/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe.display; import haxe.display.JsonModuleTypes; import haxe.display.Position; import haxe.display.Protocol; /** Methods of the JSON-RPC-based `--display` protocol in Haxe 4. A lot of the methods are *inspired* by the Language Server Protocol, but there is **no** intention to be directly compatible with it. **/ @:publicFields class DisplayMethods { /** The completion request is sent from the client to Haxe to request code completion. Haxe automatically determines the type of completion to use based on the passed position, see `CompletionResultKind`. **/ static inline var Completion = new HaxeRequestMethod<CompletionParams, CompletionResult>("display/completion"); /** The request is sent from the client to Haxe to resolve additional information for a given completion item. **/ static inline var CompletionItemResolve = new HaxeRequestMethod<CompletionItemResolveParams, CompletionItemResolveResult>("display/completionItem/resolve"); /** The find references request is sent from the client to Haxe to find locations that reference the symbol at a given text document position. **/ static inline var FindReferences = new HaxeRequestMethod<FindReferencesParams, GotoDefinitionResult>("display/references"); /** The goto definition request is sent from the client to Haxe to resolve the definition location(s) of a symbol at a given text document position. **/ static inline var GotoDefinition = new HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams, GotoDefinitionResult>("display/definition"); /** The goto implementation request is sent from the client to Haxe to resolve the implementation location(s) of a symbol at a given text document position. **/ static inline var GotoImplementation = new HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams, GotoDefinitionResult>("display/implementation"); /** The goto type definition request is sent from the client to Haxe to resolve the type definition location(s) of a symbol at a given text document position. **/ static inline var GotoTypeDefinition = new HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams, GotoTypeDefinitionResult>("display/typeDefinition"); /** The hover request is sent from the client to Haxe to request hover information at a given text document position. **/ static inline var Hover = new HaxeRequestMethod<PositionParams, HoverResult>("display/hover"); /** This request is sent from the client to Haxe to determine the package for a given file, based on class paths configuration. **/ static inline var DeterminePackage = new HaxeRequestMethod<FileParams, DeterminePackageResult>("display/package"); /** The signature help request is sent from the client to Haxe to request signature information at a given cursor position. **/ static inline var SignatureHelp = new HaxeRequestMethod<SignatureHelpParams, SignatureHelpResult>("display/signatureHelp"); /* TODO: - finish completion - diagnostics - codeLens - workspaceSymbols ("project/symbol"?) */ } /** Completion **/ typedef CompletionParams = PositionParams & { var wasAutoTriggered:Bool; /** list of metas to include in responses **/ var ?meta:Array<String>; } typedef FieldResolution = { /** Whether it's valid to use the unqualified name of the field or not. This is `false` if the identifier is shadowed. **/ var isQualified:Bool; /** The qualifier that has to be inserted to use the field if `!isQualified`. Can either be `this` or `super` for instance fields for the type name for `static` fields. **/ var qualifier:String; } typedef DisplayLocal<T> = { var id:Int; var name:String; var type:JsonType<T>; var origin:LocalOrigin; var capture:Bool; var ?extra:{ var params:Array<JsonTypeParameter>; var expr:JsonExpr; }; var meta:JsonMetadata; var pos:JsonPos; var isInline:Bool; var isFinal:Bool; } enum abstract LocalOrigin(Int) { var LocalVariable; var Argument; var ForVariable; var PatternVariable; var CatchVariable; var LocalFunction; } enum abstract ClassFieldOriginKind<T>(Int) { /** The field is declared on the current type itself. **/ var Self:ClassFieldOriginKind<JsonModuleType<T>>; /** The field is a static field brought into context via a static import (`import pack.Module.Type.field`). **/ var StaticImport:ClassFieldOriginKind<JsonModuleType<T>>; /** The field is declared on a parent type, such as: - a super class field that is not overriden - a forwarded abstract field **/ var Parent:ClassFieldOriginKind<JsonModuleType<T>>; /** The field is a static extension method brought into context with the `using` keyword. **/ var StaticExtension:ClassFieldOriginKind<JsonModuleType<T>>; /** This field doesn't belong to any named type, just an anonymous structure. **/ var AnonymousStructure:ClassFieldOriginKind<JsonAnon>; /** Special fields built into the compiler, such as: - `code` on single-character Strings - `bind()` on functions. **/ var BuiltIn:ClassFieldOriginKind<NoData>; /** The origin of this class field is unknown. **/ var Unknown:ClassFieldOriginKind<NoData>; } typedef ClassFieldOrigin<T> = { var kind:ClassFieldOriginKind<T>; var ?args:T; } typedef ClassFieldOccurrence<T> = { var field:JsonClassField; var resolution:FieldResolution; var ?origin:ClassFieldOrigin<T>; } enum abstract EnumFieldOriginKind<T>(Int) { /** The enum value is declared on the current type itself. **/ var Self:EnumFieldOriginKind<JsonModuleType<T>>; /** The enum value is brought into context via a static import (`import pack.Module.Enum.Value`). **/ var StaticImport:EnumFieldOriginKind<JsonModuleType<T>>; } typedef EnumFieldOrigin<T> = { var kind:EnumFieldOriginKind<T>; var ?args:T; } typedef EnumFieldOccurrence<T> = { var field:JsonEnumField; var resolution:FieldResolution; var ?origin:EnumFieldOrigin<T>; } enum abstract Literal(String) { var Null = "null"; var True = "true"; var False = "false"; var This = "this"; var Trace = "trace"; } enum abstract DisplayModuleTypeKind(Int) { var Class; var Interface; var Enum; var Abstract; var EnumAbstract; /** A `typedef` that is just an alias for another type. **/ var TypeAlias; /** A `typedef` that is an alias for an anonymous structure. **/ var Struct; /** A type name introduced by `import as` / `import in` **/ // var ImportAlias; } typedef DisplayModuleType = { var path:JsonTypePath; var pos:JsonPos; var isPrivate:Bool; var params:Array<DisplayModuleTypeParameter>; var meta:JsonMetadata; var doc:JsonDoc; var isExtern:Bool; var isFinal:Bool; var isAbstract:Bool; var kind:DisplayModuleTypeKind; } typedef DisplayModuleTypeParameter = { var name:String; var meta:JsonMetadata; var constraints:Array<JsonType<Dynamic>>; } typedef DisplayLiteral<T> = { var name:String; } enum abstract MetadataTarget(String) { var Class = "TClass"; var ClassField = "TClassField"; var Abstract = "TAbstract"; var AbstractField = "TAbstractField"; var Enum = "TEnum"; var Typedef = "TTypedef"; var AnyField = "TAnyField"; var Expr = "TExpr"; var TypeParameter = "TTypeParameter"; } enum abstract Platform(String) { var Cross = "cross"; var Js = "js"; var Lua = "lua"; var Neko = "neko"; var Flash = "flash"; var Php = "php"; var Cpp = "cpp"; var Cs = "cs"; var Java = "java"; var Python = "python"; var Hl = "hl"; var Eval = "eval"; } typedef Metadata = { var name:String; var doc:JsonDoc; var parameters:Array<String>; var platforms:Array<Platform>; var targets:Array<MetadataTarget>; var internal:Bool; var ?links:Array<String>; } typedef Define = { var name:String; var value:Null<String>; var doc:JsonDoc; var parameters:Array<String>; var platforms:Array<Platform>; var links:Array<String>; } typedef Keyword = { var name:KeywordKind; } enum abstract KeywordKind(String) to String { var Implements = "implements"; var Extends = "extends"; var Function = "function"; var Var = "var"; var If = "if"; var Else = "else"; var While = "while"; var Do = "do"; var For = "for"; var Break = "break"; var Return = "return"; var Continue = "continue"; var Switch = "switch"; var Case = "case"; var Default = "default"; var Try = "try"; var Catch = "catch"; var New = "new"; var Throw = "throw"; var Untyped = "untyped"; var Cast = "cast"; var Macro = "macro"; var Package = "package"; var Import = "import"; var Using = "using"; var Public = "public"; var Private = "private"; var Static = "static"; var Extern = "extern"; var Dynamic = "dynamic"; var Override = "override"; var Overload = "overload"; var Class = "class"; var Interface = "interface"; var Enum = "enum"; var Abstract = "abstract"; var Typedef = "typedef"; var Final = "final"; var Inline = "inline"; } /* enum abstract PackageContentKind(Int) { var Module; var Package; }*/ typedef Package = { var path:JsonPackagePath; // var ?contents:Array<{name:String, kind:PackageContentKind}>; } typedef Module = { var path:JsonModulePath; // var ?contents:Array<ModuleType>; } enum abstract DisplayItemKind<T>(String) { var Local:DisplayItemKind<DisplayLocal<Dynamic>>; var ClassField:DisplayItemKind<ClassFieldOccurrence<Dynamic>>; var EnumField:DisplayItemKind<EnumFieldOccurrence<Dynamic>>; /** Only for the enum values in enum abstracts, other fields use `ClassField`. **/ var EnumAbstractField:DisplayItemKind<ClassFieldOccurrence<Dynamic>>; var Type:DisplayItemKind<DisplayModuleType>; var Package:DisplayItemKind<Package>; var Module:DisplayItemKind<Module>; var Literal:DisplayItemKind<DisplayLiteral<Dynamic>>; var Metadata:DisplayItemKind<Metadata>; var Keyword:DisplayItemKind<Keyword>; var AnonymousStructure:DisplayItemKind<JsonAnon>; var Expression:DisplayItemKind<JsonTExpr>; var TypeParameter:DisplayItemKind<DisplayModuleTypeParameter>; var Define:DisplayItemKind<Define>; } typedef DisplayItem<T> = { var kind:DisplayItemKind<T>; var args:T; var ?type:JsonType<Dynamic>; var ?index:Int; } typedef DisplayItemOccurrence<T> = { var range:Range; var item:DisplayItem<T>; var ?moduleType:JsonModuleType<Dynamic>; var ?moduleTypeFollowed:JsonModuleType<Dynamic>; } typedef FieldCompletionSubject<T> = DisplayItemOccurrence<T> & { var ?iterator:{ var type:JsonType<Dynamic>; }; var ?keyValueIterator:{ var key:JsonType<Dynamic>; var value:JsonType<Dynamic>; }; } typedef ToplevelCompletion<T> = { var ?expectedType:JsonType<T>; var ?expectedTypeFollowed:JsonType<T>; var ?compatibleTypes:Array<JsonType<Dynamic>>; } typedef StructExtensionCompletion = { var isIntersectionType:Bool; } typedef PatternCompletion<T> = ToplevelCompletion<T> & { var isOutermostPattern:Bool; } enum abstract CompletionModeKind<T>(Int) { var Field:CompletionModeKind<FieldCompletionSubject<Dynamic>>; var StructureField; var Toplevel:CompletionModeKind<ToplevelCompletion<Dynamic>>; var Metadata; var TypeHint; var Extends; var Implements; var StructExtension:CompletionModeKind<StructExtensionCompletion>; var Import; var Using; var New; var Pattern:CompletionModeKind<PatternCompletion<Dynamic>>; var Override; var TypeRelation; var TypeDeclaration; } typedef CompletionMode<T> = { var kind:CompletionModeKind<T>; var ?args:T; } typedef CompletionResponse<T1, T2> = { var items:Array<DisplayItem<T1>>; var mode:CompletionMode<T2>; var ?replaceRange:Range; var ?isIncomplete:Bool; var ?filterString:String; } typedef CompletionResult = Response<Null<CompletionResponse<Dynamic, Dynamic>>>; /** CompletionItem Resolve **/ typedef CompletionItemResolveParams = { var index:Int; }; typedef CompletionItemResolveResult = Response<{ var item:DisplayItem<Dynamic>; }>; /** FindReferences **/ typedef FindReferencesParams = PositionParams & { var ?kind:FindReferencesKind; } enum abstract FindReferencesKind(String) to String { /** Find only direct references to the requested symbol. Does not look for references to parent or overriding methods. **/ var Direct = "direct"; /** Find references to the base field and all the overidding fields in the inheritance chain. **/ var WithBaseAndDescendants = "withBaseAndDescendants"; /** Find references to the requested field and references to all descendants of the requested field. **/ var WithDescendants = "withDescendants"; } /** GotoDefinition **/ typedef GotoDefinitionResult = Response<Array<Location>>; /** GotoTypeDefinition **/ typedef GotoTypeDefinitionResult = Response<Array<Location>>; /** Hover **/ typedef HoverResult = Response<Null<HoverDisplayItemOccurence<Dynamic>>>; typedef HoverDisplayItemOccurence<T> = DisplayItemOccurrence<T> & { var ?expected:{ var ?type:JsonType<Dynamic>; var ?name:{ var name:String; var kind:HoverExpectedNameKind; var ?doc:String; }; }; } enum abstract HoverExpectedNameKind(Int) { var FunctionArgument; var StructureField; } /** DeterminePackage **/ typedef DeterminePackageResult = Response<Array<String>>; /** SignatureHelp **/ typedef SignatureHelpParams = PositionParams & { var wasAutoTriggered:Bool; } typedef SignatureInformation = JsonFunctionSignature & { var ?documentation:String; } enum abstract SignatureItemKind(Int) { var Call; var ArrayAccess; } typedef SignatureItem = { var signatures:Array<SignatureInformation>; var activeSignature:Int; var activeParameter:Int; var kind:SignatureItemKind; } typedef SignatureHelpResult = Response<Null<SignatureItem>>; /** General types **/ typedef PositionParams = FileParams & { /** Unicode character offset in the file. **/ var offset:Int; var ?contents:String; }