/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package python.internal; #if macro import haxe.macro.Context; import haxe.macro.Expr; #end @:noPackageRestrict class Internal { #if macro static var _prefix = "_hx_"; static var _className = _prefix + "class_name"; static var _class = _prefix + "class"; static var _fields = _prefix + "fields"; static var _super = _prefix + "super"; static var _methods = _prefix + "methods"; static var _statics = _prefix + "statics"; static var _interfaces = _prefix + "interfaces"; static var _emptyInit = _prefix + "empty_init"; static var _constructs = _prefix + "constructs"; static var _classes = _prefix + "classes"; static var _dict = "__dict__"; static function _getPrefixed(x:Expr):Expr { return switch (x.expr) { case EConst(CString(x)): macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) $v{_prefix + x}; case _: macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) (python.Syntax.binop($v{_prefix}, "+", $x) : String); } } static function withPos(x:String):Expr { return macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) $v{x}; } static function fieldWithPos(o:Expr, x:String):Expr { return macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) (untyped __define_feature__($v{"python." + x}, python.Syntax.field($o, $v{x}))); } static function has(o:Expr, field:String):Expr { return macro(untyped __define_feature__($v{"python." + field}, python.internal.UBuiltins.hasattr($o, $v{field})) : Bool); } #end macro public static function getPrefixed(x:ExprOf<String>):Expr { return switch (x.expr) { case EConst(CString(x)): macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) $v{_prefix + x}; case _: macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) (python.Syntax.binop($v{_prefix}, "+", $x) : String); } } macro public static function classRegistry():Expr { return macro(untyped __define_feature__($v{"python." + _classes}, python.Syntax.code($v{_classes})) : python.Dict<String, Class<Dynamic>>); } macro public static function callFieldPrefixed(o:Expr, x:String, params:Array<Expr>):Expr { var args = [o, macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) $v{_prefix + x}].concat(params); return macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) python.Syntax.callField($a{args}); } macro public static function fieldPrefixed(o:Expr, x:String):Expr { var args = [o, macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) $v{_prefix + x}]; return macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) python.Syntax.field($a{args}); } macro public static function hasAttrPrefixed(o:Expr, x:String):Expr { var args = [o, macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) $v{_prefix + x}]; return macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) python.Syntax.field($a{args}); } macro public static function importAsPrefixed(o:String, x:String) { return macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) python.Syntax.importAs($v{o}, $v{_prefix + x}); } macro public static function prefix():Expr { return macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) $v{_prefix}; } macro public static function pythonCodePrefixed(x:String):Expr { return macro python.Syntax.code($v{_prefix + x}); } macro public static function hasClassName(o:Expr):Expr { return has(o, _className); } macro public static function hasInterfaces(o:Expr):Expr { return has(o, _interfaces); } macro public static function hasClass(o:Expr):Expr { return has(o, _class); } macro public static function hasConstructs(o:Expr):Expr { return has(o, _constructs); } macro public static function hasEmptyInit(o:Expr):Expr { return has(o, _emptyInit); } macro public static function hasMethods(o:Expr):Expr { return has(o, _methods); } macro public static function hasFields(o:Expr):Expr { return has(o, _fields); } macro public static function hasSuper(o:Expr):Expr { return has(o, _super); } macro public static function hasStatics(o:Expr):Expr { return has(o, _statics); } macro public static function classNameVal():Expr { return withPos(_className); } macro public static function methodsVal():Expr { return withPos(_methods); } macro public static function classVal():Expr { return withPos(_className); } macro public static function superVal():Expr { return withPos(_super); } macro public static function interfacesVal():Expr { return withPos(_interfaces); } macro public static function fieldsVal():Expr { return withPos(_fields); } macro public static function staticsVal():Expr { return withPos(_statics); } macro public static function constructsVal():Expr { return withPos(_constructs); } macro public static function emptyInitVal():Expr { return withPos(_emptyInit); } macro public static function fieldClassName(o:Expr):Expr { return fieldWithPos(o, _className); } macro public static function fieldInterfaces(o:Expr):Expr { return fieldWithPos(o, _interfaces); } macro public static function fieldClass(o:Expr):Expr { return fieldWithPos(o, _class); } macro public static function fieldSuper(o:Expr):Expr { return fieldWithPos(o, _super); } macro public static function fieldStatics(o:Expr):Expr { return fieldWithPos(o, _statics); } macro public static function fieldMethods(o:Expr):Expr { return fieldWithPos(o, _methods); } macro public static function fieldFields(o:Expr):Expr { return fieldWithPos(o, _fields); } macro public static function fieldConstructs(o:Expr):Expr { return fieldWithPos(o, _constructs); } macro public static function fieldDict(o:Expr):Expr { return macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) python.Syntax.field($o, $v{_dict}); } macro public static function fieldEmptyInit(o:Expr):Expr { return fieldWithPos(o, _emptyInit); } macro public static function callEmptyInit(o:Expr, instance:Expr):Expr { return macro @:pos(Context.currentPos()) python.Syntax.callField($o, $v{_emptyInit}, $instance); } }