/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package hl; @:coreType abstract Bytes { extern public inline function new(v:Int) { this = alloc(v); } @:hlNative("std", "bytes_blit") public function blit(pos:Int, src:Bytes, srcPos:Int, len:Int):Void {} @:arrayAccess extern public inline function getUI8(pos:Int):Int { return untyped $bgetui8(this, pos); } @:arrayAccess extern public inline function setUI8(pos:Int, value:Int):Int { untyped $bsetui8(this, pos, value); return value; } extern public inline function getI32(pos:Int):Int { return untyped $bgeti32(this, pos); } public inline function getUI16(pos:Int):Int { return untyped $bgetui16(this, pos); } public inline function setUI16(pos:Int, v:Int) { untyped $bsetui16(this, pos, v); } extern public inline function getF32(pos:Int):F32 { return untyped $bgetf32(this, pos); } extern public inline function getF64(pos:Int):Float { return untyped $bgetf64(this, pos); } extern public inline function setI32(pos:Int, value:Int):Void { untyped $bseti32(this, pos, value); } extern public inline function setF32(pos:Int, value:F32):Void { untyped $bsetf32(this, pos, value); } extern public inline function setF64(pos:Int, value:Float):Void { untyped $bsetf64(this, pos, value); } @:hlNative("std", "alloc_bytes") static function alloc(size:Int):Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "parse_int") public function parseInt(pos:Int, size:Int):Null<Int> { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "parse_float") public function parseFloat(pos:Int, size:Int):Float { return 0.; } @:hlNative("std", "bytes_compare") public function compare(pos:Int, bytes:Bytes, bytesPos:Int, size:Int):Int { return 0; } #if (hl_ver >= version("1.10.0")) @:hlNative("std", "bytes_compare16") public function compare16(bytes:Bytes, size:Int):Int { return 0; } #end @:hlNative("std", "bytes_find") public function find(pos:Int, size:Int, bytes:Bytes, bytesPos:Int, bytesSize:Int):Int { return 0; } @:hlNative("std", "bytes_fill") public function fill(pos:Int, size:Int, v:Int):Void {} @:hlNative("std", "bsort_i32") public function sortI32(pos:Int, length:Int, f:Int->Int->Int):Void {} @:hlNative("std", "bsort_f64") public function sortF64(pos:Int, length:Int, f:Float->Float->Int):Void {} /** Please note that you need to retain the original unoffset'ed Bytes so it does not get garbage collected, unless the pointer was not GC allocated. **/ @:hlNative("std", "bytes_offset") public function offset(delta:Int):Bytes { return null; } /** Returns an offset between the two pointers. This might overflow in 64 bits if the addresses of the two pointers differs by more than 4GB **/ @:hlNative("std", "bytes_subtract") public function subtract(other:Bytes):Int { return 0; } @:hlNative("std", "bytes_address") static function get_address(b:Bytes, high:Ref<Int>):Int { return 0; } @:hlNative("std", "bytes_from_address") static function from_address(low:Int, high:Int):Bytes { return null; } /** Creates an pointer at a given memory address (highly unsafe) **/ public static inline function fromAddress(h:haxe.Int64):Bytes { return from_address(h.low, h.high); } /** Returns the address value of the bytes. On 32 bit system the upper 32 bits will always be 0 **/ public function address():haxe.Int64 { var high = 0; var low = get_address(this, high); return haxe.Int64.make(high, low); } public function sub(pos:Int, size:Int) { var b = new Bytes(size); b.blit(0, this, pos, size); return b; } @:hlNative("std", "ucs2length") public function ucs2Length(bytePos:Int):Int { return 0; } @:hlNative("std", "hash") function hash():Int { return 0; } @:hlNative("std", "utf8_to_utf16") public function utf8ToUtf16(bytePos:Int, outSize:Ref<Int>):Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std","utf16_to_utf8") public function utf16ToUtf8(len:Int, outSize:Ref<Int>) : Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "ucs2_upper") function ucs2Upper(bytePos:Int, size:Int):Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "ucs2_lower") function ucs2Lower(bytePos:Int, size:Int):Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "url_encode") function urlEncode(outSize:Ref<Int>):Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "url_decode") function urlDecode(outSize:Ref<Int>):Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "value_to_string") public static function fromValue(v:Dynamic, length:Ref<Int>):Bytes { return null; } /** Get the bytes reference from an array of basic types (no copy occurs) **/ extern public static inline function getArray<T>(a:Array<T>):Bytes { return untyped $abytes(a); } @:from public static inline function fromBytes(bytes:haxe.io.Bytes) { return @:privateAccess bytes.b; } public inline function toBytes(len:Int) { return @:privateAccess new haxe.io.Bytes(this, len); } }