/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package lua; import haxe.extern.Rest; import haxe.Constraints.Function; import haxe.extern.Rest; /** These are all global static methods within Lua. **/ @:native("_G") extern class Lua { /** A global variable that holds a string containing the current interpreter version. **/ static var _VERSION:String; static var arg:Table<Int, String>; /** Pushes onto the stack the metatable in the registry. **/ static function getmetatable(tbl:Table<Dynamic, Dynamic>):Table<Dynamic, Dynamic>; /** Pops a table from the stack and sets it as the new metatable for the value at the given acceptable index. **/ static function setmetatable(tbl:Table<Dynamic, Dynamic>, mtbl:Table<Dynamic, Dynamic>):Table<Dynamic, Dynamic>; /** Pops a table from the stack and sets it as the new environment for the value at the given index. If the value at the given index is neither a function nor a thread nor a userdata, lua_setfenv returns `0`. Otherwise it returns `1`. **/ static function setfenv(i:Int, tbl:Table<Dynamic, Dynamic>):Void; /** Allows a program to traverse all fields of a table. Its first argument is a table and its second argument is an index in this table. `next` returns the next index of the table and its associated value. When `i` is `null`, `next` returns an initial index and its associated value. When called with the last index, or with `null` in an empty table, `next` returns `null`. In particular, you can use `next(t)` to check whether a table is empty. The order in which the indices are enumerated is not specified, even for numeric indices. (To traverse a table in numeric order, use a numerical for or the `ipairs` function). The behavior of next is undefined if, during the traversal, any value to a non-existent field in the table is assigned. Existing fields may however be modified. In particular, existing fields may be cleared. **/ static function next<K, V>(k:Table<K, V>, ?i:K):NextResult<K, V>; /** Receives an argument of any type and converts it to a string in a reasonable format. For complete control of how numbers are converted, use`NativeStringTools.format`. **/ static function tostring(v:Dynamic):String; static function ipairs<K, V>(t:Table<K, V>):IPairsResult<K, V>; static function pairs<K, V>(t:Table<K, V>):PairsResult<K, V>; static function require(module:String):Dynamic; /** Converts the Lua value at the given acceptable base to `Int`. The Lua value must be a number or a string convertible to a number, otherwise `tonumber` returns `0`. **/ static function tonumber(str:String, ?base:Int):Int; /** Returns the Lua type of its only argument as a string. The possible results of this function are: * `"nil"` (a string, not the Lua value nil), * `"number"` * `"string"` * `"boolean"` * `"table"` * `"function"` * `"thread"` * `"userdata"` **/ static function type(v:Dynamic):String; /** Receives any number of arguments, and prints their values to stdout, using the tostring function to convert them to strings. `print` is not intended for formatted output, but only as a quick way to show a value, typically for debugging. For complete control of how numbers are converted, use `NativeStringTools.format`. **/ static function print(v:haxe.extern.Rest<Dynamic>):Void; /** If `n` is a number, returns all arguments after argument number `n`. Otherwise, `n` must be the string `"#"`, and select returns the total number of extra arguments it received. **/ static function select(n:Dynamic, rest:Rest<Dynamic>):Dynamic; /** Gets the real value of `table[index]`, without invoking any metamethod. **/ static function rawget<K, V>(t:Table<K, V>, k:K):V; /** Sets the real value of `table[index]` to value, without invoking any metamethod. **/ static function rawset<K, V>(t:Table<K, V>, k:K, v:V):Void; /** This function is a generic interface to the garbage collector. It performs different functions according to its first argument. **/ static function collectgarbage(opt:CollectGarbageOption, ?arg:Int):Int; /** Issues an error when the value of its argument `v` is `false` (i.e., `null` or `false`) otherwise, returns all its arguments. message is an error message. when absent, it defaults to "assertion failed!" **/ static function assert<T>(v:T, ?message:String):T; /** Loads and runs the given file. **/ static function dofile(filename:String):Void; /** Generates a Lua error. The error message (which can actually be a Lua value of any type) must be on the stack top. This function does a long jump, and therefore never returns. **/ static function error(message:String, ?level:Int):Void; /** Calls a function in protected mode. **/ static function pcall(f:Function, rest:Rest<Dynamic>):PCallResult; /** Returns `true` if the two values in acceptable indices `v1` and `v2` are primitively equal (that is, without calling metamethods). Otherwise returns `false`. Also returns `false` if any of the indices are non valid. **/ static function rawequal(v1:Dynamic, v2:Dynamic):Bool; /** This function is similar to pcall, except that you can set a new error handler. **/ static function xpcall(f:Function, msgh:Function, rest:Rest<Dynamic>):PCallResult; /** Loads the chunk from file filename or from the standard input if no filename is given. **/ static function loadfile(filename:String):LoadResult; /** Loads the chunk from given string. **/ static function load(code:haxe.extern.EitherType<String, Void->String>):LoadResult; } /** Enum for describing garbage collection options **/ enum abstract CollectGarbageOption(String) { var Stop = "stop"; var Restart = "restart"; var Collect = "collect"; var Count = "count"; var Step = "step"; var SetPause = "setpause"; var SetStepMul = "setstepmul"; } @:multiReturn extern class PCallResult { var status:Bool; var value:Dynamic; } @:multiReturn extern class NextResult<K, V> { var index:K; var value:V; } @:multiReturn extern class IPairsResult<K, V> { var next:Table<K, V>->Int->NextResult<Int, V>; var table:Table<K, V>; var index:Int; } @:multiReturn extern class PairsResult<K, V> { var next:Table<K, V>->K->NextResult<K, V>; var table:Table<K, V>; var index:K; } @:multiReturn extern class LoadResult { var func:Function; var message:String; }