import sys.FileSystem; class CopyFile { public var name:String; public var from:String; public var toolId:String; public var allowMissing:Bool; public var overwrite:Overwrite; public function new(inName:String, inFrom:String, inAlowMissing:Bool, inOverwrite:Overwrite, ?inToolId:String) { name = inName; from = inFrom; toolId = inToolId; allowMissing = inAlowMissing; overwrite = inOverwrite; } public function copy(inTo:String) { var fromFile = from + "/" + name; var toFile = inTo + name; copyFile(fromFile, toFile, allowMissing, overwrite); } public static function copyFile(fromFile:String, toFile:String, allowMissing = false, overwrite:Overwrite = Overwrite.ALWAYS, addExePermission=false) { if (!FileSystem.exists(fromFile)) { if (allowMissing) { Log.v('Missing "$fromFile" - ignore'); return; } Log.error("Error - source file does not exist " + fromFile); } try { Log.v('Copy "$fromFile" to "$toFile"'); var applyCopy = true; switch(overwrite) { case Overwrite.IF_NEWER: if(FileSystem.exists(toFile) && (FileSystem.stat(fromFile).mtime.getTime() - FileSystem.stat(toFile).mtime.getTime()) <= 0) { Log.v('The "$fromFile" is older or it hasn\'t changes. Skip copy'); applyCopy = false; } case Overwrite.NEVER: if(FileSystem.exists(toFile)) { Log.v('The "$toFile" file exists. Skip copy'); applyCopy = false; } case Overwrite.ALWAYS: default: Log.v('The Overwrite option "$overwrite" is not supported. ' + 'Possible values: {${Overwrite.ALWAYS}, ${Overwrite.IF_NEWER}, ${Overwrite.NEVER}}. ' + 'Applying "${Overwrite.ALWAYS}" by default'); } if(applyCopy) { fromFile, toFile ); if (addExePermission) { Log.v("chmod 755 " + toFile ); Sys.command("chmod", ["755", toFile]); } } } catch(e:Dynamic) { if (allowMissing) { Log.v('Could not copy to "$toFile" - ignore'); return; } Log.error('Error $e - could not copy to "$toFile"'); } } } @:enum abstract Overwrite(String) from String to String { var ALWAYS = "always"; var IF_NEWER = "ifNewer"; var NEVER = "never"; }