/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package cpp.cppia; import haxe.macro.Compiler; import haxe.macro.Context; import haxe.macro.Type; #if !macro #if cppia @:build(cpp.cppia.HostClasses.exclude()) #end class HostClasses {} #else import Sys; import haxe.Constraints; @:noPackageRestrict class HostClasses { static var classes = [ "cpp.Lib", "cpp.NativeArray", "cpp.NativeString", "cpp.vm.Debugger", "sys.thread.Deque", "sys.thread.Lock", "sys.thread.Mutex", "sys.thread.Thread", "sys.thread.Tls", "cpp.vm.ExecutionTrace", "cpp.vm.Gc", "cpp.vm.Profiler", "cpp.vm.Unsafe", "cpp.vm.WeakRef", "cpp.Object", "cpp.Int64", "cpp.Finalizable", "Std", "StringBuf", "sys.db.Mysql", "sys.db.Sqlite", "sys.FileSystem", "sys.io.File", "sys.io.FileInput", "sys.io.Process", "sys.net.UdpSocket", "sys.net.Socket", "sys.ssl.Certificate", "sys.ssl.Digest", "sys.ssl.Key", "sys.ssl.Socket", "Enum", "EnumValue", // "Sys", "Type", "Xml", "Date", "Lambda", "DateTools", "List", "Math", "Reflect", "StringBuf", "StringTools", "haxe.ds.IntMap", "haxe.ds.ObjectMap", "haxe.ds.StringMap", "haxe.ds.BalancedTree", "haxe.NativeStackTrace", "haxe.Serializer", "haxe.Unserializer", "haxe.Resource", "haxe.Template", "haxe.Utf8", "haxe.Log", "haxe.zip.Compress", "haxe.zip.Uncompress", "haxe.crypto.BaseCode", "haxe.crypto.Sha256", "haxe.crypto.Hmac", "haxe.crypto.Crc32", "haxe.crypto.Base64", "haxe.crypto.Adler32", "haxe.crypto.Md5", "haxe.crypto.Sha1", "haxe.io.BufferInput", "haxe.io.Bytes", "haxe.io.BytesBuffer", "haxe.io.BytesData", "haxe.io.BytesInput", "haxe.io.BytesOutput", "haxe.io.Eof", "haxe.io.Error", "haxe.io.FPHelper", "haxe.io.Input", "haxe.io.Output", "haxe.io.Path", "haxe.io.StringInput", "haxe.xml.Parser", "haxe.Json", "haxe.NativeStackTrace", "haxe.Resource", "haxe.Utf8", "haxe.Int64", "haxe.Int32", "haxe.Serializer", "haxe.Unserializer", "haxe.ds.ArraySort", "haxe.ds.GenericStack", "haxe.ds.ObjectMap", "haxe.ds.Vector", "haxe.ds.BalancedTree", "haxe.ds.HashMap", "haxe.ds.Option", "haxe.ds.WeakMap", "haxe.ds.EnumValueMap", "haxe.ds.IntMap", "haxe.ds.StringMap", "haxe.iterators.MapKeyValueIterator", "StdTypes", "Array", "Class", "Date", "EReg", "Enum", "EnumValue", // "IntIterator", "List", "Map", "String", ]; static function parseClassInfo(externs:Map<String, Bool>, filename:String) { if (sys.FileSystem.exists(filename)) { var file = sys.io.File.read(filename); try { while (true) { var line = file.readLine(); var parts = line.split(" "); if (parts[0] == "class" || parts[0] == "interface" || parts[0] == "enum") externs.set(parts[1], true); } } catch (e:Dynamic) {} if (file != null) file.close(); } } static function onGenerateCppia(types:Array<Type>):Void { var externs = new Map<String, Bool>(); externs.set("Sys", true); externs.set("haxe.IMap", true); externs.set("haxe.crypto.HashMethod", true); externs.set("haxe._Int64.Int64_Impl_", true); externs.set("haxe._Int64.___Int64", true); externs.set("haxe._Int32.Int32_Impl_", true); externs.set("haxe._Int32.___Int32", true); // Hidded in implementation classes // externs.set("sys.db.RecordType",true); externs.set("sys.db._Sqlite.SqliteConnection", true); externs.set("sys.db._Sqlite.SqliteResultSet", true); externs.set("sys.db._Mysql.MysqlConnection", true); externs.set("sys.db._Mysql.MysqlResultSet", true); externs.set("sys.net._Socket.SocketInput", true); externs.set("sys.net._Socket.SocketOutput", true); externs.set("sys.ssl._Socket.SocketInput", true); externs.set("sys.ssl._Socket.SocketOutput", true); externs.set("sys.thread._Thread.HaxeThread",true); externs.set("haxe.ds.TreeNode", true); externs.set("haxe.xml.XmlParserException", true); for (e in classes) externs.set(e, true); var define = Context.defined("dll_import") ? Context.definedValue("dll_import") : "1"; if (define != "1") parseClassInfo(externs, define); else { var tried = new Map<String, Bool>(); for (path in Context.getClassPath()) if (!tried.exists(path)) { tried.set(path, true); parseClassInfo(externs, path + "/export_classes.info"); } } for (type in types) { switch (type) { case TInst(classRef, params): if (externs.exists(classRef.toString())) classRef.get().exclude(); case TEnum(enumRef, params): if (externs.exists(enumRef.toString())) enumRef.get().exclude(); default: } } } // Exclude the standard classes, and any described in 'export_classes.info' files found in the classpath public static function exclude() { if (Context.defined("cppia")) Context.onGenerate(onGenerateCppia); else Context.error("cpp.cppia.excludeHostFiles is only for cppia code", Context.currentPos()); return Context.getBuildFields(); } // Ensure that the standard classes are included in the host public static function include() { Compiler.keep("haxe.IMap"); Compiler.keep("haxe.crypto.HashMethod"); Compiler.keep("haxe._Int64.Int64_Impl_"); Compiler.keep("haxe._Int32.Int32_Impl_"); Compiler.keep("haxe._Int64.___Int64"); Compiler.keep("haxe._Int32.___Int32"); for (cls in classes) { Context.getModule(cls); Compiler.keep(cls); } return Context.getBuildFields(); } } #end