#include <khalib/loader.h> #include <kinc/audio2/audio.h> #include <kinc/graphics4/graphics.h> #include <kinc/input/acceleration.h> #include <kinc/input/gamepad.h> #include <kinc/input/keyboard.h> #include <kinc/input/mouse.h> #include <kinc/input/pen.h> #include <kinc/input/rotation.h> #include <kinc/input/surface.h> #include <kinc/io/filereader.h> #include <kinc/log.h> #include <kinc/math/random.h> #include <kinc/threads/mutex.h> #include <kinc/threads/thread.h> #if HXCPP_API_LEVEL >= 332 #include <hxinc/kha/SystemImpl.h> #include <hxinc/kha/audio2/Audio.h> #include <hxinc/kha/input/Sensor.h> #else #include <kha/SystemImpl.h> #include <kha/audio2/Audio.h> #include <kha/input/Sensor.h> #endif #include <limits> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #ifdef ANDROID //#include <Kore/Vr/VrInterface.h> #endif namespace { using kha::SystemImpl_obj; using kha::input::Sensor_obj; kinc_mutex_t mutex; bool shift = false; void keyDown(int code, void *data) { SystemImpl_obj::keyDown(code); } void keyUp(int code, void *data) { SystemImpl_obj::keyUp(code); } void keyPress(unsigned int character, void *data) { SystemImpl_obj::keyPress((int)character); } void mouseDown(int windowId, int button, int x, int y, void *data) { SystemImpl_obj::mouseDown(windowId, button, x, y); } void mouseUp(int windowId, int button, int x, int y, void *data) { SystemImpl_obj::mouseUp(windowId, button, x, y); } void mouseMove(int windowId, int x, int y, int movementX, int movementY, void *data) { SystemImpl_obj::mouseMove(windowId, x, y, movementX, movementY); } void mouseWheel(int windowId, int delta, void *data) { SystemImpl_obj::mouseWheel(windowId, delta); } void mouseLeave(int windowId, void *data) { SystemImpl_obj::mouseLeave(windowId); } void penDown(int windowId, int x, int y, float pressure) { SystemImpl_obj::penDown(windowId, x, y, pressure); } void penUp(int windowId, int x, int y, float pressure) { SystemImpl_obj::penUp(windowId, x, y, pressure); } void penMove(int windowId, int x, int y, float pressure) { SystemImpl_obj::penMove(windowId, x, y, pressure); } void penEraserDown(int windowId, int x, int y, float pressure) { SystemImpl_obj::penEraserDown(windowId, x, y, pressure); } void penEraserUp(int windowId, int x, int y, float pressure) { SystemImpl_obj::penEraserUp(windowId, x, y, pressure); } void penEraserMove(int windowId, int x, int y, float pressure) { SystemImpl_obj::penEraserMove(windowId, x, y, pressure); } void accelerometerChanged(float x, float y, float z) { Sensor_obj::_changed(0, x, y, z); } void gyroscopeChanged(float x, float y, float z) { Sensor_obj::_changed(1, x, y, z); } void gamepadAxis(int gamepad, int axis, float value) { SystemImpl_obj::gamepadAxis(gamepad, axis, value); } void gamepadButton(int gamepad, int button, float value) { SystemImpl_obj::gamepadButton(gamepad, button, value); } void touchStart(int index, int x, int y) { SystemImpl_obj::touchStart(index, x, y); } void touchEnd(int index, int x, int y) { SystemImpl_obj::touchEnd(index, x, y); } void touchMove(int index, int x, int y) { SystemImpl_obj::touchMove(index, x, y); } bool visible = true; bool paused = false; void update(void *) { //**if (paused) return; kinc_a2_update(); SystemImpl_obj::frame(); /*int windowCount = Kore::Window::count(); for (int windowIndex = 0; windowIndex < windowCount; ++windowIndex) { if (visible) { #ifndef VR_RIFT Kore::Graphics4::begin(windowIndex); #endif // Google Cardboard: Update the Distortion mesh #ifdef VR_CARDBOARD // Kore::VrInterface::DistortionBefore(); #endif SystemImpl_obj::frame(windowIndex); #ifndef VR_RIFT Kore::Graphics4::end(windowIndex); #endif // Google Cardboard: Call the DistortionMesh Renderer #ifdef VR_CARDBOARD // Kore::VrInterface::DistortionAfter(); #endif } }*/ #ifndef VR_RIFT if (!kinc_g4_swap_buffers()) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Graphics context lost."); } #endif } void foreground(void *) { visible = true; SystemImpl_obj::foreground(); } void resume(void *) { SystemImpl_obj::resume(); paused = false; } void pause(void *) { SystemImpl_obj::pause(); paused = true; } void background(void *) { visible = false; SystemImpl_obj::background(); } void shutdown(void *) { SystemImpl_obj::shutdown(); } void dropFiles(wchar_t *filePath, void *) { SystemImpl_obj::dropFiles(String(filePath)); } #if defined(HXCPP_TELEMETRY) || defined(HXCPP_PROFILER) || defined(HXCPP_DEBUG) const static bool gcInteractionStrictlyRequired = true; #else const static bool gcInteractionStrictlyRequired = false; #endif bool mixThreadregistered = false; void mix(kinc_a2_buffer_t *buffer, int samples) { using namespace Kore; int t0 = 99; #ifdef KORE_MULTITHREADED_AUDIO if (!mixThreadregistered && !::kha::audio2::Audio_obj::disableGcInteractions) { hx::SetTopOfStack(&t0, true); mixThreadregistered = true; hx::EnterGCFreeZone(); } // int addr = 0; // Kore::log(Info, "mix address is %x", &addr); if (mixThreadregistered && ::kha::audio2::Audio_obj::disableGcInteractions && !gcInteractionStrictlyRequired) { // hx::UnregisterCurrentThread(); // mixThreadregistered = false; } if (mixThreadregistered) { hx::ExitGCFreeZone(); } #endif ::kha::audio2::Audio_obj::_callCallback(samples, buffer->format.samples_per_second); #ifdef KORE_MULTITHREADED_AUDIO if (mixThreadregistered) { hx::EnterGCFreeZone(); } #endif for (int i = 0; i < samples; ++i) { float value = ::kha::audio2::Audio_obj::_readSample(); *(float *)&buffer->data[buffer->write_location] = value; buffer->write_location += 4; if (buffer->write_location >= buffer->data_size) { buffer->write_location = 0; } } } char cutCopyString[4096]; char *copy(void *) { String text = SystemImpl_obj::copy(); if (hx::IsNull(text)) { return NULL; } strcpy(cutCopyString, text.c_str()); return cutCopyString; } char *cut(void *) { String text = SystemImpl_obj::cut(); if (hx::IsNull(text)) { return NULL; } strcpy(cutCopyString, text.c_str()); return cutCopyString; } void paste(char *data, void *) { SystemImpl_obj::paste(String(data)); } void login(void *) { SystemImpl_obj::loginevent(); } void logout(void *) { SystemImpl_obj::logoutevent(); } } void init_kinc(const char *name, int width, int height, kinc_window_options_t *win, kinc_framebuffer_options_t *frame) { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Starting Kinc"); kinc_init(name, width, height, win, frame); kinc_mutex_init(&mutex); kinc_set_foreground_callback(foreground, nullptr); kinc_set_resume_callback(resume, nullptr); kinc_set_pause_callback(pause, nullptr); kinc_set_background_callback(background, nullptr); kinc_set_shutdown_callback(shutdown, nullptr); kinc_set_drop_files_callback(dropFiles, nullptr); kinc_set_update_callback(update, nullptr); kinc_set_copy_callback(copy, nullptr); kinc_set_cut_callback(cut, nullptr); kinc_set_paste_callback(paste, nullptr); kinc_set_login_callback(login, nullptr); kinc_set_logout_callback(logout, nullptr); kinc_keyboard_set_key_down_callback(keyDown, nullptr); kinc_keyboard_set_key_up_callback(keyUp, nullptr); kinc_keyboard_set_key_press_callback(keyPress, nullptr); kinc_mouse_set_press_callback(mouseDown, nullptr); kinc_mouse_set_release_callback(mouseUp, nullptr); kinc_mouse_set_move_callback(mouseMove, nullptr); kinc_mouse_set_scroll_callback(mouseWheel, nullptr); kinc_mouse_set_leave_window_callback(mouseLeave, nullptr); kinc_pen_set_press_callback(penDown); kinc_pen_set_release_callback(penUp); kinc_pen_set_move_callback(penMove); kinc_eraser_set_press_callback(penEraserDown); kinc_eraser_set_release_callback(penEraserUp); kinc_eraser_set_move_callback(penEraserMove); kinc_gamepad_set_axis_callback(gamepadAxis); kinc_gamepad_set_button_callback(gamepadButton); kinc_surface_set_touch_start_callback(touchStart); kinc_surface_set_touch_end_callback(touchEnd); kinc_surface_set_move_callback(touchMove); kinc_acceleration_set_callback(accelerometerChanged); kinc_rotation_set_callback(gyroscopeChanged); } const char *getGamepadId(int index) { return kinc_gamepad_product_name(index); } const char *getGamepadVendor(int index) { return kinc_gamepad_vendor(index); } void setGamepadRumble(int index, float left, float right) { kinc_gamepad_rumble(index, left, right); } void post_kinc_init() { #ifdef VR_GEAR_VR // Enter VR mode Kore::VrInterface::Initialize(); #endif } void kha_kinc_init_audio(void) { kinc_a2_set_callback(mix); kinc_a2_init(); ::kha::audio2::Audio_obj::samplesPerSecond = kinc_a2_samples_per_second; } void run_kinc() { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Starting application"); kinc_start(); kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, "Application stopped"); #if !defined(KORE_XBOX_ONE) && !defined(KORE_TIZEN) && !defined(KORE_HTML5) kinc_threads_quit(); kinc_stop(); #endif } extern "C" void kinc_memory_emergency() { kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Memory emergency"); __hxcpp_collect(true); } extern "C" void __hxcpp_main(); extern int _hxcpp_argc; extern char **_hxcpp_argv; #ifdef KORE_WINDOWS #include <Windows.h> #endif int kickstart(int argc, char **argv) { _hxcpp_argc = argc; _hxcpp_argv = argv; kinc_threads_init(); kha_loader_init(); HX_TOP_OF_STACK hx::Boot(); #ifdef NDEBUG try { #endif __boot_all(); __hxcpp_main(); #ifdef NDEBUG } catch (Dynamic e) { __hx_dump_stack(); kinc_log(KINC_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error %s", e == null() ? "null" : e->toString().__CStr()); #ifdef KORE_WINDOWS MessageBoxW(NULL, e->toString().__WCStr(), NULL, MB_OK); #endif return -1; } #endif return 0; }