/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ // This file is generated from mozilla\Window.webidl. Do not edit! package js.html; import js.lib.Promise; /** The `Window` interface represents a window containing a DOM document; the `document` property points to the DOM document loaded in that window. Documentation [Window](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window) by [Mozilla Contributors](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window$history), licensed under [CC-BY-SA 2.5](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/). @see <https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window> **/ @:native("Window") extern class Window extends EventTarget { /** Returns a reference to the current window. **/ var window(default,null) : Window; /** Returns an object reference to the window object itself. **/ var self(default,null) : Window; /** Returns a reference to the document that the window contains. **/ var document(default,null) : HTMLDocument; /** Gets/sets the name of the window. **/ var name : String; /** Gets/sets the location, or current URL, of the window object. **/ var location(default,null) : Location; /** Returns a reference to the history object. **/ var history(default,null) : History; /** Returns the locationbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window. **/ var locationbar(default,null) : BarProp; /** Returns the menubar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window. **/ var menubar(default,null) : BarProp; /** Returns the personalbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window. **/ var personalbar(default,null) : BarProp; /** Returns the scrollbars object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window. **/ var scrollbars(default,null) : BarProp; /** Returns the statusbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window. **/ var statusbar(default,null) : BarProp; /** Returns the toolbar object, whose visibility can be toggled in the window. **/ var toolbar(default,null) : BarProp; /** Gets/sets the text in the statusbar at the bottom of the browser. **/ var status : String; /** This property indicates whether the current window is closed or not. **/ var closed(default,null) : Bool; /** Returns the current event, which is the event currently being handled by the JavaScript code's context, or `undefined` if no event is currently being handled. The `Event` object passed directly to event handlers should be used instead whenever possible. **/ var event(default,null) : Dynamic; /** Returns an array of the subframes in the current window. **/ var frames(default,null) : Window; /** Returns the number of frames in the window. See also `window.frames`. **/ var length(default,null) : Int; /** Returns a reference to the topmost window in the window hierarchy. This property is read only. **/ var top(default,null) : Window; /** Returns a reference to the window that opened this current window. **/ var opener : Dynamic; /** Returns a reference to the parent of the current window or subframe. **/ var parent(default,null) : Window; /** Returns the element in which the window is embedded, or null if the window is not embedded. **/ var frameElement(default,null) : Element; /** Returns a reference to the navigator object. **/ var navigator(default,null) : Navigator; /** Returns a reference to the console object which provides access to the browser's debugging console. **/ var console(default,null) : ConsoleInstance; /** Returns a reference to the screen object associated with the window. **/ var screen(default,null) : Screen; /** Gets the width of the content area of the browser window including, if rendered, the vertical scrollbar. **/ var innerWidth : Dynamic; /** Gets the height of the content area of the browser window including, if rendered, the horizontal scrollbar. **/ var innerHeight : Dynamic; /** Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled horizontally. **/ var scrollX(default,null) : Float; /** An alias for `window.scrollX`. **/ var pageXOffset(default,null) : Float; /** Returns the number of pixels that the document has already been scrolled vertically. **/ var scrollY(default,null) : Float; /** An alias for `window.scrollY` **/ var pageYOffset(default,null) : Float; /** Returns the horizontal distance of the left border of the user's browser from the left side of the screen. **/ var screenX : Dynamic; /** Returns the vertical distance of the top border of the user's browser from the top side of the screen. **/ var screenY : Dynamic; /** Gets the width of the outside of the browser window. **/ var outerWidth : Dynamic; /** Gets the height of the outside of the browser window. **/ var outerHeight : Dynamic; /** Returns a `Performance` object, which includes the `Performance.timing` and `Performance.navigation` attributes, each of which is an object providing performance-related data. See also Using Navigation Timing for additional information and examples. **/ var performance(default,null) : Performance; /** Returns the ratio between physical pixels and device independent pixels in the current display. **/ var devicePixelRatio(default,null) : Float; /** The maximum offset that the window can be scrolled to horizontally, that is the document width minus the viewport width. **/ var scrollMaxX(default,null) : Int; /** The maximum offset that the window can be scrolled to vertically (i.e., the document height minus the viewport height). **/ var scrollMaxY(default,null) : Int; /** This property indicates whether the window is displayed in full screen or not. **/ var fullScreen : Bool; var ondevicemotion : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondeviceorientation : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onabsolutedeviceorientation : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondeviceproximity : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onuserproximity : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondevicelight : haxe.Constraints.Function; /** Returns a reference to the content element in the current window. Since Firefox 57 (initially Nightly-only), both versions are only available from chrome (privileged) code, and not available to the web anymore. **/ var content(default,null) : Dynamic; /** Returns the orientation in degrees (in 90 degree increments) of the viewport relative to the device's natural orientation. **/ var orientation(default,null) : Int; var onorientationchange : haxe.Constraints.Function; /** Returns the browser crypto object. **/ var crypto(default,null) : Crypto; var onabort : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onblur : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onfocus : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onauxclick : haxe.Constraints.Function; var oncanplay : haxe.Constraints.Function; var oncanplaythrough : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onchange : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onclick : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onclose : haxe.Constraints.Function; var oncontextmenu : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondblclick : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondrag : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondragend : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondragenter : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondragexit : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondragleave : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondragover : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondragstart : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondrop : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ondurationchange : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onemptied : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onended : haxe.Constraints.Function; var oninput : haxe.Constraints.Function; var oninvalid : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onkeydown : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onkeypress : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onkeyup : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onload : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onloadeddata : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onloadedmetadata : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onloadend : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onloadstart : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onmousedown : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onmouseenter : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onmouseleave : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onmousemove : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onmouseout : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onmouseover : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onmouseup : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onwheel : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpause : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onplay : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onplaying : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onprogress : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onratechange : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onreset : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onresize : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onscroll : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onseeked : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onseeking : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onselect : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onshow : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onstalled : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onsubmit : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onsuspend : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ontimeupdate : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onvolumechange : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onwaiting : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onselectstart : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ontoggle : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpointercancel : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpointerdown : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpointerup : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpointermove : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpointerout : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpointerover : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpointerenter : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpointerleave : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ongotpointercapture : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onlostpointercapture : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onanimationcancel : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onanimationend : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onanimationiteration : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onanimationstart : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ontransitioncancel : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ontransitionend : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ontransitionrun : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ontransitionstart : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onwebkitanimationend : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onwebkitanimationiteration : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onwebkitanimationstart : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onwebkittransitionend : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onerror : haxe.extern.EitherType<Event,String> -> String -> Int -> Int -> Dynamic -> Dynamic; /** Returns a `SpeechSynthesis` object, which is the entry point into using Web Speech API speech synthesis functionality. **/ var speechSynthesis(default,null) : SpeechSynthesis; var ontouchstart : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ontouchend : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ontouchmove : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ontouchcancel : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onafterprint : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onbeforeprint : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onbeforeunload : Event -> Null<String>; var onhashchange : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onlanguagechange : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onmessage : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onmessageerror : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onoffline : haxe.Constraints.Function; var ononline : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpagehide : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpageshow : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onpopstate : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onstorage : haxe.Constraints.Function; var onunload : haxe.Constraints.Function; /** Returns a reference to the local storage object used to store data that may only be accessed by the origin that created it. **/ var localStorage(default,null) : Storage; var origin(default,null) : String; /** Indicates whether a context is capable of using features that require secure contexts. **/ var isSecureContext(default,null) : Bool; var indexedDB(default,null) : js.html.idb.Factory; var caches(default,null) : CacheStorage; /** Returns a reference to the session storage object used to store data that may only be accessed by the origin that created it. **/ var sessionStorage(default,null) : Storage; /** Closes the current window. @throws DOMError **/ function close() : Void; /** This method stops window loading. @throws DOMError **/ function stop() : Void; /** Sets focus on the current window. @throws DOMError **/ function focus() : Void; /** Sets focus away from the window. @throws DOMError **/ function blur() : Void; /** Opens a new window. @throws DOMError **/ function open( url : String = "", target : String = "", features : String = "" ) : Window; /** Displays an alert dialog. @throws DOMError **/ @:overload( function() : Void {} ) function alert( message : String ) : Void; /** Displays a dialog with a message that the user needs to respond to. @throws DOMError **/ function confirm( message : String = "" ) : Bool; /** Returns the text entered by the user in a prompt dialog. @throws DOMError **/ function prompt( message : String = "", default_ : String = "" ) : String; /** Opens the Print Dialog to print the current document. @throws DOMError **/ function print() : Void; /** Provides a secure means for one window to send a string of data to another window, which need not be within the same domain as the first. @throws DOMError **/ function postMessage( message : Dynamic, targetOrigin : String, ?transfer : Array<Dynamic> ) : Void; /** Registers the window to capture all events of the specified type. **/ function captureEvents() : Void; /** Releases the window from trapping events of a specific type. **/ function releaseEvents() : Void; /** Returns the selection object representing the selected item(s). @throws DOMError **/ function getSelection() : Selection; /** Gets computed style for the specified element. Computed style indicates the computed values of all CSS properties of the element. @throws DOMError **/ function getComputedStyle( elt : Element, pseudoElt : String = "" ) : CSSStyleDeclaration; /** Returns a `MediaQueryList` object representing the specified media query string. @throws DOMError **/ function matchMedia( query : String ) : MediaQueryList; /** Moves the window to the specified coordinates. @throws DOMError **/ function moveTo( x : Int, y : Int ) : Void; /** Moves the current window by a specified amount. @throws DOMError **/ function moveBy( x : Int, y : Int ) : Void; /** Dynamically resizes window. @throws DOMError **/ function resizeTo( x : Int, y : Int ) : Void; /** Resizes the current window by a certain amount. @throws DOMError **/ function resizeBy( x : Int, y : Int ) : Void; /** Scrolls the window to a particular place in the document. **/ @:overload( function( x : Float, y : Float ) : Void {} ) function scroll( ?options : ScrollToOptions ) : Void; /** Scrolls to a particular set of coordinates in the document. **/ @:overload( function( x : Float, y : Float ) : Void {} ) function scrollTo( ?options : ScrollToOptions ) : Void; /** Scrolls the document in the window by the given amount. **/ @:overload( function( x : Float, y : Float ) : Void {} ) function scrollBy( ?options : ScrollToOptions ) : Void; /** Tells the browser that an animation is in progress, requesting that the browser schedule a repaint of the window for the next animation frame. @throws DOMError **/ function requestAnimationFrame( callback : Float -> Void ) : Int; /** Enables you to cancel a callback previously scheduled with `Window.requestAnimationFrame`. @throws DOMError **/ function cancelAnimationFrame( handle : Int ) : Void; /** Gets default computed style for the specified element, ignoring author stylesheets. @throws DOMError **/ function getDefaultComputedStyle( elt : Element, pseudoElt : String = "" ) : CSSStyleDeclaration; /** Scrolls the document by the given number of lines. **/ function scrollByLines( numLines : Int, ?options : ScrollOptions ) : Void; /** Scrolls the current document by the specified number of pages. **/ function scrollByPages( numPages : Int, ?options : ScrollOptions ) : Void; /** Sizes the window according to its content. @throws DOMError **/ function sizeToContent() : Void; /** Updates the state of commands of the current chrome window (UI). **/ function updateCommands( action : String, ?sel : Selection, reason : Int = 0 ) : Void; /** Searches for a given string in a window. @throws DOMError **/ function find( str : String = "", caseSensitive : Bool = false, backwards : Bool = false, wrapAround : Bool = false, wholeWord : Bool = false, searchInFrames : Bool = false, showDialog : Bool = false ) : Bool; /** Writes a message to the console. **/ function dump( str : String ) : Void; /** Toggles a user's ability to resize a window. **/ function setResizable( resizable : Bool ) : Void; /** @throws DOMError */ function btoa( btoa : String ) : String; /** @throws DOMError */ function atob( atob : String ) : String; /** @throws DOMError */ @:overload( function( handler : haxe.Constraints.Function, timeout : Float = 0, arguments : haxe.extern.Rest<Dynamic> ) : Int {} ) function setTimeout( handler : String, timeout : Float = 0, unused : haxe.extern.Rest<Dynamic> ) : Int; function clearTimeout( handle : Int = 0 ) : Void; /** @throws DOMError */ @:overload( function( handler : haxe.Constraints.Function, timeout : Float = 0, arguments : haxe.extern.Rest<Dynamic> ) : Int {} ) function setInterval( handler : String, timeout : Float = 0, unused : haxe.extern.Rest<Dynamic> ) : Int; function clearInterval( handle : Int = 0 ) : Void; /** @throws DOMError */ @:overload( function( aImage : VideoElement) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : CanvasElement) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : Blob) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : ImageData) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : CanvasRenderingContext2D) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : ImageBitmap) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : js.lib.ArrayBufferView) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : js.lib.ArrayBuffer) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : VideoElement, aSx : Int, aSy : Int, aSw : Int, aSh : Int) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : CanvasElement, aSx : Int, aSy : Int, aSw : Int, aSh : Int) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : Blob, aSx : Int, aSy : Int, aSw : Int, aSh : Int) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : ImageData, aSx : Int, aSy : Int, aSw : Int, aSh : Int) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : CanvasRenderingContext2D, aSx : Int, aSy : Int, aSw : Int, aSh : Int) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : ImageBitmap, aSx : Int, aSy : Int, aSw : Int, aSh : Int) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : js.lib.ArrayBufferView, aSx : Int, aSy : Int, aSw : Int, aSh : Int) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : js.lib.ArrayBuffer, aSx : Int, aSy : Int, aSw : Int, aSh : Int) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : VideoElement, aOffset : Int, aLength : Int, aFormat : ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout : Array<ChannelPixelLayout>) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : CanvasElement, aOffset : Int, aLength : Int, aFormat : ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout : Array<ChannelPixelLayout>) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : Blob, aOffset : Int, aLength : Int, aFormat : ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout : Array<ChannelPixelLayout>) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : ImageData, aOffset : Int, aLength : Int, aFormat : ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout : Array<ChannelPixelLayout>) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : CanvasRenderingContext2D, aOffset : Int, aLength : Int, aFormat : ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout : Array<ChannelPixelLayout>) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : ImageBitmap, aOffset : Int, aLength : Int, aFormat : ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout : Array<ChannelPixelLayout>) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : js.lib.ArrayBufferView, aOffset : Int, aLength : Int, aFormat : ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout : Array<ChannelPixelLayout>) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : js.lib.ArrayBuffer, aOffset : Int, aLength : Int, aFormat : ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout : Array<ChannelPixelLayout>) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : ImageElement ) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) @:overload( function( aImage : ImageElement, aSx : Int, aSy : Int, aSw : Int, aSh : Int ) : Promise<ImageBitmap> {} ) function createImageBitmap( aImage : ImageElement, aOffset : Int, aLength : Int, aFormat : ImageBitmapFormat, aLayout : Array<ChannelPixelLayout> ) : Promise<ImageBitmap>; @:overload( function( input : String, ?init : RequestInit) : Promise<Response> {} ) function fetch( input : Request, ?init : RequestInit ) : Promise<Response>; }