# hxcpp [![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/HaxeFoundation/GitHubPublic/_apis/build/status/HaxeFoundation.hxcpp?branchName=master)](https://dev.azure.com/HaxeFoundation/GitHubPublic/_build/latest?definitionId=3&branchName=master) hxcpp is the runtime support for the c++ backend of the [haxe](http://haxe.org/) compiler. This contains the headers, libraries and support code required to generate a fully compiled executable from haxe code. # building the tools ``` REPO=$(pwd) cd ${REPO}/tools/run haxe compile.hxml cd ${REPO}/tools/hxcpp haxe compile.hxml cd $REPO ``` # cppia You first need to build the cppia host. ``` REPO=$(pwd) cd ${REPO}/project haxe compile-cppia.hxml cd $REPO ``` Then you can do `haxelib run hxcpp file.cppia`.