/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe.http; #if js import js.html.XMLHttpRequestResponseType; import js.html.Blob; import haxe.io.Bytes; class HttpJs extends haxe.http.HttpBase { public var async:Bool; public var withCredentials:Bool; var req:js.html.XMLHttpRequest; public function new(url:String) { async = true; withCredentials = false; super(url); } /** Cancels `this` Http request if `request` has been called and a response has not yet been received. **/ public function cancel() { if (req == null) return; req.abort(); req = null; } public override function request(?post:Bool) { this.responseAsString = null; this.responseBytes = null; var r = req = js.Browser.createXMLHttpRequest(); var onreadystatechange = function(_) { if (r.readyState != 4) return; var s = try r.status catch (e:Dynamic) null; if (s == 0 && js.Browser.supported && js.Browser.location != null) { // If the request is local and we have data: assume a success (jQuery approach): var protocol = js.Browser.location.protocol.toLowerCase(); var rlocalProtocol = ~/^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/; var isLocal = rlocalProtocol.match(protocol); if (isLocal) { s = r.response != null ? 200 : 404; } } if (s == js.Lib.undefined) s = null; if (s != null) onStatus(s); if (s != null && s >= 200 && s < 400) { req = null; success(Bytes.ofData(r.response)); } else if (s == null || (s == 0 && r.response == null)) { req = null; onError("Failed to connect or resolve host"); } else switch (s) { case 12029: req = null; onError("Failed to connect to host"); case 12007: req = null; onError("Unknown host"); default: req = null; responseBytes = r.response != null ? Bytes.ofData(r.response) : null; onError("Http Error #" + r.status); } }; if (async) r.onreadystatechange = onreadystatechange; var uri:Null<Any> = switch [postData, postBytes] { case [null, null]: null; case [str, null]: str; case [null, bytes]: new Blob([bytes.getData()]); case _: null; } if (uri != null) post = true; else for (p in params) { if (uri == null) uri = ""; else uri = uri + "&"; uri = uri + StringTools.urlEncode(p.name) + "=" + StringTools.urlEncode(p.value); } try { if (post) r.open("POST", url, async); else if (uri != null) { var question = url.split("?").length <= 1; r.open("GET", url + (if (question) "?" else "&") + uri, async); uri = null; } else r.open("GET", url, async); r.responseType = ARRAYBUFFER; } catch (e:Dynamic) { req = null; onError(e.toString()); return; } r.withCredentials = withCredentials; if (!Lambda.exists(headers, function(h) return h.name == "Content-Type") && post && postData == null) r.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); for (h in headers) r.setRequestHeader(h.name, h.value); r.send(uri); if (!async) onreadystatechange(null); } /** Makes a synchronous request to `url`. This creates a new Http instance and makes a GET request by calling its `request(false)` method. If `url` is null, the result is unspecified. **/ public static function requestUrl(url:String):String { var h = new Http(url); h.async = false; var r = null; h.onData = function(d) { r = d; } h.onError = function(e) { throw e; } h.request(false); return r; } } #end