import bpy, os, sys, re, platform, subprocess import numpy as np class TLM_OIDN_Denoise: image_array = [] image_output_destination = "" denoised_array = [] def __init__(self, oidnProperties, img_array, dirpath): self.oidnProperties = oidnProperties self.image_array = img_array self.image_output_destination = dirpath self.check_binary() def check_binary(self): oidnPath = self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_path if oidnPath != "": file = oidnPath filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(file) if platform.system() == 'Windows': if(file_extension == ".exe"): pass else: self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_path = os.path.join(self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_path,"oidnDenoise.exe") else: if bpy.context.scene.TLM_SceneProperties.tlm_verbose: print("Please provide OIDN path") def denoise(self): for image in self.image_array: if image not in self.denoised_array: image_path = os.path.join(self.image_output_destination, image) #Save to pfm loaded_image =, check_existing=False) width = loaded_image.size[0] height = loaded_image.size[1] image_output_array = np.zeros([width, height, 3], dtype="float32") image_output_array = np.array(loaded_image.pixels) image_output_array = image_output_array.reshape(height, width, 4) image_output_array = np.float32(image_output_array[:,:,:3]) image_output_denoise_destination = image_path[:-4] + ".pfm" image_output_denoise_result_destination = image_path[:-4] + "_denoised.pfm" with open(image_output_denoise_destination, "wb") as fileWritePFM: self.save_pfm(fileWritePFM, image_output_array) #Denoise if bpy.context.scene.TLM_SceneProperties.tlm_verbose: print("Loaded image: " + str(loaded_image)) verbose = self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_verbose affinity = self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_affinity if verbose: print("Denoiser search: " + bpy.path.abspath(self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_path)) v = "3" else: v = "0" if affinity: a = "1" else: a = "0" threads = str(self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_threads) maxmem = str(self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_maxmem) if platform.system() == 'Windows': oidnPath = bpy.path.abspath(self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_path) pipePath = [oidnPath, '-f', 'RTLightmap', '-hdr', image_output_denoise_destination, '-o', image_output_denoise_result_destination, '-verbose', v, '-threads', threads, '-affinity', a, '-maxmem', maxmem] elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': oidnPath = bpy.path.abspath(self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_path) pipePath = [oidnPath + ' -f ' + ' RTLightmap ' + ' -hdr ' + image_output_denoise_destination + ' -o ' + image_output_denoise_result_destination + ' -verbose ' + v] else: oidnPath = bpy.path.abspath(self.oidnProperties.tlm_oidn_path) oidnPath = oidnPath.replace(' ', '\\ ') image_output_denoise_destination = image_output_denoise_destination.replace(' ', '\\ ') image_output_denoise_result_destination = image_output_denoise_result_destination.replace(' ', '\\ ') pipePath = [oidnPath + ' -f ' + ' RTLightmap ' + ' -hdr ' + image_output_denoise_destination + ' -o ' + image_output_denoise_result_destination + ' -verbose ' + v] if not verbose: denoisePipe = subprocess.Popen(pipePath, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=None, shell=True) else: denoisePipe = subprocess.Popen(pipePath, shell=True) denoisePipe.communicate()[0] if platform.system() != 'Windows': image_output_denoise_result_destination = image_output_denoise_result_destination.replace('\\', '') with open(image_output_denoise_result_destination, "rb") as f: denoise_data, scale = self.load_pfm(f) ndata = np.array(denoise_data) ndata2 = np.dstack((ndata, np.ones((width,height)))) img_array = ndata2.ravel() loaded_image.pixels = img_array loaded_image.filepath_raw = image_output_denoise_result_destination = image_path[:-10] + "_denoised.hdr" loaded_image.file_format = "HDR" self.denoised_array.append(image) print(image_path) def clean(self): self.denoised_array.clear() self.image_array.clear() for file in self.image_output_destination: if file.endswith("_baked.hdr"): baked_image_array.append(file) #self.image_output_destination #Clean temporary files here.. #...pfm #...denoised.hdr def load_pfm(self, file, as_flat_list=False): #start = time() header = file.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip() if header == "PF": color = True elif header == "Pf": color = False else: raise Exception("Not a PFM file.") dim_match = re.match(r"^(\d+)\s(\d+)\s$", file.readline().decode("utf-8")) if dim_match: width, height = map(int, dim_match.groups()) else: raise Exception("Malformed PFM header.") scale = float(file.readline().decode("utf-8").rstrip()) if scale < 0: # little-endian endian = "<" scale = -scale else: endian = ">" # big-endian data = np.fromfile(file, endian + "f") shape = (height, width, 3) if color else (height, width) if as_flat_list: result = data else: result = np.reshape(data, shape) #print("PFM import took %.3f s" % (time() - start)) return result, scale def save_pfm(self, file, image, scale=1): #start = time() if != "float32": raise Exception("Image dtype must be float32 (got %s)" % if len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 3: # color image color = True elif len(image.shape) == 2 or len(image.shape) == 3 and image.shape[2] == 1: # greyscale color = False else: raise Exception("Image must have H x W x 3, H x W x 1 or H x W dimensions.") file.write(b"PF\n" if color else b"Pf\n") file.write(b"%d %d\n" % (image.shape[1], image.shape[0])) endian = image.dtype.byteorder if endian == "<" or endian == "=" and sys.byteorder == "little": scale = -scale file.write(b"%f\n" % scale) image.tofile(file) #print("PFM export took %.3f s" % (time() - start))