/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ @:coreApi class String { var bytes:hl.Bytes; public var length(default, null):Int; public function new(string:String):Void { bytes = string.bytes; length = string.length; } public function toUpperCase():String { return __alloc__(@:privateAccess bytes.ucs2Upper(0, length), length); } public function toLowerCase():String { return __alloc__(@:privateAccess bytes.ucs2Lower(0, length), length); } public function charAt(index:Int):String { if ((index : UInt) >= (length : UInt)) return ""; var b = new hl.Bytes(4); b.setUI16(0, bytes.getUI16(index << 1)); b.setUI16(2, 0); return __alloc__(b, 1); } public function charCodeAt(index:Int):Null<Int> { var idx:UInt = index; if (idx >= (length : UInt)) return null; return bytes.getUI16(index << 1); } inline function findChar(start:Int, len:Int, src:hl.Bytes, srcLen:Int):Int { var p = 0; while (true) { p = bytes.find(start, len - start, src, 0, srcLen); if (p < 0 || p & 1 == 0) break; start = p + 1; } return p; } public function indexOf(str:String, ?startIndex:Int):Int { var startByte = 0; if (startIndex != null && startIndex > 0) { if (startIndex >= length) return str == '' ? length : -1; startByte = startIndex << 1; } var p = findChar(startByte, length << 1, str.bytes, str.length << 1); if (p > 0) p >>= 1; return p; } public function lastIndexOf(str:String, ?startIndex:Int):Int { var max = this.length; if (startIndex != null) { max = startIndex + str.length; if (max < 0) max = 0; if (max > this.length) max = this.length; } var pos = max - str.length; var slen = str.length << 1; while (pos >= 0) { if (bytes.compare(pos << 1, str.bytes, 0, slen) == 0) return pos; pos--; } return -1; } public function split(delimiter:String):Array<String> { var out = []; if (length == 0) { out.push(""); return out; } if (delimiter.length == 0) { for (i in 0...length) out.push(substr(i, 1)); return out; } var pos = 0; var dlen = delimiter.length; while (true) { var p = findChar(pos << 1, length << 1, delimiter.bytes, dlen << 1); if (p < 0) { out.push(substr(pos, length - pos)); break; } p >>= 1; out.push(substr(pos, p - pos)); pos = p + dlen; } return out; } public function substr(pos:Int, ?len:Int):String@:privateAccess { var sl = length; var len:Int = if (len == null) sl else len; if (len == 0) return ""; if (pos != 0 && len < 0) return ""; if (pos < 0) { pos = sl + pos; if (pos < 0) pos = 0; } else if (len < 0) { len = sl + len - pos; if (len < 0) return ""; } if (((pos + len) : UInt) > (sl : UInt)) len = sl - pos; if (pos < 0 || len <= 0) return ""; var b = new hl.Bytes((len + 1) << 1); b.blit(0, bytes, pos << 1, len << 1); b.setUI16(len << 1, 0); return __alloc__(b, len); } public function substring(startIndex:Int, ?endIndex:Int):String { var end:Int; if (endIndex == null) end = length; else { end = endIndex; if (end < 0) end = 0; else if (end > length) end = length; } if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0; else if (startIndex > length) startIndex = length; if (startIndex > end) { var tmp = startIndex; startIndex = end; end = tmp; } return substr(startIndex, end - startIndex); } public function toString():String { return this; } public static function fromCharCode(code:Int):String { if (code >= 0 && code < 0x10000) { if (code >= 0xD800 && code <= 0xDFFF) throw "Invalid unicode char " + code; var b = new hl.Bytes(4); b.setUI16(0, code); b.setUI16(2, 0); return __alloc__(b, 1); } else if (code < 0x110000) { var b = new hl.Bytes(6); code -= 0x10000; b.setUI16(0, (code >> 10) + 0xD800); b.setUI16(2, (code & 1023) + 0xDC00); b.setUI16(4, 0); return __alloc__(b, 2); // UTF16 encoding but UCS2 API (same as JS) } else throw "Invalid unicode char " + code; } function toUtf8():hl.Bytes { return bytes.utf16ToUtf8(0, null); } @:keep function __string():hl.Bytes { return bytes; } @:keep function __compare(v:Dynamic):Int { var s = Std.downcast(v, String); if (s == null) return hl.Api.comparePointer(this, v); #if (hl_ver >= version("1.10.0")) var v = bytes.compare16(s.bytes, length < s.length ? length : s.length); #else var v = bytes.compare(0, s.bytes, 0, (length < s.length ? length : s.length) << 1); #end return v == 0 ? length - s.length : v; } @:keep static inline function __alloc__(b:hl.Bytes, length:Int):String { var s:String = untyped $new(String); s.bytes = b; s.length = length; return s; } @:keep static function call_toString(v:Dynamic):hl.Bytes { var s:String = v.toString(); return s.bytes; } inline static function fromUCS2(b:hl.Bytes):String { var s:String = untyped $new(String); s.bytes = b; s.length = @:privateAccess b.ucs2Length(0); return s; } @:keep static function fromUTF8(b:hl.Bytes):String { var outLen = 0; var b2 = @:privateAccess b.utf8ToUtf16(0, outLen); return __alloc__(b2, outLen >> 1); } @:keep static function __add__(a:String, b:String):String { if (a == null) a = "null"; if (b == null) b = "null"; var asize = a.length << 1, bsize = b.length << 1, tot = asize + bsize; var bytes = new hl.Bytes(tot + 2); bytes.blit(0, a.bytes, 0, asize); bytes.blit(asize, b.bytes, 0, bsize); bytes.setUI16(tot, 0); return __alloc__(bytes, tot >> 1); } }