/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package php; import haxe.io.Bytes; import haxe.ds.Map; import php.Syntax.*; import php.Global.*; import php.SuperGlobal.*; /** This class is used for accessing the local Web server and the current client request and information. **/ @:deprecated('php.Web is deprecated and will be removed from standard library. See php.SuperGlobal and php.Global for alternatives.') class Web { /** Returns the GET and POST parameters. **/ public static function getParams():Map<String, String> { #if force_std_separator var h = Lib.hashOfAssociativeArray(_POST); var params = getParamsString(); if (params == "") return h; for (p in ~/[;&]/g.split(params)) { var a = p.split("="); var n = a.shift(); h.set(StringTools.urlDecode(n), StringTools.urlDecode(a.join("="))); } return h; #else return Lib.hashOfAssociativeArray(array_merge(_GET, _POST)); #end } /** Returns an Array of Strings built using GET / POST values. If you have in your URL the parameters `a[]=foo;a[]=hello;a[5]=bar;a[3]=baz` then `php.Web.getParamValues("a")` will return `["foo","hello",null,"baz",null,"bar"]`. **/ public static function getParamValues(param:String):Array<String> { var reg = new EReg("^" + param + "(\\[|%5B)([0-9]*?)(\\]|%5D)=(.*?)$", ""); var res = new Array<String>(); var explore = function(data:String) { if (data == null || Global.strlen(data) == 0) return; for (part in data.split("&")) { if (reg.match(part)) { var idx = reg.matched(2); var val = StringTools.urlDecode(reg.matched(4)); if (idx == "") res.push(val); else res[Std.parseInt(idx)] = val; } } } explore(StringTools.replace(getParamsString(), ";", "&")); explore(getPostData()); if (res.length == 0) { var post:haxe.ds.StringMap<Dynamic> = Lib.hashOfAssociativeArray(_POST); var data = post.get(param); if (is_array(data)) { foreach(data, function(key:Int, value:String) { res[key] = value; }); } } if (res.length == 0) return null; return res; } /** Returns the local server host name. **/ public static inline function getHostName():String { return _SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; } /** Surprisingly returns the client IP address. **/ public static inline function getClientIP():String { return _SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } /** Returns the original request URL (before any server internal redirections). **/ public static function getURI():String { var s:String = _SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; return s.split("?")[0]; } /** Tell the client to redirect to the given url ("Location" header). **/ public static function redirect(url:String) { header("Location: " + url); } /** Set an output header value. If some data have been printed, the headers have already been sent so this will raise an exception. **/ public static inline function setHeader(h:String, v:String) { header('$h: $v'); } /** Set the HTTP return code. Same remark as `php.Web.setHeader()`. See status code explanation here: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html **/ public static function setReturnCode(r:Int) { var code:String; switch (r) { case 100: code = "100 Continue"; case 101: code = "101 Switching Protocols"; case 200: code = "200 OK"; case 201: code = "201 Created"; case 202: code = "202 Accepted"; case 203: code = "203 Non-Authoritative Information"; case 204: code = "204 No Content"; case 205: code = "205 Reset Content"; case 206: code = "206 Partial Content"; case 300: code = "300 Multiple Choices"; case 301: code = "301 Moved Permanently"; case 302: code = "302 Found"; case 303: code = "303 See Other"; case 304: code = "304 Not Modified"; case 305: code = "305 Use Proxy"; case 307: code = "307 Temporary Redirect"; case 400: code = "400 Bad Request"; case 401: code = "401 Unauthorized"; case 402: code = "402 Payment Required"; case 403: code = "403 Forbidden"; case 404: code = "404 Not Found"; case 405: code = "405 Method Not Allowed"; case 406: code = "406 Not Acceptable"; case 407: code = "407 Proxy Authentication Required"; case 408: code = "408 Request Timeout"; case 409: code = "409 Conflict"; case 410: code = "410 Gone"; case 411: code = "411 Length Required"; case 412: code = "412 Precondition Failed"; case 413: code = "413 Request Entity Too Large"; case 414: code = "414 Request-URI Too Long"; case 415: code = "415 Unsupported Media Type"; case 416: code = "416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable"; case 417: code = "417 Expectation Failed"; case 500: code = "500 Internal Server Error"; case 501: code = "501 Not Implemented"; case 502: code = "502 Bad Gateway"; case 503: code = "503 Service Unavailable"; case 504: code = "504 Gateway Timeout"; case 505: code = "505 HTTP Version Not Supported"; default: code = Std.string(r); } header("HTTP/1.1 " + code, true, r); } /** Retrieve a client header value sent with the request. **/ public static function getClientHeader(k:String):String { return loadClientHeaders().get(str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper(k))); } private static var _clientHeaders:Map<String, String>; /** Based on https://github.com/ralouphie/getallheaders **/ static function loadClientHeaders():Map<String, String> { if (_clientHeaders != null) return _clientHeaders; _clientHeaders = new Map(); if (function_exists('getallheaders')) { foreach(getallheaders(), function(key:String, value:Dynamic) { _clientHeaders.set(str_replace('-', '_', strtoupper(key)), Std.string(value)); }); return _clientHeaders; } var copyServer = Syntax.assocDecl({ CONTENT_TYPE: 'Content-Type', CONTENT_LENGTH: 'Content-Length', CONTENT_MD5: 'Content-Md5' }); foreach(_SERVER, function(key:String, value:Dynamic) { if ((substr(key, 0, 5) : String) == 'HTTP_') { key = substr(key, 5); if (!isset(copyServer[key]) || !isset(_SERVER[key])) { _clientHeaders[key] = Std.string(value); } } else if (isset(copyServer[key])) { _clientHeaders[key] = Std.string(value); } }); if (!_clientHeaders.exists('AUTHORIZATION')) { if (isset(_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'])) { _clientHeaders['AUTHORIZATION'] = Std.string(_SERVER['REDIRECT_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION']); } else if (isset(_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { var basic_pass = isset(_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) ? Std.string(_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']) : ''; _clientHeaders['AUTHORIZATION'] = 'Basic ' + base64_encode(_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] + ':' + basic_pass); } else if (isset(_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST'])) { _clientHeaders['AUTHORIZATION'] = Std.string(_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']); } } return _clientHeaders; } /** Retrieve all the client headers. **/ public static function getClientHeaders():List<{value:String, header:String}> { var headers = loadClientHeaders(); var result = new List(); for (key in headers.keys()) { result.push({value: headers.get(key), header: key}); } return result; } /** Retrieve all the client headers as `haxe.ds.Map`. **/ public static function getClientHeadersMap():Map<String, String> { return loadClientHeaders().copy(); } /** Returns all the GET parameters `String` **/ public static function getParamsString():String { if (isset(_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) return _SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; else return ""; } /** Returns all the POST data. POST Data is always parsed as being application/x-www-form-urlencoded and is stored into the getParams hashtable. POST Data is maximimized to 256K unless the content type is multipart/form-data. In that case, you will have to use `php.Web.getMultipart()` or `php.Web.parseMultipart()` methods. **/ public static function getPostData():Null<String> { var h = fopen("php://input", "r"); var bsize = 8192; var max = 32; var data:String = null; var counter = 0; while (!feof(h) && counter < max) { data = Syntax.concat(data, fread(h, bsize)); counter++; } fclose(h); return data; } /** Returns an hashtable of all Cookies sent by the client. Modifying the hashtable will not modify the cookie, use `php.Web.setCookie()` instead. **/ public static function getCookies():Map<String, String> { return Lib.hashOfAssociativeArray(_COOKIE); } /** Set a Cookie value in the HTTP headers. Same remark as `php.Web.setHeader()`. **/ public static function setCookie(key:String, value:String, ?expire:Date, ?domain:String, ?path:String, ?secure:Bool, ?httpOnly:Bool) { var t = expire == null ? 0 : Std.int(expire.getTime() / 1000.0); if (path == null) path = '/'; if (domain == null) domain = ''; if (secure == null) secure = false; if (httpOnly == null) httpOnly = false; setcookie(key, value, t, path, domain, secure, httpOnly); } /** Returns an object with the authorization sent by the client (Basic scheme only). **/ public static function getAuthorization():{user:String, pass:String} { if (!isset(_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) return null; return {user: _SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'], pass: _SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW']}; } /** Get the current script directory in the local filesystem. **/ public static inline function getCwd():String { return dirname(_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) + "/"; } /** Get the multipart parameters as an hashtable. The data cannot exceed the maximum size specified. **/ public static function getMultipart(maxSize:Int):Map<String, String> { var h = new haxe.ds.StringMap(); var buf:StringBuf = null; var curname = null; parseMultipart(function(p, _) { if (curname != null) h.set(curname, buf.toString()); curname = p; buf = new StringBuf(); maxSize -= Global.strlen(p); if (maxSize < 0) throw "Maximum size reached"; }, function(str, pos, len) { maxSize -= len; if (maxSize < 0) throw "Maximum size reached"; buf.addSub(str.toString(), pos, len); }); if (curname != null) h.set(curname, buf.toString()); return h; } /** Parse the multipart data. Call `onPart` when a new part is found with the part name and the filename if present and `onData` when some part data is readed. You can this way directly save the data on hard drive in the case of a file upload. **/ public static function parseMultipart(onPart:String->String->Void, onData:Bytes->Int->Int->Void):Void { Syntax.foreach(_POST, function(key:String, value:Dynamic) { onPart(key, ""); onData(Bytes.ofString(value), 0, strlen(value)); }); if (!isset(_FILES)) return; Syntax.foreach(_FILES, function(part:String, data:NativeAssocArray<Dynamic>) { function handleFile(tmp:String, file:String, err:Int) { var fileUploaded = true; if (err > 0) { switch (err) { case 1: throw "The uploaded file exceeds the max size of " + ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); case 2: throw "The uploaded file exceeds the max file size directive specified in the HTML form (max is" + ini_get('post_max_size') + ")"; case 3: throw "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded"; case 4: fileUploaded = false; // No file was uploaded case 6: throw "Missing a temporary folder"; case 7: throw "Failed to write file to disk"; case 8: throw "File upload stopped by extension"; } } if (fileUploaded) { onPart(part, file); if ("" != file) { var h = fopen(tmp, "r"); var bsize = 8192; while (!feof(h)) { var buf:String = fread(h, bsize); var size:Int = strlen(buf); onData(Bytes.ofString(buf), 0, size); } fclose(h); } } } if (is_array(data['name'])) { for (index in array_keys(data['name'])) { handleFile(data['tmp_name'][index], data['name'][index], data['error'][index]); }; } else { handleFile(data['tmp_name'], data['name'], data['error']); } }); } /** Flush the data sent to the client. By default on Apache, outgoing data is buffered so this can be useful for displaying some long operation progress. **/ public static inline function flush():Void { Global.flush(); } /** Get the HTTP method used by the client. **/ public static function getMethod():String { if (isset(_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) return _SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']; else return null; } public static var isModNeko(default, null):Bool; static function __init__() { isModNeko = !Lib.isCli(); } }