package eval.luv; enum abstract FsEventType(Int) { var RENAME = 0; var CHANGE = 1; } enum abstract FsEventFlag(Int) { var FS_EVENT_WATCH_ENTRY = 0; var FS_EVENT_STAT = 1; var FS_EVENT_RECURSIVE = 2; } /** Filesystem events. @see **/ @:using(eval.luv.Handle) @:coreType abstract FsEvent to Handle { /** Allocates and initializes an FS event handle. **/ static public function init(loop:Loop):Result<FsEvent>; /** Starts the handle and watches the given path for changes. **/ public function start(path:NativeString, ?flags:Array<FsEventFlag>, callback:(result:Result<{file:NativeString,events:Array<FsEventType>}>)->Void):Void; /** Stops the handle. **/ public function stop():Result<Result.NoData>; }