import heapq # heapq.heappush, heapq.heappop from .packer import newPacker, PackingMode, PackingBin, SORT_LSIDE from .skyline import SkylineBlWm class Enclose(object): def __init__(self, rectangles=[], max_width=None, max_height=None, rotation=True): """ Arguments: rectangles (list): Rectangle to be enveloped [(width1, height1), (width2, height2), ...] max_width (number|None): Enveloping rectangle max allowed width. max_height (number|None): Enveloping rectangle max allowed height. rotation (boolean): Enable/Disable rectangle rotation. """ # Enclosing rectangle max width self._max_width = max_width # Encloseing rectangle max height self._max_height = max_height # Enable or disable rectangle rotation self._rotation = rotation # Default packing algorithm self._pack_algo = SkylineBlWm # rectangles to enclose [(width, height), (width, height, ...)] self._rectangles = [] for r in rectangles: self.add_rect(*r) def _container_candidates(self): """Generate container candidate list Returns: tuple list: [(width1, height1), (width2, height2), ...] """ if not self._rectangles: return [] if self._rotation: sides = sorted(side for rect in self._rectangles for side in rect) max_height = sum(max(r[0], r[1]) for r in self._rectangles) min_width = max(min(r[0], r[1]) for r in self._rectangles) max_width = max_height else: sides = sorted(r[0] for r in self._rectangles) max_height = sum(r[1] for r in self._rectangles) min_width = max(r[0] for r in self._rectangles) max_width = sum(sides) if self._max_width and self._max_width < max_width: max_width = self._max_width if self._max_height and self._max_height < max_height: max_height = self._max_height assert(max_width>min_width) # Generate initial container widths candidates = [max_width, min_width] width = 0 for s in reversed(sides): width += s candidates.append(width) width = 0 for s in sides: width += s candidates.append(width) candidates.append(max_width) candidates.append(min_width) # Remove duplicates and widths too big or small seen = set() seen_add = seen.add candidates = [x for x in candidates if not(x in seen or seen_add(x))] candidates = [x for x in candidates if not(x>max_width or x<min_width)] # Remove candidates too small to fit all the rectangles min_area = sum(r[0]*r[1] for r in self._rectangles) return [(c, max_height) for c in candidates if c*max_height>=min_area] def _refine_candidate(self, width, height): """ Use bottom-left packing algorithm to find a lower height for the container. Arguments: width height Returns: tuple (width, height, PackingAlgorithm): """ packer = newPacker(PackingMode.Offline, PackingBin.BFF, pack_algo=self._pack_algo, sort_algo=SORT_LSIDE, rotation=self._rotation) packer.add_bin(width, height) for r in self._rectangles: packer.add_rect(*r) packer.pack() # Check all rectangles where packed if len(packer[0]) != len(self._rectangles): return None # Find highest rectangle new_height = max(packer[0], key=lambda x: return(width, new_height, packer) def generate(self): # Generate initial containers candidates = self._container_candidates() if not candidates: return None # Refine candidates and return the one with the smaller area containers = [self._refine_candidate(*c) for c in candidates] containers = [c for c in containers if c] if not containers: return None width, height, packer = min(containers, key=lambda x: x[0]*x[1]) packer.width = width packer.height = height return packer def add_rect(self, width, height): """ Add anoter rectangle to be enclosed Arguments: width (number): Rectangle width height (number): Rectangle height """ self._rectangles.append((width, height))