/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package php.db; import php.*; @:native('PDO') extern class PDO { @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_BOOL:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_NULL:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_INT:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_STR:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_LOB:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_STMT:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_LAZY:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_ASSOC:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_NAMED:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_NUM:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_BOTH:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_OBJ:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_BOUND:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_COLUMN:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_CLASS:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_INTO:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_FUNC:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_GROUP:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_UNIQUE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_KEY_PAIR:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_CLASSTYPE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_SERIALIZE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_PROPS_LATE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_PREFETCH:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_TIMEOUT:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_ERRMODE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_SERVER_VERSION:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_SERVER_INFO:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_CASE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_CURSOR_NAME:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_CURSOR:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_DRIVER_NAME:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_PERSISTENT:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_FETCH_TABLE_NAMES:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ERRMODE_SILENT:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ERRMODE_WARNING:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ERRMODE_EXCEPTION:Int; @:phpClassConst static final CASE_NATURAL:Int; @:phpClassConst static final CASE_LOWER:Int; @:phpClassConst static final CASE_UPPER:Int; @:phpClassConst static final NULL_NATURAL:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_ORI_PRIOR:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_ORI_FIRST:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_ORI_LAST:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_ORI_ABS:Int; @:phpClassConst static final FETCH_ORI_REL:Int; @:phpClassConst static final CURSOR_FWDONLY:Int; @:phpClassConst static final CURSOR_SCROLL:Int; @:phpClassConst static final ERR_NONE:String; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_EVT_ALLOC:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_EVT_FREE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_EVT_EXEC_PRE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_EVT_EXEC_POST:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_EVT_FETCH_PRE:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_EVT_FETCH_POST:Int; @:phpClassConst static final PARAM_EVT_NORMALIZE:Int; function new(dns:String, ?username:String, ?password:String, ?options:NativeArray):Void; function beginTransaction():Bool; function commit():Bool; function errorCode():Dynamic; function errorInfo():NativeArray; function exec(statement:String):Int; function getAttribute(attribute:Int):Dynamic; function getAvailableDrivers():NativeArray; function lastInsertId(?name:String):String; function prepare(statement:String, ?driver_options:NativeArray):PDOStatement; function query(statement:String, ?mode:Int):PDOStatement; function quote(String:String, ?parameter_type:Int = 2):String; function rollBack():Bool; function setAttribute(attribute:Int, value:Dynamic):Bool; }