package zui; // Immediate Mode UI Library // import kha.input.Mouse; import kha.input.Pen; import kha.input.Surface; import kha.input.Keyboard; import kha.input.KeyCode; import kha.graphics2.Graphics; @:structInit typedef ZuiOptions = { font: kha.Font, ?theme: zui.Themes.TTheme, ?khaWindowId: Int, ?scaleFactor: Float, ?autoNotifyInput: Bool, ?color_wheel: kha.Image, ?black_white_gradient: kha.Image, } class Zui { public var isScrolling = false; // Use to limit other activities public var isTyping = false; public var enabled = true; // Current element state public var isStarted = false; public var isPushed = false; public var isHovered = false; public var isReleased = false; public var changed = false; // Global elements change check public var imageInvertY = false; public var scrollEnabled = true; public var alwaysRedraw = false; // Hurts performance public var highlightOnSelect = true; // Highlight text edit contents on selection public var tabSwitchEnabled = true; // Allow switching focus to the next element by pressing tab public var textColoring: TTextColoring = null; // Set coloring scheme for drawString() calls public var windowBorderTop = 0; public var windowBorderBottom = 0; public var windowBorderLeft = 0; public var windowBorderRight = 0; var highlightFullRow = false; public static var current: Zui = null; public static var onBorderHover: Handle->Int->Void = null; // Mouse over window border, use for resizing public static var onTextHover: Void->Void = null; // Mouse over text input, use to set I-cursor public static var onDeselectText: Void->Void = null; // Text editing finished public static var alwaysRedrawWindow = true; // Redraw cached window texture each frame or on changes only public static var keyRepeat = true; // Emulate key repeat for non-character keys public static var dynamicGlyphLoad = true; // Allow text input fields to push new glyphs into the font atlas public static var touchScroll = false; // Pan with finger to scroll public static var touchHold = false; // Touch and hold finger for right click public static var touchTooltip = false; // Show extra tooltips above finger / on-screen keyboard var touchHoldActivated = false; var sliderTooltip = false; var sliderTooltipX = 0.0; var sliderTooltipY = 0.0; var sliderTooltipW = 0.0; static var keyRepeatTime = 0.0; public var inputRegistered = false; public var inputEnabled = true; public var inputX: Float; // Input position public var inputY: Float; public var inputStartedX: Float; public var inputStartedY: Float; public var inputDX: Float; // Delta public var inputDY: Float; public var inputWheelDelta = 0; public var inputStarted: Bool; // Buttons public var inputStartedR: Bool; public var inputReleased: Bool; public var inputReleasedR: Bool; public var inputDown: Bool; public var inputDownR: Bool; public var penInUse: Bool; public var isKeyPressed = false; // Keys public var isKeyDown = false; public var isShiftDown = false; public var isCtrlDown = false; public var isAltDown = false; public var isADown = false; public var isBackspaceDown = false; public var isDeleteDown = false; public var isEscapeDown = false; public var isReturnDown = false; public var isTabDown = false; public var key: Null<KeyCode> = null; public var char: String; static var textToPaste = ""; static var textToCopy = ""; static var isCut = false; static var isCopy = false; static var isPaste = false; static var copyReceiver: Zui = null; static var copyFrame = 0; var inputStartedTime = 0.0; var cursorX = 0; // Text input var highlightAnchor = 0; var ratios: Array<Float>; // Splitting rows var curRatio = -1; var xBeforeSplit: Float; var wBeforeSplit: Int; public var g: Graphics; // Drawing public var t: zui.Themes.TTheme; public var ops: ZuiOptions; var globalG: Graphics; var rtTextPipeline: kha.graphics4.PipelineState; // Rendering text into rendertargets var fontSize: Int; var fontOffsetY: Float; // Precalculated offsets var arrowOffsetX: Float; var arrowOffsetY: Float; var titleOffsetX: Float; var buttonOffsetY: Float; var checkOffsetX: Float; var checkOffsetY: Float; var checkSelectOffsetX: Float; var checkSelectOffsetY: Float; var radioOffsetX: Float; var radioOffsetY: Float; var radioSelectOffsetX: Float; var radioSelectOffsetY: Float; var scrollAlign = 0.0; var imageScrollAlign = true; var _x: Float; // Cursor(stack) position var _y: Float; var _w: Int; var _h: Int; var _windowX = 0.0; // Window state var _windowY = 0.0; var _windowW: Float; var _windowH: Float; var currentWindow: Handle; var windowEnded = true; var scrollHandle: Handle = null; // Window or slider being scrolled var dragHandle: Handle = null; // Window being dragged var windowHeaderW = 0.0; var windowHeaderH = 0.0; var restoreX = -1.0; var restoreY = -1.0; var textSelectedHandle: Handle = null; var textSelected: String; var submitTextHandle: Handle = null; var textToSubmit = ""; var tabPressed = false; var tabPressedHandle: Handle = null; var comboSelectedHandle: Handle = null; var comboSelectedWindow: Handle = null; var comboSelectedAlign: Align; var comboSelectedTexts: Array<String>; var comboSelectedLabel: String; var comboSelectedX: Int; var comboSelectedY: Int; var comboSelectedW: Int; var comboSearchBar = false; var submitComboHandle: Handle = null; var comboToSubmit = 0; var comboInitialValue = 0; var tooltipText = ""; var tooltipImg: kha.Image = null; var tooltipImgMaxWidth: Null<Int> = null; var tooltipInvertY = false; var tooltipX = 0.0; var tooltipY = 0.0; var tooltipShown = false; var tooltipWait = false; var tooltipTime = 0.0; var tabNames: Array<String> = null; // Number of tab calls since window begin var tabColors: Array<Int> = null; var tabHandle: Handle = null; var tabScroll = 0.0; var tabVertical = false; var sticky = false; var scissor = false; var elementsBaked = false; var checkSelectImage: kha.Image = null; public function new(ops: ZuiOptions) { if (ops.theme == null) ops.theme = Themes.dark; t = ops.theme; if (ops.khaWindowId == null) ops.khaWindowId = 0; if (ops.scaleFactor == null) ops.scaleFactor = 1.0; if (ops.autoNotifyInput == null) ops.autoNotifyInput = true; this.ops = ops; setScale(ops.scaleFactor); if (ops.autoNotifyInput) registerInput(); if (copyReceiver == null) { copyReceiver = this; kha.System.notifyOnCutCopyPaste(onCut, onCopy, onPaste); kha.System.notifyOnFrames(function(frames: Array<kha.Framebuffer>) { // Set isCopy to false on next frame if ((isCopy || isPaste) && ++copyFrame > 1) { isCopy = isCut = isPaste = false; } // Clear unpasted text on next frame else if (copyFrame > 1 && ++copyFrame > 2) { copyFrame = 0; textToPaste = ""; } }); } var rtTextVS = kha.graphics4.Graphics2.createTextVertexStructure(); rtTextPipeline = kha.graphics4.Graphics2.createTextPipeline(rtTextVS); rtTextPipeline.alphaBlendSource = BlendOne; rtTextPipeline.compile(); } public function setScale(factor: Float) { ops.scaleFactor = factor; fontSize = FONT_SIZE(); var fontHeight = ops.font.height(fontSize); fontOffsetY = (ELEMENT_H() - fontHeight) / 2; // Precalculate offsets arrowOffsetY = (ELEMENT_H() - ARROW_SIZE()) / 2; arrowOffsetX = arrowOffsetY; titleOffsetX = (arrowOffsetX * 2 + ARROW_SIZE()) / SCALE(); buttonOffsetY = (ELEMENT_H() - BUTTON_H()) / 2; checkOffsetY = (ELEMENT_H() - CHECK_SIZE()) / 2; checkOffsetX = checkOffsetY; checkSelectOffsetY = (CHECK_SIZE() - CHECK_SELECT_SIZE()) / 2; checkSelectOffsetX = checkSelectOffsetY; radioOffsetY = (ELEMENT_H() - CHECK_SIZE()) / 2; radioOffsetX = radioOffsetY; radioSelectOffsetY = (CHECK_SIZE() - CHECK_SELECT_SIZE()) / 2; radioSelectOffsetX = radioSelectOffsetY; elementsBaked = false; } function bakeElements() { if (checkSelectImage != null) { checkSelectImage.unload(); } checkSelectImage = kha.Image.createRenderTarget(,, null, NoDepthAndStencil, 1); var g = checkSelectImage.g2; g.begin(true, 0x00000000); g.color = t.ACCENT_SELECT_COL; g.drawLine(0, 0, checkSelectImage.width, checkSelectImage.height, 2 * SCALE()); g.drawLine(checkSelectImage.width, 0, 0, checkSelectImage.height, 2 * SCALE()); g.end(); elementsBaked = true; } public function remove() { // Clean up if (ops.autoNotifyInput) unregisterInput(); } public function registerInput() { if (inputRegistered) return; Mouse.get().notifyWindowed(ops.khaWindowId, onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onMouseMove, onMouseWheel); if (Pen.get() != null) Pen.get().notify(onPenDown, onPenUp, onPenMove); Keyboard.get().notify(onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onKeyPress); #if (kha_android || kha_ios) if (Surface.get() != null) Surface.get().notify(onTouchDown, onTouchUp, onTouchMove); #end // Reset mouse delta on foreground kha.System.notifyOnApplicationState(function() { inputDX = inputDY = 0; }, null, null, null, null); inputRegistered = true; } public function unregisterInput() { if (!inputRegistered) return; Mouse.get().removeWindowed(ops.khaWindowId, onMouseDown, onMouseUp, onMouseMove, onMouseWheel); if (Pen.get() != null) Pen.get().remove(onPenDown, onPenUp, onPenMove); Keyboard.get().remove(onKeyDown, onKeyUp, onKeyPress); #if (kha_android || kha_ios) if (Surface.get() != null) Surface.get().remove(onTouchDown, onTouchUp, onTouchMove); #end endInput(); isShiftDown = isCtrlDown = isAltDown = false; inputX = inputY = 0; inputRegistered = false; } public function begin(g: Graphics) { // Begin UI drawing if (!elementsBaked) bakeElements(); changed = false; globalG = g; current = this; _x = 0; // Reset cursor _y = 0; _w = 0; _h = 0; } public function end(last = true) { // End drawing if (!windowEnded) endWindow(); drawCombo(); // Handle active combo drawTooltip(true); tabPressedHandle = null; if (last) endInput(); } public function beginRegion(g: Graphics, x: Int, y: Int, w: Int) { if (!elementsBaked) { g.end(); bakeElements(); g.begin(false); } changed = false; globalG = g; this.g = g; currentWindow = null; tooltipText = ""; tooltipImg = null; _windowX = 0; _windowY = 0; _windowW = w; _x = x; _y = y; _w = w; } public function endRegion(last = true) { drawTooltip(false); tabPressedHandle = null; if (last) endInput(); } // Sticky region ignores window scrolling public function beginSticky() { sticky = true; _y -= currentWindow.scrollOffset; } public function endSticky() { sticky = false; scissor = true; g.scissor(0,,, - _y)); windowHeaderH += _y - windowHeaderH; _y += currentWindow.scrollOffset; isHovered = false; } function endInput() { isKeyPressed = false; inputStarted = false; inputStartedR = false; inputReleased = false; inputReleasedR = false; inputDX = 0; inputDY = 0; inputWheelDelta = 0; penInUse = false; if (keyRepeat && isKeyDown && kha.Scheduler.time() - keyRepeatTime > 0.05) { if (key == KeyCode.Backspace || key == KeyCode.Delete || key == KeyCode.Left || key == KeyCode.Right || key == KeyCode.Up || key == KeyCode.Down) { keyRepeatTime = kha.Scheduler.time(); isKeyPressed = true; } } if (touchHold && inputDown && inputX == inputStartedX && inputY == inputStartedY && inputStartedTime > 0 && kha.Scheduler.time() - inputStartedTime > 0.7) { touchHoldActivated = true; inputReleasedR = true; inputStartedTime = 0; } } function inputChanged(): Bool { return inputDX != 0 || inputDY != 0 || inputWheelDelta != 0 || inputStarted || inputStartedR || inputReleased || inputReleasedR || inputDown || inputDownR || isKeyPressed; } public function windowDirty(handle: Handle, x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int): Bool { var wx = x + handle.dragX; var wy = y + handle.dragY; var inputChanged = getInputInRect(wx, wy, w, h) && inputChanged(); return alwaysRedraw || isScrolling || inputChanged; } // Returns true if redraw is needed public function window(handle: Handle, x: Int, y: Int, w: Int, h: Int, drag = false): Bool { if (handle.texture == null || w != handle.texture.width || h != handle.texture.height) { resize(handle, w, h); } if (!windowEnded) endWindow(); // End previous window if necessary windowEnded = false; g = handle.texture.g2; // Set g currentWindow = handle; _windowX = x + handle.dragX; _windowY = y + handle.dragY; _windowW = w; _windowH = h; windowHeaderW = 0; windowHeaderH = 0; if (windowDirty(handle, x, y, w, h)) { handle.redraws = 2; } if (onBorderHover != null) { if (getInputInRect(_windowX - 4, _windowY, 8, _windowH)) { onBorderHover(handle, 0); } else if (getInputInRect(_windowX + _windowW - 4, _windowY, 8, _windowH)) { onBorderHover(handle, 1); } else if (getInputInRect(_windowX, _windowY - 4, _windowW, 8)) { onBorderHover(handle, 2); } else if (getInputInRect(_windowX, _windowY + _windowH - 4, _windowW, 8)) { onBorderHover(handle, 3); } } if (handle.redraws <= 0) { return false; } _x = 0; _y = handle.scrollOffset; if (handle.layout == Horizontal) w =; _w = !handle.scrollEnabled ? w : w - SCROLL_W(); // Exclude scrollbar if present _h = h; tooltipText = ""; tooltipImg = null; tabNames = null; if (t.FILL_WINDOW_BG) { g.begin(true, t.WINDOW_BG_COL); } else { g.begin(true, 0x00000000); g.color = t.WINDOW_BG_COL; g.fillRect(_x, _y - handle.scrollOffset, handle.lastMaxX, handle.lastMaxY); } handle.dragEnabled = drag; if (drag) { if (inputStarted && getInputInRect(_windowX, _windowY, _windowW, HEADER_DRAG_H())) { dragHandle = handle; } else if (inputReleased) { dragHandle = null; } if (handle == dragHandle) { handle.redraws = 2; handle.dragX +=; handle.dragY +=; } _y += HEADER_DRAG_H(); // Header offset windowHeaderH += HEADER_DRAG_H(); } return true; } public function endWindow(bindGlobalG = true) { var handle = currentWindow; if (handle == null) return; if (handle.redraws > 0 || isScrolling) { if (scissor) { scissor = false; g.disableScissor(); } if (tabNames != null) drawTabs(); if (handle.dragEnabled) { // Draggable header g.color = t.SEPARATOR_COL; g.fillRect(0, 0, _windowW, HEADER_DRAG_H()); } var wh = _windowH - windowHeaderH; // Exclude header var fullHeight = _y - handle.scrollOffset - windowHeaderH; if (fullHeight < wh || handle.layout == Horizontal || !scrollEnabled) { // Disable scrollbar handle.scrollEnabled = false; handle.scrollOffset = 0; } else { // Draw window scrollbar if necessary handle.scrollEnabled = true; if (tabScroll < 0) { // Restore tab handle.scrollOffset = tabScroll; tabScroll = 0; } var wy = _windowY + windowHeaderH; var amountToScroll = fullHeight - wh; var amountScrolled = -handle.scrollOffset; var ratio = amountScrolled / amountToScroll; var barH = wh * Math.abs(wh / fullHeight); barH = Math.max(barH, ELEMENT_H()); var totalScrollableArea = wh - barH; var e = amountToScroll / totalScrollableArea; var barY = totalScrollableArea * ratio + windowHeaderH; var barFocus = getInputInRect(_windowX + _windowW - SCROLL_W(), barY + _windowY, SCROLL_W(), barH); if (inputStarted && barFocus) { // Start scrolling scrollHandle = handle; isScrolling = true; } var scrollDelta: Float = inputWheelDelta; if (touchScroll && inputDown && inputDY != 0 && inputX > _windowX + windowHeaderW&& inputY > _windowY + windowHeaderH) { isScrolling = true; scrollDelta = -inputDY / 20; } if (handle == scrollHandle) { // Scroll scroll(inputDY * e, fullHeight); } else if (scrollDelta != 0 && comboSelectedHandle == null && getInputInRect(_windowX, wy, _windowW, wh)) { // Wheel scroll(scrollDelta * ELEMENT_H(), fullHeight); } // Stay in bounds if (handle.scrollOffset > 0) { handle.scrollOffset = 0; } else if (fullHeight + handle.scrollOffset < wh) { handle.scrollOffset = wh - fullHeight; } g.color = t.ACCENT_COL; // Bar var scrollbarFocus = getInputInRect(_windowX + _windowW - SCROLL_W(), wy, SCROLL_W(), wh); var barW = (scrollbarFocus || handle == scrollHandle) ? SCROLL_W() : SCROLL_W() / 3; g.fillRect(_windowW - barW - scrollAlign, barY, barW, barH); } handle.lastMaxX = _x; handle.lastMaxY = _y; if (handle.layout == Vertical) handle.lastMaxX += _windowW; else handle.lastMaxY += _windowH; handle.redraws--; g.end(); } windowEnded = true; // Draw window texture if (alwaysRedrawWindow || handle.redraws > -4) { if (bindGlobalG) globalG.begin(false); globalG.color = t.WINDOW_TINT_COL; globalG.drawImage(handle.texture, _windowX, _windowY); if (bindGlobalG) globalG.end(); if (handle.redraws <= 0) handle.redraws--; } } function scroll(delta: Float, fullHeight: Float) { currentWindow.scrollOffset -= delta; } public function tab(handle: Handle, text: String, vertical = false, color: Int = -1): Bool { if (tabNames == null) { // First tab tabNames = []; tabColors = []; tabHandle = handle; tabVertical = vertical; _w -= tabVertical ? + ELEMENT_W() - 1 * SCALE()) : 0; // Shrink window area by width of vertical tabs vertical ? windowHeaderW += ELEMENT_W() : windowHeaderH += BUTTON_H() + buttonOffsetY + ELEMENT_OFFSET(); restoreX = inputX; // Mouse in tab header, disable clicks for tab content restoreY = inputY; if (!vertical && getInputInRect(_windowX, _windowY, _windowW, windowHeaderH)) { inputX = inputY = -1; } vertical ? { _x += windowHeaderW + 6; _w -= 6; } : _y += windowHeaderH + 3; } tabNames.push(text); tabColors.push(color); return handle.position == tabNames.length - 1; } function drawTabs() { inputX = restoreX; inputY = restoreY; if (currentWindow == null) return; var tabX = 0.0; var tabY = 0.0; var tabHMin = * 1.1); var headerH = currentWindow.dragEnabled ? HEADER_DRAG_H() : 0; var tabH = t.FULL_TABS && tabVertical ? - headerH) / tabNames.length) : tabHMin; var origy = _y; _y = headerH; tabHandle.changed = false; if (isCtrlDown && isTabDown) { // Next tab tabHandle.position++; if (tabHandle.position >= tabNames.length) tabHandle.position = 0; tabHandle.changed = true; isTabDown = false; } if (tabHandle.position >= tabNames.length) tabHandle.position = tabNames.length - 1; g.color = t.SEPARATOR_COL; // Tab background tabVertical ? g.fillRect(0, _y, ELEMENT_W(), _windowH) : g.fillRect(0, _y, _windowW, buttonOffsetY + tabH + 2); g.color = t.ACCENT_COL; // Underline tab buttons tabVertical ? g.fillRect(ELEMENT_W(), _y, 1, _windowH) : g.fillRect(buttonOffsetY, _y + buttonOffsetY + tabH + 2, _windowW - buttonOffsetY * 2, 1); var basey = tabVertical ? _y : _y + 2; for (i in 0...tabNames.length) { _x = tabX; _y = basey + tabY; _w = tabVertical ? - 1 * SCALE()) : t.FULL_TABS ? / tabNames.length) :, tabNames[i]) + buttonOffsetY * 2 + 18 * SCALE()); var released = getReleased(tabH); var pushed = getPushed(tabH); var hover = getHover(tabH); if (released) { var h = tabHandle.nest(tabHandle.position); // Restore tab scroll h.scrollOffset = currentWindow.scrollOffset; h = tabHandle.nest(i); tabScroll = h.scrollOffset; tabHandle.position = i; // Set new tab currentWindow.redraws = 3; tabHandle.changed = true; } var selected = tabHandle.position == i; g.color = (pushed || hover) ? t.BUTTON_HOVER_COL : tabColors[i] != -1 ? tabColors[i] : selected ? t.WINDOW_BG_COL : t.SEPARATOR_COL; tabVertical ? tabY += tabH + 1 : tabX += _w + 1; drawRect(g, true, _x + buttonOffsetY, _y + buttonOffsetY, _w, tabH); g.color = selected ? t.BUTTON_TEXT_COL : t.LABEL_COL; drawString(g, tabNames[i], null, (tabH - tabHMin) / 2, t.FULL_TABS ? Align.Center : Align.Left); if (selected) { // Hide underline for active tab if (tabVertical) { // g.color = t.WINDOW_BG_COL; // g.fillRect(_x + buttonOffsetY + _w - 1, _y + buttonOffsetY - 1, 2, tabH + buttonOffsetY); g.color = t.HIGHLIGHT_COL; g.fillRect(_x + buttonOffsetY, _y + buttonOffsetY - 1, 2, tabH + buttonOffsetY); } else { g.color = t.WINDOW_BG_COL; g.fillRect(_x + buttonOffsetY + 1, _y + buttonOffsetY + tabH, _w - 1, 1); g.color = t.HIGHLIGHT_COL; g.fillRect(_x + buttonOffsetY, _y + buttonOffsetY, _w, 2); } } } _x = 0; // Restore positions _y = origy; _w =!currentWindow.scrollEnabled ? _windowW : _windowW - SCROLL_W()); } public function panel(handle: Handle, text: String, isTree = false, filled = true, pack = true): Bool { if (!isVisible(ELEMENT_H())) { endElement(); return handle.selected; } if (getReleased()) { handle.selected = !handle.selected; handle.changed = changed = true; } if (filled) { g.color = t.PANEL_BG_COL; drawRect(g, true, _x, _y, _w, ELEMENT_H()); } isTree ? drawTree(handle.selected) : drawArrow(handle.selected); g.color = t.LABEL_COL; // Title drawString(g, text, titleOffsetX, 0); endElement(); if (pack && !handle.selected) _y -= ELEMENT_OFFSET(); return handle.selected; } public function image(image: kha.Image, tint = 0xffffffff, h: Null<Float> = null, sx = 0, sy = 0, sw = 0, sh = 0): State { var iw = (sw > 0 ? sw : image.width) * SCALE(); var ih = (sh > 0 ? sh : image.height) * SCALE(); var w = Math.min(iw, _w); var x = _x; var scroll = currentWindow != null ? currentWindow.scrollEnabled : false; var r = curRatio == -1 ? 1.0 : getRatio(ratios[curRatio], 1); if (imageScrollAlign) { // Account for scrollbar size w = Math.min(iw, _w - buttonOffsetY * 2); x += buttonOffsetY; if (!scroll) { w -= SCROLL_W() * r; x += SCROLL_W() * r / 2; } } else if (scroll) w += SCROLL_W() * r; // Image size var ratio = h == null ? w / iw : h / ih; h == null ? h = ih * ratio : w = iw * ratio; if (!isVisible(h)) { endElement(h); return State.Idle; } var started = getStarted(h); var down = getPushed(h); var released = getReleased(h); var hover = getHover(h); if (curRatio == -1 && (started || down || released || hover)) { if (inputX < _windowX + _x || inputX > _windowX + _x + w) { started = down = released = hover = false; } } g.color = tint; if (!enabled) fadeColor(); var h_float: Float = h; // TODO: hashlink fix if (sw > 0) { // Source rect specified imageInvertY ? g.drawScaledSubImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, x, _y + h_float, w, -h_float) : g.drawScaledSubImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, x, _y, w, h_float); } else { imageInvertY ? g.drawScaledImage(image, x, _y + h_float, w, -h_float) : g.drawScaledImage(image, x, _y, w, h_float); } endElement(h); return started ? State.Started : released ? State.Released : down ? State.Down : hover ? State.Hovered : State.Idle; } public function text(text: String, align = Align.Left, bg = 0x00000000): State { if (text.indexOf("\n") >= 0) { splitText(text, align, bg); return State.Idle; } var h = Math.max(ELEMENT_H(), ops.font.height(fontSize)); if (!isVisible(h)) { endElement(h + ELEMENT_OFFSET()); return State.Idle; } var started = getStarted(h); var down = getPushed(h); var released = getReleased(h); var hover = getHover(h); if (bg != 0x0000000) { g.color = bg; g.fillRect(_x + buttonOffsetY, _y + buttonOffsetY, _w - buttonOffsetY * 2, BUTTON_H()); } g.color = t.TEXT_COL; drawString(g, text, null, 0, align); endElement(h + ELEMENT_OFFSET()); return started ? State.Started : released ? State.Released : down ? State.Down : State.Idle; } inline function splitText(lines: String, align = Align.Left, bg = 0x00000000) { for (line in lines.split("\n")) text(line, align, bg); } function startTextEdit(handle: Handle, align = Align.Left) { isTyping = true; submitTextHandle = textSelectedHandle; textToSubmit = textSelected; textSelectedHandle = handle; textSelected = handle.text; cursorX = handle.text.length; if (tabPressed) { tabPressed = false; isKeyPressed = false; // Prevent text deselect after tab press } else if (!highlightOnSelect) { // Set cursor to click location setCursorToInput(align); } tabPressedHandle = handle; highlightAnchor = highlightOnSelect ? 0 : cursorX; if (Keyboard.get() != null) Keyboard.get().show(); } function submitTextEdit() { submitTextHandle.changed = submitTextHandle.text != textToSubmit; submitTextHandle.text = textToSubmit; submitTextHandle = null; textToSubmit = ""; textSelected = ""; } function updateTextEdit(align = Align.Left, editable = true, liveUpdate = false) { var text = textSelected; if (isKeyPressed) { // Process input if (key == KeyCode.Left) { // Move cursor if (cursorX > 0) cursorX--; } else if (key == KeyCode.Right) { if (cursorX < text.length) cursorX++; } else if (editable && key == KeyCode.Backspace) { // Remove char if (cursorX > 0 && highlightAnchor == cursorX) { text = text.substr(0, cursorX - 1) + text.substr(cursorX, text.length); cursorX--; } else if (highlightAnchor < cursorX) { text = text.substr(0, highlightAnchor) + text.substr(cursorX, text.length); cursorX = highlightAnchor; } else { text = text.substr(0, cursorX) + text.substr(highlightAnchor, text.length); } } else if (editable && key == KeyCode.Delete) { if (highlightAnchor == cursorX) { text = text.substr(0, cursorX) + text.substr(cursorX + 1); } else if (highlightAnchor < cursorX) { text = text.substr(0, highlightAnchor) + text.substr(cursorX, text.length); cursorX = highlightAnchor; } else { text = text.substr(0, cursorX) + text.substr(highlightAnchor, text.length); } } else if (key == KeyCode.Return) { // Deselect deselectText(); } else if (key == KeyCode.Escape) { // Cancel textSelected = textSelectedHandle.text; deselectText(); } else if (key == KeyCode.Tab && tabSwitchEnabled && !isCtrlDown) { // Next field tabPressed = true; deselectText(); key = null; } else if (key == KeyCode.Home) { cursorX = 0; } else if (key == KeyCode.End) { cursorX = text.length; } else if (isCtrlDown && isADown) { // Select all cursorX = text.length; highlightAnchor = 0; } else if (editable && // Write key != KeyCode.Shift && key != KeyCode.CapsLock && key != KeyCode.Control && key != KeyCode.Meta && key != KeyCode.Alt && key != KeyCode.Up && key != KeyCode.Down && char != null && char != "" && char.charCodeAt(0) >= 32) { text = text.substr(0, highlightAnchor) + char + text.substr(cursorX); cursorX = cursorX + 1 > text.length ? text.length : cursorX + 1; } var selecting = isShiftDown && (key == KeyCode.Left || key == KeyCode.Right || key == KeyCode.Shift); // isCtrlDown && isAltDown is the condition for AltGr was pressed // AltGr is part of the German keyboard layout and part of key combinations like AltGr + e -> € if (!selecting && (!isCtrlDown || (isCtrlDown && isAltDown))) highlightAnchor = cursorX; } if (editable && textToPaste != "") { // Process cut copy paste text = text.substr(0, highlightAnchor) + textToPaste + text.substr(cursorX); cursorX += textToPaste.length; highlightAnchor = cursorX; textToPaste = ""; isPaste = false; } if (highlightAnchor == cursorX) textToCopy = text; // Copy else if (highlightAnchor < cursorX) textToCopy = text.substring(highlightAnchor, cursorX); else textToCopy = text.substring(cursorX, highlightAnchor); if (editable && isCut) { // Cut if (highlightAnchor == cursorX) text = ""; else if (highlightAnchor < cursorX) { text = text.substr(0, highlightAnchor) + text.substr(cursorX, text.length); cursorX = highlightAnchor; } else { text = text.substr(0, cursorX) + text.substr(highlightAnchor, text.length); } } var off = TEXT_OFFSET(); var lineHeight = ELEMENT_H(); var cursorHeight = lineHeight - buttonOffsetY * 3.0; // Draw highlight if (highlightAnchor != cursorX) { var istart = cursorX; var iend = highlightAnchor; if (highlightAnchor < cursorX) { istart = highlightAnchor; iend = cursorX; } var hlstr = text.substr(istart, iend - istart); var hlstrw = ops.font.width(fontSize, hlstr); var startoff = ops.font.width(fontSize, text.substr(0, istart)); var hlStart = align == Align.Left ? _x + startoff + off : _x + _w - hlstrw - off; if (align == Align.Right) { hlStart -= ops.font.width(fontSize, text.substr(iend, text.length)); } g.color = t.ACCENT_SELECT_COL; g.fillRect(hlStart, _y + buttonOffsetY * 1.5, hlstrw, cursorHeight); } // Draw cursor var str = align == Align.Left ? text.substr(0, cursorX) : text.substring(cursorX, text.length); var strw = ops.font.width(fontSize, str); var cursorX = align == Align.Left ? _x + strw + off : _x + _w - strw - off; g.color = t.TEXT_COL; // Cursor g.fillRect(cursorX, _y + buttonOffsetY * 1.5, 2 * SCALE(), cursorHeight); textSelected = text; if (liveUpdate && textSelectedHandle != null) { textSelectedHandle.changed = textSelectedHandle.text != textSelected; textSelectedHandle.text = textSelected; } } public function textInput(handle: Handle, label = "", align = Align.Left, editable = true, liveUpdate = false): String { if (!isVisible(ELEMENT_H())) { endElement(); return handle.text; } var hover = getHover(); if (hover && onTextHover != null) onTextHover(); g.color = hover ? t.ACCENT_HOVER_COL : t.ACCENT_COL; // Text bg drawRect(g, t.FILL_ACCENT_BG, _x + buttonOffsetY, _y + buttonOffsetY, _w - buttonOffsetY * 2, BUTTON_H()); var released = getReleased(); if (submitTextHandle == handle && released) { // Keep editing selected text isTyping = true; textSelectedHandle = submitTextHandle; submitTextHandle = null; setCursorToInput(align); } var startEdit = released || tabPressed; handle.changed = false; if (textSelectedHandle != handle && startEdit) startTextEdit(handle, align); if (textSelectedHandle == handle) updateTextEdit(align, editable, liveUpdate); if (submitTextHandle == handle) submitTextEdit(); if (label != "") { g.color = t.LABEL_COL; // Label var labelAlign = align == Align.Right ? Align.Left : Align.Right; drawString(g, label, labelAlign == Align.Left ? null : 0, 0, labelAlign); } g.color = t.TEXT_COL; // Text textSelectedHandle != handle ? drawString(g, handle.text, null, 0, align) : drawString(g, textSelected, null, 0, align, false); endElement(); return handle.text; } function setCursorToInput(align: Align) { var off = align == Align.Left ? TEXT_OFFSET() : _w - ops.font.width(fontSize, textSelected); var x = inputX - (_windowX + _x + off); cursorX = 0; while (cursorX < textSelected.length && ops.font.width(fontSize, textSelected.substr(0, cursorX)) < x) { cursorX++; } highlightAnchor = cursorX; } function deselectText() { if (textSelectedHandle == null) return; submitTextHandle = textSelectedHandle; textToSubmit = textSelected; textSelectedHandle = null; isTyping = false; if (currentWindow != null) currentWindow.redraws = 2; if (Keyboard.get() != null) Keyboard.get().hide(); highlightAnchor = cursorX; if (onDeselectText != null) onDeselectText(); } public function button(text: String, align = Align.Center, label = ""): Bool { if (!isVisible(ELEMENT_H())) { endElement(); return false; } var released = getReleased(); var pushed = getPushed(); var hover = getHover(); if (released) changed = true; g.color = pushed ? t.BUTTON_PRESSED_COL : hover ? t.BUTTON_HOVER_COL : t.BUTTON_COL; drawRect(g, t.FILL_BUTTON_BG, _x + buttonOffsetY, _y + buttonOffsetY, _w - buttonOffsetY * 2, BUTTON_H()); g.color = t.BUTTON_TEXT_COL; drawString(g, text, null, 0, align); if (label != "") { g.color = t.LABEL_COL; drawString(g, label, null, 0, align == Align.Right ? Align.Left : Align.Right); } endElement(); return released; } public function check(handle: Handle, text: String, label: String = ""): Bool { if (!isVisible(ELEMENT_H())) { endElement(); return handle.selected; } if (getReleased()) { handle.selected = !handle.selected; handle.changed = changed = true; } else handle.changed = false; var hover = getHover(); drawCheck(handle.selected, hover); // Check g.color = t.TEXT_COL; // Text drawString(g, text, titleOffsetX, 0, Align.Left); if (label != "") { g.color = t.LABEL_COL; drawString(g, label, null, 0, Align.Right); } endElement(); return handle.selected; } public function radio(handle: Handle, position: Int, text: String, label: String = ""): Bool { if (!isVisible(ELEMENT_H())) { endElement(); return handle.position == position; } if (position == 0) { handle.changed = false; } if (getReleased()) { handle.position = position; handle.changed = changed = true; } var hover = getHover(); drawRadio(handle.position == position, hover); // Radio g.color = t.TEXT_COL; // Text drawString(g, text, titleOffsetX, 0); if (label != "") { g.color = t.LABEL_COL; drawString(g, label, null, 0, Align.Right); } endElement(); return handle.position == position; } public function combo(handle: Handle, texts: Array<String>, label = "", showLabel = false, align = Align.Left, searchBar = true): Int { if (!isVisible(ELEMENT_H())) { endElement(); return handle.position; } if (getReleased()) { if (comboSelectedHandle == null) { inputEnabled = false; comboSelectedHandle = handle; comboSelectedWindow = currentWindow; comboSelectedAlign = align; comboSelectedTexts = texts; comboSelectedLabel = label; comboSelectedX = + _windowX); comboSelectedY = + _windowY + ELEMENT_H()); comboSelectedW =; comboSearchBar = searchBar; for (t in texts) { // Adapt combo list width to combo item width var w =, t)) + 10; if (comboSelectedW < w) comboSelectedW = w; } if (comboSelectedW > _w * 2) comboSelectedW = * 2); if (comboSelectedW > _w) comboSelectedW +=; comboToSubmit = handle.position; comboInitialValue = handle.position; } } if (handle == comboSelectedHandle && (isEscapeDown || inputReleasedR)) { handle.position = comboInitialValue; handle.changed = changed = true; submitComboHandle = null; } else if (handle == submitComboHandle) { handle.position = comboToSubmit; submitComboHandle = null; handle.changed = changed = true; } else handle.changed = false; var hover = getHover(); if (hover) { // Bg g.color = t.ACCENT_HOVER_COL; drawRect(g, t.FILL_ACCENT_BG, _x + buttonOffsetY, _y + buttonOffsetY, _w - buttonOffsetY * 2, BUTTON_H()); } else { g.color = t.ACCENT_COL; drawRect(g, t.FILL_ACCENT_BG, _x + buttonOffsetY, _y + buttonOffsetY, _w - buttonOffsetY * 2, BUTTON_H()); } var x = _x + _w - arrowOffsetX - 8; var y = _y + arrowOffsetY + 3; g.fillTriangle(x, y, x + ARROW_SIZE(), y, x + ARROW_SIZE() / 2, y + ARROW_SIZE() / 2); if (showLabel && label != "") { if (align == Align.Left) _x -= 15; g.color = t.LABEL_COL; drawString(g, label, null, 0, align == Align.Left ? Align.Right : Align.Left); if (align == Align.Left) _x += 15; } if (align == Align.Right) _x -= 15; g.color = t.TEXT_COL; // Value if (handle.position < texts.length) { drawString(g, texts[handle.position], null, 0, align); } if (align == Align.Right) _x += 15; endElement(); return handle.position; } public function slider(handle: Handle, text: String, from = 0.0, to = 1.0, filled = false, precision = 100.0, displayValue = true, align = Align.Right, textEdit = true): Float { if (!isVisible(ELEMENT_H())) { endElement(); return handle.value; } if (getStarted()) { scrollHandle = handle; isScrolling = true; changed = handle.changed = true; if (touchTooltip) { sliderTooltip = true; sliderTooltipX = _x + _windowX; sliderTooltipY = _y + _windowY; sliderTooltipW = _w; } } else handle.changed = false; #if (!kha_android && !kha_ios) if (handle == scrollHandle && inputDX != 0) { // Scroll #else if (handle == scrollHandle) { // Scroll #end var range = to - from; var sliderX = _x + _windowX + buttonOffsetY; var sliderW = _w - buttonOffsetY * 2; var step = range / sliderW; var value = from + (inputX - sliderX) * step; handle.value = Math.round(value * precision) / precision; if (handle.value < from) handle.value = from; // Stay in bounds else if (handle.value > to) handle.value = to; handle.changed = changed = true; } var hover = getHover(); drawSlider(handle.value, from, to, filled, hover); // Slider // Text edit var startEdit = (getReleased() || tabPressed) && textEdit; if (startEdit) { // Mouse did not move handle.text = handle.value + ""; startTextEdit(handle); handle.changed = changed = true; } var lalign = align == Align.Left ? Align.Right : Align.Left; if (textSelectedHandle == handle) { updateTextEdit(lalign); } if (submitTextHandle == handle) { submitTextEdit(); #if js try { handle.value = js.Lib.eval(handle.text); } catch(_) {} #else handle.value = Std.parseFloat(handle.text); #end handle.changed = changed = true; } g.color = t.LABEL_COL; // Text drawString(g, text, null, 0, align); if (displayValue) { g.color = t.TEXT_COL; // Value textSelectedHandle != handle ? drawString(g, (Math.round(handle.value * precision) / precision) + "", null, 0, lalign) : drawString(g, textSelected, null, 0, lalign); } endElement(); return handle.value; } public function separator(h = 4, fill = true) { if (!isVisible(ELEMENT_H())) { _y += h * SCALE(); return; } if (fill) { g.color = t.SEPARATOR_COL; g.fillRect(_x, _y, _w, h * SCALE()); } _y += h * SCALE(); } public function tooltip(text: String) { tooltipText = text; tooltipY = _y + _windowY; } public function tooltipImage(image: kha.Image, maxWidth: Null<Int> = null) { tooltipImg = image; tooltipImgMaxWidth = maxWidth; tooltipInvertY = imageInvertY; tooltipY = _y + _windowY; } function drawArrow(selected: Bool) { var x = _x + arrowOffsetX; var y = _y + arrowOffsetY; g.color = t.TEXT_COL; if (selected) { g.fillTriangle(x, y, x + ARROW_SIZE(), y, x + ARROW_SIZE() / 2, y + ARROW_SIZE()); } else { g.fillTriangle(x, y, x, y + ARROW_SIZE(), x + ARROW_SIZE(), y + ARROW_SIZE() / 2); } } function drawTree(selected: Bool) { var SIGN_W = 7 * SCALE(); var x = _x + arrowOffsetX + 1; var y = _y + arrowOffsetY + 1; g.color = t.TEXT_COL; if (selected) { g.fillRect(x, y + SIGN_W / 2 - 1, SIGN_W, SIGN_W / 8); } else { g.fillRect(x, y + SIGN_W / 2 - 1, SIGN_W, SIGN_W / 8); g.fillRect(x + SIGN_W / 2 - 1, y, SIGN_W / 8, SIGN_W); } } function drawCheck(selected: Bool, hover: Bool) { var x = _x + checkOffsetX; var y = _y + checkOffsetY; g.color = hover ? t.ACCENT_HOVER_COL : t.ACCENT_COL; drawRect(g, t.FILL_ACCENT_BG, x, y, CHECK_SIZE(), CHECK_SIZE()); // Bg if (selected) { // Check g.color = kha.Color.White; if (!enabled) fadeColor(); var size =; g.drawScaledImage(checkSelectImage, x + checkSelectOffsetX, y + checkSelectOffsetY, size, size); } } function drawRadio(selected: Bool, hover: Bool) { var x = _x + radioOffsetX; var y = _y + radioOffsetY; g.color = hover ? t.ACCENT_HOVER_COL : t.ACCENT_COL; drawRect(g, t.FILL_ACCENT_BG, x, y, CHECK_SIZE(), CHECK_SIZE()); // Bg if (selected) { // Check g.color = t.ACCENT_SELECT_COL; if (!enabled) fadeColor(); g.fillRect(x + radioSelectOffsetX, y + radioSelectOffsetY, CHECK_SELECT_SIZE(), CHECK_SELECT_SIZE()); } } function drawSlider(value: Float, from: Float, to: Float, filled: Bool, hover: Bool) { var x = _x + buttonOffsetY; var y = _y + buttonOffsetY; var w = _w - buttonOffsetY * 2; g.color = hover ? t.ACCENT_HOVER_COL : t.ACCENT_COL; drawRect(g, t.FILL_ACCENT_BG, x, y, w, BUTTON_H()); // Bg g.color = hover ? t.ACCENT_HOVER_COL : t.ACCENT_COL; var offset = (value - from) / (to - from); var barW = 8 * SCALE(); // Unfilled bar var sliderX = filled ? x : x + (w - barW) * offset; sliderX = Math.max(Math.min(sliderX, x + (w - barW)), x); var sliderW = filled ? w * offset : barW; sliderW = Math.max(Math.min(sliderW, w), 0); drawRect(g, true, sliderX, y, sliderW, BUTTON_H()); } static var comboFirst = true; function drawCombo() { if (comboSelectedHandle == null) return; var _g = g; globalG.color = t.SEPARATOR_COL; globalG.begin(false); var comboH = (comboSelectedTexts.length + (comboSelectedLabel != "" ? 1 : 0) + (comboSearchBar ? 1 : 0)) *; var distTop = comboSelectedY - comboH - - windowBorderTop; var distBottom = kha.System.windowHeight() - windowBorderBottom - (comboSelectedY + comboH ); var unrollUp = distBottom < 0 && distBottom < distTop; beginRegion(globalG, comboSelectedX, comboSelectedY, comboSelectedW); if (isKeyPressed || inputWheelDelta != 0) { var arrowUp = isKeyPressed && key == (unrollUp ? KeyCode.Down : KeyCode.Up); var arrowDown = isKeyPressed && key == (unrollUp ? KeyCode.Up : KeyCode.Down); var wheelUp = (unrollUp && inputWheelDelta > 0) || (!unrollUp && inputWheelDelta < 0); var wheelDown = (unrollUp && inputWheelDelta < 0) || (!unrollUp && inputWheelDelta > 0); if ((arrowUp || wheelUp) && comboToSubmit > 0) { var step = 1; if (comboSearchBar && textSelected.length > 0) { var search = textSelected.toLowerCase(); while (comboSelectedTexts[comboToSubmit - step].toLowerCase().indexOf(search) < 0 && comboToSubmit - step > 0) ++step; // Corner case: Current position is the top one according to the search pattern. if (comboSelectedTexts[comboToSubmit - step].toLowerCase().indexOf(search) < 0) step = 0; } comboToSubmit -= step; submitComboHandle = comboSelectedHandle; } else if ((arrowDown || wheelDown) && comboToSubmit < comboSelectedTexts.length - 1) { var step = 1; if (comboSearchBar && textSelected.length > 0) { var search = textSelected.toLowerCase(); while (comboSelectedTexts[comboToSubmit + step].toLowerCase().indexOf(search) < 0 && comboToSubmit + step < comboSelectedTexts.length - 1) ++step; // Corner case: Current position is the lowest one according to the search pattern. if (comboSelectedTexts[comboToSubmit + step].toLowerCase().indexOf(search) < 0) step = 0; } comboToSubmit += step; submitComboHandle = comboSelectedHandle; } if (comboSelectedWindow != null) comboSelectedWindow.redraws = 2; } inputEnabled = true; var _BUTTON_COL = t.BUTTON_COL; var _ELEMENT_OFFSET = t.ELEMENT_OFFSET; t.ELEMENT_OFFSET = 0; var unrollRight = _x + comboSelectedW * 2 < kha.System.windowWidth() - windowBorderRight ? 1 : -1; var resetPosition = false; var search = ""; if (comboSearchBar) { if (unrollUp) _y -= ELEMENT_H() * 2; var comboSearchHandle = Id.handle(); if (comboFirst) comboSearchHandle.text = ""; fill(0, 0, _w / SCALE(), ELEMENT_H() / SCALE(), t.SEPARATOR_COL); search = textInput(comboSearchHandle, "", Align.Left, true, true).toLowerCase(); if (isReleased) comboFirst = true; // Keep combo open if (comboFirst) { #if (!kha_android && !kha_ios) startTextEdit(comboSearchHandle); // Focus search bar #end } resetPosition = comboSearchHandle.changed; } for (i in 0...comboSelectedTexts.length) { if (search.length > 0 && comboSelectedTexts[i].toLowerCase().indexOf(search) < 0) continue; // Don't show items that don't fit the current search pattern if (resetPosition) { // The search has changed, select first entry that matches comboToSubmit = comboSelectedHandle.position = i; submitComboHandle = comboSelectedHandle; resetPosition = false; } if (unrollUp) _y -= ELEMENT_H() * 2; t.BUTTON_COL = i == comboSelectedHandle.position ? t.ACCENT_SELECT_COL : t.SEPARATOR_COL; fill(0, 0, _w / SCALE(), ELEMENT_H() / SCALE(), t.SEPARATOR_COL); if (button(comboSelectedTexts[i], comboSelectedAlign)) { comboToSubmit = i; submitComboHandle = comboSelectedHandle; if (comboSelectedWindow != null) comboSelectedWindow.redraws = 2; break; } if (_y + ELEMENT_H() > kha.System.windowHeight() - windowBorderBottom || _y - ELEMENT_H() * 2 < windowBorderTop) { _x += comboSelectedW * unrollRight; // Next column _y = comboSelectedY; } } t.BUTTON_COL = _BUTTON_COL; t.ELEMENT_OFFSET = _ELEMENT_OFFSET; if (comboSelectedLabel != "") { // Unroll down if (unrollUp) { _y -= ELEMENT_H() * 2; fill(0, 0, _w / SCALE(), ELEMENT_H() / SCALE(), t.SEPARATOR_COL); g.color = t.LABEL_COL; drawString(g, comboSelectedLabel, null, 0, Align.Right); _y += ELEMENT_H(); fill(0, 0, _w / SCALE(), 1 * SCALE(), t.ACCENT_SELECT_COL); // Separator } else { fill(0, 0, _w / SCALE(), ELEMENT_H() / SCALE(), t.SEPARATOR_COL); fill(0, 0, _w / SCALE(), 1 * SCALE(), t.ACCENT_SELECT_COL); // Separator g.color = t.LABEL_COL; drawString(g, comboSelectedLabel, null, 0, Align.Right); } } if ((inputReleased || inputReleasedR || isEscapeDown || isReturnDown) && !comboFirst) { comboSelectedHandle = null; comboFirst = true; } else comboFirst = false; inputEnabled = comboSelectedHandle == null; endRegion(false); globalG.end(); g = _g; // Restore } function drawTooltip(bindGlobalG: Bool) { if (sliderTooltip) { if (bindGlobalG) globalG.begin(false); globalG.font = ops.font; globalG.fontSize = fontSize * 2; var text = (Math.round(scrollHandle.value * 100) / 100) + ""; var xoff = ops.font.width(globalG.fontSize, text) / 2; var yoff = ops.font.height(globalG.fontSize); var x = Math.min(Math.max(sliderTooltipX, inputX), sliderTooltipX + sliderTooltipW); globalG.color = t.ACCENT_COL; globalG.fillRect(x - xoff, sliderTooltipY - yoff, xoff * 2, yoff); globalG.color = t.TEXT_COL; globalG.drawString(text, x - xoff, sliderTooltipY - yoff); if (bindGlobalG) globalG.end(); } if (touchTooltip && textSelectedHandle != null) { if (bindGlobalG) globalG.begin(false); globalG.font = ops.font; globalG.fontSize = fontSize * 2; var xoff = ops.font.width(globalG.fontSize, textSelected) / 2; var yoff = ops.font.height(globalG.fontSize) / 2; var x = kha.System.windowWidth() / 2; var y = kha.System.windowHeight() / 3; globalG.color = t.ACCENT_COL; globalG.fillRect(x - xoff, y - yoff, xoff * 2, yoff * 2); globalG.color = t.TEXT_COL; globalG.drawString(textSelected, x - xoff, y - yoff); if (bindGlobalG) globalG.end(); } if (tooltipText != "" || tooltipImg != null) { if (inputChanged()) { tooltipShown = false; tooltipWait = inputDX == 0 && inputDY == 0; // Wait for movement before showing up again } if (!tooltipShown) { tooltipShown = true; tooltipX = inputX; tooltipTime = kha.Scheduler.time(); } if (!tooltipWait && kha.Scheduler.time() - tooltipTime > TOOLTIP_DELAY()) { if (tooltipImg != null) drawTooltipImage(bindGlobalG); if (tooltipText != "") drawTooltipText(bindGlobalG); } } else tooltipShown = false; } function drawTooltipText(bindGlobalG: Bool) { globalG.color = t.TEXT_COL; var lines = tooltipText.split("\n"); var tooltipW = 0.0; for (line in lines) { var lineTooltipW = ops.font.width(fontSize, line); if (lineTooltipW > tooltipW) tooltipW = lineTooltipW; } tooltipX = Math.min(tooltipX, kha.System.windowWidth() - tooltipW - 20); if (bindGlobalG) globalG.begin(false); var fontHeight = ops.font.height(fontSize); var off = 0; if (tooltipImg != null) { var w = tooltipImg.width; if (tooltipImgMaxWidth != null && w > tooltipImgMaxWidth) w = tooltipImgMaxWidth; off = * (w / tooltipImg.width)); } globalG.fillRect(tooltipX, tooltipY + off, tooltipW + 20, fontHeight * lines.length); globalG.font = ops.font; globalG.fontSize = fontSize; globalG.color = t.ACCENT_COL; for (i in 0...lines.length) { globalG.drawString(lines[i], tooltipX + 5, tooltipY + off + i * fontSize); } if (bindGlobalG) globalG.end(); } function drawTooltipImage(bindGlobalG: Bool) { var w = tooltipImg.width; if (tooltipImgMaxWidth != null && w > tooltipImgMaxWidth) w = tooltipImgMaxWidth; var h = tooltipImg.height * (w / tooltipImg.width); tooltipX = Math.min(tooltipX, kha.System.windowWidth() - w - 20); tooltipY = Math.min(tooltipY, kha.System.windowHeight() - h - 20); if (bindGlobalG) globalG.begin(false); globalG.color = 0xff000000; globalG.fillRect(tooltipX, tooltipY, w, h); globalG.color = 0xffffffff; tooltipInvertY ? globalG.drawScaledImage(tooltipImg, tooltipX, tooltipY + h, w, -h) : globalG.drawScaledImage(tooltipImg, tooltipX, tooltipY, w, h); if (bindGlobalG) globalG.end(); } function drawString(g: Graphics, text: String, xOffset: Null<Float> = null, yOffset: Float = 0, align = Align.Left, truncation = true) { var fullText = text; if (truncation) { while (text.length > 0 && ops.font.width(fontSize, text) > _w - 6 * SCALE()) { text = text.substr(0, text.length - 1); } if (text.length < fullText.length) { text += ".."; // Strip more to fit ".." while (text.length > 2 && ops.font.width(fontSize, text) > _w - 10 * SCALE()) { text = text.substr(0, text.length - 3) + ".."; } if (isHovered) tooltip(fullText); } } if (dynamicGlyphLoad) { for (i in 0...text.length) { if (text.charCodeAt(i) > 126 && Graphics.fontGlyphs.indexOf(text.charCodeAt(i)) == -1) { Graphics.fontGlyphs.push(text.charCodeAt(i)); Graphics.fontGlyphs = Graphics.fontGlyphs.copy(); // Trigger atlas update } } } if (xOffset == null) xOffset = t.TEXT_OFFSET; xOffset *= SCALE(); g.font = ops.font; g.fontSize = fontSize; if (align == Align.Center) xOffset = _w / 2 - ops.font.width(fontSize, text) / 2; else if (align == Align.Right) xOffset = _w - ops.font.width(fontSize, text) - TEXT_OFFSET(); if (!enabled) fadeColor(); g.pipeline = rtTextPipeline; if (textColoring == null) { g.drawString(text, _x + xOffset, _y + fontOffsetY + yOffset); } else { // Monospace fonts only for now for (coloring in textColoring.colorings) { var result = extractColoring(text, coloring); if (result.colored != "") { g.color = coloring.color; g.drawString(result.colored, _x + xOffset, _y + fontOffsetY + yOffset); } text = result.uncolored; } g.color = textColoring.default_color; g.drawString(text, _x + xOffset, _y + fontOffsetY + yOffset); } g.pipeline = null; } static function extractColoring(text: String, col: TColoring) { var res = { colored: "", uncolored: "" }; var coloring = false; var startFrom = 0; var startLength = 0; for (i in 0...text.length) { var skipFirst = false; // Check if upcoming text should be colored var length = checkStart(i, text, col.start); // Not touching another character var separatedLeft = i == 0 || !isChar(text.charCodeAt(i - 1)); var separatedRight = i + length >= text.length || !isChar(text.charCodeAt(i + length)); var isSeparated = separatedLeft && separatedRight; // Start coloring if (length > 0 && (!coloring || col.end == "") && (!col.separated || isSeparated)) { coloring = true; startFrom = i; startLength = length; if (col.end != "" && col.end != "\n") skipFirst = true; } // End coloring else if (col.end == "") { if (i == startFrom + startLength) coloring = false; } else if (text.substr(i, col.end.length) == col.end) { coloring = false; } // If true, add current character to colored string var b = coloring && !skipFirst; res.colored += b ? text.charAt(i) : " "; res.uncolored += b ? " " : text.charAt(i); } return res; } static inline function isChar(code: Int): Bool { return (code >= 65 && code <= 90) || (code >= 97 && code <= 122); } static function checkStart(i:Int, text: String, start: Array<String>): Int { for (s in start) if (text.substr(i, s.length) == s) return s.length; return 0; } function endElement(elementSize: Null<Float> = null) { if (elementSize == null) elementSize = ELEMENT_H() + ELEMENT_OFFSET(); if (currentWindow == null || currentWindow.layout == Vertical) { if (curRatio == -1 || (ratios != null && curRatio == ratios.length - 1)) { // New line _y += elementSize; if ((ratios != null && curRatio == ratios.length - 1)) { // Last row element curRatio = -1; ratios = null; _x = xBeforeSplit; _w = wBeforeSplit; highlightFullRow = false; } } else { // Row curRatio++; _x += _w; // More row elements to place _w =[curRatio], wBeforeSplit)); } } else { // Horizontal _x += _w + ELEMENT_OFFSET(); } } /** Highlight all upcoming elements in the next row on a `mouse-over` event. **/ public inline function highlightNextRow() { highlightFullRow = true; } inline function getRatio(ratio: Float, dyn: Float): Float { return ratio < 0 ? -ratio : ratio * dyn; } /** Draw the upcoming elements in the same row. Negative values will be treated as absolute, positive values as ratio to `window width`. **/ public function row(ratios: Array<Float>) { this.ratios = ratios; curRatio = 0; xBeforeSplit = _x; wBeforeSplit = _w; _w =[curRatio], _w)); } public function indent(bothSides = true) { _x += TAB_W(); _w -= TAB_W(); if (bothSides) _w -= TAB_W(); } public function unindent(bothSides = true) { _x -= TAB_W(); _w += TAB_W(); if (bothSides) _w += TAB_W(); } function fadeColor() { g.color = kha.Color.fromFloats(g.color.R, g.color.G, g.color.B, 0.25); } public function fill(x: Float, y: Float, w: Float, h: Float, color: kha.Color) { g.color = color; if (!enabled) fadeColor(); g.fillRect(_x + x * SCALE(), _y + y * SCALE() - 1, w * SCALE(), h * SCALE()); g.color = 0xffffffff; } public function rect(x: Float, y: Float, w: Float, h: Float, color: kha.Color, strength = 1.0) { g.color = color; if (!enabled) fadeColor(); g.drawRect(_x + x * SCALE(), _y + y * SCALE(), w * SCALE(), h * SCALE(), strength); g.color = 0xffffffff; } inline function drawRect(g: Graphics, fill: Bool, x: Float, y: Float, w: Float, h: Float, strength = 0.0) { if (strength == 0.0) strength = 1; if (!enabled) fadeColor(); fill ? g.fillRect(x, y - 1, w, h + 1) : g.drawRect(x, y, w, h, strength); } function isVisible(elemH: Float): Bool { if (currentWindow == null) return true; return (_y + elemH > windowHeaderH && _y < currentWindow.texture.height); } function getReleased(elemH = -1.0): Bool { // Input selection isReleased = enabled && inputEnabled && inputReleased && getHover(elemH) && getInitialHover(elemH); return isReleased; } function getPushed(elemH = -1.0): Bool { isPushed = enabled && inputEnabled && inputDown && getHover(elemH) && getInitialHover(elemH); return isPushed; } function getStarted(elemH = -1.0): Bool { isStarted = enabled && inputEnabled && inputStarted && getHover(elemH); return isStarted; } function getInitialHover(elemH = -1.0): Bool { if (scissor && inputY < _windowY + windowHeaderH) return false; if (elemH == -1.0) elemH = ELEMENT_H(); return enabled && inputEnabled && inputStartedX >= _windowX + _x && inputStartedX < (_windowX + _x + _w) && inputStartedY >= _windowY + _y && inputStartedY < (_windowY + _y + elemH); } function getHover(elemH = -1.0): Bool { if (scissor && inputY < _windowY + windowHeaderH) return false; if (elemH == -1.0) elemH = ELEMENT_H(); isHovered = enabled && inputEnabled && inputX >= _windowX + (highlightFullRow ? 0 : _x) && inputX < (_windowX + _x + (highlightFullRow ? _windowW : _w)) && inputY >= _windowY + _y && inputY < (_windowY + _y + elemH); return isHovered; } function getInputInRect(x: Float, y: Float, w: Float, h: Float, scale = 1.0): Bool { return enabled && inputEnabled && inputX >= x * scale && inputX < (x + w) * scale && inputY >= y * scale && inputY < (y + h) * scale; } public function onMouseDown(button: Int, x: Int, y: Int) { // Input events if (penInUse) return; button == 0 ? inputStarted = true : inputStartedR = true; button == 0 ? inputDown = true : inputDownR = true; inputStartedTime = kha.Scheduler.time(); #if (kha_android || kha_ios) setInputPosition(x, y); #end inputStartedX = x; inputStartedY = y; } public function onMouseUp(button: Int, x: Int, y: Int) { if (penInUse) return; if (touchHoldActivated) { touchHoldActivated = false; return; } if (isScrolling) { // Prevent action when scrolling is active isScrolling = false; scrollHandle = null; sliderTooltip = false; if (x == inputStartedX && y == inputStartedY) { // Mouse not moved button == 0 ? inputReleased = true : inputReleasedR = true; } } else { button == 0 ? inputReleased = true : inputReleasedR = true; } button == 0 ? inputDown = false : inputDownR = false; #if (kha_android || kha_ios) setInputPosition(x, y); #end deselectText(); } public function onMouseMove(x: Int, y: Int, movementX: Int, movementY: Int) { #if (!kha_android && !kha_ios) setInputPosition(x, y); #end } public function onMouseWheel(delta: Int) { inputWheelDelta = delta; } function setInputPosition(x: Int, y: Int) { inputDX += x - inputX; inputDY += y - inputY; inputX = x; inputY = y; } public function onPenDown(x: Int, y: Int, pressure: Float) { #if (kha_android || kha_ios) return; #end onMouseDown(0, x, y); } public function onPenUp(x: Int, y: Int, pressure: Float) { #if (kha_android || kha_ios) return; #end if (inputStarted) { inputStarted = false; penInUse = true; return; } onMouseUp(0, x, y); penInUse = true; // On pen release, additional mouse down & up events are fired at once - filter those out } public function onPenMove(x: Int, y: Int, pressure: Float) { #if (kha_android || kha_ios) return; #end onMouseMove(x, y, 0, 0); } public function onKeyDown(code: KeyCode) { this.key = code; isKeyPressed = true; isKeyDown = true; keyRepeatTime = kha.Scheduler.time() + 0.4; switch code { case KeyCode.Shift: isShiftDown = true; case KeyCode.Control: isCtrlDown = true; #if kha_darwin case KeyCode.Meta: isCtrlDown = true; #end case KeyCode.Alt: isAltDown = true; case KeyCode.Backspace: isBackspaceDown = true; case KeyCode.Delete: isDeleteDown = true; case KeyCode.Escape: isEscapeDown = true; case KeyCode.Return: isReturnDown = true; case KeyCode.Tab: isTabDown = true; case KeyCode.A: isADown = true; case KeyCode.Space: char = " "; #if kha_android_rmb // Detect right mouse button on Android.. case KeyCode.Back: if (!inputDownR) onMouseDown(1,,; #end default: } } public function onKeyUp(code: KeyCode) { isKeyDown = false; switch code { case KeyCode.Shift: isShiftDown = false; case KeyCode.Control: isCtrlDown = false; #if kha_darwin case KeyCode.Meta: isCtrlDown = false; #end case KeyCode.Alt: isAltDown = false; case KeyCode.Backspace: isBackspaceDown = false; case KeyCode.Delete: isDeleteDown = false; case KeyCode.Escape: isEscapeDown = false; case KeyCode.Return: isReturnDown = false; case KeyCode.Tab: isTabDown = false; case KeyCode.A: isADown = false; #if kha_android_rmb case KeyCode.Back: onMouseUp(1,,; #end default: } } public function onKeyPress(char: String) { this.char = char; isKeyPressed = true; } #if (kha_android || kha_ios) public function onTouchDown(index: Int, x: Int, y: Int) { // Reset movement delta on touch start if (index == 0) { inputDX = 0; inputDY = 0; inputX = x; inputY = y; } // Two fingers down - right mouse button else if (index == 1) { inputDown = false; onMouseDown(1,,; pinchStarted = true; pinchTotal = 0.0; pinchDistance = 0.0; } // Three fingers down - middle mouse button else if (index == 2) { inputDownR = false; onMouseDown(2,,; } } public function onTouchUp(index: Int, x: Int, y: Int) { if (index == 1) onMouseUp(1,,; } var pinchDistance = 0.0; var pinchTotal = 0.0; var pinchStarted = false; public function onTouchMove(index: Int, x: Int, y: Int) { if (index == 0) setInputPosition(x, y); // Pinch to zoom - mouse wheel if (index == 1) { var lastDistance = pinchDistance; var dx = inputX - x; var dy = inputY - y; pinchDistance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); pinchTotal += lastDistance != 0 ? lastDistance - pinchDistance : 0; if (!pinchStarted) { inputWheelDelta = / 50); if (inputWheelDelta != 0) { pinchTotal = 0.0; } } pinchStarted = false; } } #end public function onCut(): String { isCut = true; return onCopy(); } public function onCopy(): String { isCopy = true; return textToCopy; } public function onPaste(s: String) { isPaste = true; textToPaste = s; } public inline function ELEMENT_W(): Float { return t.ELEMENT_W * SCALE(); } public inline function ELEMENT_H(): Float { return t.ELEMENT_H * SCALE(); } public inline function ELEMENT_OFFSET(): Float { return t.ELEMENT_OFFSET * SCALE(); } public inline function ARROW_SIZE(): Float { return t.ARROW_SIZE * SCALE(); } public inline function BUTTON_H(): Float { return t.BUTTON_H * SCALE(); } public inline function CHECK_SIZE(): Float { return t.CHECK_SIZE * SCALE(); } public inline function CHECK_SELECT_SIZE(): Float { return t.CHECK_SELECT_SIZE * SCALE(); } public inline function FONT_SIZE(): Int { return * SCALE()); } public inline function SCROLL_W(): Int { return * SCALE()); } public inline function TEXT_OFFSET(): Float { return t.TEXT_OFFSET * SCALE(); } public inline function TAB_W(): Int { return * SCALE()); } public inline function HEADER_DRAG_H(): Int { return * SCALE()); } public inline function SCALE(): Float { return ops.scaleFactor; } inline function TOOLTIP_DELAY(): Float { return 1.0; } public function resize(handle: Handle, w: Int, h: Int) { handle.redraws = 2; if (handle.texture != null) handle.texture.unload(); if (w < 1) w = 1; if (h < 1) h = 1; handle.texture = kha.Image.createRenderTarget(w, h, kha.graphics4.TextureFormat.RGBA32, kha.graphics4.DepthStencilFormat.NoDepthAndStencil, 1); handle.texture.g2.imageScaleQuality = kha.graphics2.ImageScaleQuality.High; } } typedef HandleOptions = { ?selected: Bool, ?position: Int, ?value: Float, ?text: String, ?color: kha.Color, ?layout: Layout } class Handle { public var selected = false; public var position = 0; public var color = kha.Color.White; public var value = 0.0; public var text = ""; public var texture: kha.Image = null; public var redraws = 2; public var scrollOffset = 0.0; public var scrollEnabled = false; public var layout: Layout = 0; public var lastMaxX = 0.0; public var lastMaxY = 0.0; public var dragEnabled = false; public var dragX = 0; public var dragY = 0; public var changed = false; var children: Map<Int, Handle>; public function new(ops: HandleOptions = null) { if (ops != null) { if (ops.selected != null) selected = ops.selected; if (ops.position != null) position = ops.position; if (ops.value != null) value = ops.value; if (ops.text != null) text = ops.text; if (ops.color != null) color = ops.color; if (ops.layout != null) layout = ops.layout; } } public function nest(i: Int, ops: HandleOptions = null): Handle { if (children == null) children = []; var c = children.get(i); if (c == null) { c = new Handle(ops); children.set(i, c); } return c; } public function unnest(i: Int) { if (children != null) { children.remove(i); } } public static var global = new Handle(); } @:enum abstract Layout(Int) from Int { var Vertical = 0; var Horizontal = 1; } @:enum abstract Align(Int) from Int { var Left = 0; var Center = 1; var Right = 2; } @:enum abstract State(Int) from Int { var Idle = 0; var Started = 1; var Down = 2; var Released = 3; var Hovered = 4; } typedef TColoring = { var color: Int; var start: Array<String>; var end: String; @:optional var separated: Null<Bool>; } typedef TTextColoring = { var colorings: Array<TColoring>; var default_color: Int; }