/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe.rtti; import haxe.rtti.CType; import haxe.xml.Access; /** XmlParser processes the runtime type information (RTTI) which is stored as a XML string in a static field `__rtti`. @see <https://haxe.org/manual/cr-rtti.html> **/ class XmlParser { public var root:TypeRoot; var curplatform:String; public function new() { root = new Array(); } public function sort(?l:TypeRoot) { if (l == null) l = root; l.sort(function(e1, e2) { var n1 = switch e1 { case TPackage(p, _, _): " " + p; default: TypeApi.typeInfos(e1).path; }; var n2 = switch e2 { case TPackage(p, _, _): " " + p; default: TypeApi.typeInfos(e2).path; }; if (n1 > n2) return 1; return -1; }); for (x in l) switch (x) { case TPackage(_, _, l): sort(l); case TClassdecl(c): sortFields(c.fields); sortFields(c.statics); case TEnumdecl(_): case TAbstractdecl(_): case TTypedecl(_): } } function sortFields(a:Array<ClassField>) { a.sort(function(f1:ClassField, f2:ClassField) { var v1 = TypeApi.isVar(f1.type); var v2 = TypeApi.isVar(f2.type); if (v1 && !v2) return -1; if (v2 && !v1) return 1; if (f1.name == "new") return -1; if (f2.name == "new") return 1; if (f1.name > f2.name) return 1; return -1; }); } public function process(x:Xml, platform:String) { curplatform = platform; xroot(new Access(x)); } // merge inline and not inline function mergeRights(f1:ClassField, f2:ClassField) { if (f1.get == RInline && f1.set == RNo && f2.get == RNormal && f2.set == RMethod) { f1.get = RNormal; f1.set = RMethod; return true; } return Type.enumEq(f1.get, f2.get) && Type.enumEq(f1.set, f2.set); } function mergeDoc(f1:ClassField, f2:ClassField) { if (f1.doc == null) f1.doc = f2.doc; else if (f2.doc == null) f2.doc = f1.doc; return true; } function mergeFields(f:ClassField, f2:ClassField) { return TypeApi.fieldEq(f, f2) || (f.name == f2.name && (mergeRights(f, f2) || mergeRights(f2, f)) && mergeDoc(f, f2) && TypeApi.fieldEq(f, f2)); } public dynamic function newField(c:Classdef, f:ClassField) {} function mergeClasses(c:Classdef, c2:Classdef) { // todo : compare supers & interfaces if (c.isInterface != c2.isInterface) return false; if (curplatform != null) c.platforms.push(curplatform); if (c.isExtern != c2.isExtern) c.isExtern = false; for (f2 in c2.fields) { var found = null; for (f in c.fields) if (mergeFields(f, f2)) { found = f; break; } if (found == null) { newField(c, f2); c.fields.push(f2); } else if (curplatform != null) found.platforms.push(curplatform); } for (f2 in c2.statics) { var found = null; for (f in c.statics) if (mergeFields(f, f2)) { found = f; break; } if (found == null) { newField(c, f2); c.statics.push(f2); } else if (curplatform != null) found.platforms.push(curplatform); } return true; } function mergeEnums(e:Enumdef, e2:Enumdef) { if (e.isExtern != e2.isExtern) return false; if (curplatform != null) e.platforms.push(curplatform); for (c2 in e2.constructors) { var found = null; for (c in e.constructors) if (TypeApi.constructorEq(c, c2)) { found = c; break; } if (found == null) e.constructors.push(c2); else if (curplatform != null) found.platforms.push(curplatform); } return true; } function mergeTypedefs(t:Typedef, t2:Typedef) { if (curplatform == null) return false; t.platforms.push(curplatform); t.types.set(curplatform, t2.type); return true; } function mergeAbstracts(a:Abstractdef, a2:Abstractdef) { if (curplatform == null) return false; if (a.to.length != a2.to.length || a.from.length != a2.from.length) return false; for (i in 0...a.to.length) if (!TypeApi.typeEq(a.to[i].t, a2.to[i].t)) return false; for (i in 0...a.from.length) if (!TypeApi.typeEq(a.from[i].t, a2.from[i].t)) return false; if (a2.impl != null) mergeClasses(a.impl, a2.impl); a.platforms.push(curplatform); return true; } function merge(t:TypeTree) { var inf = TypeApi.typeInfos(t); var pack = inf.path.split("."); var cur = root; var curpack = new Array(); pack.pop(); for (p in pack) { var found = false; for (pk in cur) switch (pk) { case TPackage(pname, _, subs): if (pname == p) { found = true; cur = subs; break; } default: } curpack.push(p); if (!found) { var pk = new Array(); cur.push(TPackage(p, curpack.join("."), pk)); cur = pk; } } for (ct in cur) { if (ct.match(TPackage(_))) continue; var tinf = TypeApi.typeInfos(ct); // compare params ? if (tinf.path == inf.path) { var sameType = true; if ((tinf.doc == null) != (inf.doc == null)) { if (inf.doc == null) inf.doc = tinf.doc; else tinf.doc = inf.doc; } if (tinf.path == "haxe._Int64.NativeInt64") continue; if (tinf.module == inf.module && tinf.doc == inf.doc && tinf.isPrivate == inf.isPrivate) switch (ct) { case TClassdecl(c): switch (t) { case TClassdecl(c2): if (mergeClasses(c, c2)) return; default: sameType = false; } case TEnumdecl(e): switch (t) { case TEnumdecl(e2): if (mergeEnums(e, e2)) return; default: sameType = false; } case TTypedecl(td): switch (t) { case TTypedecl(td2): if (mergeTypedefs(td, td2)) return; default: } case TAbstractdecl(a): switch (t) { case TAbstractdecl(a2): if (mergeAbstracts(a, a2)) return; default: sameType = false; } case TPackage(_, _, _): sameType = false; } // we already have a mapping, but which is incompatible var msg = if (tinf.module != inf.module) "module " + inf.module + " should be " + tinf.module; else if (tinf.doc != inf.doc) "documentation is different"; else if (tinf.isPrivate != inf.isPrivate) "private flag is different"; else if (!sameType) "type kind is different"; else "could not merge definition"; throw "Incompatibilities between " + tinf.path + " in " + tinf.platforms.join(",") + " and " + curplatform + " (" + msg + ")"; } } cur.push(t); } function mkPath(p:String):Path { return p; } function mkTypeParams(p:String):TypeParams { var pl = p.split(":"); if (pl[0] == "") return new Array(); return pl; } function mkRights(r:String):Rights { return switch (r) { case "null": RNo; case "method": RMethod; case "dynamic": RDynamic; case "inline": RInline; default: RCall(r); } } function xerror(c:Access):Dynamic { return throw "Invalid " + c.name; } function xroot(x:Access) { for (c in x.x.elements()) merge(processElement(c)); } public function processElement(x:Xml) { var c = new haxe.xml.Access(x); return switch (c.name) { case "class": TClassdecl(xclass(c)); case "enum": TEnumdecl(xenum(c)); case "typedef": TTypedecl(xtypedef(c)); case "abstract": TAbstractdecl(xabstract(c)); default: xerror(c); } } function xmeta(x:Access):MetaData { var ml = []; for (m in x.nodes.m) { var pl = []; for (p in m.nodes.e) pl.push(p.innerHTML); ml.push({name: m.att.n, params: pl}); } return ml; } function xoverloads(x:Access):Array<ClassField> { var l = new Array(); for (m in x.elements) { l.push(xclassfield(m)); } return l; } function xpath(x:Access):PathParams { var path = mkPath(x.att.path); var params = new Array(); for (c in x.elements) params.push(xtype(c)); return { path: path, params: params, }; } function xclass(x:Access):Classdef { var csuper = null; var doc = null; var tdynamic = null; var interfaces = new Array(); var fields = new Array(); var statics = new Array(); var meta = []; var isInterface = x.x.exists("interface"); for (c in x.elements) switch (c.name) { case "haxe_doc": doc = c.innerData; case "extends": if (isInterface) { interfaces.push(xpath(c)); } else { csuper = xpath(c); } case "implements": interfaces.push(xpath(c)); case "haxe_dynamic": tdynamic = xtype(new Access(c.x.firstElement())); case "meta": meta = xmeta(c); default: if (c.x.exists("static")) statics.push(xclassfield(c)); else fields.push(xclassfield(c)); } return { file: if (x.has.file) x.att.file else null, path: mkPath(x.att.path), module: if (x.has.module) mkPath(x.att.module) else null, doc: doc, isPrivate: x.x.exists("private"), isExtern: x.x.exists("extern"), isFinal: x.x.exists("final"), isInterface: isInterface, params: mkTypeParams(x.att.params), superClass: csuper, interfaces: interfaces, fields: fields, statics: statics, tdynamic: tdynamic, platforms: defplat(), meta: meta, }; } function xclassfield(x:Access, ?defPublic = false):ClassField { var e = x.elements; var t = xtype(e.next()); var doc = null; var meta = []; var overloads = null; for (c in e) switch (c.name) { case "haxe_doc": doc = c.innerData; case "meta": meta = xmeta(c); case "overloads": overloads = xoverloads(c); default: xerror(c); } return { name:x.name, type:t, isPublic:x.x.exists("public") || defPublic, isFinal:x.x.exists("final"), isOverride:x.x.exists("override"), line:if (x.has.line) Std.parseInt(x.att.line) else null, doc:doc, get:if (x.has.get) mkRights(x.att.get) else RNormal, set:if (x.has.set) mkRights(x.att.set) else RNormal, params:if (x.has.params) mkTypeParams(x.att.params) else [], platforms:defplat(), meta:meta, overloads:overloads, expr:if (x.has.expr) x.att.expr else null }; } function xenum(x:Access):Enumdef { var cl = new Array(); var doc = null; var meta = []; for (c in x.elements) if (c.name == "haxe_doc") doc = c.innerData; else if (c.name == "meta") meta = xmeta(c); else cl.push(xenumfield(c)); return { file: if (x.has.file) x.att.file else null, path: mkPath(x.att.path), module: if (x.has.module) mkPath(x.att.module) else null, doc: doc, isPrivate: x.x.exists("private"), isExtern: x.x.exists("extern"), params: mkTypeParams(x.att.params), constructors: cl, platforms: defplat(), meta: meta, }; } function xenumfield(x:Access):EnumField { var args = null; var docElements = x.x.elementsNamed("haxe_doc"); var xdoc = if (docElements.hasNext()) docElements.next() else null; var meta = if (x.hasNode.meta) xmeta(x.node.meta) else []; if (x.has.a) { var names = x.att.a.split(":"); var elts = x.elements; args = new Array(); for (c in names) { var opt = false; if (c.charAt(0) == "?") { opt = true; c = c.substr(1); } args.push({ name: c, opt: opt, t: xtype(elts.next()), }); } } return { name: x.name, args: args, doc: if (xdoc == null) null else new Access(xdoc).innerData, meta: meta, platforms: defplat(), }; } function xabstract(x:Access):Abstractdef { var doc = null, impl = null, athis = null; var meta = [], to = [], from = []; for (c in x.elements) switch (c.name) { case "haxe_doc": doc = c.innerData; case "meta": meta = xmeta(c); case "to": for (t in c.elements) to.push({t: xtype(new Access(t.x.firstElement())), field: t.has.field ? t.att.field : null}); case "from": for (t in c.elements) from.push({t: xtype(new Access(t.x.firstElement())), field: t.has.field ? t.att.field : null}); case "impl": impl = xclass(c.node.resolve("class")); case "this": athis = xtype(new Access(c.x.firstElement())); default: xerror(c); } return { file: if (x.has.file) x.att.file else null, path: mkPath(x.att.path), module: if (x.has.module) mkPath(x.att.module) else null, doc: doc, isPrivate: x.x.exists("private"), params: mkTypeParams(x.att.params), platforms: defplat(), meta: meta, athis: athis, to: to, from: from, impl: impl }; } function xtypedef(x:Access):Typedef { var doc = null; var t = null; var meta = []; for (c in x.elements) if (c.name == "haxe_doc") doc = c.innerData; else if (c.name == "meta") meta = xmeta(c); else t = xtype(c); var types = new haxe.ds.StringMap(); if (curplatform != null) types.set(curplatform, t); return { file: if (x.has.file) x.att.file else null, path: mkPath(x.att.path), module: if (x.has.module) mkPath(x.att.module) else null, doc: doc, isPrivate: x.x.exists("private"), params: mkTypeParams(x.att.params), type: t, types: types, platforms: defplat(), meta: meta, }; } function xtype(x:Access):CType { return switch (x.name) { case "unknown": CUnknown; case "e": CEnum(mkPath(x.att.path), xtypeparams(x)); case "c": CClass(mkPath(x.att.path), xtypeparams(x)); case "t": CTypedef(mkPath(x.att.path), xtypeparams(x)); case "x": CAbstract(mkPath(x.att.path), xtypeparams(x)); case "f": var args = new Array(); var aname = x.att.a.split(":"); var eargs = aname.iterator(); var evalues = x.has.v ? x.att.v.split(":").iterator() : null; for (e in x.elements) { var opt = false; var a = eargs.hasNext() ? eargs.next() : null; if (a == null) a = ""; if (a.charAt(0) == "?") { opt = true; a = a.substr(1); } var v = evalues == null || !evalues.hasNext() ? null : evalues.next(); args.push({ name: a, opt: opt, t: xtype(e), value: v == "" ? null : v }); } var ret = args[args.length - 1]; args.remove(ret); CFunction(args, ret.t); case "a": var fields = new Array(); for (f in x.elements) { var f = xclassfield(f, true); f.platforms = new Array(); // platforms selection are on the type itself, not on fields fields.push(f); } CAnonymous(fields); case "d": var t = null; var tx = x.x.firstElement(); if (tx != null) t = xtype(new Access(tx)); CDynamic(t); default: xerror(x); } } function xtypeparams(x:Access):Array<CType> { var p = new Array(); for (c in x.elements) p.push(xtype(c)); return p; } function defplat() { var l = new Array(); if (curplatform != null) l.push(curplatform); return l; } }