;
class ConstantLocation implements kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation {
public var value: Dynamic;
public var type: Int;
public function new(value: Dynamic, type: Int) {
this.value = value;
this.type = type;

@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
package kha.js.graphics4;
import js.html.webgl.GL2;
import kha.graphics4.StencilValue;
import kha.arrays.Float32Array;
import kha.arrays.Int32Array;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
import kha.graphics4.BlendingFactor;
import kha.graphics4.BlendingOperation;
import kha.graphics4.CompareMode;
import kha.graphics4.CubeMap;
import kha.graphics4.CullMode;
import kha.graphics4.IndexBuffer;
import kha.graphics4.MipMapFilter;
import kha.graphics4.PipelineState;
import kha.graphics4.StencilAction;
import kha.graphics4.TextureAddressing;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFilter;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
import kha.graphics4.VertexBuffer;
import kha.graphics4.VertexStructure;
import kha.Image;
import kha.math.FastMatrix3;
import kha.math.FastMatrix4;
import kha.math.FastVector2;
import kha.math.FastVector3;
import kha.math.FastVector4;
import kha.WebGLImage;
class Graphics implements kha.graphics4.Graphics {
var currentPipeline: PipelineState = null;
var depthTest: Bool = false;
var depthMask: Bool = false;
var colorMaskRed: Bool = true;
var colorMaskGreen: Bool = true;
var colorMaskBlue: Bool = true;
var colorMaskAlpha: Bool = true;
var indicesCount: Int;
var renderTarget: Canvas;
var renderTargetFrameBuffer: Dynamic;
var renderTargetMSAA: Dynamic;
var renderTargetTexture: Dynamic;
var isCubeMap: Bool = false;
var isDepthAttachment: Bool = false;
var instancedExtension: Dynamic;
var blendMinMaxExtension: Dynamic;
static var current: Graphics = null;
static var useVertexAttributes: Int = 0;
public function new(renderTarget: Canvas = null) {
this.renderTarget = renderTarget;
if (SystemImpl.gl2) {
instancedExtension = true;
else {
instancedExtension = SystemImpl.gl.getExtension("ANGLE_instanced_arrays");
blendMinMaxExtension = SystemImpl.gl.getExtension("EXT_blend_minmax");
function init() {
if (renderTarget == null)
isCubeMap = Std.isOfType(renderTarget, CubeMap);
if (isCubeMap) {
var cubeMap: CubeMap = cast(renderTarget, CubeMap);
renderTargetFrameBuffer = cubeMap.frameBuffer;
renderTargetTexture = cubeMap.texture;
isDepthAttachment = cubeMap.isDepthAttachment;
else {
var image: WebGLImage = cast(renderTarget, WebGLImage);
renderTargetFrameBuffer = image.frameBuffer;
renderTargetMSAA = image.MSAAFrameBuffer;
renderTargetTexture = image.texture;
public function begin(additionalRenderTargets: Array<Canvas> = null): Void {
if (current == null) {
current = this;
else {
throw "End before you begin";
SystemImpl.gl.blendFunc(GL.SRC_ALPHA, GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
if (renderTarget == null) {
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
SystemImpl.gl.viewport(0, 0, System.windowWidth(), System.windowHeight());
else {
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTargetFrameBuffer);
// if (isCubeMap) SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, renderTargetTexture, 0); // Layered
SystemImpl.gl.viewport(0, 0, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height);
if (additionalRenderTargets != null) {
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, SystemImpl.drawBuffers.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_WEBGL, GL.TEXTURE_2D, renderTargetTexture, 0);
for (i in 0...additionalRenderTargets.length) {
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, SystemImpl.drawBuffers.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_WEBGL + i + 1, GL.TEXTURE_2D,
cast(additionalRenderTargets[i], WebGLImage).texture, 0);
var attachments = [SystemImpl.drawBuffers.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_WEBGL];
for (i in 0...additionalRenderTargets.length) {
attachments.push(SystemImpl.drawBuffers.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_WEBGL + i + 1);
SystemImpl.gl2 ? untyped SystemImpl.gl.drawBuffers(attachments) : SystemImpl.drawBuffers.drawBuffersWEBGL(attachments);
public function beginFace(face: Int): Void {
if (current == null) {
current = this;
else {
throw "End before you begin";
SystemImpl.gl.blendFunc(GL.SRC_ALPHA, GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, renderTargetFrameBuffer);
SystemImpl.gl.framebufferTexture2D(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, isDepthAttachment ? GL.DEPTH_ATTACHMENT : GL.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0,
GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X + face, renderTargetTexture, 0);
SystemImpl.gl.viewport(0, 0, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height);
public function beginEye(eye: Int): Void {
if (current == null) {
current = this;
else {
throw "End before you begin";
SystemImpl.gl.blendFunc(GL.SRC_ALPHA, GL.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(GL.FRAMEBUFFER, null);
if (eye == 0) {
SystemImpl.gl.viewport(0, 0, Std.int(System.windowWidth() * 0.5), System.windowHeight());
else {
SystemImpl.gl.viewport(Std.int(System.windowWidth() * 0.5), 0, Std.int(System.windowWidth() * 0.5), System.windowHeight());
public function end(): Void {
if (current == this) {
current = null;
else {
throw "Begin before you end";
if (renderTargetMSAA != null) {
untyped SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(SystemImpl.gl.READ_FRAMEBUFFER, renderTargetFrameBuffer);
untyped SystemImpl.gl.bindFramebuffer(SystemImpl.gl.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, renderTargetMSAA);
untyped SystemImpl.gl.blitFramebuffer(0, 0, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height, 0, 0, renderTarget.width, renderTarget.height,
#if (debug || kha_debug_html5)
var error = SystemImpl.gl.getError();
switch (error) {
trace("WebGL error: Invalid enum");
trace("WebGL error: Invalid value");
trace("WebGL error: Invalid operation");
trace("WebGL error: Invalid framebuffer operation");
trace("WebGL error: Out of memory");
trace("WebGL error: Context lost");
trace("Unknown WebGL error");
public function flush(): Void {}
public function vsynced(): Bool {
return true;
public function refreshRate(): Int {
return 60;
public function clear(?color: Color, ?depth: Float, ?stencil: Int): Void {
var clearMask: Int = 0;
if (color != null) {
SystemImpl.gl.colorMask(true, true, true, true);
SystemImpl.gl.clearColor(color.R, color.G, color.B, color.A);
if (depth != null) {
if (stencil != null) {
SystemImpl.gl.colorMask(colorMaskRed, colorMaskGreen, colorMaskBlue, colorMaskAlpha);
if (depthTest) {
else {
public function viewport(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Void {
if (renderTarget == null) {
SystemImpl.gl.viewport(x, System.windowHeight(0) - y - height, width, height);
else {
SystemImpl.gl.viewport(x, y, width, height);
public function scissor(x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int): Void {
if (renderTarget == null) {
SystemImpl.gl.scissor(x, System.windowHeight(0) - y - height, width, height);
else {
SystemImpl.gl.scissor(x, y, width, height);
public function disableScissor(): Void {
public function setDepthMode(write: Bool, mode: CompareMode): Void {
switch (mode) {
case Always:
write ? SystemImpl.gl.enable(GL.DEPTH_TEST) : SystemImpl.gl.disable(GL.DEPTH_TEST);
depthTest = write;
case Never:
depthTest = true;
case Equal:
depthTest = true;
case NotEqual:
depthTest = true;
case Less:
depthTest = true;
case LessEqual:
depthTest = true;
case Greater:
depthTest = true;
case GreaterEqual:
depthTest = true;
depthMask = write;
static function getBlendFunc(factor: BlendingFactor): Int {
switch (factor) {
case BlendZero, Undefined:
return GL.ZERO;
case BlendOne:
return GL.ONE;
case SourceAlpha:
return GL.SRC_ALPHA;
case DestinationAlpha:
return GL.DST_ALPHA;
case InverseSourceAlpha:
case InverseDestinationAlpha:
case SourceColor:
return GL.SRC_COLOR;
case DestinationColor:
return GL.DST_COLOR;
case InverseSourceColor:
case InverseDestinationColor:
static function getBlendOp(op: BlendingOperation): Int {
switch (op) {
case Add:
return GL.FUNC_ADD;
case Subtract:
case ReverseSubtract:
case Min:
return 0x8007;
case Max:
return 0x8008;
public function setBlendingMode(source: BlendingFactor, destination: BlendingFactor, operation: BlendingOperation, alphaSource: BlendingFactor,
alphaDestination: BlendingFactor, alphaOperation: BlendingOperation): Void {
if (source == BlendOne && destination == BlendZero) {
else {
SystemImpl.gl.blendFuncSeparate(getBlendFunc(source), getBlendFunc(destination), getBlendFunc(alphaSource), getBlendFunc(alphaDestination));
SystemImpl.gl.blendEquationSeparate(getBlendOp(operation), getBlendOp(alphaOperation));
public function createVertexBuffer(vertexCount: Int, structure: VertexStructure, usage: Usage, canRead: Bool = false): kha.graphics4.VertexBuffer {
return new VertexBuffer(vertexCount, structure, usage);
public function setVertexBuffer(vertexBuffer: kha.graphics4.VertexBuffer): Void {
for (i in 0...useVertexAttributes) {
useVertexAttributes = vertexBuffer.set(0);
public function setVertexBuffers(vertexBuffers: Array<kha.graphics4.VertexBuffer>): Void {
for (i in 0...useVertexAttributes) {
var offset: Int = 0;
for (vertexBuffer in vertexBuffers) {
offset += vertexBuffer.set(offset);
useVertexAttributes = offset;
public function createIndexBuffer(indexCount: Int, usage: Usage, canRead: Bool = false): kha.graphics4.IndexBuffer {
return new IndexBuffer(indexCount, usage);
public function setIndexBuffer(indexBuffer: kha.graphics4.IndexBuffer): Void {
indicesCount = indexBuffer.count();
// public function maxTextureSize(): Int {
// return Sys.gl == null ? 8192 : Sys.gl.getParameter(Sys.gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE);
// }
// public function supportsNonPow2Textures(): Bool {
// return false;
// }
public function setTexture(stage: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Image): Void {
if (texture == null) {
SystemImpl.gl.activeTexture(GL.TEXTURE0 + (cast stage : TextureUnit).value);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, null);
else {
cast(texture, WebGLImage).set((cast stage : TextureUnit).value);
public function setTextureDepth(stage: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Image): Void {
cast(texture, WebGLImage).setDepth((cast stage : TextureUnit).value);
public function setTextureArray(unit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Image): Void {
// not implemented yet.
public function setVideoTexture(unit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Video): Void {
if (texture == null) {
SystemImpl.gl.activeTexture(GL.TEXTURE0 + (cast unit : TextureUnit).value);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_2D, null);
else {
cast((cast texture : kha.js.Video).texture, WebGLImage).set((cast unit : TextureUnit).value);
public function setImageTexture(unit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, texture: kha.Image): Void {}
public function setTextureParameters(texunit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, uAddressing: TextureAddressing, vAddressing: TextureAddressing,
minificationFilter: TextureFilter, magnificationFilter: TextureFilter, mipmapFilter: MipMapFilter): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.activeTexture(GL.TEXTURE0 + (cast texunit : TextureUnit).value);
switch (uAddressing) {
case Clamp:
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
case Repeat:
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL.REPEAT);
case Mirror:
switch (vAddressing) {
case Clamp:
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
case Repeat:
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL.REPEAT);
case Mirror:
switch (minificationFilter) {
case PointFilter:
switch (mipmapFilter) {
case NoMipFilter:
case PointMipFilter:
case LinearMipFilter:
case LinearFilter, AnisotropicFilter:
switch (mipmapFilter) {
case NoMipFilter:
case PointMipFilter:
case LinearMipFilter:
if (minificationFilter == AnisotropicFilter) {
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, SystemImpl.anisotropicFilter.TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, 4);
switch (magnificationFilter) {
case PointFilter:
case LinearFilter, AnisotropicFilter:
public function setTexture3DParameters(texunit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, uAddressing: TextureAddressing, vAddressing: TextureAddressing,
wAddressing: TextureAddressing, minificationFilter: TextureFilter, magnificationFilter: TextureFilter, mipmapFilter: MipMapFilter): Void {}
public function setTextureCompareMode(texunit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, enabled: Bool) {
if (enabled) {
else {
SystemImpl.gl.texParameteri(GL.TEXTURE_2D, GL2.TEXTURE_COMPARE_MODE, GL.NONE);
public function setCubeMapCompareMode(texunit: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, enabled: Bool) {
if (enabled) {
else {
public function setCubeMap(stage: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, cubeMap: kha.graphics4.CubeMap): Void {
if (cubeMap == null) {
SystemImpl.gl.activeTexture(GL.TEXTURE0 + (cast stage : TextureUnit).value);
SystemImpl.gl.bindTexture(GL.TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, null);
else {
cubeMap.set((cast stage : TextureUnit).value);
public function setCubeMapDepth(stage: kha.graphics4.TextureUnit, cubeMap: kha.graphics4.CubeMap): Void {
cubeMap.setDepth((cast stage : TextureUnit).value);
public function maxBoundTextures(): Int {
return SystemImpl.gl.getParameter(GL.MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS);
public function setCullMode(mode: CullMode): Void {
switch (mode) {
case None:
case Clockwise:
case CounterClockwise:
public function setPipeline(pipe: PipelineState): Void {
setDepthMode(pipe.depthWrite, pipe.depthMode);
if (pipe.stencilFrontMode == Always && pipe.stencilBackMode == Always && pipe.stencilFrontBothPass == Keep && pipe.stencilBackBothPass == Keep
&& pipe.stencilFrontDepthFail == Keep && pipe.stencilBackDepthFail == Keep && pipe.stencilFrontFail == Keep && pipe.stencilBackFail == Keep) {
else {
setStencilParameters(true, pipe.stencilFrontMode, pipe.stencilFrontBothPass, pipe.stencilFrontDepthFail, pipe.stencilFrontFail,
pipe.stencilReferenceValue, pipe.stencilReadMask, pipe.stencilWriteMask);
setStencilParameters(false, pipe.stencilBackMode, pipe.stencilBackBothPass, pipe.stencilBackDepthFail, pipe.stencilBackFail,
pipe.stencilReferenceValue, pipe.stencilReadMask, pipe.stencilWriteMask);
setBlendingMode(pipe.blendSource, pipe.blendDestination, pipe.blendOperation, pipe.alphaBlendSource, pipe.alphaBlendDestination,
currentPipeline = pipe;
colorMaskRed = pipe.colorWriteMaskRed;
colorMaskGreen = pipe.colorWriteMaskGreen;
colorMaskBlue = pipe.colorWriteMaskBlue;
colorMaskAlpha = pipe.colorWriteMaskAlpha;
public function setStencilReferenceValue(value: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.stencilFuncSeparate(GL.FRONT, convertCompareMode(currentPipeline.stencilFrontMode), value, currentPipeline.stencilReadMask);
SystemImpl.gl.stencilFuncSeparate(GL.BACK, convertCompareMode(currentPipeline.stencilBackMode), value, currentPipeline.stencilReadMask);
public function setBool(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: Bool): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform1i((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value ? 1 : 0);
public function setInt(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform1i((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value);
public function setInt2(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: Int, value2: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform2i((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value1, value2);
public function setInt3(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: Int, value2: Int, value3: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform3i((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value1, value2, value3);
public function setInt4(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: Int, value2: Int, value3: Int, value4: Int): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform4i((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value1, value2, value3, value4);
public function setInts(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, values: Int32Array): Void {
var webglLocation = (cast location : ConstantLocation);
var rawValues = new js.lib.Int32Array(values.buffer, values.byteOffset, values.length);
switch (webglLocation.type) {
case GL.INT_VEC2:
SystemImpl.gl.uniform2iv(webglLocation.value, rawValues);
case GL.INT_VEC3:
SystemImpl.gl.uniform3iv(webglLocation.value, rawValues);
case GL.INT_VEC4:
SystemImpl.gl.uniform4iv(webglLocation.value, rawValues);
SystemImpl.gl.uniform1iv(webglLocation.value, rawValues);
public function setFloat(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: FastFloat): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform1f((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value);
public function setFloat2(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: FastFloat, value2: FastFloat): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform2f((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value1, value2);
public function setFloat3(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: FastFloat, value2: FastFloat, value3: FastFloat): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform3f((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value1, value2, value3);
public function setFloat4(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value1: FastFloat, value2: FastFloat, value3: FastFloat, value4: FastFloat): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform4f((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value1, value2, value3, value4);
public function setFloats(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, values: Float32Array): Void {
var webglLocation = (cast location : ConstantLocation);
var rawValues = new js.lib.Float32Array(values.buffer, values.byteOffset, values.length);
switch (webglLocation.type) {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform2fv(webglLocation.value, rawValues);
SystemImpl.gl.uniform3fv(webglLocation.value, rawValues);
SystemImpl.gl.uniform4fv(webglLocation.value, rawValues);
SystemImpl.gl.uniformMatrix4fv(webglLocation.value, false, rawValues);
SystemImpl.gl.uniform1fv(webglLocation.value, rawValues);
public function setVector2(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: FastVector2): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform2f((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value.x, value.y);
public function setVector3(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: FastVector3): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform3f((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value.x, value.y, value.z);
public function setVector4(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, value: FastVector4): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.uniform4f((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, value.x, value.y, value.z, value.w);
static var matrixCache = new js.lib.Float32Array(16);
public inline function setMatrix(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, matrix: FastMatrix4): Void {
matrixCache[0] = matrix._00;
matrixCache[1] = matrix._01;
matrixCache[2] = matrix._02;
matrixCache[3] = matrix._03;
matrixCache[4] = matrix._10;
matrixCache[5] = matrix._11;
matrixCache[6] = matrix._12;
matrixCache[7] = matrix._13;
matrixCache[8] = matrix._20;
matrixCache[9] = matrix._21;
matrixCache[10] = matrix._22;
matrixCache[11] = matrix._23;
matrixCache[12] = matrix._30;
matrixCache[13] = matrix._31;
matrixCache[14] = matrix._32;
matrixCache[15] = matrix._33;
SystemImpl.gl.uniformMatrix4fv((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, false, matrixCache);
static var matrix3Cache = new js.lib.Float32Array(9);
public inline function setMatrix3(location: kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation, matrix: FastMatrix3): Void {
matrix3Cache[0] = matrix._00;
matrix3Cache[1] = matrix._01;
matrix3Cache[2] = matrix._02;
matrix3Cache[3] = matrix._10;
matrix3Cache[4] = matrix._11;
matrix3Cache[5] = matrix._12;
matrix3Cache[6] = matrix._20;
matrix3Cache[7] = matrix._21;
matrix3Cache[8] = matrix._22;
SystemImpl.gl.uniformMatrix3fv((cast location : ConstantLocation).value, false, matrix3Cache);
public function drawIndexedVertices(start: Int = 0, count: Int = -1): Void {
var type = SystemImpl.elementIndexUint == null ? GL.UNSIGNED_SHORT : GL.UNSIGNED_INT;
var size = type == GL.UNSIGNED_SHORT ? 2 : 4;
SystemImpl.gl.drawElements(GL.TRIANGLES, count == -1 ? indicesCount : count, type, start * size);
function convertStencilAction(action: StencilAction) {
switch (action) {
case StencilAction.Decrement:
return GL.DECR;
case StencilAction.DecrementWrap:
return GL.DECR_WRAP;
case StencilAction.Increment:
return GL.INCR;
case StencilAction.IncrementWrap:
return GL.INCR_WRAP;
case StencilAction.Invert:
return GL.INVERT;
case StencilAction.Keep:
return GL.KEEP;
case StencilAction.Replace:
return GL.REPLACE;
case StencilAction.Zero:
return GL.ZERO;
function convertCompareMode(compareMode: CompareMode) {
switch (compareMode) {
case Always:
return GL.ALWAYS;
case Equal:
return GL.EQUAL;
case Greater:
return GL.GREATER;
case GreaterEqual:
return GL.GEQUAL;
case Less:
return GL.LESS;
case LessEqual:
return GL.LEQUAL;
case Never:
return GL.NEVER;
case NotEqual:
public function setStencilParameters(front: Bool, compareMode: CompareMode, bothPass: StencilAction, depthFail: StencilAction, stencilFail: StencilAction,
referenceValue: StencilValue, readMask: Int = 0xff, writeMask: Int = 0xff): Void {
var stencilFunc = convertCompareMode(compareMode);
SystemImpl.gl.stencilMaskSeparate(front ? GL.FRONT : GL.BACK, writeMask);
SystemImpl.gl.stencilOpSeparate(front ? GL.FRONT : GL.BACK, convertStencilAction(stencilFail), convertStencilAction(depthFail),
switch (referenceValue) {
case Static(value):
SystemImpl.gl.stencilFuncSeparate(front ? GL.FRONT : GL.BACK, stencilFunc, value, readMask);
case Dynamic:
SystemImpl.gl.stencilFuncSeparate(front ? GL.FRONT : GL.BACK, stencilFunc, 0, readMask);
public function drawIndexedVerticesInstanced(instanceCount: Int, start: Int = 0, count: Int = -1) {
if (instancedRenderingAvailable()) {
var type = SystemImpl.elementIndexUint == null ? GL.UNSIGNED_SHORT : GL.UNSIGNED_INT;
var typeSize = SystemImpl.elementIndexUint == null ? 2 : 4;
if (SystemImpl.gl2) {
untyped SystemImpl.gl.drawElementsInstanced(GL.TRIANGLES, count == -1 ? indicesCount : count, type, start * typeSize, instanceCount);
else {
instancedExtension.drawElementsInstancedANGLE(GL.TRIANGLES, count == -1 ? indicesCount : count, type, start * typeSize, instanceCount);
public function instancedRenderingAvailable(): Bool {
return instancedExtension;

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package kha.js.graphics4;
import js.html.webgl.GL;
import kha.Color;
class Graphics2 extends kha.graphics4.Graphics2 {
public function new(canvas: Canvas) {
override public function drawVideoInternal(video: kha.Video, x: Float, y: Float, width: Float, height: Float): Void {
var v = cast(video, Video);
drawScaledSubImage(v.texture, 0, 0, v.texture.width, v.texture.height, x, y, width, height);
override public function begin(clear: Bool = true, clearColor: Color = null): Void {
SystemImpl.gl.colorMask(true, true, true, true);
// Disable depth test so that everything is just overpainted as determined by the order of function calls2
super.begin(clear, clearColor);

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package kha.js.graphics4;
class TextureUnit implements kha.graphics4.TextureUnit {
public var value: Int;
public function new(value: Int) {
this.value = value;

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
package kha.js.vr;
import js.Syntax;
import js.lib.Float32Array;
import kha.vr.Pose;
import kha.vr.PoseState;
import kha.vr.SensorState;
import kha.vr.TimeWarpParms;
import kha.math.FastMatrix4;
import kha.math.Vector3;
import kha.math.Quaternion;
import kha.SystemImpl;
class VrInterface extends kha.vr.VrInterface {
var vrEnabled: Bool = false;
var vrDisplay: Dynamic;
var frameData: Dynamic;
var leftProjectionMatrix: FastMatrix4 = FastMatrix4.identity();
var rightProjectionMatrix: FastMatrix4 = FastMatrix4.identity();
var leftViewMatrix: FastMatrix4 = FastMatrix4.identity();
var rightViewMatrix: FastMatrix4 = FastMatrix4.identity();
var width: Int = 0;
var height: Int = 0;
var vrWidth: Int = 0;
var vrHeight: Int = 0;
public function new() {
#if kha_webvr
var displayEnabled: Bool = Syntax.code("navigator.getVRDisplays");
var displayEnabled = false;
if (displayEnabled) {
vrEnabled = true;
trace("Display enabled.");
function getVRDisplays() {
var vrDisplayInstance = Syntax.code("navigator.getVRDisplays()");
vrDisplayInstance.then(function(displays) {
if (displays.length > 0) {
frameData = Syntax.code("new VRFrameData()");
vrDisplay = Syntax.code("displays[0]");
vrDisplay.depthNear = 0.1;
vrDisplay.depthFar = 1024.0;
var leftEye = vrDisplay.getEyeParameters("left");
var rightEye = vrDisplay.getEyeParameters("right");
width = SystemImpl.khanvas.width;
height = SystemImpl.khanvas.height;
vrWidth = Std.int(Math.max(leftEye.renderWidth, rightEye.renderWidth) * 2);
vrHeight = Std.int(Math.max(leftEye.renderHeight, rightEye.renderHeight));
else {
trace("There are no VR displays connected.");
public override function onVRRequestPresent() {
try {
vrDisplay.requestPresent([{source: SystemImpl.khanvas}]).then(function() {
catch (err:Dynamic) {
trace("Failed to requestPresent.");
public override function onVRExitPresent() {
try {
vrDisplay.exitPresent([{source: SystemImpl.khanvas}]).then(function() {
catch (err:Dynamic) {
trace("Failed to exitPresent.");
public override function onResetPose() {
try {
catch (err:Dynamic) {
trace("Failed to resetPose");
function onAnimationFrame(timestamp: Float): Void {
if (vrDisplay != null && vrDisplay.isPresenting) {
leftProjectionMatrix = createMatrixFromArray(untyped frameData.leftProjectionMatrix);
leftViewMatrix = createMatrixFromArray(untyped frameData.leftViewMatrix);
rightProjectionMatrix = createMatrixFromArray(untyped frameData.rightProjectionMatrix);
rightViewMatrix = createMatrixFromArray(untyped frameData.rightViewMatrix);
// Submit the newly rendered layer to be presented by the VRDisplay
function onResize() {
if (vrDisplay != null && vrDisplay.isPresenting) {
SystemImpl.khanvas.width = vrWidth;
SystemImpl.khanvas.height = vrHeight;
else {
SystemImpl.khanvas.width = width;
SystemImpl.khanvas.height = height;
public override function GetSensorState(): SensorState {
return GetPredictedSensorState(0.0);
public override function GetPredictedSensorState(time: Float): SensorState {
var result: SensorState = new SensorState();
result.Predicted = new PoseState();
result.Recorded = result.Predicted;
result.Predicted.AngularAcceleration = new Vector3();
result.Predicted.AngularVelocity = new Vector3();
result.Predicted.LinearAcceleration = new Vector3();
result.Predicted.LinearVelocity = new Vector3();
result.Predicted.TimeInSeconds = time;
result.Predicted.Pose = new Pose();
result.Predicted.Pose.Orientation = new Quaternion();
result.Predicted.Pose.Position = new Vector3();
var mPose = frameData.pose; // predicted pose of the vrDisplay
if (mPose != null) {
result.Predicted.AngularVelocity = createVectorFromArray(untyped mPose.angularVelocity);
result.Predicted.AngularAcceleration = createVectorFromArray(untyped mPose.angularAcceleration);
result.Predicted.LinearVelocity = createVectorFromArray(untyped mPose.linearVelocity);
result.Predicted.LinearAcceleration = createVectorFromArray(untyped mPose.linearAcceleration);
result.Predicted.Pose.Orientation = createQuaternion(untyped mPose.orientation);
result.Predicted.Pose.Position = createVectorFromArray(untyped mPose.position);
return result;
// Sends a black image to the warp swap thread
public override function WarpSwapBlack(): Void {
// TODO: Implement
// Sends the Oculus loading symbol to the warp swap thread
public override function WarpSwapLoadingIcon(): Void {
// TODO: Implement
// Sends the set of images to the warp swap thread
public override function WarpSwap(parms: TimeWarpParms): Void {
// TODO: Implement
public override function IsPresenting(): Bool {
if (vrDisplay != null)
return vrDisplay.isPresenting;
return false;
public override function IsVrEnabled(): Bool {
return vrEnabled;
public override function GetTimeInSeconds(): Float {
return Scheduler.time();
public override function GetProjectionMatrix(eye: Int): FastMatrix4 {
if (eye == 0) {
return leftProjectionMatrix;
else {
return rightProjectionMatrix;
public override function GetViewMatrix(eye: Int): FastMatrix4 {
if (eye == 0) {
return leftViewMatrix;
else {
return rightViewMatrix;
function createMatrixFromArray(array: Float32Array): FastMatrix4 {
var matrix: FastMatrix4 = FastMatrix4.identity();
matrix._00 = array[0];
matrix._01 = array[1];
matrix._02 = array[2];
matrix._03 = array[3];
matrix._10 = array[4];
matrix._11 = array[5];
matrix._12 = array[6];
matrix._13 = array[7];
matrix._20 = array[8];
matrix._21 = array[9];
matrix._22 = array[10];
matrix._23 = array[11];
matrix._30 = array[12];
matrix._31 = array[13];
matrix._32 = array[14];
matrix._33 = array[15];
return matrix;
function createVectorFromArray(array: Float32Array): Vector3 {
var vector: Vector3 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
if (array != null) {
vector.x = array[0];
vector.y = array[1];
vector.z = array[2];
return vector;
function createQuaternion(array: Float32Array): Quaternion {
var quaternion: Quaternion = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (array != null) {
quaternion.x = array[0];
quaternion.y = array[1];
quaternion.z = array[2];
quaternion.w = array[3];
return quaternion;

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package kha.netsync;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import js.html.BinaryType;
import js.html.WebSocket;
class Network {
var socket: WebSocket;
var open: Bool = false;
public function new(url: String, port: Int, errorCallback: Void->Void, closeCallback: Void->Void) {
socket = new WebSocket("ws://" + url + ":" + port);
socket.onerror = function(error) {
trace("Network error.");
socket.binaryType = BinaryType.ARRAYBUFFER;
socket.onopen = function() {
open = true;
socket.onclose = function(event) {
trace("Network connection closed. " + webSocketCloseReason(event.code) + " (" + event.reason + ").");
static function webSocketCloseReason(code: Int): String {
switch (code) {
case 1000:
return "Normal Closure";
case 1001:
return "Going Away";
case 1002:
return "Protocol error";
case 1003:
return "Unsupported Data";
case 1005:
return "No Status Rcvd";
case 1006:
return "Abnormal Closure";
case 1007:
return "Invalid frame";
case 1008:
return "Policy Violation";
case 1009:
return "Message Too Big";
case 1010:
return "Mandatory Ext.";
case 1011:
return "Internal Server Error";
case 1015:
return "TLS handshake";
return "";
public function send(bytes: Bytes, mandatory: Bool): Void {
if (open)
public function listen(listener: Bytes->Void): Void {
socket.onmessage = function(message) {

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package kha.network;
import js.html.XMLHttpRequest;
class Http {
static function methodToString(method: HttpMethod): String {
switch (method) {
case Get:
return "GET";
case Post:
return "POST";
case Put:
return "PUT";
case Delete:
return "DELETE";
public static function request(url: String, path: String, data: String, port: Int, secure: Bool, method: HttpMethod, headers: Map<String, String>,
callback: Int->Int->String->Void /*error, response, body*/): Void {
var req = new XMLHttpRequest("");
var completeUrl = (secure ? "https://" : "http://") + url + ":" + port + "/" + path;
req.open(methodToString(method), completeUrl, true);
if (headers != null) {
for (key in headers.keys()) {
req.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (req.readyState != 4)
if (req.status != 200) {
callback(1, req.status, null);
callback(0, req.status, req.responseText);

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package java.lang;
extern interface Runnable {
function run(): Void;

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package kha;
typedef Blob = kha.internal.BytesBlob;

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package kha;
class Display {
static var instance: Display = new Display();
function new() {}
public static function init(): Void {}
public static var primary(get, never): Display;
static function get_primary(): Display {
return instance;
public static var all(get, never): Array<Display>;
static function get_all(): Array<Display> {
return [primary];
public var available(get, never): Bool;
function get_available(): Bool {
return true;
public var name(get, never): String;
function get_name(): String {
return "Display";
public var x(get, never): Int;
function get_x(): Int {
return 0;
public var y(get, never): Int;
function get_y(): Int {
return 0;
public var width(get, never): Int;
function get_width(): Int {
return 1920;
public var height(get, never): Int;
function get_height(): Int {
return 1080;
public var frequency(get, never): Int;
function get_frequency(): Int {
return 60;
public var pixelsPerInch(get, never): Int;
function get_pixelsPerInch(): Int {
return 96;
public var modes(get, never): Array<DisplayMode>;
function get_modes(): Array<DisplayMode> {
return [];

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package kha;
typedef Font = kha.java.Font;

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
package kha;
import haxe.io.Bytes;
import kha.graphics4.TextureFormat;
import kha.graphics4.Usage;
import kha.java.Painter;
public java.awt.image.BufferedImage image;
class Image implements Canvas implements Resource {
var painter: Painter;
var graphics1: kha.graphics1.Graphics;
public function new(filename: String) {}
image.image = new java.awt.image.BufferedImage(width, height, format == 0 ? 10 : 6);
static function create2(image: Image, width: Int, height: Int, format: Int): Void {}
public static function create(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null): Image {
var img = new Image(null);
create2(img, width, height, format == TextureFormat.L8 ? 0 : 1);
return img;
public static function create3D(width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null): Image {
return null;
public static function createRenderTarget(width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, depthStencil: Bool = false,
antiAliasingSamples: Int = 1): Image {
var img = new Image(null);
create2(img, width, height, format == TextureFormat.L8 ? 0 : 1);
return img;
public static function fromBytes(bytes: Bytes, width: Int, height: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null): Image {
return null;
public static function fromBytes3D(bytes: Bytes, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, format: TextureFormat = null, usage: Usage = null): Image {
return null;
public var g1(get, never): kha.graphics1.Graphics;
function get_g1(): kha.graphics1.Graphics {
if (graphics1 == null) {
graphics1 = new kha.graphics2.Graphics1(this);
return graphics1;
public var g2(get, never): kha.graphics2.Graphics;
painter.graphics = image.createGraphics();
function initPainter(painter: Painter): Void {}
function get_g2(): kha.graphics2.Graphics {
if (painter == null) {
painter = new Painter();
return painter;
public var g4(get, never): kha.graphics4.Graphics;
function get_g4(): kha.graphics4.Graphics {
return null;
public var width(get, never): Int;
return image.getWidth(null);
function get_width(): Int {
return 0;
public var height(get, never): Int;
return image.getHeight(null);
function get_height(): Int {
return 0;
public var depth(get, never): Int;
function get_depth(): Int {
return 1;
public var format(get, never): TextureFormat;
return image.getType();
function get_format(): TextureFormat {
return TextureFormat.RGBA32;
public var realWidth(get, never): Int;
function get_realWidth(): Int {
return width;
public var realHeight(get, never): Int;
function get_realHeight(): Int {
return height;
public var stride(get, never): Int;
function get_stride(): Int {
return realWidth * 4;
if (x >= 0 && x < get_width() && y >= 0 && y < get_height()) {
int argb = image.getRGB(x, y);
return argb >> 24 != 0;
else return false;
public function isOpaque(x: Int, y: Int): Bool {
return true;
public function at(x: Int, y: Int): Int {
return 0;
public function unload(): Void {}
public function lock(level: Int = 0): Bytes {
return null;
public function unlock(): Void {}
public function getPixels(): Bytes {
return null;
public function generateMipmaps(levels: Int): Void {}
public function setMipmaps(mipmaps: Array<Image>): Void {}
public function setDepthStencilFrom(image: Image): Void {}
public function clear(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, width: Int, height: Int, depth: Int, color: Color): Void {}

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