#!/usr/bin/env node var fs = require('fs'), tty = require('tty'), statik = require('./../lib/node-static'); var argv = require('optimist') .usage([ 'USAGE: $0 [-p <port>] [<directory>]', 'simple, rfc 2616 compliant file streaming module for node'] .join('\n\n')) .option('port', { alias: 'p', 'default': 8080, description: 'TCP port at which the files will be served' }) .option('host-address', { alias: 'a', 'default': '', description: 'the local network interface at which to listen' }) .option('cache', { alias: 'c', description: '"Cache-Control" header setting, defaults to 3600' }) .option('version', { alias: 'v', description: 'node-static version' }) .option('headers', { alias: 'H', description: 'additional headers (in JSON format)' }) .option('header-file', { alias: 'f', description: 'JSON file of additional headers' }) .option('gzip', { alias: 'z', description: 'enable compression (tries to serve file of same name plus \'.gz\')' }) .option('spa', { description: 'serve the content as a single page app by redirecting all non-file requests to the index html file' }) .option('indexFile', { alias: 'i', 'default': 'index.html', description: 'specify a custom index file when serving up directories' }) .option('help', { alias: 'h', description: 'display this help message' }) .argv; var dir = argv._[0] || '.'; var colors = require('colors'); var log = function(request, response, statusCode) { var d = new Date(); var seconds = d.getSeconds() < 10? '0'+d.getSeconds() : d.getSeconds(), datestr = d.getHours() + ':' + d.getMinutes() + ':' + seconds, line = datestr + ' [' + response.statusCode + ']: ' + request.url, colorized = line; if (tty.isatty(process.stdout.fd)) colorized = (response.statusCode >= 500) ? line.red.bold : (response.statusCode >= 400) ? line.red : line; console.log(colorized); }; var file, options; if (argv.help) { require('optimist').showHelp(console.log); process.exit(0); } if (argv.version) { console.log('node-static', statik.version.join('.')); process.exit(0); } if (argv.cache) { (options = options || {}).cache = argv.cache; } if (argv.headers) { (options = options || {}).headers = JSON.parse(argv.headers); } if (argv['header-file']) { (options = options || {}).headers = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(argv['header-file'])); } if (argv.gzip) { (options = options || {}).gzip = true; } if (argv.indexFile) { (options = options || {}).indexFile = argv['indexFile']; } file = new(statik.Server)(dir, options); require('http').createServer(function (request, response) { request.addListener('end', function () { var callback = function(e, rsp) { if (e && e.status === 404) { response.writeHead(e.status, e.headers); response.end("Not Found"); log(request, response); } else { log(request, response); } }; if (argv['spa'] && request.url.indexOf(".") == -1) { file.serveFile(argv['indexFile'], 500, {}, request, response); } else { file.serve(request, response, callback); } }).resume(); }).listen(+argv.port, argv['host-address']); console.log('serving "' + dir + '" at http://' + argv['host-address'] + ':' + argv.port); if (argv.spa) { console.log('serving as a single page app (all non-file requests redirect to ' + argv['indexFile'] +')'); }