/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe; /** Elements return by `CallStack` methods. **/ enum StackItem { CFunction; Module(m:String); FilePos(s:Null<StackItem>, file:String, line:Int, ?column:Int); Method(classname:Null<String>, method:String); LocalFunction(?v:Int); } /** Get information about the call stack. **/ @:allow(haxe.Exception) @:using(haxe.CallStack) abstract CallStack(Array<StackItem>) from Array<StackItem> { /** The length of this stack. **/ public var length(get,never):Int; inline function get_length():Int return this.length; /** Return the call stack elements, or an empty array if not available. **/ public static function callStack():Array<StackItem> { return NativeStackTrace.toHaxe(NativeStackTrace.callStack()); } /** Return the exception stack : this is the stack elements between the place the last exception was thrown and the place it was caught, or an empty array if not available. Set `fullStack` parameter to true in order to return the full exception stack. May not work if catch type was a derivative from `haxe.Exception`. **/ public static function exceptionStack( fullStack = false ):Array<StackItem> { var eStack:CallStack = NativeStackTrace.toHaxe(NativeStackTrace.exceptionStack()); return (fullStack ? eStack : eStack.subtract(callStack())).asArray(); } /** Returns a representation of the stack as a printable string. **/ static public function toString(stack:CallStack):String { var b = new StringBuf(); for (s in stack.asArray()) { b.add('\nCalled from '); itemToString(b, s); } return b.toString(); } /** Returns a range of entries of current stack from the beginning to the the common part of this and `stack`. **/ public function subtract(stack:CallStack):CallStack { var startIndex = -1; var i = -1; while(++i < this.length) { for(j in 0...stack.length) { if(equalItems(this[i], stack[j])) { if(startIndex < 0) { startIndex = i; } ++i; if(i >= this.length) break; } else { startIndex = -1; } } if(startIndex >= 0) break; } return startIndex >= 0 ? this.slice(0, startIndex) : this; } /** Make a copy of the stack. **/ public inline function copy():CallStack { return this.copy(); } @:arrayAccess public inline function get(index:Int):StackItem { return this[index]; } inline function asArray():Array<StackItem> { return this; } static function equalItems(item1:Null<StackItem>, item2:Null<StackItem>):Bool { return switch([item1, item2]) { case [null, null]: true; case [CFunction, CFunction]: true; case [Module(m1), Module(m2)]: m1 == m2; case [FilePos(item1, file1, line1, col1), FilePos(item2, file2, line2, col2)]: file1 == file2 && line1 == line2 && col1 == col2 && equalItems(item1, item2); case [Method(class1, method1), Method(class2, method2)]: class1 == class2 && method1 == method2; case [LocalFunction(v1), LocalFunction(v2)]: v1 == v2; case _: false; } } static function exceptionToString(e:Exception):String { if(e.previous == null) { return 'Exception: ${e.toString()}${e.stack}'; } var result = ''; var e:Null<Exception> = e; var prev:Null<Exception> = null; while(e != null) { if(prev == null) { result = 'Exception: ${e.message}${e.stack}' + result; } else { var prevStack = @:privateAccess e.stack.subtract(prev.stack); result = 'Exception: ${e.message}${prevStack}\n\nNext ' + result; } prev = e; e = e.previous; } return result; } static function itemToString(b:StringBuf, s) { switch (s) { case CFunction: b.add("a C function"); case Module(m): b.add("module "); b.add(m); case FilePos(s, file, line, col): if (s != null) { itemToString(b, s); b.add(" ("); } b.add(file); b.add(" line "); b.add(line); if (col != null) { b.add(" column "); b.add(col); } if (s != null) b.add(")"); case Method(cname, meth): b.add(cname == null ? "<unknown>" : cname); b.add("."); b.add(meth); case LocalFunction(n): b.add("local function #"); b.add(n); } } }