/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package hl; typedef Symbol = hl.Abstract<"hl_symbol">; enum TrackKind { Alloc; Cast; DynField; DynCall; } class Result { public var t:hl.Type; public var kind:TrackKind; public var count:Int; public var info:Int; public var stack:Array<String>; public function new(t, count, info) { this.t = t; this.count = count; this.info = info; } @:keep public function toString() { return t + "(" + count + ")"; } } @:hlNative("std") class Profile { public static var threadBits(get, set):haxe.EnumFlags<TrackKind>; public static var globalBits(get, set):haxe.EnumFlags<TrackKind>; static var KINDS = null; public static function getData(sortBySize = false, reset = true) { var old = globalBits; globalBits = new haxe.EnumFlags(); if (buf == null) buf = new hl.Bytes(BUFSIZE * 2); track_lock(true); var maxDepth = 0; var count = track_count(maxDepth); var arr = new hl.NativeArray<Symbol>(maxDepth); var out = []; if (KINDS == null) KINDS = TrackKind.createAll(); for (i in 0...count) { var t:hl.Type = null, count = 0, info = 0; var k = track_entry(i, t, count, info, arr); if (count == 0) continue; var a = new Result(t, count, info); a.kind = KINDS[k]; a.stack = [for (a in arr) resolveSymbol(a)]; out.push(a); } out.sort(function(a1, a2) { if (a1.kind != a2.kind) return a1.kind.getIndex() - a2.kind.getIndex(); if (sortBySize && a1.kind == Alloc) return a2.info - a1.info; return a2.count - a1.count; }); track_lock(false); if (reset) Profile.reset(); globalBits = old; return out; } public static function dump(fileName = "track.dump", sortBySize = false, reset = true) { var old = globalBits; globalBits = new haxe.EnumFlags(); var f = sys.io.File.write(fileName); var data = getData(sortBySize, reset); var allocCount = 0, allocSize = 0, castCount = 0, dynCount = 0; for (o in data) { switch (o.kind) { case Alloc: allocCount += o.count; allocSize += o.info; case Cast: castCount += o.count; case DynCall, DynField: dynCount += o.count; } } if (data.length == 0) f.writeString("Nothing\n"); if (allocCount > 0) f.writeString(allocCount + " total allocs (" + allocSize + " bytes)\n"); if (castCount > 0) f.writeString(castCount + " total casts\n"); if (dynCount > 0) f.writeString(dynCount + " total dynamic accesses/calls\n"); for (o in data) { var pcount = StringTools.lpad("" + o.count, " ", 5); switch (o.kind) { case Alloc: f.writeString("alloc " + pcount + " " + o.t + " (" + o.info + " bytes)\n"); case Cast: f.writeString("cast " + pcount + " " + o.t + "\n"); case DynCall: f.writeString("dyncall " + pcount + " " + o.t + "." + getFieldName(o.info) + "()\n"); case DynField: f.writeString("dynfield " + pcount + " " + o.t + "." + getFieldName(o.info) + "\n"); } for (s in o.stack) f.writeString("\t\t\t\t" + s + "\n"); } f.close(); globalBits = old; } /** Reset accumulated tracked data. **/ @:hlNative("std", "track_reset") public static function reset() {} /** Restart tracking after being stopped. **/ @:hlNative("std", "track_init") public static function restart() {} /** Stop tracking for all threads. **/ public static function stop() { globalBits = new haxe.EnumFlags(); } /** Set maximum stack depth for reports (default = 10) **/ @:hlNative("std", "track_set_depth") public static function setMaxDepth(v:Int) {} static function get_threadBits() return new haxe.EnumFlags(track_get_bits(true)); static function set_threadBits(v:haxe.EnumFlags<TrackKind>) { track_set_bits(v.toInt(), true); return v; } static function get_globalBits() return new haxe.EnumFlags(track_get_bits(false)); static function set_globalBits(v:haxe.EnumFlags<TrackKind>) { track_set_bits(v.toInt(), false); return v; } static var BUFSIZE = 512; static var buf:hl.Bytes; static function resolveSymbol(s:Symbol) { var size = BUFSIZE; if (buf == null) buf = new hl.Bytes(BUFSIZE * 2); var bytes = resolve_symbol(s, buf, size); if (bytes == null) return "<???>"; return @:privateAccess String.fromUCS2(bytes.sub(0, (size + 1) * 2)); } static function resolve_symbol(s:Symbol, buf:hl.Bytes, bufSize:hl.Ref<Int>):hl.Bytes { return null; } static function track_count(maxDepth:hl.Ref<Int>):Int { return 0; } static function track_entry(id:Int, type:hl.Ref<hl.Type>, count:hl.Ref<Int>, info:hl.Ref<Int>, stack:NativeArray<Symbol>):Int { return 0; } static function track_init():Void {} static function track_lock(b:Bool):Void {} static function track_get_bits(thread:Bool):Int { return 0; } static function track_set_bits(bits:Int, thread:Bool):Void {} static function __init__() track_init(); // todo : move later to hl.Bytes @:hlNative("std", "field_name") public static function getFieldName(hash:Int):Bytes { return null; } @:hlNative(1.11) static function sys_profile_event( code : Int, data : hl.Bytes, dataLen : Int ) : Void {} public static function event( code : Int, ?data : String ) @:privateAccess { sys_profile_event(code,data == null ? null : data.bytes, data == null ? 0 : (data.length<<1)); } public static function eventBytes( code : Int, data : haxe.io.Bytes ) @:privateAccess { sys_profile_event(code,data == null ? null : data, data == null ? 0 : data.length); } }