import * as child_process from 'child_process'; import * as fs from 'fs-extra'; import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as log from './log'; import {sys} from './exec'; function getWidthAndHeight(kha: string, exe: string, from: string, to: string, options: any, format: string, prealpha: boolean): Promise<{w: number, h: number}> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let params = ['from=' + from, 'to=' + to, 'format=' + format, 'donothing']; if (options.scale !== undefined && options.scale !== 1) { params.push('scale=' + options.scale); } let process = child_process.spawn(exe, params); let output = ''; process.stdout.on('data', (data: any) => { output += data.toString(); }); process.stderr.on('data', (data: any) => { }); process.on('close', (code: number) => { if (code !== 0) { log.error('kraffiti process exited with code ' + code + ' when trying to get size of ' + path.parse(from).name); resolve({w: 0, h: 0}); return; } const lines = output.split('\n'); for (let line of lines) { if (line.startsWith('#')) { let numbers = line.substring(1).split('x'); resolve({w: parseInt(numbers[0]), h: parseInt(numbers[1])}); return; } } resolve({w: 0, h: 0}); }); }); } function convertImage(from: string, temp: string, to: string, kha: string, exe: string, params: string[], options: any, cache: any): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let process = child_process.spawn(exe, params); let output = ''; process.stdout.on('data', (data: any) => { output += data.toString(); }); process.stderr.on('data', (data: any) => { }); process.on('close', (code: number) => { if (code !== 0) { log.error('kraffiti process exited with code ' + code + ' when trying to convert ' + path.parse(from).name); resolve(); return; } fs.renameSync(temp, to); const lines = output.split('\n'); for (let line of lines) { if (line.startsWith('#')) { let numbers = line.substring(1).split('x'); cache[to] = {}; cache[to].original_width = options.original_width = parseInt(numbers[0]); cache[to].original_height = options.original_height = parseInt(numbers[1]); resolve(); return; } } resolve(); }); }); } export async function exportImage(kha: string, exe: string, from: string, to: string, options: any, format: string, prealpha: boolean, poweroftwo: boolean, cache: any): Promise { if (format === undefined) { if (from.toString().endsWith('.png')) format = 'png'; else if (from.toString().endsWith('.hdr')) format = 'hdr'; else format = 'jpg'; } if (format === 'jpg' && (options.scale === undefined || options.scale === 1) && options.background === undefined) { to = to + '.jpg'; } else if (format === 'pvr') { to = to + '.pvr'; } else if (format === 'ASTC') { to = to + '.astc.k'; } else if (format === 'DXT5') { to = to + '.dxt5.k'; } else if (format === 'hdr') { to = to + '.hdr'; } else if (format === 'lz4') { to += '.k'; } else { format = 'png'; if (prealpha) to = to + '.kng'; else to = to + '.png'; } let temp = to + '.temp'; let outputformat = format; if (format === 'png' && prealpha) { outputformat = 'kng'; } if (format === 'lz4') { outputformat = 'k'; } if (format === 'ASTC') { outputformat = 'astc.k'; } if (format === 'DXT5') { outputformat = 'dxt5.k'; } if (fs.existsSync(to) && fs.statSync(to).mtime.getTime() > fs.statSync(from.toString()).mtime.getTime()) { if (cache[to] !== undefined) { const cachedOptions = cache[to]; options.original_width = cachedOptions.original_width; options.original_height = cachedOptions.original_height; return outputformat; } let wh = await getWidthAndHeight(kha, exe, from, to, options, format, prealpha); cache[to] = {}; cache[to].original_width = options.original_width = wh.w; cache[to].original_height = options.original_height = wh.h; return outputformat; } fs.ensureDirSync(path.dirname(to)); if (format === 'jpg' || format === 'hdr') { fs.copySync(from, temp, { overwrite: true }); fs.renameSync(temp, to); let wh = await getWidthAndHeight(kha, exe, from, to, options, format, prealpha); options.original_width = wh.w; options.original_height = wh.h; return outputformat; } let params = ['from=' + from, 'to=' + temp, 'format=' + format]; if (!poweroftwo) { params.push('filter=nearest'); } if (prealpha) params.push('prealpha'); if (options.scale !== undefined && options.scale !== 1) { params.push('scale=' + options.scale); } if (options.background !== undefined) { params.push('transparent=' + (( << 24) | ( << 16) | ( << 8) | 0xff).toString(16)); } if (poweroftwo) { params.push('poweroftwo'); } await convertImage(from, temp, to, kha, exe, params, options, cache); return outputformat; }