package kha; import kha.math.FastMatrix3; class TargetRectangle { public var x: Float; public var y: Float; public var width: Float; public var height: Float; public var scaleFactor: Float; public var rotation: ScreenRotation; public inline function new(x: Float, y: Float, w: Float, h: Float, s: Float, r: ScreenRotation) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = w; this.height = h; this.scaleFactor = s; this.rotation = r; } } class Scaler { public static function targetRect(width: Int, height: Int, destinationWidth: Int, destinationHeight: Int, rotation: ScreenRotation): TargetRectangle { var scalex: Float; var scaley: Float; var scalew: Float; var scaleh: Float; var scale: Float; switch (rotation) { case ScreenRotation.RotationNone: if (width / height > destinationWidth / destinationHeight) { scale = destinationWidth / width; scalew = width * scale; scaleh = height * scale; scalex = 0; scaley = (destinationHeight - scaleh) * 0.5; } else { scale = destinationHeight / height; scalew = width * scale; scaleh = height * scale; scalex = (destinationWidth - scalew) * 0.5; scaley = 0; } case ScreenRotation.Rotation90: if (width / height > destinationHeight / destinationWidth) { scale = destinationHeight / width; scalew = width * scale; scaleh = height * scale; scalex = (destinationWidth - scaleh) * 0.5 + scaleh; scaley = 0; } else { scale = destinationWidth / height; scalew = width * scale; scaleh = height * scale; scalex = 0 + scaleh; scaley = (destinationHeight - scalew) * 0.5; } case ScreenRotation.Rotation180: if (width / height > destinationWidth / destinationHeight) { scale = destinationWidth / width; scalew = width * scale; scaleh = height * scale; scalex = 0 + scalew; scaley = (destinationHeight - scaleh) * 0.5 + scaleh; } else { scale = destinationHeight / height; scalew = width * scale; scaleh = height * scale; scalex = (destinationWidth - scalew) * 0.5 + scalew; scaley = 0 + scaleh; } case ScreenRotation.Rotation270: if (width / height > destinationHeight / destinationWidth) { scale = destinationHeight / width; scalew = width * scale; scaleh = height * scale; scalex = (destinationWidth - scaleh) * 0.5; scaley = 0 + scalew; } else { scale = destinationWidth / height; scalew = width * scale; scaleh = height * scale; scalex = 0; scaley = (destinationHeight - scalew) * 0.5 + scalew; } } return new TargetRectangle(scalex, scaley, scalew, scaleh, scale, rotation); } public static function transformXDirectly(x: Int, y: Int, sourceWidth: Int, sourceHeight: Int, destinationWidth: Int, destinationHeight: Int, rotation: ScreenRotation): Int { var targetRect = targetRect(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, destinationWidth, destinationHeight, rotation); switch (targetRect.rotation) { case ScreenRotation.RotationNone: return - targetRect.x) / targetRect.scaleFactor); case ScreenRotation.Rotation90: return - targetRect.y) / targetRect.scaleFactor); case ScreenRotation.Rotation180: return - x) / targetRect.scaleFactor); case ScreenRotation.Rotation270: return - y) / targetRect.scaleFactor); } } /** * Transform the X value from the given position in the source to a position in the destination canvas. * * @param x The X position. * @param y The Y position. * @param source The source image. * @param destination The destination canvas. * @param rotation The screen rotation. */ public static function transformX(x: Int, y: Int, source: Image, destination: Canvas, rotation: ScreenRotation): Int { return transformXDirectly(x, y, source.width, source.height, destination.width, destination.height, rotation); } public static function transformYDirectly(x: Int, y: Int, sourceWidth: Int, sourceHeight: Int, destinationWidth: Int, destinationHeight: Int, rotation: ScreenRotation): Int { var targetRect = targetRect(sourceWidth, sourceHeight, destinationWidth, destinationHeight, rotation); switch (targetRect.rotation) { case ScreenRotation.RotationNone: return - targetRect.y) / targetRect.scaleFactor); case ScreenRotation.Rotation90: return - x) / targetRect.scaleFactor); case ScreenRotation.Rotation180: return - y) / targetRect.scaleFactor); case ScreenRotation.Rotation270: return - targetRect.x) / targetRect.scaleFactor); } } /** * Transform the Y value from the given position in the source to a position in the destination canvas. * * @param x The X position. * @param y The Y position. * @param source The source image. * @param destination The destination canvas. * @param rotation The screen rotation. */ public static function transformY(x: Int, y: Int, source: Image, destination: Canvas, rotation: ScreenRotation): Int { return transformYDirectly(x, y, source.width, source.height, destination.width, destination.height, rotation); } public static function scale(source: Image, destination: Canvas, rotation: ScreenRotation): Void { var g = destination.g2; g.pushTransformation(getScaledTransformation(source.width, source.height, destination.width, destination.height, rotation)); g.color = Color.White; g.opacity = 1; g.drawImage(source, 0, 0); g.popTransformation(); } public static function getScaledTransformation(width: Int, height: Int, destinationWidth: Int, destinationHeight: Int, rotation: ScreenRotation): FastMatrix3 { var rect = targetRect(width, height, destinationWidth, destinationHeight, rotation); var sf = rect.scaleFactor; var transformation = new FastMatrix3(sf, 0, rect.x, 0, sf, rect.y, 0, 0, 1); switch (rotation) { case RotationNone: case Rotation90: transformation = transformation.multmat(FastMatrix3.rotation(Math.PI / 2)); case Rotation180: transformation = transformation.multmat(FastMatrix3.rotation(Math.PI)); case Rotation270: transformation = transformation.multmat(FastMatrix3.rotation(Math.PI * 3 / 2)); } return transformation; } }