package iron.math;

import kha.FastFloat;

class Ray {

	public var origin: Vec4;
	public var direction: Vec4;

	public function new(origin: Vec4 = null, direction: Vec4 = null) {
		this.origin = origin == null ? new Vec4() : origin;
		this.direction = direction == null ? new Vec4() : direction;

	public function at(t: FastFloat): Vec4 {
		var result = new Vec4();
		return result.setFrom(direction).mult(t).add(origin);

	public function distanceToPoint(point: Vec4): FastFloat {
		var v1 = new Vec4();
		var directionDistance = v1.subvecs(point, this.origin).dot(this.direction);

		// Point behind the ray
		if (directionDistance < 0) {
			return this.origin.distanceTo(point);


		return v1.distanceTo(point);

	public function intersectsSphere(sphereCenter: Vec4, sphereRadius: FastFloat): Bool {
		return distanceToPoint(sphereCenter) <= sphereRadius;

	public function intersectsPlane(plane: Plane): Bool {
		// Check if the ray lies on the plane first
		var distToPoint = plane.distanceToPoint(this.origin);
		if (distToPoint == 0) return true;

		var denominator =;
		if (denominator * distToPoint < 0) return true;

		// Ray origin is behind the plane (and is pointing behind it)
		return false;

	public function distanceToPlane(plane: Plane): FastFloat {
		var denominator =;
		if (denominator == 0) {
			// Line is coplanar, return origin
			if (plane.distanceToPoint(this.origin) == 0) {
				return 0;

			// Null is preferable to undefined since undefined means.... it is undefined
			return -1;

		var t = -( + plane.constant) / denominator;

		// Return if the ray never intersects the plane
		return t >= 0 ? t : -1;

	public function intersectPlane(plane: Plane): Vec4 {
		var t = this.distanceToPlane(plane);
		if (t == -1) return null;

	public function intersectsBox(center: Vec4, dim: Vec4): Bool {
		return this.intersectBox(center, dim) != null;

	public function intersectBox(center: Vec4, dim: Vec4): Vec4 {
		var tmin, tmax, tymin, tymax, tzmin, tzmax;

		var halfX = dim.x / 2;
		var halfY = dim.y / 2;
		var halfZ = dim.z / 2;
		var boxMinX = center.x - halfX;
		var boxMinY = center.y - halfY;
		var boxMinZ = center.z - halfZ;
		var boxMaxX = center.x + halfX;
		var boxMaxY = center.y + halfY;
		var boxMaxZ = center.z + halfZ;

		var invdirx = 1 / this.direction.x;
		var	invdiry = 1 / this.direction.y;
		var invdirz = 1 / this.direction.z;

		var origin = this.origin;

		if (invdirx >= 0) {
			tmin = (boxMinX - origin.x) * invdirx;
			tmax = (boxMaxX - origin.x) * invdirx;
		else {
			tmin = (boxMaxX - origin.x) * invdirx;
			tmax = (boxMinX - origin.x) * invdirx;

		if (invdiry >= 0) {
			tymin = (boxMinY - origin.y) * invdiry;
			tymax = (boxMaxY - origin.y) * invdiry;
		else {
			tymin = (boxMaxY - origin.y) * invdiry;
			tymax = (boxMinY - origin.y) * invdiry;

		if ((tmin > tymax) || (tymin > tmax)) return null;

		// These lines also handle the case where tmin or tmax is NaN
		// (result of 0 * Infinity). x !== x returns true if x is NaN
		if (tymin > tmin || tmin != tmin) tmin = tymin;
		if (tymax < tmax || tmax != tmax) tmax = tymax;

		if (invdirz >= 0) {
			tzmin = (boxMinZ - origin.z) * invdirz;
			tzmax = (boxMaxZ - origin.z) * invdirz;
		else {
			tzmin = (boxMaxZ - origin.z) * invdirz;
			tzmax = (boxMinZ - origin.z) * invdirz;

		if ((tmin > tzmax) || (tzmin > tmax)) return null;
		if (tzmin > tmin || tmin != tmin ) tmin = tzmin;
		if (tzmax < tmax || tmax != tmax ) tmax = tzmax;

		// Return point closest to the ray (positive side)
		if (tmax < 0) return null;

		return >= 0 ? tmin : tmax);

	public function intersectTriangle(a: Vec4, b: Vec4, c: Vec4, backfaceCulling: Bool): Vec4 {
		// Compute the offset origin, edges, and normal
		var diff = new Vec4();
		var edge1 = new Vec4();
		var edge2 = new Vec4();
		var normal = new Vec4();

		// from
		edge1.subvecs(b, a);
		edge2.subvecs(c, a);
		normal.crossvecs(edge1, edge2);

		// Solve Q + t*D = b1*E1 + b2*E2 (Q = kDiff, D = ray direction,
		// E1 = kEdge1, E2 = kEdge2, N = Cross(E1,E2)) by
		//   |Dot(D,N)|*b1 = sign(Dot(D,N))*Dot(D,Cross(Q,E2))
		//   |Dot(D,N)|*b2 = sign(Dot(D,N))*Dot(D,Cross(E1,Q))
		//   |Dot(D,N)|*t = -sign(Dot(D,N))*Dot(Q,N)
		var DdN =;
		var sign;

		if (DdN > 0) {
			if (backfaceCulling) return null;
			sign = 1;
		else if (DdN < 0) {
			sign = -1;
			DdN = -DdN;
		else {
			return null;

		diff.subvecs(this.origin, a);
		var DdQxE2 = sign *, edge2));

		// b1 < 0, no intersection
		if (DdQxE2 < 0) {
			return null;

		var DdE1xQ = sign *;

		// b2 < 0, no intersection
		if (DdE1xQ < 0) {
			return null;

		// b1+b2 > 1, no intersection
		if (DdQxE2 + DdE1xQ > DdN) {
			return null;

		// Line intersects triangle, check if ray does.
		var QdN = -sign *;

		// t < 0, no intersection
		if (QdN < 0) {
			return null;

		// Ray intersects triangle.
		return / DdN);

class Plane {
	public var normal = new Vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	public var constant = 0.0;

	public function new() {}

	public function distanceToPoint(point: Vec4): FastFloat {
		return + constant;

	public function set(normal: Vec4, point: Vec4): Plane {
		constant =;
		return this;