/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe.io; class BytesBuffer { #if neko var b:Dynamic; // neko string buffer #elseif flash var b:flash.utils.ByteArray; #elseif cpp var b:BytesData; #elseif cs var b:cs.system.io.MemoryStream; #elseif java var b:java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; #elseif python var b:python.Bytearray; #else var b:Array; #end /** The length of the buffer in bytes. **/ public var length(get, never):Int; public function new() { #if neko b = untyped StringBuf.__make(); #elseif flash b = new flash.utils.ByteArray(); b.endian = flash.utils.Endian.LITTLE_ENDIAN; #elseif cpp b = new BytesData(); #elseif cs b = new cs.system.io.MemoryStream(); #elseif java b = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); #elseif python b = new python.Bytearray(); #else b = new Array(); #end } inline function get_length():Int { #if neko return untyped __dollar__ssize(StringBuf.__to_string(b)); #elseif cs return haxe.Int64.toInt(b.Length); #elseif java return b.size(); #else return b.length; #end } public inline function addByte(byte:Int) { #if neko untyped StringBuf.__add_char(b, byte); #elseif flash b.writeByte(byte); #elseif cpp b.push(untyped byte); #elseif cs b.WriteByte(cast byte); #elseif java b.write(byte); #elseif python b.append(byte); #else b.push(byte); #end } public inline function add(src:Bytes) { #if neko untyped StringBuf.__add(b, src.getData()); #elseif flash b.writeBytes(src.getData()); #elseif cs b.Write(src.getData(), 0, src.length); #elseif java b.write(src.getData(), 0, src.length); #elseif js var b1 = b; var b2 = @:privateAccess src.b; for (i in 0...src.length) b.push(b2[i]); #elseif python b.extend(src.getData()); #else var b1 = b; var b2 = src.getData(); for (i in 0...src.length) b.push(b2[i]); #end } public inline function addString(v:String, ?encoding:Encoding) { #if neko untyped StringBuf.__add(b, v.__s); #elseif flash if (encoding == RawNative) b.writeMultiByte(v, "unicode") else b.writeUTFBytes(v); #elseif python b.extend(new python.Bytearray(v, "UTF-8")); #else add(Bytes.ofString(v, encoding)); #end } public #if flash inline #end function addInt32(v:Int) { #if flash b.writeUnsignedInt(v); #else addByte(v & 0xFF); addByte((v >> 8) & 0xFF); addByte((v >> 16) & 0xFF); addByte(v >>> 24); #end } public #if flash inline #end function addInt64(v:haxe.Int64) { addInt32(v.low); addInt32(v.high); } public inline function addFloat(v:Float) { #if flash b.writeFloat(v); #else addInt32(FPHelper.floatToI32(v)); #end } public inline function addDouble(v:Float) { #if flash b.writeDouble(v); #else addInt64(FPHelper.doubleToI64(v)); #end } public inline function addBytes(src:Bytes, pos:Int, len:Int) { #if !neko if (pos < 0 || len < 0 || pos + len > src.length) throw Error.OutsideBounds; #end #if neko try untyped StringBuf.__add_sub(b, src.getData(), pos, len) catch (e:Dynamic) throw Error.OutsideBounds; #elseif flash if (len > 0) b.writeBytes(src.getData(), pos, len); #elseif cs b.Write(src.getData(), pos, len); #elseif java b.write(src.getData(), pos, len); #elseif js var b1 = b; var b2 = @:privateAccess src.b; for (i in pos...pos + len) b.push(b2[i]); #elseif python b.extend(python.Syntax.code("{0}[{1}:{2}]", src.getData(), pos, pos + len)); #else var b1 = b; var b2 = src.getData(); for (i in pos...pos + len) b.push(b2[i]); #end } /** Returns either a copy or a reference of the current bytes. Once called, the buffer should no longer be used. **/ public function getBytes():Bytes untyped { #if neko var str = StringBuf.__to_string(b); var bytes = new Bytes(__dollar__ssize(str), str); #elseif flash var bytes = new Bytes(b.length, b); b.position = 0; #elseif cs var buf = b.GetBuffer(); var bytes = new Bytes(cast b.Length, buf); #elseif java var buf = b.toByteArray(); var bytes = new Bytes(buf.length, buf); #elseif python var bytes = new Bytes(b.length, b); #elseif js var bytes = new Bytes(new js.lib.Uint8Array(b).buffer); #else var bytes = new Bytes(b.length, b); #end b = null; return bytes; } }