/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ private typedef ERegValue = hl.Abstract<"ereg">; @:access(String) @:coreApi final class EReg { var r:ERegValue; var last:String; var global:Bool; public function new(r:String, opt:String):Void { var a = opt.split("g"); global = a.length > 1; if (global) opt = a.join(""); this.r = regexp_new_options(r.bytes, opt.bytes); } public function match(s:String):Bool { var p = regexp_match(r, s.bytes, 0, s.length); if (p) last = s; else last = null; return p; } public function matched(n:Int):String { var len = 0; var m = regexp_matched_pos(r, n, len); return m < 0 ? null : last.substr(m, len); } public function matchedLeft():String { var p = regexp_matched_pos(r, 0, null); return last.substr(0, p); } public function matchedRight():String { var len = 0; var p = regexp_matched_pos(r, 0, len); return last.substr(p + len); } public function matchedPos():{pos:Int, len:Int} { var len = 0; var p = regexp_matched_pos(r, 0, len); if (p < 0) return null; return {pos: p, len: len}; } public function matchSub(s:String, pos:Int, len:Int = -1):Bool { var p = regexp_match(r, s.bytes, pos, len < 0 ? s.length - pos : len); if (p) last = s; else last = null; return p; } public function split(s:String):Array<String> { var pos = 0; var len = s.length; var a = new Array(); var first = true; do { if (!regexp_match(r, s.bytes, pos, len)) break; var plen = 0; var p = regexp_matched_pos(r, 0, plen); if (plen == 0 && !first) { if (p == s.length) break; p++; } a.push(s.substr(pos, p - pos)); var tot = p + plen - pos; pos += tot; len -= tot; first = false; } while (global); a.push(s.substr(pos, len)); return a; } public function replace(s:String, by:String):String { var b = new StringBuf(); var pos = 0; var len = s.length; var a = by.split("$"); var first = true; do { if (!regexp_match(r, s.bytes, pos, len)) break; var plen = 0; var p = regexp_matched_pos(r, 0, plen); if (plen == 0 && !first) { if (p == s.length) break; p++; } b.addSub(s, pos, p - pos); if (a.length > 0) b.add(a[0]); var i = 1; while (i < a.length) { var k = a[i]; var c = StringTools.fastCodeAt(k, 0); // 1...9 if (c >= 49 && c <= 57) { var plen = 0; var p = try regexp_matched_pos(r, Std.int(c) - 48, plen) catch (e:String) -1; if (p < 0) { b.add("$"); b.add(k); } else { if (p >= 0) b.addSub(s, p, plen); b.addSub(k, 1, k.length - 1); } } else if (c == 0) { b.add("$"); i++; var k2 = a[i]; if (k2 != null && k2.length > 0) b.add(k2); } else b.add("$" + k); i++; } var tot = p + plen - pos; pos += tot; len -= tot; first = false; } while (global); b.addSub(s, pos, len); return b.toString(); } public function map(s:String, f:EReg->String):String { var offset = 0; var buf = new StringBuf(); do { if (offset >= s.length) break; else if (!matchSub(s, offset)) { buf.add(s.substr(offset)); break; } var plen = 0; var p = regexp_matched_pos(r, 0, plen); buf.add(s.substr(offset, p - offset)); buf.add(f(this)); if (plen == 0) { buf.add(s.substr(p, 1)); offset = p + 1; } else offset = p + plen; } while (global); if (!global && offset > 0 && offset < s.length) buf.add(s.substr(offset)); return buf.toString(); } public static function escape(s:String):String { return escapeRegExpRe.map(s, function(r) return "\\" + r.matched(0)); } static var escapeRegExpRe = ~/[\[\]{}()*+?.\\\^$|]/g; @:hlNative("std", "regexp_new_options") static function regexp_new_options(bytes:hl.Bytes, options:hl.Bytes):ERegValue { return null; } @:hlNative("std", "regexp_match") static function regexp_match(r:ERegValue, str:hl.Bytes, pos:Int, size:Int):Bool { return false; } @:hlNative("std", "regexp_matched_pos") static function regexp_matched_pos(r:ERegValue, n:Int, size:hl.Ref<Int>):Int { return 0; } }