package lnx2d; // Zui import zui.Zui; import zui.Themes; import zui.Id; using zui.Ext; import leenkx.ui.Popup; import leenkx.ui.Canvas; // Editor import lnx2d.Path; import lnx2d.Assets; import; import lnx2d.ui.UIToolBar; import lnx2d.ui.UIProperties; import; @:access(zui.Zui) class Editor { var ui:Zui; public var cui:Zui; public var canvas:TCanvas; public static var defaultWindowW = 240; public static var windowW = defaultWindowW; static var uiw(get, null):Int; static function get_uiw():Int { return * Main.prefs.scaleFactor); } var toolbarw(get, null):Int; function get_toolbarw():Int { return * ui.SCALE()); } // Canvas offset from the editor window // Should be a multiple of gridSize to ensure visual grid alignment public static var coffX = 160.0; public static var coffY = 40.0; var dropPath = ""; public static var currentOperation = ""; public static var assetNames:Array = [""]; public static var dragAsset:TAsset = null; var resizeCanvas = false; var zoom = 1.0; public static var showFiles = false; public static var foldersOnly = false; public static var filesDone:String->Void = null; var uimodal:Zui; public static var gridSnapBounds:Bool = false; public static var gridSnapPos:Bool = true; public static var gridUseRelative:Bool = true; public static var useRotationSteps:Bool = false; public static var rotationSteps:Float = Math.toRadians(15); public static var gridSize:Int = 20; public static var redrawGrid = false; static var grid:kha.Image = null; static var timeline:kha.Image = null; var selectedFrame = 0; public static var selectedTheme:zui.Themes.TTheme = null; public static var selectedElem:TElement = null; var lastW = 0; var lastH = 0; var lastCanvasW = 0; var lastCanvasH = 0; public function new(canvas:TCanvas) { this.canvas = canvas; // Reimport assets if (canvas.assets.length > 0) { var assets = canvas.assets; canvas.assets = []; for (a in assets) Assets.importAsset(canvas, a.file); } Assets.importThemes(); kha.Assets.loadEverything(loaded); } function loaded() { var t = Reflect.copy(Themes.dark); t.FILL_WINDOW_BG = true; ui = new Zui({scaleFactor: Main.prefs.scaleFactor, font: kha.Assets.fonts.font_default, theme: t, color_wheel: kha.Assets.images.color_wheel, black_white_gradient: kha.Assets.images.black_white_gradient}); cui = new Zui({scaleFactor: 1.0, font: kha.Assets.fonts.font_default, autoNotifyInput: true, theme: Reflect.copy(Canvas.getTheme(canvas.theme))}); uimodal = new Zui( { font: kha.Assets.fonts.font_default, scaleFactor: Main.prefs.scaleFactor } ); ElementController.initialize(ui, cui); if (Canvas.getTheme(canvas.theme) == null) { Popup.showMessage(new Zui(ui.ops), "Warning!", 'Theme "${canvas.theme}" was not found!' + '\nUsing first theme in list instead: "${Canvas.themes[0].NAME}"'); canvas.theme = Canvas.themes[0].NAME; } kha.System.notifyOnDropFiles(function(path:String) { dropPath = StringTools.rtrim(path); dropPath = Path.toRelative(dropPath, Main.cwd); }); kha.System.notifyOnFrames(onFrames); kha.Scheduler.addTimeTask(update, 0, 1 / 60); } function resize() { if (grid != null) { grid.unload(); grid = null; } if (timeline != null) { timeline.unload(); timeline = null; } } function drawGrid() { redrawGrid = false; var scaledGridSize = scaled(gridSize); var doubleGridSize = scaled(gridSize * 2); var ww = kha.System.windowWidth(); var wh = kha.System.windowHeight(); var w = ww + doubleGridSize * 2; var h = wh + doubleGridSize * 2; if (grid == null) { grid = kha.Image.createRenderTarget(w, h); } grid.g2.begin(true, 0xff242424); for (i in / doubleGridSize) + 1) { grid.g2.color = 0xff282828; grid.g2.drawLine(0, i * doubleGridSize + scaledGridSize, w, i * doubleGridSize + scaledGridSize); grid.g2.color = 0xff323232; grid.g2.drawLine(0, i * doubleGridSize, w, i * doubleGridSize); } for (i in / doubleGridSize) + 1) { grid.g2.color = 0xff282828; grid.g2.drawLine(i * doubleGridSize + scaledGridSize, 0, i * doubleGridSize + scaledGridSize, h); grid.g2.color = 0xff323232; grid.g2.drawLine(i * doubleGridSize, 0, i * doubleGridSize, h); } grid.g2.end(); } function drawTimeline(timelineLabelsHeight:Int, timelineFramesHeight:Int) { var sc = ui.SCALE(); var timelineHeight = timelineLabelsHeight + timelineFramesHeight; timeline = kha.Image.createRenderTarget(kha.System.windowWidth() - uiw - toolbarw, timelineHeight); var g = timeline.g2; g.begin(true, 0xff222222); g.font = kha.Assets.fonts.font_default; g.fontSize = * sc); // Labels var frames = / (11 * sc)); for (i in / 5) + 1) { var frame = i * 5; var frameTextWidth = kha.Assets.fonts.font_default.width(g.fontSize, frame + ""); g.drawString(frame + "", i * 55 * sc + 5 * sc - frameTextWidth / 2, timelineLabelsHeight / 2 - g.fontSize / 2); } // Frames for (i in 0...frames) { g.color = i % 5 == 0 ? 0xff444444 : 0xff333333; g.fillRect(i * 11 * sc, timelineHeight - timelineFramesHeight, 10 * sc, timelineFramesHeight); } g.end(); } public function onFrames(framebuffers: Array): Void { // Prevent crash when minimizing window if (kha.System.windowWidth() == 0 || kha.System.windowHeight() == 0) return; var framebuffer = framebuffers[0]; // Disable UI if a popup is displayed if ( && ui.inputRegistered) { ui.unregisterInput(); cui.unregisterInput(); } else if (! && !ui.inputRegistered) { ui.registerInput(); cui.registerInput(); } // Update preview when choosing a color if ( UIProperties.hwin.redraws = 1; if (dropPath != "") { Assets.importAsset(canvas, dropPath); dropPath = ""; } var sc = ui.SCALE(); var timelineLabelsHeight = * sc); var timelineFramesHeight = * sc); // Bake and redraw if the UI scale has changed if (grid == null || redrawGrid) drawGrid(); if (timeline == null || timeline.height != timelineLabelsHeight + timelineFramesHeight) drawTimeline(timelineLabelsHeight, timelineFramesHeight); var g = framebuffer.g2; g.begin(); g.color = 0xffffffff; var doubleGridSize = scaled(gridSize * 2); g.drawImage(grid, coffX % doubleGridSize - doubleGridSize, coffY % doubleGridSize - doubleGridSize); // Canvas outline canvas.x = coffX; canvas.y = coffY; g.drawRect(canvas.x, canvas.y, scaled(canvas.width), scaled(canvas.height), 1.0); // Canvas resize var handleSize = ElementController.handleSize; if (Math.hitbox(cui, canvas.x + scaled(canvas.width) - handleSize / 2, canvas.y + scaled(canvas.height) - handleSize / 2, handleSize, handleSize)) { g.color = 0xff205d9c; g.fillRect(canvas.x + scaled(canvas.width) - handleSize / 2, canvas.y + scaled(canvas.height) - handleSize / 2, handleSize, handleSize); g.color = 0xffffffff; } g.drawRect(canvas.x + scaled(canvas.width) - handleSize / 2, canvas.y + scaled(canvas.height) - handleSize / 2, handleSize, handleSize, 1); Canvas.screenW = canvas.width; Canvas.screenH = canvas.height; Canvas.draw(cui, canvas, g); ElementController.render(g, canvas); if (currentOperation != "") { g.fontSize = * ui.SCALE()); g.color = 0xffaaaaaa; g.drawString(currentOperation, toolbarw, kha.System.windowHeight() - timeline.height - g.fontSize); } // Timeline var showTimeline = true; if (showTimeline) { g.color = 0xffffffff; var ty = kha.System.windowHeight() - timeline.height; g.drawImage(timeline, toolbarw, ty); g.color = 0xff205d9c; g.fillRect(toolbarw + selectedFrame * 11 * sc, ty + timelineLabelsHeight, 10 * sc, timelineFramesHeight); // Show selected frame number g.font = kha.Assets.fonts.font_default; g.fontSize = * sc); var frameIndicatorMargin = 4 * sc; var frameIndicatorPadding = 4 * sc; var frameIndicatorWidth = 30 * sc; var frameIndicatorHeight = timelineLabelsHeight - frameIndicatorMargin * 2; var frameTextWidth = kha.Assets.fonts.font_default.width(g.fontSize, "" + selectedFrame); // Scale the indicator if the contained text is too long if (frameTextWidth > frameIndicatorWidth + frameIndicatorPadding) { frameIndicatorWidth = frameTextWidth + frameIndicatorPadding; } g.fillRect(toolbarw + selectedFrame * 11 * sc + 5 * sc - frameIndicatorWidth / 2, ty + frameIndicatorMargin, frameIndicatorWidth, frameIndicatorHeight); g.color = 0xffffffff; g.drawString("" + selectedFrame, toolbarw + selectedFrame * 11 * sc + 5 * sc - frameTextWidth / 2, ty + timelineLabelsHeight / 2 - g.fontSize / 2); } g.end(); ui.begin(g); UIToolBar.renderToolbar(ui, cui, canvas, toolbarw); if (ui.window(Id.handle(), toolbarw, 0, kha.System.windowWidth() - uiw - toolbarw, + 2) * ui.SCALE()))) {,; } UIProperties.renderProperties(ui, uiw, canvas); ui.end(); if (ui.changed && !ui.inputDown) drawGrid(); g.begin(false); if (dragAsset != null) { var w = std.Math.min(128, Assets.getImage(dragAsset).width); var ratio = w / Assets.getImage(dragAsset).width; var h = Assets.getImage(dragAsset).height * ratio; g.drawScaledImage(Assets.getImage(dragAsset), ui.inputX, ui.inputY, w, h); } g.end(); if (lastW > 0 && (lastW != kha.System.windowWidth() || lastH != kha.System.windowHeight())) { resize(); } else if (lastCanvasW > 0 && (lastCanvasW != canvas.width || lastCanvasH != canvas.height)) { resize(); } lastW = kha.System.windowWidth(); lastH = kha.System.windowHeight(); lastCanvasW = canvas.width; lastCanvasH = canvas.height; if (showFiles) renderFiles(g); if ( Popup.render(g); } function acceptDrag(index:Int) { var elem = CanvasTools.makeElem(cui, canvas, ElementType.Image); elem.asset = assetNames[index + 1]; // assetNames[0] == "" elem.x = ui.inputX - canvas.x; elem.y = ui.inputY - canvas.y; elem.width = Assets.getImage(canvas.assets[index]).width; elem.height = Assets.getImage(canvas.assets[index]).height; selectedElem = elem; } public function update() { // Drag from assets panel if (ui.inputReleased && dragAsset != null) { if (ui.inputX < kha.System.windowWidth() - uiw) { var index = 0; for (i in 0...canvas.assets.length) if (canvas.assets[i] == dragAsset) { index = i; break; } acceptDrag(index); } dragAsset = null; } if (dragAsset != null) return; updateCanvas(); // Select frame if (timeline != null) { var ty = kha.System.windowHeight() - timeline.height; if (ui.inputDown && ui.inputY > ty && ui.inputX < kha.System.windowWidth() - uiw && ui.inputX > toolbarw) { selectedFrame = - toolbarw) / 11 / ui.SCALE()); } } ElementController.update(ui, cui, canvas); if ( Popup.update(); updateFiles(); } function updateCanvas() { if (showFiles || ui.inputX > kha.System.windowWidth() - uiw) return; ElementController.selectElement(canvas); if (!ElementController.isManipulating) { // Pan canvas if (ui.inputDownR) { coffX +=; coffY +=; } // Zoom canvas if (ui.inputWheelDelta != 0) { var prevZoom = zoom; zoom += -ui.inputWheelDelta / 10; if (zoom < 0.4) zoom = 0.4; else if (zoom > 1.0) zoom = 1.0; zoom = std.Math.round(zoom * 10) / 10; cui.setScale(zoom); // Update the grid only when necessary, this prevents lag from scrolling too fast if (prevZoom != zoom) { drawGrid(); } } } // Canvas resize var handleSize = ElementController.handleSize; if (ui.inputStarted && Math.hitbox(cui, canvas.x + scaled(canvas.width) - handleSize / 2, canvas.y + scaled(canvas.height) - handleSize / 2, handleSize, handleSize)) { resizeCanvas = true; } if (ui.inputReleased && resizeCanvas) { resizeCanvas = false; } if (resizeCanvas) { canvas.width +=; canvas.height +=; if (canvas.width < 1) canvas.width = 1; if (canvas.height < 1) canvas.height = 1; } } function updateFiles() { if (!showFiles) return; if (ui.inputReleased) { var appw = kha.System.windowWidth(); var apph = kha.System.windowHeight(); var left = appw / 2 - modalRectW / 2; var right = appw / 2 + modalRectW / 2; var top = apph / 2 - modalRectH / 2; var bottom = apph / 2 + modalRectH / 2; if (ui.inputX < left || ui.inputX > right || ui.inputY < top + modalHeaderH || ui.inputY > bottom) { showFiles = false; } } } static var modalW = 625; static var modalH = 545; static var modalHeaderH = 66; static var modalRectW = 625; // No shadow static var modalRectH = 545; static var path = '/'; function renderFiles(g:kha.graphics2.Graphics) { var appw = kha.System.windowWidth(); var apph = kha.System.windowHeight(); var left = appw / 2 - modalW / 2; var top = apph / 2 - modalH / 2; g.begin(false); g.color = 0xff202020; g.fillRect(left, top, modalW, modalH); g.end(); var leftRect = / 2 - modalRectW / 2); var rightRect = / 2 + modalRectW / 2); var topRect = / 2 - modalRectH / 2); var bottomRect = / 2 + modalRectH / 2); topRect += modalHeaderH; uimodal.begin(g); if (uimodal.window(Id.handle(), leftRect, topRect, modalRectW, modalRectH - 100)) { var pathHandle = Id.handle(); pathHandle.text = uimodal.textInput(pathHandle); path = uimodal.fileBrowser(pathHandle, foldersOnly); } uimodal.end(false); g.begin(false); uimodal.beginRegion(g, rightRect - 100, bottomRect - 30, 100); if (uimodal.button("OK")) { showFiles = false; filesDone(path); } uimodal.endRegion(false); uimodal.beginRegion(g, rightRect - 200, bottomRect - 30, 100); if (uimodal.button("Cancel")) { showFiles = false; } uimodal.endRegion(); g.end(); } inline function scaled(f: Float): Int { return * cui.SCALE()); } }