/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package lua; import haxe.SysTools; @:dox(hide) class Boot { // Used temporarily for bind() static var _:Dynamic; static var _fid = 0; static var Max_Int32 = 2147483647; static var Min_Int32 = -2147483648; // A max stack size to respect for unpack operations public static var MAXSTACKSIZE(default, null) = 1000; public static var platformBigEndian = NativeStringTools.byte(NativeStringTools.dump(function() {}), 7) > 0; static var hiddenFields:Table<String, Bool> = untyped __lua__("{__id__=true, hx__closures=true, super=true, prototype=true, __fields__=true, __ifields__=true, __class__=true, __properties__=true}"); static function __unhtml(s:String) return s.split("&").join("&").split("<").join("<").split(">").join(">"); /** Indicates if the given object is a class. **/ static inline public function isClass(o:Dynamic):Bool { if (Lua.type(o) != "table") return false; else return untyped __define_feature__("lua.Boot.isClass", o.__name__); } /** Indicates if the given object is a enum. **/ static inline public function isEnum(e:Dynamic):Bool { if (Lua.type(e) != "table") return false; else return untyped __define_feature__("lua.Boot.isEnum", e.__ename__); } /** Returns the class of a given object, and defines the getClass feature for the given class. **/ static inline public function getClass(o:Dynamic):Class<Dynamic> { if (Std.isOfType(o, Array)) return Array; else if (Std.isOfType(o, String)) return String; else { var cl = untyped __define_feature__("lua.Boot.getClass", o.__class__); if (cl != null) return cl; else return null; } } /** Indicates if the given object is an instance of the given Type **/ @:ifFeature("typed_catch") private static function __instanceof(o:Dynamic, cl:Dynamic) { if (cl == null) return false; switch (cl) { case Int: return (Lua.type(o) == "number" && clampInt32(o) == o); case Float: return Lua.type(o) == "number"; case Bool: return Lua.type(o) == "boolean"; case String: return Lua.type(o) == "string"; case Thread: return Lua.type(o) == "thread"; case UserData: return Lua.type(o) == "userdata"; case Array: return isArray(o); case Table: return Lua.type(o) == "table"; case Dynamic: return o != null; default: { if (o != null && Lua.type(o) == "table" && Lua.type(cl) == "table") { if (extendsOrImplements(getClass(o), cl)) return true; // We've exhausted standard inheritance checks. Check for simple Class/Enum eqauality // Also, do not use isClass/isEnum here, perform raw checks untyped __feature__("Class.*", if (cl == Class && o.__name__ != null) return true); untyped __feature__("Enum.*", if (cl == Enum && o.__ename__ != null) return true); // last chance, is it an enum instance? return o.__enum__ == cl; } else { return false; } } } } static function isArray(o:Dynamic):Bool { return Lua.type(o) == "table" && untyped o.__enum__ == null && Lua.getmetatable(o) != null && Lua.getmetatable(o).__index == untyped Array.prototype; } /** Indicates if the given object inherits from the given class **/ static function inheritsFrom(o:Dynamic, cl:Class<Dynamic>):Bool { while (Lua.getmetatable(o) != null && Lua.getmetatable(o).__index != null) { if (Lua.getmetatable(o).__index == untyped cl.prototype) return true; o = Lua.getmetatable(o).__index; } return false; } @:ifFeature("typed_cast") private static function __cast(o:Dynamic, t:Dynamic) { if (o == null || __instanceof(o, t)) return o; else throw "Cannot cast " + Std.string(o) + " to " + Std.string(t); } /** Define an array from the given table **/ public inline static function defArray<T>(tab:Table<Int, T>, ?length:Int):Array<T> { if (length == null) { length = TableTools.maxn(tab); if (length > 0) { var head = tab[1]; Table.remove(tab, 1); tab[0] = head; return untyped _hx_tab_array(tab, length); } else { return []; } } else { return untyped _hx_tab_array(tab, length); } } /** Create a Haxe object from the given table structure **/ public inline static function tableToObject<T>(t:Table<String, T>):Dynamic<T> { return untyped _hx_o(t); } /** Get Date object as string representation **/ public static function dateStr(date:std.Date):String { var m = date.getMonth() + 1; var d = date.getDate(); var h = date.getHours(); var mi = date.getMinutes(); var s = date.getSeconds(); return date.getFullYear() + "-" + (if (m < 10) "0" + m else "" + m) + "-" + (if (d < 10) "0" + d else "" + d) + " " + (if (h < 10) "0" + h else "" + h) + ":" + (if (mi < 10) "0" + mi else "" + mi) + ":" + (if (s < 10) "0" + s else "" + s); } /** A 32 bit clamp function for numbers **/ public inline static function clampInt32(x:Float) { return untyped _hx_bit_clamp(x); } /** Create a standard date object from a lua string representation **/ public static function strDate(s:String):std.Date { switch (s.length) { case 8: // hh:mm:ss var k = s.split(":"); return std.Date.fromTime(Lua.tonumber(k[0]) * 3600000. + Lua.tonumber(k[1]) * 60000. + Lua.tonumber(k[2]) * 1000.); case 10: // YYYY-MM-DD var k = s.split("-"); return new std.Date(Lua.tonumber(k[0]), Lua.tonumber(k[1]) - 1, Lua.tonumber(k[2]), 0, 0, 0); case 19: // YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss var k = s.split(" "); var y = k[0].split("-"); var t = k[1].split(":"); return new std.Date(Lua.tonumber(y[0]), Lua.tonumber(y[1]) - 1, Lua.tonumber(y[2]), Lua.tonumber(t[0]), Lua.tonumber(t[1]), Lua.tonumber(t[2])); default: throw "Invalid date format : " + s; } } /** Helper method to determine if class cl1 extends, implements, or otherwise equals cl2 **/ public static function extendsOrImplements(cl1:Class<Dynamic>, cl2:Class<Dynamic>):Bool { if (cl1 == null || cl2 == null) return false; else if (cl1 == cl2) return true; else if (untyped cl1.__interfaces__ != null) { var intf = untyped cl1.__interfaces__; for (i in 1...(TableTools.maxn(intf) + 1)) { // check each interface, including extended interfaces if (extendsOrImplements(intf[i], cl2)) return true; } } // check standard inheritance return extendsOrImplements(untyped cl1.__super__, cl2); } /** Returns a shell escaped version of "cmd" along with any args **/ public static function shellEscapeCmd(cmd:String, ?args:Array<String>) { if (args != null) { switch (Sys.systemName()) { case "Windows": cmd = [ for (a in [StringTools.replace(cmd, "/", "\\")].concat(args)) SysTools.quoteWinArg(a, true) ].join(" "); case _: cmd = [cmd].concat(args).map(SysTools.quoteUnixArg).join(" "); } } return cmd; } /** Returns a temp file path that can be used for reading and writing **/ public static function tempFile():String { switch (Sys.systemName()) { case "Windows": return haxe.io.Path.join([Os.getenv("TMP"), Os.tmpname()]); default: return Os.tmpname(); } } static var os_patterns(get,default):Map<String,Array<String>>; static function get_os_patterns():Map<String,Array<String>> { if(os_patterns == null) { os_patterns = [ 'Windows' => ['windows', '^mingw', '^cygwin'], 'Linux' => ['linux'], 'Mac' => ['mac', 'darwin', 'osx'], 'BSD' => ['bsd$'], 'Solaris' => ['SunOS'] ]; } return os_patterns; } public static function systemName():String { var os:String = null; if (untyped jit != null && untyped jit.os != null) { os = untyped jit.os; os = os.toLowerCase(); } else { var popen_status:Bool = false; var popen_result:lua.FileHandle = null; untyped __lua__("popen_status, popen_result = pcall(_G.io.popen, '')"); if (popen_status) { popen_result.close(); os = lua.Io.popen('uname -s', 'r').read('*l').toLowerCase(); } else { os = lua.Os.getenv('OS').toLowerCase(); } } for (k in os_patterns.keys()) { for (p in os_patterns.get(k)) { if (lua.NativeStringTools.match(os, p) != null) { return k; } } } return null; } }