from math import pi, cos, sin, sqrt from typing import Type import bpy from bpy.props import * from bpy.types import NodeSocket import mathutils import lnx.node_utils import lnx.utils if lnx.is_reload(__name__): lnx.node_utils = lnx.reload_module(lnx.node_utils) lnx.utils = lnx.reload_module(lnx.utils) else: lnx.enable_reload(__name__) # See Blender sources: /source/blender/editors/space_node/ # Permalink for 3.2.2: socket_colors = { 'LnxNodeSocketAction': (0.8, 0.3, 0.3, 1), 'LnxNodeSocketAnimAction': (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1), 'LnxRotationSocket': (0.68, 0.22, 0.62, 1), 'LnxNodeSocketArray': (0.8, 0.4, 0.0, 1), 'LnxBoolSocket': (0.80, 0.65, 0.84, 1.0), 'LnxColorSocket': (0.78, 0.78, 0.16, 1.0), 'LnxDynamicSocket': (0.39, 0.78, 0.39, 1.0), 'LnxFloatSocket': (0.63, 0.63, 0.63, 1.0), 'LnxIntSocket': (0.059, 0.522, 0.149, 1), 'LnxNodeSocketObject': (0.15, 0.55, 0.75, 1), 'LnxStringSocket': (0.44, 0.70, 1.00, 1.0), 'LnxVectorSocket': (0.39, 0.39, 0.78, 1.0), 'LnxAnySocket': (0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1), 'LnxNodeSocketAnimTree': (0.3, 0.1, 0.0, 1.0), 'ArmFactorSocket': (0.631, 0.631, 0.631, 1.0), 'ArmBlendSpaceSocket': (0.631, 0.631, 0.631, 1.0) } def _on_update_socket(self, context): self.node.on_socket_val_update(context, self) class LnxCustomSocket(NodeSocket): """ A custom socket that can be used to define more socket types for logic node packs. Do not use this type directly (it is not registered)! """ bl_idname = 'LnxCustomSocket' bl_label = 'Custom Socket' # note: trying to use the `type` property will fail. All custom nodes will have "VALUE" as a type, because it is the default. lnx_socket_type = 'NONE' # please also declare a property named "default_value_raw" of lnx_socket_type isn't "NONE" def get_default_value(self): """Override this for values of unconnected input sockets.""" return None def on_node_update(self): """Called when the update() method of the corresponding node is called.""" pass def copy_defaults(self, socket): """Called when this socket default values are to be copied to the given socket""" pass class LnxActionSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxNodeSocketAction' bl_label = 'Action Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'NONE' def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): layout.label( def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] class LnxAnimActionSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxNodeSocketAnimAction' bl_label = 'Action Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'STRING' default_value_get: PointerProperty(name='Action', type=bpy.types.Action) # legacy version of the line after this one default_value_raw: PointerProperty(name='Action', type=bpy.types.Action, update=_on_update_socket) def __init__(self): super().__init__() if self.default_value_get is not None: self.default_value_raw = self.default_value_get self.default_value_get = None def get_default_value(self): if self.default_value_raw is None: return '' if not in return name = lnx.utils.asset_name([]) return lnx.utils.safestr(name) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): if self.is_output: layout.label( elif self.is_linked: layout.label( else: row = layout.row(align=True) layout.prop_search(self, 'default_value_raw',, 'actions', icon='NONE', def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def copy_defaults(self, socket): if socket.bl_idname == self.bl_idname: socket.default_value_raw = self.default_value_raw class LnxRotationSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxRotationSocket' bl_label = 'Rotation Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'ROTATION' # the internal representation is a quaternion, AKA a '4D vector' (using mathutils.Vector((x,y,z,w))) def get_default_value(self): if self.default_value_raw is None: return mathutils.Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) else: return self.default_value_raw def on_unit_update(self, context): if self.default_value_unit == 'Rad': fac = pi/180 # deg->rad conversion else: fac = 180/pi # rad->deg conversion if self.default_value_mode == 'AxisAngle': self.default_value_s3 *= fac elif self.default_value_mode == 'EulerAngles': self.default_value_s0 *= fac self.default_value_s1 *= fac self.default_value_s2 *= fac self.do_update_raw(context) def on_mode_update(self, context): if self.default_value_mode == 'Quaternion': summ = abs(self.default_value_s0) summ+= abs(self.default_value_s1) summ+= abs(self.default_value_s2) summ+= abs(self.default_value_s3) if summ<0.01: self.default_value_s3 = 1.0 elif self.default_value_mode == 'AxisAngle': summ = abs(self.default_value_s0) summ+= abs(self.default_value_s1) summ+= abs(self.default_value_s2) if summ<1E-5: self.default_value_s3 = 0.0 self.do_update_raw(context) @staticmethod def convert_to_quaternion(part1,part2,param1,param2,param3): """converts a representation of rotation into a quaternion. ``part1`` is a vector, ``part2`` is a scalar or None, ``param1`` is in ('Quaternion', 'EulerAngles', 'AxisAngle'), ``param2`` is in ('Rad','Deg') for both EulerAngles and AxisAngle, ``param3`` is a len-3 string like "XYZ", for EulerAngles """ if param1=='Quaternion': qx, qy, qz = part1[0], part1[1], part1[2] qw = part2 # need to normalize the quaternion for a rotation (having it be 0 is not an option) ql = sqrt(qx**2+qy**2+qz**2+qw**2) if abs(ql)<1E-5: qx, qy, qz, qw = 0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0 else: qx /= ql qy /= ql qz /= ql qw /= ql return mathutils.Vector((qx,qy,qz,qw)) elif param1 == 'AxisAngle': if param2 == 'Deg': angle = part2 * pi/180 else: angle = part2 cang, sang = cos(angle/2), sin(angle/2) x,y,z = part1[0], part1[1], part1[2] veclen = sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2) if veclen<1E-5: return mathutils.Vector((0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0)) else: return mathutils.Vector(( x/veclen * sang, y/veclen * sang, z/veclen * sang, cang )) else: # param1 == 'EulerAngles' x,y,z = part1[0], part1[1], part1[2] if param2 == 'Deg': x *= pi/180 y *= pi/180 z *= pi/180 cx, sx = cos(x/2), sin(x/2) cy, sy = cos(y/2), sin(y/2) cz, sz = cos(z/2), sin(z/2) qw, qx, qy, qz = 1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0 for direction in param3[::-1]: qwi, qxi,qyi,qzi = {'X': (cx,sx,0,0), 'Y': (cy,0,sy,0), 'Z': (cz,0,0,sz)}[direction] qw = qw*qwi -qx*qxi -qy*qyi -qz*qzi qx = qx*qwi +qw*qxi +qy*qzi -qz*qyi qy = qy*qwi +qw*qyi +qz*qxi -qx*qzi qz = qz*qwi +qw*qzi +qx*qyi -qy*qxi return mathutils.Vector((qx,qy,qz,qw)) def do_update_raw(self, context): part1 = mathutils.Vector(( self.default_value_s0, self.default_value_s1, self.default_value_s2, 1 )) part2 = self.default_value_s3 self.default_value_raw = self.convert_to_quaternion( part1, self.default_value_s3, self.default_value_mode, self.default_value_unit, self.default_value_order ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): if (self.is_output or self.is_linked): layout.label( else: coll1 = layout.column(align=True) coll1.label( coll = bx.column(align=True) coll.prop(self, 'default_value_mode') if self.default_value_mode in ('EulerAngles', 'AxisAngle'): coll.prop(self, 'default_value_unit') if self.default_value_mode == 'EulerAngles': coll.prop(self, 'default_value_order') coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s0', text='X') coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s1', text='Y') coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s2', text='Z') elif self.default_value_mode == 'Quaternion': coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s0', text='X') coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s1', text='Y') coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s2', text='Z') coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s3', text='W') elif self.default_value_mode == 'AxisAngle': coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s0', text='X') coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s1', text='Y') coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s2', text='Z') coll.separator() coll.prop(self, 'default_value_s3', text='Angle') def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] default_value_mode: EnumProperty( items=[('EulerAngles', 'Euler Angles', 'Euler Angles'), ('AxisAngle', 'Axis/Angle', 'Axis/Angle'), ('Quaternion', 'Quaternion', 'Quaternion')], name='', default='EulerAngles', update=on_mode_update) default_value_unit: EnumProperty( items=[('Deg', 'Degrees', 'Degrees'), ('Rad', 'Radians', 'Radians')], name='', default='Rad', update=on_unit_update) default_value_order: EnumProperty( items=[('XYZ','XYZ','XYZ'), ('XZY','XZY (legacy Leenkx euler order)','XZY (legacy Leenkx euler order)'), ('YXZ','YXZ','YXZ'), ('YZX','YZX','YZX'), ('ZXY','ZXY','ZXY'), ('ZYX','ZYX','ZYX')], name='', default='XYZ' ) default_value_s0: FloatProperty(update=do_update_raw) default_value_s1: FloatProperty(update=do_update_raw) default_value_s2: FloatProperty(update=do_update_raw) default_value_s3: FloatProperty(update=do_update_raw) default_value_raw: FloatVectorProperty( name='Value', description='Raw quaternion obtained for the default value of a LnxRotationSocket socket', size=4, default=(0,0,0,1), update = _on_update_socket ) def copy_defaults(self, socket): if socket.bl_idname == self.bl_idname: socket.default_value_mode = self.default_value_mode socket.default_value_unit = self.default_value_unit socket.default_value_order = self.default_value_order socket.default_value_s0 = self.default_value_s0 socket.default_value_s1 = self.default_value_s1 socket.default_value_s2 = self.default_value_s2 socket.default_value_s3 = self.default_value_s3 socket.default_value_raw = self.default_value_raw class LnxArraySocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxNodeSocketArray' bl_label = 'Array Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'NONE' def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): layout.label( def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] class LnxBoolSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxBoolSocket' bl_label = 'Boolean Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'BOOLEAN' default_value_raw: BoolProperty( name='Value', description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw def copy_defaults(self, socket): if socket.bl_idname == self.bl_idname: socket.default_value_raw = self.default_value_raw class LnxColorSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxColorSocket' bl_label = 'Color Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'RGBA' default_value_raw: FloatVectorProperty( name='Value', size=4, subtype='COLOR', min=0.0, max=1.0, default=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout_split(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw def copy_defaults(self, socket): if socket.bl_idname == self.bl_idname: socket.default_value_raw = self.default_value_raw class LnxDynamicSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxDynamicSocket' bl_label = 'Dynamic Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'NONE' def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): layout.label( def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] class LnxAnySocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxAnySocket' bl_label = 'Any Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'NONE' # Callback function when socket label is changed def on_disp_label_update(self, context): node = self.node if node.bl_idname == 'LNGroupInputsNode' or node.bl_idname == 'LNGroupOutputsNode': if not node.invalid_link: node.socket_name_update(self) self.on_node_update() = self.display_label display_label: StringProperty( name='display_label', description='Property to store socket display name', update=on_disp_label_update) display_color: FloatVectorProperty( name='Color', size=4, subtype='COLOR', min=0.0, max=1.0, default=socket_colors['LnxAnySocket'] ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): layout.label(text=self.display_label) def draw_color(self, context, node): return self.display_color def on_node_update(self): # Cache name and color of connected socket if self.is_output: c_node, c_socket = lnx.node_utils.output_get_connected_node(self) else: c_node, c_socket = lnx.node_utils.input_get_connected_node(self) if c_node is None: self.display_color = socket_colors[self.__class__.bl_idname] else: if self.display_label == '': self.display_label = self.display_color = c_socket.draw_color(bpy.context, c_node) class LnxFloatSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxFloatSocket' bl_label = 'Float Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'VALUE' default_value_raw: FloatProperty( name='Value', description='Input value used for unconnected socket', precision=3, update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw def copy_defaults(self, socket): if socket.bl_idname == self.bl_idname: socket.default_value_raw = self.default_value_raw class LnxIntSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxIntSocket' bl_label = 'Integer Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'INT' default_value_raw: IntProperty( name='Value', description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw def copy_defaults(self, socket): if socket.bl_idname == self.bl_idname: socket.default_value_raw = self.default_value_raw class LnxObjectSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxNodeSocketObject' bl_label = 'Object Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'OBJECT' default_value_get: PointerProperty(name='Object', type=bpy.types.Object) # legacy version of the line after this one default_value_raw: PointerProperty(name='Object', type=bpy.types.Object, update=_on_update_socket) def __init__(self): super().__init__() if self.default_value_get is not None: self.default_value_raw = self.default_value_get self.default_value_get = None def get_default_value(self): if self.default_value_raw is None: return '' if not in return return lnx.utils.asset_name([]) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): if self.is_output: layout.label( elif self.is_linked: layout.label( else: row = layout.row(align=True) row.prop_search(self, 'default_value_raw', context.scene, 'objects', icon='NONE', def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def copy_defaults(self, socket): if socket.bl_idname == self.bl_idname: socket.default_value_raw = self.default_value_raw class LnxStringSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxStringSocket' bl_label = 'String Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'STRING' default_value_raw: StringProperty( name='Value', description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout_split(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw def copy_defaults(self, socket): if socket.bl_idname == self.bl_idname: socket.default_value_raw = self.default_value_raw class LnxVectorSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxVectorSocket' bl_label = 'Vector Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'VECTOR' default_value_raw: FloatVectorProperty( name='Value', size=3, precision=3, description='Input value used for unconnected socket', update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): if not self.is_output and not self.is_linked: col = layout.column(align=True) col.label( + ":") col.prop(self, 'default_value_raw', text='') else: layout.label( def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw def copy_defaults(self, socket): if socket.bl_idname == self.bl_idname: socket.default_value_raw = self.default_value_raw class LnxAnimTreeSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'LnxNodeSocketAnimTree' bl_label = 'Animation Tree Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'NONE' def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): layout.label( def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] class ArmFactorSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmFactorSocket' bl_label = 'Factor Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'FACTOR' default_value_raw: FloatProperty( name='Factor', description='Input value used for unconnected socket in the range [0 , 1]', precision=3, min = 0.0, max = 1.0, update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw class ArmBlendSpaceSocket(LnxCustomSocket): bl_idname = 'ArmBlendSpaceSocket' bl_label = 'Blend Space Socket' lnx_socket_type = 'FACTOR' default_value_raw: FloatProperty( name='Factor', description='Input value used for unconnected socket in the range [0 , 1]', precision=3, min = 0.0, max = 1.0, update=_on_update_socket ) def draw(self, context, layout, node, text): draw_socket_layout(self, layout) def draw_color(self, context, node): return socket_colors[self.bl_idname] def get_default_value(self): return self.default_value_raw def set_default_value(self, value): self.default_value_raw = value def draw_socket_layout(socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, prop_name='default_value_raw'): if not socket.is_output and not socket.is_linked: layout.prop(socket, prop_name, else: layout.label( def draw_socket_layout_split(socket: bpy.types.NodeSocket, layout: bpy.types.UILayout, prop_name='default_value_raw'): if not socket.is_output and not socket.is_linked: # Blender layouts use 0.4 splits layout = layout.split(factor=0.4, align=True) layout.label( if not socket.is_output and not socket.is_linked: layout.prop(socket, prop_name, text='') if < (4, 1, 0): def _make_socket_interface(interface_name: str, bl_idname: str) -> Type[bpy.types.NodeSocketInterface]: """Create a socket interface class that is used by Blender for node groups. We currently don't use real node groups, but without these classes Blender will (incorrectly) draw the socket borders in light grey. """ def draw(self, context, layout): pass def draw_color(self, context): # This would be used if we were using "real" node groups return 0, 0, 0, 1 cls = type( interface_name, (bpy.types.NodeSocketInterface, ), { 'bl_socket_idname': bl_idname, 'draw': draw, 'draw_color': draw_color, } ) return cls else: def _make_socket_interface(interface_name: str, bl_idname: str) -> Type[bpy.types.NodeTreeInterfaceSocket]: """Create a socket interface class that is used by Blender for node groups. We currently don't use real node groups, but without these classes Blender will (incorrectly) draw the socket borders in light grey. """ def draw(self, context, layout): pass def draw_color(self, context): # This would be used if we were using "real" node groups return 0, 0, 0, 1 cls = type( interface_name, (bpy.types.NodeTreeInterfaceSocket, ), { 'bl_socket_idname': bl_idname, 'draw': draw, 'draw_color': draw_color, } ) return cls LnxActionSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxActionSocketInterface', 'LnxNodeSocketAction') LnxAnimSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxAnimSocketInterface', 'LnxNodeSocketAnimAction') LnxRotationSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxRotationSocketInterface', 'LnxRotationSocket') LnxArraySocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxArraySocketInterface', 'LnxNodeSocketArray') LnxBoolSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxBoolSocketInterface', 'LnxBoolSocket') LnxColorSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxColorSocketInterface', 'LnxColorSocket') LnxDynamicSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxDynamicSocketInterface', 'LnxDynamicSocket') LnxFloatSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxFloatSocketInterface', 'LnxFloatSocket') LnxIntSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxIntSocketInterface', 'LnxIntSocket') LnxObjectSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxObjectSocketInterface', 'LnxNodeSocketObject') LnxStringSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxStringSocketInterface', 'LnxStringSocket') LnxVectorSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxVectorSocketInterface', 'LnxVectorSocket') LnxAnySocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxAnySocketInterface', 'LnxAnySocket') LnxAnimTreeSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('LnxAnimTreeSocketInterface', 'LnxNodeSocketAnimTree') ArmFactorSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('ArmFactorSocketInterface', 'ArmFactorSocket') ArmBlendSpaceSocketInterface = _make_socket_interface('ArmBlendSpaceSocketInterface', 'ArmBlendSpaceSocket') __REG_CLASSES = ( LnxActionSocketInterface, LnxAnimSocketInterface, LnxRotationSocketInterface, LnxArraySocketInterface, LnxBoolSocketInterface, LnxColorSocketInterface, LnxDynamicSocketInterface, LnxFloatSocketInterface, LnxIntSocketInterface, LnxObjectSocketInterface, LnxStringSocketInterface, LnxVectorSocketInterface, LnxAnySocketInterface, LnxAnimTreeSocketInterface, ArmFactorSocketInterface, ArmBlendSpaceSocketInterface, LnxActionSocket, LnxAnimActionSocket, LnxRotationSocket, LnxArraySocket, LnxBoolSocket, LnxColorSocket, LnxDynamicSocket, LnxFloatSocket, LnxIntSocket, LnxObjectSocket, LnxStringSocket, LnxVectorSocket, LnxAnySocket, LnxAnimTreeSocket, ArmFactorSocket, ArmBlendSpaceSocket, ) register, unregister = bpy.utils.register_classes_factory(__REG_CLASSES)