import bpy, os from ...utility import utility from bpy.props import * class TLM_OIDNEngineProperties(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): tlm_oidn_path : StringProperty( name="OIDN Path", description="The path to the OIDN binaries", default="", subtype="FILE_PATH") tlm_oidn_verbose : BoolProperty( name="Verbose", description="TODO") tlm_oidn_threads : IntProperty( name="Threads", default=0, min=0, max=64, description="Amount of threads to use. Set to 0 for auto-detect.") tlm_oidn_maxmem : IntProperty( name="Tiling max Memory", default=0, min=512, max=32768, description="Use tiling for memory conservation. Set to 0 to disable tiling.") tlm_oidn_affinity : BoolProperty( name="Set Affinity", description="TODO") tlm_oidn_use_albedo : BoolProperty( name="Use albedo map", description="TODO") tlm_oidn_use_normal : BoolProperty( name="Use normal map", description="TODO")