var vows = require('vows') , request = require('request') , assert = require('assert') , static = require('../../lib/node-static'); var fileServer = new static.Server(__dirname + '/../fixtures'); var suite = vows.describe('node-static'); var TEST_PORT = 8080; var TEST_SERVER = 'http://localhost:' + TEST_PORT; var version = static.version.join('.'); var server; var callback; headers = { 'requesting headers': { topic : function(){ request.head(TEST_SERVER + '/index.html', this.callback); } } } headers['requesting headers']['should respond with node-static/' + version] = function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['server'], 'node-static/' + version); } suite.addBatch({ 'once an http server is listening with a callback': { topic: function () { server = require('http').createServer(function (request, response) { fileServer.serve(request, response, function(err, result) { if (callback) callback(request, response, err, result); else request.end(); }); }).listen(TEST_PORT, this.callback) }, 'should be listening' : function(){ /* This test is necessary to ensure the topic execution. * A topic without tests will be not executed */ assert.isTrue(true); } }, }).addBatch({ 'streaming a 404 page': { topic: function(){ callback = function(request, response, err, result) { if (err) { response.writeHead(err.status, err.headers); setTimeout(function() { response.end('Custom 404 Stream.') }, 100); } } request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/not-found', this.callback); }, 'should respond with 404' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 404); }, 'should respond with the streamed content': function(error, response, body){ callback = null; assert.equal(body, 'Custom 404 Stream.'); } } }).addBatch({ 'once an http server is listening without a callback': { topic: function () { server.close(); server = require('http').createServer(function (request, response) { fileServer.serve(request, response); }).listen(TEST_PORT, this.callback) }, 'should be listening' : function(){ /* This test is necessary to ensure the topic execution. * A topic without tests will be not executed */ assert.isTrue(true); } } }).addBatch({ 'requesting a file not found': { topic : function(){ request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/not-found', this.callback); }, 'should respond with 404' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 404); } } }) .addBatch({ 'requesting a malformed URI': { topic: function(){ request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/a%AFc', this.callback); }, 'should respond with 400': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 400); } } }) .addBatch({ 'serving empty.css': { topic : function(){ request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/empty.css', this.callback); }, 'should respond with 200' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); }, 'should respond with text/css': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-type'], 'text/css'); }, 'should respond with empty string': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(body, ''); } } }) .addBatch({ 'serving hello.txt': { topic : function(){ request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/hello.txt', this.callback); }, 'should respond with 200' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); }, 'should respond with text/plain': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-type'], 'text/plain'); }, 'should respond with hello world': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(body, 'hello world'); } } }).addBatch({ 'serving first 5 bytes of hello.txt': { topic : function(){ var options = { url: TEST_SERVER + '/hello.txt', headers: { 'Range': 'bytes=0-4' } }; request.get(options, this.callback); }, 'should respond with 206' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 206); }, 'should respond with text/plain': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-type'], 'text/plain'); }, 'should have content-length of 5 bytes': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-length'], 5); }, 'should have a valid Content-Range header in response': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-range'], 'bytes 0-4/11'); }, 'should respond with hello': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(body, 'hello'); } } }).addBatch({ 'serving last 5 bytes of hello.txt': { topic : function(){ var options = { url: TEST_SERVER + '/hello.txt', headers: { 'Range': 'bytes=6-10' } }; request.get(options, this.callback); }, 'should respond with 206' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 206); }, 'should respond with text/plain': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-type'], 'text/plain'); }, 'should have content-length of 5 bytes': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-length'], 5); }, 'should have a valid Content-Range header in response': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-range'], 'bytes 6-10/11'); }, 'should respond with world': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(body, 'world'); } } }).addBatch({ 'serving all from the start of hello.txt': { topic : function(){ var options = { url: TEST_SERVER + '/hello.txt', headers: { 'Range': 'bytes=0-' } }; request.get(options, this.callback); }, 'should respond with 206' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 206); }, 'should respond with text/plain': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-type'], 'text/plain'); }, 'should have content-length of 11 bytes': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-length'], 11); }, 'should have a valid Content-Range header in response': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-range'], 'bytes 0-10/11'); }, 'should respond with "hello world"': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(body, 'hello world'); } } }).addBatch({ 'serving directory index': { topic : function(){ request.get(TEST_SERVER, this.callback); }, 'should respond with 200' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); }, 'should respond with text/html': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-type'], 'text/html'); } } }).addBatch({ 'serving index.html from the cache': { topic : function(){ request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/index.html', this.callback); }, 'should respond with 200' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); }, 'should respond with text/html': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-type'], 'text/html'); } } }).addBatch({ 'requesting with If-None-Match': { topic : function(){ var _this = this; request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/index.html', function(error, response, body){ request({ method: 'GET', uri: TEST_SERVER + '/index.html', headers: {'if-none-match': response.headers['etag']} }, _this.callback); }); }, 'should respond with 304' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 304); } }, 'requesting with If-None-Match and If-Modified-Since': { topic : function(){ var _this = this; request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/index.html', function(error, response, body){ var modified = Date.parse(response.headers['last-modified']); var oneDayLater = new Date(modified + (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)).toUTCString(); var nonMatchingEtag = '1111222233334444'; request({ method: 'GET', uri: TEST_SERVER + '/index.html', headers: { 'if-none-match': nonMatchingEtag, 'if-modified-since': oneDayLater } }, _this.callback); }); }, 'should respond with a 200': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); } } }) .addBatch({ 'requesting POST': { topic : function(){ + '/index.html', this.callback); }, 'should respond with 200' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); }, 'should not be empty' : function(error, response, body){ assert.isNotEmpty(body); } } }) .addBatch({ 'requesting HEAD': { topic : function(){ request.head(TEST_SERVER + '/index.html', this.callback); }, 'should respond with 200' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); }, 'head must has no body' : function(error, response, body){ assert.isEmpty(body); } } }) .addBatch(headers) .addBatch({ 'addings custom mime types': { topic : function(){ static.mime.define({'application/font-woff': ['woff']}); this.callback(); }, 'should add woff' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(static.mime.lookup('woff'), 'application/font-woff'); } } }) .addBatch({ 'serving subdirectory index': { topic : function(){ request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/there/', this.callback); // with trailing slash }, 'should respond with 200' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); }, 'should respond with text/html': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['content-type'], 'text/html'); } } }) .addBatch({ 'redirecting to subdirectory index': { topic : function(){ request.get({ url: TEST_SERVER + '/there', followRedirect: false }, this.callback); // without trailing slash }, 'should respond with 301' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 301); }, 'should respond with location header': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.headers['location'], '/there/'); // now with trailing slash }, 'should respond with empty string body' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(body, ''); } } }) .addBatch({ 'requesting a subdirectory (with trailing slash) not found': { topic : function(){ request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/notthere/', this.callback); // with trailing slash }, 'should respond with 404' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 404); } } }) .addBatch({ 'requesting a subdirectory (without trailing slash) not found': { topic : function(){ request.get({ url: TEST_SERVER + '/notthere', followRedirect: false }, this.callback); // without trailing slash }, 'should respond with 404' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 404); } } }).addBatch({ 'once an http server is listening with custom index configuration': { topic: function () { server.close(); fileServer = new static.Server(__dirname + '/../fixtures', { indexFile: "hello.txt" }); server = require('http').createServer(function (request, response) { fileServer.serve(request, response); }).listen(TEST_PORT, this.callback) }, 'should be listening' : function(){ /* This test is necessary to ensure the topic execution. * A topic without tests will be not executed */ assert.isTrue(true); } } }).addBatch({ 'serving custom index file': { topic : function(){ request.get(TEST_SERVER + '/', this.callback); }, 'should respond with 200' : function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(response.statusCode, 200); }, 'should respond with empty string': function(error, response, body){ assert.equal(body, 'hello world'); } } }).export(module);