/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe.http; import haxe.io.Bytes; private typedef StringKeyValue = { var name:String; var value:String; } /** This class can be used to handle Http requests consistently across platforms. There are two intended usages: - call `haxe.Http.requestUrl(url)` and receive the result as a `String` (only available on `sys` targets) - create a `new haxe.Http(url)`, register your callbacks for `onData`, `onError` and `onStatus`, then call `request()`. **/ class HttpBase { /** The url of `this` request. It is used only by the `request()` method and can be changed in order to send the same request to different target Urls. **/ public var url:String; public var responseData(get,never):Null<String>; public var responseBytes(default,null):Null<Bytes>; var responseAsString:Null<String>; var postData:Null<String>; var postBytes:Null<Bytes>; var headers:Array<StringKeyValue>; var params:Array<StringKeyValue>; final emptyOnData:(String)->Void; /** Creates a new Http instance with `url` as parameter. This does not do a request until `request()` is called. If `url` is null, the field url must be set to a value before making the call to `request()`, or the result is unspecified. (Php) Https (SSL) connections are allowed only if the OpenSSL extension is enabled. **/ public function new(url:String) { this.url = url; headers = []; params = []; emptyOnData = onData; } /** Sets the header identified as `name` to value `value`. If `name` or `value` are null, the result is unspecified. This method provides a fluent interface. **/ public function setHeader(name:String, value:String) { for (i in 0...headers.length) { if (headers[i].name == name) { headers[i] = {name: name, value: value}; return #if hx3compat this #end; } } headers.push({name: name, value: value}); #if hx3compat return this; #end } public function addHeader(header:String, value:String) { headers.push({name: header, value: value}); #if hx3compat return this; #end } /** Sets the parameter identified as `name` to value `value`. If `name` or `value` are null, the result is unspecified. This method provides a fluent interface. **/ public function setParameter(name:String, value:String) { for (i in 0...params.length) { if (params[i].name == name) { params[i] = {name: name, value: value}; return #if hx3compat this #end; } } params.push({name: name, value: value}); #if hx3compat return this; #end } public function addParameter(name:String, value:String) { params.push({name: name, value: value}); #if hx3compat return this; #end } /** Sets the post data of `this` Http request to `data` string. There can only be one post data per request. Subsequent calls to this method or to `setPostBytes()` overwrite the previously set value. If `data` is null, the post data is considered to be absent. This method provides a fluent interface. **/ public function setPostData(data:Null<String>) { postData = data; postBytes = null; #if hx3compat return this; #end } /** Sets the post data of `this` Http request to `data` bytes. There can only be one post data per request. Subsequent calls to this method or to `setPostData()` overwrite the previously set value. If `data` is null, the post data is considered to be absent. This method provides a fluent interface. **/ public function setPostBytes(data:Null<Bytes>) { postBytes = data; postData = null; #if hx3compat return this; #end } /** Sends `this` Http request to the Url specified by `this.url`. If `post` is true, the request is sent as POST request, otherwise it is sent as GET request. Depending on the outcome of the request, this method calls the `onStatus()`, `onError()`, `onData()` or `onBytes()` callback functions. If `this.url` is null, the result is unspecified. If `this.url` is an invalid or inaccessible Url, the `onError()` callback function is called. [js] If `this.async` is false, the callback functions are called before this method returns. **/ public function request(?post:Bool):Void { throw new haxe.exceptions.NotImplementedException(); } /** This method is called upon a successful request, with `data` containing the result String. The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function: `httpInstance.onData = function(data) { // handle result }` **/ public dynamic function onData(data:String) {} /** This method is called upon a successful request, with `data` containing the result String. The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function: `httpInstance.onBytes = function(data) { // handle result }` **/ public dynamic function onBytes(data:Bytes) {} /** This method is called upon a request error, with `msg` containing the error description. The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function: `httpInstance.onError = function(msg) { // handle error }` **/ public dynamic function onError(msg:String) {} /** This method is called upon a Http status change, with `status` being the new status. The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function: `httpInstance.onStatus = function(status) { // handle status }` **/ public dynamic function onStatus(status:Int) {} /** Override this if extending `haxe.Http` with overriding `onData` **/ function hasOnData():Bool { return !Reflect.compareMethods(onData, emptyOnData); } function success(data:Bytes) { responseBytes = data; responseAsString = null; if (hasOnData()) { onData(responseData); } onBytes(responseBytes); } function get_responseData() { if (responseAsString == null && responseBytes != null) { #if neko responseAsString = neko.Lib.stringReference(responseBytes); #else responseAsString = responseBytes.getString(0, responseBytes.length, UTF8); #end } return responseAsString; } }