/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe.xml; private abstract NodeAccess(Xml) from Xml { @:op(a.b) public function resolve(name:String):Access { var x = this.elementsNamed(name).next(); if (x == null) { var xname = if (this.nodeType == Xml.Document) "Document" else this.nodeName; throw xname + " is missing element " + name; } return new Access(x); } } private abstract AttribAccess(Xml) from Xml { @:op(a.b) public function resolve(name:String):String { if (this.nodeType == Xml.Document) throw "Cannot access document attribute " + name; var v = this.get(name); if (v == null) throw this.nodeName + " is missing attribute " + name; return v; } @:op(a.b) function _hx_set(name:String, value:String):String { if (this.nodeType == Xml.Document) throw "Cannot access document attribute " + name; this.set(name, value); return value; } } private abstract HasAttribAccess(Xml) from Xml { @:op(a.b) public function resolve(name:String):Bool { if (this.nodeType == Xml.Document) throw "Cannot access document attribute " + name; return this.exists(name); } } private abstract HasNodeAccess(Xml) from Xml { @:op(a.b) public function resolve(name:String):Bool { return this.elementsNamed(name).hasNext(); } } private abstract NodeListAccess(Xml) from Xml { @:op(a.b) public function resolve(name:String):Array<Access> { var l = []; for (x in this.elementsNamed(name)) l.push(new Access(x)); return l; } } /** The `haxe.xml.Access` API helps providing a fast dot-syntax access to the most common `Xml` methods. **/ abstract Access(Xml) { public var x(get, never):Xml; public inline function get_x() return this; /** The name of the current element. This is the same as `Xml.nodeName`. **/ public var name(get, never):String; inline function get_name() { return if (this.nodeType == Xml.Document) "Document" else this.nodeName; } /** The inner PCDATA or CDATA of the node. An exception is thrown if there is no data or if there not only data but also other nodes. **/ public var innerData(get, never):String; /** The XML string built with all the sub nodes, excluding the current one. **/ public var innerHTML(get, never):String; /** Access to the first sub element with the given name. An exception is thrown if the element doesn't exists. Use `hasNode` to check the existence of a node. ```haxe var access = new haxe.xml.Access(Xml.parse("<user><name>John</name></user>")); var user = access.node.user; var name = user.node.name; trace(name.innerData); // John // Uncaught Error: Document is missing element password var password = user.node.password; ``` **/ public var node(get, never):NodeAccess; inline function get_node():NodeAccess return x; /** Access to the List of elements with the given name. ```haxe var fast = new haxe.xml.Access(Xml.parse(" <users> <user name='John'/> <user name='Andy'/> <user name='Dan'/> </users>" )); var users = fast.node.users; for (user in users.nodes.user) { trace(user.att.name); } ``` **/ public var nodes(get, never):NodeListAccess; inline function get_nodes():NodeListAccess return this; /** Access to a given attribute. An exception is thrown if the attribute doesn't exists. Use `has` to check the existence of an attribute. ```haxe var f = new haxe.xml.Access(Xml.parse("<user name='Mark'></user>")); var user = f.node.user; if (user.has.name) { trace(user.att.name); // Mark } ``` **/ public var att(get, never):AttribAccess; inline function get_att():AttribAccess return this; /** Check the existence of an attribute with the given name. **/ public var has(get, never):HasAttribAccess; inline function get_has():HasAttribAccess return this; /** Check the existence of a sub node with the given name. ```haxe var f = new haxe.xml.Access(Xml.parse("<user><age>31</age></user>")); var user = f.node.user; if (user.hasNode.age) { trace(user.node.age.innerData); // 31 } ``` **/ public var hasNode(get, never):HasNodeAccess; inline function get_hasNode():HasNodeAccess return x; /** The list of all sub-elements which are the nodes with type `Xml.Element`. **/ public var elements(get, never):Iterator<Access>; inline function get_elements():Iterator<Access> return cast this.elements(); public inline function new(x:Xml) { if (x.nodeType != Xml.Document && x.nodeType != Xml.Element) throw "Invalid nodeType " + x.nodeType; this = x; } function get_innerData() { var it = this.iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) throw name + " does not have data"; var v = it.next(); if (it.hasNext()) { var n = it.next(); // handle <spaces>CDATA<spaces> if (v.nodeType == Xml.PCData && n.nodeType == Xml.CData && StringTools.trim(v.nodeValue) == "") { if (!it.hasNext()) return n.nodeValue; var n2 = it.next(); if (n2.nodeType == Xml.PCData && StringTools.trim(n2.nodeValue) == "" && !it.hasNext()) return n.nodeValue; } throw name + " does not only have data"; } if (v.nodeType != Xml.PCData && v.nodeType != Xml.CData) throw name + " does not have data"; return v.nodeValue; } function get_innerHTML() { var s = new StringBuf(); for (x in this) s.add(x.toString()); return s.toString(); } }