Structure of the top-level --------------------------- The top-level nodes live inside an "xml" node, and can be: - *set* - Set a "define", define being a general variable. ```xml <set name="name" value="1" /> ``` - *setenv* - Sets an hxcpp define and an environment variable for child processes. ```xml <setenv name="name" value="1" /> ``` - *unset* - Unset a define. if="name" will no longer be true ```xml <unset name="name" /> ``` - *setup* - Used internally to call custom setup code to find SDKs etc. ```xml <setup name="androidNdk|blackberry|msvc|pdbserver|mingw|emscripten|nvcc" /> ``` - *echo* - Print value to console. Good for debugging. ```xml <echo value="text" /> ``` - *error* - Print value to console and force error. Good for checking prerequisites. ```xml <error value="error message" /> ``` - *pleaseUpdateHxcppTool* - Used to tell people updating git version that they need to recompile the build tool. ```xml <pleaseUpdateHxcppTool version="1" /> ``` - *path* - Add an directory to the exe search path. ```xml <path name="directory_to_add" /> ``` - *mkdir* - Create a directory. ```xml <mkdir name="directory" /> ``` - *section* - Groups block of elements - usually ones that all respect the same if/unless condition. ```xml <section name="id" /> </section> ``` - *copy* - Copy file when node is parsed. ```xml <copy to="destination" from="src" /> ``` - *import*/*include* - Read xml from another file. 'import' resets the relative base to the new file, include does not. ```xml <import name="filename" section="filter" noerror="true" /> <include name="filename" section="filter" noerror="true" /> ``` + noerror - setting the optional noerror allows the file to be missing + section - setting the optional section will only read the named section from the xml file. Used by hxcpp_config.xml. - *pragma* - Only include build file once, even with multiple include statements. ```xml <pragma once="true" /> ``` - *nvccflag* - Add flag to all nvcc compiles. ```xml <nvccflag name="?name" value="-IincludePath" /> ``` - *nvcclinkflag* - Add flag when linking with nvcc code. ```xml <nvcclinkflag name="?name" value="-arch=sm_30" /> ``` - *files* - Define a file group, and set default tags. ```xml <files dir="dir" name="name" tags="tag1,tag2,tag3" > ... </files> ``` + dir = directory to which the filenames in the group are relative + tags = comma separated list of flags tags - *target* - Define a target, and set its toolid(link mode) and output name. ```xml <target name="name" overwrite="true" append="true" tool="linker" toolid="${haxelink}" output="filename" > ... </target> ``` - *copyFile* - Copy a file after given toolId is run into target output directory ```xml <copyFile name="destination" from="src" allowMissing="true" overwrite="true" toolId="filter" > ``` - *magiclib* - Internal for replacing dlls with object files ```xml <magiclib name="libname" replace="old dll" /> ``` - *compiler* - Define a compiler. ```xml <compiler id="id" exe="command" replace="true" > ... </compiler> ``` + Use optional 'replace' to overwrite, otherwise append + It is assumed only 1 compiler is active + exe can be overridden in the body of the definition - *stripper* - Define a stripper, to remove debug information for release from gcc executables ```xml <stripper exe="command" replace="true" > </stripper> ``` + Use optional 'replace' to overwrite, otherwise append - *linker* - Define a linker. ```xml <linker id="id" exe="command" replace="true" > </linker> ``` + Use optional 'replace' to overwrite, otherwise append + id could be 'static_link', 'dll' or 'exe'. Usually all 3 linkers are defined. + exe can be overridden in the body of the definition - *prelinker* - Define a prelinker. ```xml <prelinker name="id" replace="true" /> ... </prelinker> ```