package kha.kore.vr; import kha.vr.SensorState; import kha.vr.TimeWarpParms; #if ANDROID @:headerCode(' #include ') #end class VrInterface extends kha.vr.VrInterface { #if ANDROID // Returns the current sensor state // Returns the predicted sensor state at the specified time @:functionCode('return Kore::VrInterface::GetSensorState();') public override function GetSensorState(): SensorState { return null; } // Returns the predicted sensor state at the specified time @:functionCode('return Kore::VrInterface::GetPredictedSensorState(time);') public override function GetPredictedSensorState(time: Float): SensorState { return null; } // Sends a black image to the warp swap thread @:functionCode('Kore::VrInterface::WarpSwapBlack();') public override function WarpSwapBlack(): Void {} // Sends the Oculus loading symbol to the warp swap thread @:functionCode('Kore::VrInterface::WarpSwapLoadingIcon();') public override function WarpSwapLoadingIcon(): Void {} // Sends the set of images to the warp swap thread @:functionCode('Kore::VrInterface::WarpSwap(parms.mPtr);') public override function WarpSwap(parms: TimeWarpParms): Void {} @:functionCode('return Kore::VrInterface::GetTimeInSeconds();') public override function GetTimeInSeconds(): Float { return 0.0; } #else // Returns the current sensor state // Returns the predicted sensor state at the specified time public override function GetSensorState(): SensorState { return null; } // Returns the predicted sensor state at the specified time public override function GetPredictedSensorState(time: Float): SensorState { return null; } // Sends a black image to the warp swap thread public override function WarpSwapBlack(): Void {} // Sends the Oculus loading symbol to the warp swap thread public override function WarpSwapLoadingIcon(): Void {} // Sends the set of images to the warp swap thread public override function WarpSwap(parms: TimeWarpParms): Void {} public override function GetTimeInSeconds(): Float { return 0.0; } #end public function new() { super(); } }