package eval.luv; /** For the moment, the signals exposed are those that are both present on Unix and present or emulated by libuv on Windows. You can also provide a plain integer signal code instead of the values of this enum. @see **/ extern enum abstract SigNum(Int) from Int to Int { var SIGABRT; var SIGFPE; var SIGHUP; var SIGILL; var SIGINT; var SIGKILL; var SIGSEGV; var SIGTERM; var SIGWINCH; } /** Signals. @see **/ @:using(eval.luv.Handle) @:coreType abstract Signal to Handle { /** Allocates and initializes a signal handle. The handle should be cleaned up with `eval.luv.Handle.close` when no longer needed. **/ static public function init(loop:Loop):Result<Signal>; /** Starts the signal handle. **/ public function start(sigNum:SigNum, callback:()->Void):Result<Result.NoData>; /** Like `eval.luv.Signal.start`, but the handle is stopped after one callback call. **/ public function startOneshot(sigNum:SigNum, callback:()->Void):Result<Result.NoData>; /** Stops the signal handle. **/ public function stop():Result<Result.NoData>; /** Evaluates to the signal number associated with the handle. **/ public function signum():Int; }