/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ import haxe.iterators.StringIterator; import haxe.iterators.StringKeyValueIterator; #if cpp using cpp.NativeString; #end /** This class provides advanced methods on Strings. It is ideally used with `using StringTools` and then acts as an [extension](https://haxe.org/manual/lf-static-extension.html) to the `String` class. If the first argument to any of the methods is null, the result is unspecified. **/ class StringTools { /** Encode an URL by using the standard format. **/ #if (!java && !cpp && !lua && !eval) inline #end public static function urlEncode(s:String):String { #if flash return untyped __global__["encodeURIComponent"](s); #elseif neko return untyped new String(_urlEncode(s.__s)); #elseif js return untyped encodeURIComponent(s); #elseif cpp return untyped s.__URLEncode(); #elseif java return postProcessUrlEncode(java.net.URLEncoder.encode(s, "UTF-8")); #elseif cs return untyped cs.system.Uri.EscapeDataString(s); #elseif python return python.lib.urllib.Parse.quote(s, ""); #elseif hl var len = 0; var b = @:privateAccess s.bytes.urlEncode(len); return @:privateAccess String.__alloc__(b, len); #elseif lua s = lua.NativeStringTools.gsub(s, "\n", "\r\n"); s = lua.NativeStringTools.gsub(s, "([^%w %-%_%.%~])", function(c) { return lua.NativeStringTools.format("%%%02X", lua.NativeStringTools.byte(c) + ''); }); s = lua.NativeStringTools.gsub(s, " ", "+"); return s; #else return null; #end } #if java private static function postProcessUrlEncode(s:String):String { var ret = new StringBuf(); var i = 0, len = s.length; while (i < len) { switch (_charAt(s, i++)) { case '+'.code: ret.add('%20'); case '%'.code if (i <= len - 2): var c1 = _charAt(s, i++), c2 = _charAt(s, i++); switch [c1, c2] { case ['2'.code, '1'.code]: ret.addChar('!'.code); case ['2'.code, '7'.code]: ret.addChar('\''.code); case ['2'.code, '8'.code]: ret.addChar('('.code); case ['2'.code, '9'.code]: ret.addChar(')'.code); case ['7'.code, 'E'.code] | ['7'.code, 'e'.code]: ret.addChar('~'.code); case _: ret.addChar('%'.code); ret.addChar(cast c1); ret.addChar(cast c2); } case var chr: ret.addChar(cast chr); } } return ret.toString(); } #end /** Decode an URL using the standard format. **/ #if (!java && !cpp && !lua && !eval) inline #end public static function urlDecode(s:String):String { #if flash return untyped __global__["decodeURIComponent"](s.split("+").join(" ")); #elseif neko return untyped new String(_urlDecode(s.__s)); #elseif js return untyped decodeURIComponent(s.split("+").join(" ")); #elseif cpp return untyped s.__URLDecode(); #elseif java try return java.net.URLDecoder.decode(s, "UTF-8") catch (e:Dynamic) throw e; #elseif cs return untyped cs.system.Uri.UnescapeDataString(s); #elseif python return python.lib.urllib.Parse.unquote(s); #elseif hl var len = 0; var b = @:privateAccess s.bytes.urlDecode(len); return @:privateAccess String.__alloc__(b, len); #elseif lua s = lua.NativeStringTools.gsub(s, "+", " "); s = lua.NativeStringTools.gsub(s, "%%(%x%x)", function(h) { return lua.NativeStringTools.char(lua.Lua.tonumber(h, 16)); }); s = lua.NativeStringTools.gsub(s, "\r\n", "\n"); return s; #else return null; #end } /** Escapes HTML special characters of the string `s`. The following replacements are made: - `&` becomes `&`; - `<` becomes `<`; - `>` becomes `>`; If `quotes` is true, the following characters are also replaced: - `"` becomes `"`; - `'` becomes `'`; **/ public static function htmlEscape(s:String, ?quotes:Bool):String { var buf = new StringBuf(); for (code in #if neko iterator(s) #else new haxe.iterators.StringIteratorUnicode(s) #end) { switch (code) { case '&'.code: buf.add("&"); case '<'.code: buf.add("<"); case '>'.code: buf.add(">"); case '"'.code if (quotes): buf.add("""); case '\''.code if (quotes): buf.add("'"); case _: buf.addChar(code); } } return buf.toString(); } /** Unescapes HTML special characters of the string `s`. This is the inverse operation to htmlEscape, i.e. the following always holds: `htmlUnescape(htmlEscape(s)) == s` The replacements follow: - `&` becomes `&` - `<` becomes `<` - `>` becomes `>` - `"` becomes `"` - `'` becomes `'` **/ public static function htmlUnescape(s:String):String { return s.split(">") .join(">") .split("<") .join("<") .split(""") .join('"') .split("'") .join("'") .split("&") .join("&"); } /** Returns `true` if `s` contains `value` and `false` otherwise. When `value` is `null`, the result is unspecified. **/ public static inline function contains(s:String, value:String):Bool { #if (js && js_es >= 6) return (cast s).includes(value); #else return s.indexOf(value) != -1; #end } /** Tells if the string `s` starts with the string `start`. If `start` is `null`, the result is unspecified. If `start` is the empty String `""`, the result is true. **/ public static #if (cs || java || python || (js && js_es >= 6)) inline #end function startsWith(s:String, start:String):Bool { #if java return (cast s : java.NativeString).startsWith(start); #elseif cs return untyped s.StartsWith(start); #elseif hl return @:privateAccess (s.length >= start.length && s.bytes.compare(0, start.bytes, 0, start.length << 1) == 0); #elseif python return python.NativeStringTools.startswith(s, start); #elseif (js && js_es >= 6) return (cast s).startsWith(start); #else return (s.length >= start.length && s.lastIndexOf(start, 0) == 0); #end } /** Tells if the string `s` ends with the string `end`. If `end` is `null`, the result is unspecified. If `end` is the empty String `""`, the result is true. **/ public static #if (cs || java || python || (js && js_es >= 6)) inline #end function endsWith(s:String, end:String):Bool { #if java return (cast s : java.NativeString).endsWith(end); #elseif cs return untyped s.EndsWith(end); #elseif hl var elen = end.length; var slen = s.length; return @:privateAccess (slen >= elen && s.bytes.compare((slen - elen) << 1, end.bytes, 0, elen << 1) == 0); #elseif python return python.NativeStringTools.endswith(s, end); #elseif (js && js_es >= 6) return (cast s).endsWith(end); #else var elen = end.length; var slen = s.length; return (slen >= elen && s.indexOf(end, (slen - elen)) == (slen - elen)); #end } /** Tells if the character in the string `s` at position `pos` is a space. A character is considered to be a space character if its character code is 9,10,11,12,13 or 32. If `s` is the empty String `""`, or if pos is not a valid position within `s`, the result is false. **/ public static function isSpace(s:String, pos:Int):Bool { #if (python || lua) if (s.length == 0 || pos < 0 || pos >= s.length) return false; #end var c = s.charCodeAt(pos); return (c > 8 && c < 14) || c == 32; } /** Removes leading space characters of `s`. This function internally calls `isSpace()` to decide which characters to remove. If `s` is the empty String `""` or consists only of space characters, the result is the empty String `""`. **/ public #if cs inline #end static function ltrim(s:String):String { #if cs return untyped s.TrimStart(); #else var l = s.length; var r = 0; while (r < l && isSpace(s, r)) { r++; } if (r > 0) return s.substr(r, l - r); else return s; #end } /** Removes trailing space characters of `s`. This function internally calls `isSpace()` to decide which characters to remove. If `s` is the empty String `""` or consists only of space characters, the result is the empty String `""`. **/ public #if cs inline #end static function rtrim(s:String):String { #if cs return untyped s.TrimEnd(); #else var l = s.length; var r = 0; while (r < l && isSpace(s, l - r - 1)) { r++; } if (r > 0) { return s.substr(0, l - r); } else { return s; } #end } /** Removes leading and trailing space characters of `s`. This is a convenience function for `ltrim(rtrim(s))`. **/ public #if (cs || java) inline #end static function trim(s:String):String { #if cs return untyped s.Trim(); #elseif java return (cast s : java.NativeString).trim(); #else return ltrim(rtrim(s)); #end } /** Concatenates `c` to `s` until `s.length` is at least `l`. If `c` is the empty String `""` or if `l` does not exceed `s.length`, `s` is returned unchanged. If `c.length` is 1, the resulting String length is exactly `l`. Otherwise the length may exceed `l`. If `c` is null, the result is unspecified. **/ public static function lpad(s:String, c:String, l:Int):String { if (c.length <= 0) return s; var buf = new StringBuf(); l -= s.length; while (buf.length < l) { buf.add(c); } buf.add(s); return buf.toString(); } /** Appends `c` to `s` until `s.length` is at least `l`. If `c` is the empty String `""` or if `l` does not exceed `s.length`, `s` is returned unchanged. If `c.length` is 1, the resulting String length is exactly `l`. Otherwise the length may exceed `l`. If `c` is null, the result is unspecified. **/ public static function rpad(s:String, c:String, l:Int):String { if (c.length <= 0) return s; var buf = new StringBuf(); buf.add(s); while (buf.length < l) { buf.add(c); } return buf.toString(); } /** Replace all occurrences of the String `sub` in the String `s` by the String `by`. If `sub` is the empty String `""`, `by` is inserted after each character of `s` except the last one. If `by` is also the empty String `""`, `s` remains unchanged. If `sub` or `by` are null, the result is unspecified. **/ public static function replace(s:String, sub:String, by:String):String { #if java if (sub.length == 0) return s.split(sub).join(by); else return (cast s : java.NativeString).replace(sub, by); #elseif cs if (sub.length == 0) return s.split(sub).join(by); else return untyped s.Replace(sub, by); #else return s.split(sub).join(by); #end } /** Encodes `n` into a hexadecimal representation. If `digits` is specified, the resulting String is padded with "0" until its `length` equals `digits`. **/ public static function hex(n:Int, ?digits:Int) { #if flash var n:UInt = n; var s:String = untyped n.toString(16); s = s.toUpperCase(); #else var s = ""; var hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"; do { s = hexChars.charAt(n & 15) + s; n >>>= 4; } while (n > 0); #end #if python if (digits != null && s.length < digits) { var diff = digits - s.length; for (_ in 0...diff) { s = "0" + s; } } #else if (digits != null) while (s.length < digits) s = "0" + s; #end return s; } /** Returns the character code at position `index` of String `s`, or an end-of-file indicator at if `position` equals `s.length`. This method is faster than `String.charCodeAt()` on some platforms, but the result is unspecified if `index` is negative or greater than `s.length`. End of file status can be checked by calling `StringTools.isEof()` with the returned value as argument. This operation is not guaranteed to work if `s` contains the `\0` character. **/ public static #if !eval inline #end function fastCodeAt(s:String, index:Int):Int { #if neko return untyped __dollar__sget(s.__s, index); #elseif cpp return untyped s.cca(index); #elseif flash return untyped s.cca(index); #elseif java return (index < s.length) ? cast(_charAt(s, index), Int) : -1; #elseif cs return (cast(index, UInt) < s.length) ? cast(s[index], Int) : -1; #elseif js return (cast s).charCodeAt(index); #elseif python return if (index >= s.length) -1 else python.internal.UBuiltins.ord(python.Syntax.arrayAccess(s, index)); #elseif hl return @:privateAccess s.bytes.getUI16(index << 1); #elseif lua #if lua_vanilla return lua.NativeStringTools.byte(s, index + 1); #else return lua.lib.luautf8.Utf8.byte(s, index + 1); #end #else return untyped s.cca(index); #end } /** Returns the character code at position `index` of String `s`, or an end-of-file indicator at if `position` equals `s.length`. This method is faster than `String.charCodeAt()` on some platforms, but the result is unspecified if `index` is negative or greater than `s.length`. This operation is not guaranteed to work if `s` contains the `\0` character. **/ public static #if !eval inline #end function unsafeCodeAt(s:String, index:Int):Int { #if neko return untyped __dollar__sget(s.__s, index); #elseif cpp return untyped s.cca(index); #elseif flash return untyped s.cca(index); #elseif java return cast(_charAt(s, index), Int); #elseif cs return cast(s[index], Int); #elseif js return (cast s).charCodeAt(index); #elseif python return python.internal.UBuiltins.ord(python.Syntax.arrayAccess(s, index)); #elseif hl return @:privateAccess s.bytes.getUI16(index << 1); #elseif lua #if lua_vanilla return lua.NativeStringTools.byte(s, index + 1); #else return lua.lib.luautf8.Utf8.byte(s, index + 1); #end #else return untyped s.cca(index); #end } /** Returns an iterator of the char codes. Note that char codes may differ across platforms because of different internal encoding of strings in different runtimes. For the consistent cross-platform UTF8 char codes see `haxe.iterators.StringIteratorUnicode`. **/ public static inline function iterator(s:String):StringIterator { return new StringIterator(s); } /** Returns an iterator of the char indexes and codes. Note that char codes may differ across platforms because of different internal encoding of strings in different of runtimes. For the consistent cross-platform UTF8 char codes see `haxe.iterators.StringKeyValueIteratorUnicode`. **/ public static inline function keyValueIterator(s:String):StringKeyValueIterator { return new StringKeyValueIterator(s); } /** Tells if `c` represents the end-of-file (EOF) character. **/ @:noUsing public static inline function isEof(c:Int):Bool { #if (flash || cpp || hl) return c == 0; #elseif js return c != c; // fast NaN #elseif (neko || lua || eval) return c == null; #elseif (cs || java || python) return c == -1; #else return false; #end } /** Returns a String that can be used as a single command line argument on Unix. The input will be quoted, or escaped if necessary. **/ @:noCompletion @:deprecated('StringTools.quoteUnixArg() is deprecated. Use haxe.SysTools.quoteUnixArg() instead.') public static function quoteUnixArg(argument:String):String { return inline haxe.SysTools.quoteUnixArg(argument); } /** Character codes of the characters that will be escaped by `quoteWinArg(_, true)`. **/ @:noCompletion @:deprecated('StringTools.winMetaCharacters is deprecated. Use haxe.SysTools.winMetaCharacters instead.') public static var winMetaCharacters:Array<Int> = cast haxe.SysTools.winMetaCharacters; /** Returns a String that can be used as a single command line argument on Windows. The input will be quoted, or escaped if necessary, such that the output will be parsed as a single argument using the rule specified in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms880421 Examples: ```haxe quoteWinArg("abc") == "abc"; quoteWinArg("ab c") == '"ab c"'; ``` **/ @:noCompletion @:deprecated('StringTools.quoteWinArg() is deprecated. Use haxe.SysTools.quoteWinArg() instead.') public static function quoteWinArg(argument:String, escapeMetaCharacters:Bool):String { return inline haxe.SysTools.quoteWinArg(argument, escapeMetaCharacters); } #if java private static inline function _charAt(str:String, idx:Int):java.StdTypes.Char16 return (cast str : java.NativeString).charAt(idx); #end #if neko private static var _urlEncode = neko.Lib.load("std", "url_encode", 1); private static var _urlDecode = neko.Lib.load("std", "url_decode", 1); #end #if utf16 static inline var MIN_SURROGATE_CODE_POINT = 65536; static inline function utf16CodePointAt(s:String, index:Int):Int { var c = StringTools.fastCodeAt(s, index); if (c >= 0xD800 && c <= 0xDBFF) { c = ((c - 0xD7C0) << 10) | (StringTools.fastCodeAt(s, index + 1) & 0x3FF); } return c; } #end }