/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package neko; import haxe.ds.List; /** This class is used for accessing the local Web server and the current client request and information. **/ class Web { /** Returns the GET and POST parameters. **/ public static function getParams() { var p = _get_params(); var h = new haxe.ds.StringMap<String>(); var k = ""; while (p != null) { untyped k.__s = p[0]; h.set(k, new String(p[1])); p = untyped p[2]; } return h; } /** Returns an Array of Strings built using GET / POST values. If the URL contains the parameters `[a[]=foo;a[]=hello;a[5]=bar;a[3]=baz]` then `neko.Web.getParamValues("a")` will return `["foo","hello",null,"baz",null,"bar"]` **/ public static function getParamValues(param:String):Array<String> { var reg = new EReg("^" + param + "(\\[|%5B)([0-9]*?)(\\]|%5D)=(.*?)$", ""); var res = new Array<String>(); var explore = function(data:String) { if (data == null || data.length == 0) return; for (part in data.split("&")) { if (reg.match(part)) { var idx = reg.matched(2); var val = StringTools.urlDecode(reg.matched(4)); if (idx == "") res.push(val); else res[Std.parseInt(idx)] = val; } } } explore(StringTools.replace(getParamsString(), ";", "&")); explore(getPostData()); if (res.length == 0) return null; return res; } /** Returns the local server host name. **/ public static function getHostName() { return new String(_get_host_name()); } /** Surprisingly returns the client IP address. **/ public static function getClientIP() { return new String(_get_client_ip()); } /** Returns the original request URL (before any server internal redirections) **/ public static function getURI() { return new String(_get_uri()); } /** Tell the client to redirect to the given url ("Location" header) **/ public static function redirect(url:String) { _cgi_redirect(untyped url.__s); } /** Set an output header value. If some data have been printed, the headers have already been sent so this will raise an exception. **/ public static function setHeader(h:String, v:String) { _cgi_set_header(untyped h.__s, untyped v.__s); } /** Set the HTTP return code. Same remark as setHeader. **/ public static function setReturnCode(r:Int) { _set_return_code(r); } /** Retrieve a client header value sent with the request. **/ public static function getClientHeader(k:String) { var v = _get_client_header(untyped k.__s); if (v == null) return null; return new String(v); } /** Retrieve all the client headers. **/ public static function getClientHeaders() { var v = _get_client_headers(); var a = new List(); while (v != null) { a.add({header: new String(v[0]), value: new String(v[1])}); v = cast v[2]; } return a; } /** Returns all the GET parameters String. **/ public static function getParamsString() { var p = _get_params_string(); return if (p == null) "" else new String(p); } /** Returns all the POST data. POST Data is always parsed as being `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` and is stored into the getParams hashtable. POST Data is maximimized to 256K unless the content type is `multipart/form-data`. In that case, you will have to use `getMultipart` or `parseMultipart` methods. **/ public static function getPostData() { var v = _get_post_data(); if (v == null) return null; return new String(v); } /** Returns an hashtable of all Cookies sent by the client. Modifying the hashtable will not modify the cookie, use `setCookie` instead. **/ public static function getCookies():Map<String, String> { var p = _get_cookies(); var h = new haxe.ds.StringMap<String>(); var k = ""; while (p != null) { untyped k.__s = p[0]; h.set(k, new String(p[1])); p = untyped p[2]; } return h; } /** Set a Cookie value in the HTTP headers. Same remark as `setHeader`. **/ public static function setCookie(key:String, value:String, ?expire:Date, ?domain:String, ?path:String, ?secure:Bool, ?httpOnly:Bool) { var buf = new StringBuf(); buf.add(value); if (expire != null) addPair(buf, "expires=", DateTools.format(expire, "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT")); addPair(buf, "domain=", domain); addPair(buf, "path=", path); if (secure) addPair(buf, "secure", ""); if (httpOnly) addPair(buf, "HttpOnly", ""); var v = buf.toString(); _set_cookie(untyped key.__s, untyped v.__s); } static function addPair(buf:StringBuf, name:String, value:String) { if (value == null) return; buf.add("; "); buf.add(name); buf.add(value); } /** Returns an object with the authorization sent by the client (Basic scheme only). **/ public static function getAuthorization():{user:String, pass:String} { var h = getClientHeader("Authorization"); var reg = ~/^Basic ([^=]+)=*$/; if (h != null && reg.match(h)) { var val = reg.matched(1); untyped val = new String(_base_decode(val.__s, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".__s)); var a = val.split(":"); if (a.length != 2) { throw "Unable to decode authorization."; } return {user: a[0], pass: a[1]}; } return null; } /** Get the current script directory in the local filesystem. **/ public static function getCwd() { return new String(_get_cwd()); } /** Set the main entry point function used to handle requests. Setting it back to null will disable code caching. **/ public static function cacheModule(f:Void->Void) { _set_main(f); } /** Get the multipart parameters as an hashtable. The data cannot exceed the maximum size specified. **/ public static function getMultipart(maxSize:Int):Map<String, String> { var h = new haxe.ds.StringMap(); var buf:haxe.io.BytesBuffer = null; var curname = null; parseMultipart(function(p, _) { if (curname != null) h.set(curname, neko.Lib.stringReference(buf.getBytes())); curname = p; buf = new haxe.io.BytesBuffer(); maxSize -= p.length; if (maxSize < 0) throw "Maximum size reached"; }, function(str, pos, len) { maxSize -= len; if (maxSize < 0) throw "Maximum size reached"; buf.addBytes(str, pos, len); }); if (curname != null) h.set(curname, neko.Lib.stringReference(buf.getBytes())); return h; } /** Parse the multipart data. Call `onPart` when a new part is found with the part name and the filename if present and `onData` when some part data is read. You can this way directly save the data on hard drive in the case of a file upload. **/ public static function parseMultipart(onPart:String->String->Void, onData:haxe.io.Bytes->Int->Int->Void):Void { _parse_multipart(function(p, f) { onPart(new String(p), if (f == null) null else new String(f)); }, function(buf, pos, len) { onData(untyped new haxe.io.Bytes(__dollar__ssize(buf), buf), pos, len); }); } /** Flush the data sent to the client. By default on Apache, outgoing data is buffered so this can be useful for displaying some long operation progress. **/ public static function flush():Void { _flush(); } /** Get the HTTP method used by the client. This API requires Neko 1.7.1+. **/ public static function getMethod():String { return new String(_get_http_method()); } /** Write a message into the web server log file. This API requires Neko 1.7.1+. **/ public static function logMessage(msg:String) { _log_message(untyped msg.__s); } public static var isModNeko(default, null):Bool; public static var isTora(default, null):Bool; static var _set_main:Dynamic; static var _get_host_name:Dynamic; static var _get_client_ip:Dynamic; static var _get_uri:Dynamic; static var _cgi_redirect:Dynamic; static var _cgi_set_header:Dynamic; static var _set_return_code:Dynamic; static var _get_client_header:Dynamic; static var _get_params_string:Dynamic; static var _get_post_data:Dynamic; static var _get_params:Dynamic; static var _get_cookies:Dynamic; static var _set_cookie:Dynamic; static var _get_cwd:Dynamic; static var _parse_multipart:Dynamic; static var _flush:Dynamic; static var _get_client_headers:Dynamic; static var _get_http_method:Dynamic; static var _base_decode = Lib.load("std", "base_decode", 2); static var _log_message:Dynamic; static function __init__() { var get_env = Lib.load("std", "get_env", 1); var ver = untyped get_env("MOD_NEKO".__s); untyped isModNeko = (ver != null); if (isModNeko) { var lib = "mod_neko" + if (ver == untyped "1".__s) "" else ver; _set_main = Lib.load(lib, "cgi_set_main", 1); _get_host_name = Lib.load(lib, "get_host_name", 0); _get_client_ip = Lib.load(lib, "get_client_ip", 0); _get_uri = Lib.load(lib, "get_uri", 0); _cgi_redirect = Lib.load(lib, "redirect", 1); _cgi_set_header = Lib.load(lib, "set_header", 2); _set_return_code = Lib.load(lib, "set_return_code", 1); _get_client_header = Lib.load(lib, "get_client_header", 1); _get_params_string = Lib.load(lib, "get_params_string", 0); _get_post_data = Lib.load(lib, "get_post_data", 0); _get_params = Lib.load(lib, "get_params", 0); _get_cookies = Lib.load(lib, "get_cookies", 0); _set_cookie = Lib.load(lib, "set_cookie", 2); _get_cwd = Lib.load(lib, "cgi_get_cwd", 0); _get_http_method = Lib.loadLazy(lib, "get_http_method", 0); _parse_multipart = Lib.loadLazy(lib, "parse_multipart_data", 2); _flush = Lib.loadLazy(lib, "cgi_flush", 0); _get_client_headers = Lib.loadLazy(lib, "get_client_headers", 0); _log_message = Lib.loadLazy(lib, "log_message", 1); isTora = try Lib.load(lib, "tora_infos", 0) != null catch (e:Dynamic) false; } else { var a0 = untyped __dollar__loader.args[0]; if (a0 != null) a0 = new String(a0); _set_main = function(f) {}; _get_host_name = function() { return untyped "localhost".__s; }; _get_client_ip = function() { return untyped "".__s; }; _get_uri = function() { return untyped (if (a0 == null) "/" else a0).__s; }; _cgi_redirect = function(v) { Lib.print("Location: " + v + "\n"); }; _cgi_set_header = function(h, v) {}; _set_return_code = function(i) {}; _get_client_header = function(h) { return null; }; _get_client_headers = function() { return null; }; _get_params_string = function() { return untyped (if (a0 == null) "" else a0).__s; }; _get_post_data = function() { return null; }; _get_params = function() { var l = null; if (a0 == null) return null; for (p in a0.split(";")) { var k = p.split("="); if (k.length == 2) l = untyped [k[0].__s, k[1].__s, l]; } return l; }; _get_cookies = function() { return null; } _set_cookie = function(k, v) {}; _get_cwd = Lib.load("std", "get_cwd", 0); _get_http_method = function() return untyped "GET".__s; _parse_multipart = function(a, b) { throw "Not supported"; }; _flush = function() {}; _log_message = function(s) {}; isTora = false; } } }