from lnx.logicnode.lnx_nodes import * class SequenceNode(LnxLogicTreeNode): """Activates the outputs one by one sequentially and repeatedly.""" bl_idname = 'LNSequenceNode' bl_label = 'Output Sequence' lnx_section = 'flow' lnx_version = 2 min_outputs = 0 def __init__(self): super(SequenceNode, self).__init__() array_nodes[self.get_id_str()] = self def lnx_init(self, context): self.add_input('LnxNodeSocketAction', 'In') def draw_buttons(self, context, layout): row = layout.row(align=True) op = row.operator('lnx.node_add_output', text='New', icon='PLUS', emboss=True) op.node_index = self.get_id_str() op.socket_type = 'LnxNodeSocketAction' column = row.column(align=True) op = column.operator('lnx.node_remove_output', text='', icon='X', emboss=True) op.node_index = self.get_id_str() if len(self.outputs) == self.min_outputs: column.enabled = False def get_replacement_node(self, node_tree: bpy.types.NodeTree): if self.lnx_version not in (0, 1): raise LookupError() return NodeReplacement.Identity(self)