"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.AssetConverter = void 0; const ProjectFile_1 = require("./ProjectFile"); const fs = require("fs-extra"); const path = require("path"); const log = require("./log"); const chokidar = require("chokidar"); const crypto = require("crypto"); const Throttle = require("promise-parallel-throttle"); class AssetConverter { constructor(exporter, options, assetMatchers) { this.exporter = exporter; this.options = options; this.platform = options.target; this.assetMatchers = assetMatchers; } close() { if (this.watcher) this.watcher.close(); } static replacePattern(pattern, name, fileinfo, options, from) { let basePath = options.nameBaseDir ? path.join(from, options.nameBaseDir) : from; let dirValue = path.relative(basePath, fileinfo.dir); if (basePath.length > 0 && basePath[basePath.length - 1] === path.sep && dirValue.length > 0 && dirValue[dirValue.length - 1] !== path.sep) { dirValue += path.sep; } if (options.namePathSeparator) { dirValue = dirValue.split(path.sep).join(options.namePathSeparator); } const dirRegex = dirValue === '' ? /{dir}\//g : /{dir}/g; return pattern.replace(/{name}/g, name).replace(/{ext}/g, fileinfo.ext).replace(dirRegex, dirValue); } static createExportInfo(fileinfo, keepextension, options, from) { let nameValue = fileinfo.name; let destination = fileinfo.name; if (options.md5sum) { let data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(fileinfo.dir, fileinfo.base)); let md5sum = crypto.createHash('md5').update(data).digest('hex'); // TODO yield generateMd5Sum(file); destination += '_' + md5sum; } if ((keepextension || options.noprocessing) && (!options.destination || options.destination.indexOf('{ext}') < 0)) { destination += fileinfo.ext; } if (options.destination) { destination = AssetConverter.replacePattern(options.destination, destination, fileinfo, options, from); } if (options.destinationCallback) { destination = options.destinationCallback(destination); } if (keepextension && (!options.name || options.name.indexOf('{ext}') < 0)) { nameValue += fileinfo.ext; } if (options.name) { nameValue = AssetConverter.replacePattern(options.name, nameValue, fileinfo, options, from); } return { name: nameValue, destination: destination }; } watch(watch, match, temp, options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let ready = false; let files = []; this.watcher = chokidar.watch(match, { ignored: /[\/\\]\.(svn|git|DS_Store)/, persistent: watch, followSymlinks: false }); const onFileChange = async (file) => { const fileinfo = path.parse(file); let outPath = fileinfo.name; // with subfolders if (options.destination) { const from = path.resolve(options.baseDir, '..'); outPath = AssetConverter.replacePattern(options.destination, fileinfo.name, fileinfo, options, from); } log.info('Reexporting ' + outPath + fileinfo.ext); switch (fileinfo.ext) { case '.png': case '.jpg': case '.jpeg': case '.hdr': { } await this.exporter.copyImage(this.platform, file, outPath, {}, {}); break; case '.ogg': case '.mp3': case '.flac': case '.wav': { await this.exporter.copySound(this.platform, file, outPath, {}); break; } case '.mp4': case '.webm': case '.mov': case '.wmv': case '.avi': { await this.exporter.copyVideo(this.platform, file, outPath, {}); break; } case '.ttf': await this.exporter.copyFont(this.platform, file, outPath, {}); break; default: await this.exporter.copyBlob(this.platform, file, outPath + fileinfo.ext, {}); } for (let callback of ProjectFile_1.Callbacks.postAssetReexporting) { callback(outPath + fileinfo.ext); } }; this.watcher.on('add', (file) => { if (ready) { onFileChange(file); } else { files.push(file); } }); if (watch) { this.watcher.on('change', (file) => { if (ready) { onFileChange(file); } }); } this.watcher.on('ready', async () => { ready = true; let parsedFiles = []; let cache = {}; let cachePath = path.join(temp, 'cache.json'); if (fs.existsSync(cachePath)) { cache = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cachePath, 'utf8')); } const self = this; async function convertAsset(file, index) { let fileinfo = path.parse(file); log.info('Exporting asset ' + (index + 1) + ' of ' + files.length + ' (' + fileinfo.base + ').'); const ext = fileinfo.ext.toLowerCase(); switch (ext) { case '.png': case '.jpg': case '.jpeg': case '.hdr': { let exportInfo = AssetConverter.createExportInfo(fileinfo, false, options, self.exporter.options.from); let images; if (options.noprocessing) { images = await self.exporter.copyBlob(self.platform, file, exportInfo.destination, options); } else { images = await self.exporter.copyImage(self.platform, file, exportInfo.destination, options, cache); } if (!options.notinlist) { parsedFiles.push({ name: exportInfo.name, from: file, type: 'image', files: images.files, file_sizes: images.sizes, original_width: options.original_width, original_height: options.original_height, readable: options.readable }); } break; } case '.ogg': case '.mp3': case '.flac': case '.wav': { let exportInfo = AssetConverter.createExportInfo(fileinfo, false, options, self.exporter.options.from); let sounds; if (options.noprocessing) { sounds = await self.exporter.copyBlob(self.platform, file, exportInfo.destination, options); } else { sounds = await self.exporter.copySound(self.platform, file, exportInfo.destination, options); } if (sounds.files.length === 0) { throw 'Audio file ' + file + ' could not be exported, you have to specify a path to ffmpeg.'; } if (!options.notinlist) { parsedFiles.push({ name: exportInfo.name, from: file, type: 'sound', files: sounds.files, file_sizes: sounds.sizes, original_width: undefined, original_height: undefined, readable: undefined }); } break; } case '.ttf': { let exportInfo = AssetConverter.createExportInfo(fileinfo, false, options, self.exporter.options.from); let fonts; if (options.noprocessing) { fonts = await self.exporter.copyBlob(self.platform, file, exportInfo.destination, options); } else { fonts = await self.exporter.copyFont(self.platform, file, exportInfo.destination, options); } if (!options.notinlist) { parsedFiles.push({ name: exportInfo.name, from: file, type: 'font', files: fonts.files, file_sizes: fonts.sizes, original_width: undefined, original_height: undefined, readable: undefined }); } break; } case '.mp4': case '.webm': case '.mov': case '.wmv': case '.avi': { let exportInfo = AssetConverter.createExportInfo(fileinfo, false, options, self.exporter.options.from); let videos; if (options.noprocessing) { videos = await self.exporter.copyBlob(self.platform, file, exportInfo.destination, options); } else { videos = await self.exporter.copyVideo(self.platform, file, exportInfo.destination, options); } if (videos.files.length === 0) { log.error('Video file ' + file + ' could not be exported, you have to specify a path to ffmpeg.'); } if (!options.notinlist) { parsedFiles.push({ name: exportInfo.name, from: file, type: 'video', files: videos.files, file_sizes: videos.sizes, original_width: undefined, original_height: undefined, readable: undefined }); } break; } default: { let exportInfo = AssetConverter.createExportInfo(fileinfo, true, options, self.exporter.options.from); let blobs = await self.exporter.copyBlob(self.platform, file, exportInfo.destination, options); if (!options.notinlist) { parsedFiles.push({ name: exportInfo.name, from: file, type: 'blob', files: blobs.files, file_sizes: blobs.sizes, original_width: undefined, original_height: undefined, readable: undefined }); } break; } } } if (this.options.parallelAssetConversion !== 0) { let todo = files.map((file, index) => { return async () => { await convertAsset(file, index); }; }); let processes = this.options.parallelAssetConversion === -1 ? require('os').cpus().length - 1 : this.options.parallelAssetConversion; await Throttle.all(todo, { maxInProgress: processes, }); } else { let index = 0; for (let file of files) { await convertAsset(file, index); index += 1; } } fs.ensureDirSync(temp); fs.writeFileSync(cachePath, JSON.stringify(cache), { encoding: 'utf8' }); resolve(parsedFiles); }); }); } async run(watch, temp) { let files = []; for (let matcher of this.assetMatchers) { files = files.concat(await this.watch(watch, matcher.match, temp, matcher.options)); } return files; } } exports.AssetConverter = AssetConverter; //# sourceMappingURL=AssetConverter.js.map