/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package python.internal; import python.Syntax; import python.Syntax.code in py; @:noDoc @:native("HxOverrides") @:access(python.internal.ArrayImpl) @:access(python.Boot) class HxOverrides { // this two cases iterator and shift are like all methods in String and Array and are already handled in Reflect // we need to modify the transformer to call Reflect directly @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.iterator", "anon_optional_read.iterator", "anon_read.iterator") static public function iterator(x) { if (Boot.isArray(x)) { return (x : Array<Dynamic>).iterator(); } return Syntax.callField(x, "iterator"); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.keyValueIterator", "anon_optional_read.keyValueIterator", "anon_read.keyValueIterator") static public function keyValueIterator(x) { if (Boot.isArray(x)) { return (x:Array<Dynamic>).keyValueIterator(); } return Syntax.callField(x, "keyValueIterator"); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_binop_==", "dynamic_binop_!=", "type_param_binop_==", "type_param_binop_!=") static function eq(a:Dynamic, b:Dynamic):Bool { if (Boot.isArray(a) || Boot.isArray(b)) { return Syntax.code('a is b'); } return Syntax.binop(a, "==", b); } @:ifFeature("unsafe_string_concat") static function stringOrNull(s:String):String { return if (s == null) "null" else s; } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.shift", "anon_optional_read.shift", "anon_read.shift") static public function shift(x) { if (Boot.isArray(x)) { return (x : Array<Dynamic>).shift(); } return Syntax.callField(x, "shift"); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.pop", "anon_optional_read.pop", "anon_read.pop") static public function pop(x) { if (Boot.isArray(x)) { return (x : Array<Dynamic>).pop(); } return Syntax.callField(x, "pop"); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.push", "anon_optional_read.push", "anon_read.push") static public function push(x:Dynamic, e:Dynamic) { if (Boot.isArray(x)) { return (x : Array<Dynamic>).push(e); } return Syntax.callField(x, "push", e); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.join", "anon_optional_read.join", "anon_read.join") static public function join(x, sep) { if (Boot.isArray(x)) { return (x : Array<Dynamic>).join(sep); } return Syntax.callField(x, "join", sep); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.filter", "anon_optional_read.filter", "anon_read.filter") static public function filter(x, f) { if (Boot.isArray(x)) { return (x : Array<Dynamic>).filter(f); } return Syntax.callField(x, "filter", f); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.map", "anon_optional_read.map", "anon_read.map") static public function map(x:Dynamic, f:Dynamic) { if (Boot.isArray(x)) { return (x : Array<Dynamic>).map(f); } return Syntax.callField(x, "map", f); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.toUpperCase", "anon_optional_read.toUpperCase", "anon_read.toUpperCase") static public function toUpperCase(x) { if (Boot.isString(x)) { return (x : String).toUpperCase(); } return Syntax.callField(x, "toUpperCase"); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.toLowerCase", "anon_optional_read.toLowerCase", "anon_read.toLowerCase") static public function toLowerCase(x) { if (Boot.isString(x)) { return (x : String).toLowerCase(); } return Syntax.callField(x, "toLowerCase"); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.split", "anon_optional_read.split", "anon_read.split") static public function split(x:Dynamic, delimiter:String) { if (Boot.isString(x)) { return (x : String).split(delimiter); } return Syntax.callField(x, "split", delimiter); } @:ifFeature("dynamic_read.length", "anon_optional_read.length", "anon_read.length") static public function length(x:Dynamic) { if (Boot.isString(x)) { return (x : String).length; } else if (Boot.isArray(x)) { return (x : Array<Dynamic>).length; } return Syntax.field(x, "length"); } @:ifFeature("binop_>>>") static public function rshift(val:Int, n:Int) { return Syntax.binop(Syntax.binop(val, "%", Syntax.code("0x100000000")), ">>", n); } @:ifFeature("binop_%") static public function modf(a:Float, b:Float) { if(b == 0.0) { return Syntax.code("float('nan')"); } else if(a < 0) { if(b < 0) { return Syntax.code("-(-{0} % (-{1}))", a, b); } else { return Syntax.code("-(-{0} % {1})", a, b); } } else if(b < 0) { return Syntax.code("{0} % (-{1})", a, b); } else { return Syntax.code("{0} % {1}", a, b); } } @:ifFeature("binop_%") static public function mod(a:Int, b:Int) { if(a < 0) { if(b < 0) { return Syntax.code("-(-{0} % (-{1}))", a, b); } else { return Syntax.code("-(-{0} % {1})", a, b); } } else if(b < 0) { return Syntax.code("{0} % (-{1})", a, b); } else { return Syntax.code("{0} % {1}", a, b); } } @:ifFeature("dynamic_array_read") static public function arrayGet<T>(a:Dynamic, i:Int):Dynamic { if (Boot.isArray(a)) { return ArrayImpl._get(a, i); } else { return Syntax.arrayAccess(a, i); } } @:ifFeature("dynamic_array_write") static public function arraySet(a:Dynamic, i:Int, v:Dynamic) { if (Boot.isArray(a)) { return ArrayImpl._set(a, i, v); } else { Syntax.assign(Syntax.arrayAccess(a, i), v); return v; } } @:ifFeature("python._KwArgs.KwArgs_Impl_.fromT") static public function mapKwArgs(a:{}, v:Dict<String, String>) { var a = python.Lib.dictAsAnon(python.Lib.anonToDict(a)); for (k in v.keys()) { var val = v.get(k); if (Syntax.code('{0}._hx_hasattr({1})', a, k)) { var x = UBuiltins.getattr(a, k); UBuiltins.setattr(a, val, x); UBuiltins.delattr(a, k); } } return a; } @:ifFeature("python._KwArgs.KwArgs_Impl_.toDictHelper") static public function reverseMapKwArgs(a:Dict<String, Dynamic>, v:Dict<String, String>) { var a = a.copy(); for (k in v.keys()) { var val = v.get(k); if (a.hasKey(val)) { var x = a.get(val, null); a.set(k, x); a.remove(val); } } return a; } }