/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ @:coreApi @:transitive abstract UInt(Int) from Int to Int { @:op(A + B) private static inline function add(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt { return a.toInt() + b.toInt(); } @:op(A / B) private static inline function div(a:UInt, b:UInt):Float { return a.toFloat() / b.toFloat(); } @:op(A * B) private static inline function mul(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt { return a.toInt() * b.toInt(); } @:op(A - B) private static inline function sub(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt { return a.toInt() - b.toInt(); } @:op(A > B) private static function gt(a:UInt, b:UInt):Bool; @:op(A >= B) private static function gte(a:UInt, b:UInt):Bool; @:op(A < B) private static function lt(a:UInt, b:UInt):Bool; @:op(A <= B) private static function lte(a:UInt, b:UInt):Bool; @:op(A & B) private static inline function and(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt { return a.toInt() & b.toInt(); } @:op(A | B) private static inline function or(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt { return a.toInt() | b.toInt(); } @:op(A ^ B) private static inline function xor(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt { return a.toInt() ^ b.toInt(); } @:op(A << B) private static inline function shl(a:UInt, b:Int):UInt { return a.toInt() << b; } @:op(A >> B) private static inline function shr(a:UInt, b:Int):UInt { return a.toInt() >>> b; } @:op(A >>> B) private static inline function ushr(a:UInt, b:Int):UInt { return a.toInt() >>> b; } @:op(A % B) private static function mod(a:UInt, b:UInt):UInt; @:commutative @:op(A + B) private static inline function addWithFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float { return a.toFloat() + b; } @:commutative @:op(A * B) private static inline function mulWithFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float { return a.toFloat() * b; } @:op(A / B) private static inline function divFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float { return a.toFloat() / b; } @:op(A / B) private static inline function floatDiv(a:Float, b:UInt):Float { return a / b.toFloat(); } @:op(A - B) private static inline function subFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float { return a.toFloat() - b; } @:op(A - B) private static inline function floatSub(a:Float, b:UInt):Float { return a - b.toFloat(); } @:op(A > B) private static inline function gtFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Bool { return a.toFloat() > b; } @:commutative @:op(A == B) private static function equalsInt<T:Int>(a:UInt, b:T):Bool; @:commutative @:op(A != B) private static function notEqualsInt<T:Int>(a:UInt, b:T):Bool; @:commutative @:op(A == B) private static function equalsFloat<T:Float>(a:UInt, b:T):Bool; @:commutative @:op(A != B) private static function notEqualsFloat<T:Float>(a:UInt, b:T):Bool; @:op(A >= B) private static inline function gteFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Bool { return a.toFloat() >= b; } @:op(A > B) private static inline function floatGt(a:Float, b:UInt):Bool { return a > b.toFloat(); } @:op(A >= B) private static inline function floatGte(a:Float, b:UInt):Bool { return a >= b.toFloat(); } @:op(A < B) private static inline function ltFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Bool { return a.toFloat() < b; } @:op(A <= B) private static inline function lteFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Bool { return a.toFloat() <= b; } @:op(A < B) private static inline function floatLt(a:Float, b:UInt):Bool { return a < b.toFloat(); } @:op(A <= B) private static inline function floatLte(a:Float, b:UInt):Bool { return a <= b.toFloat(); } @:op(A % B) private static inline function modFloat(a:UInt, b:Float):Float { return a.toFloat() % b; } @:op(A % B) private static inline function floatMod(a:Float, b:UInt):Float { return a % b.toFloat(); } @:op(~A) private inline function negBits():UInt { return ~this; } @:op(++A) private inline function prefixIncrement():UInt { return ++this; } @:op(A++) private inline function postfixIncrement():UInt { return this++; } @:op(--A) private inline function prefixDecrement():UInt { return --this; } @:op(A--) private inline function postfixDecrement():UInt { return this--; } // TODO: radix is just defined to deal with doc_gen issues private inline function toString(?radix:Int):String { return Std.string(toFloat()); } private inline function toInt():Int { return this; } @:to private inline function toFloat():Float { return cast(this : UInt); } }