package iron.object; import kha.graphics4.Graphics; import kha.graphics4.ConstantLocation; import kha.graphics4.TextureAddressing; import kha.graphics4.TextureFilter; import kha.graphics4.MipMapFilter; import kha.arrays.Float32Array; import iron.math.Vec4; import iron.math.Quat; import iron.math.Mat3; import iron.math.Mat4; import; import; import; import; import iron.system.Input; import iron.system.Time; import iron.RenderPath; using StringTools; // Structure for setting shader uniforms class Uniforms { #if (kha_opengl || (kha_webgl && !lnx_shadowmap_atlas) || (!kha_webgl && lnx_shadowmap_atlas)) public static var biasMat = new Mat4( 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); #else // d3d public static var biasMat = new Mat4( 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); #end public static var helpMat = Mat4.identity(); public static var helpMat2 = Mat4.identity(); public static var helpMat3 = Mat3.identity(); public static var helpVec = new Vec4(); public static var helpVec2 = new Vec4(); public static var helpQuat = new Quat(); // Keep at identity public static var externalTextureLinks: Array<Object->MaterialData->String->kha.Image> = null; public static var externalMat4Links: Array<Object->MaterialData->String->Mat4> = null; public static var externalVec4Links: Array<Object->MaterialData->String->Vec4> = null; public static var externalVec3Links: Array<Object->MaterialData->String->Vec4> = null; public static var externalVec2Links: Array<Object->MaterialData->String->Vec4> = null; public static var externalFloatLinks: Array<Object->MaterialData->String->Null<kha.FastFloat>> = null; public static var externalFloatsLinks: Array<Object->MaterialData->String->Float32Array> = null; public static var externalIntLinks: Array<Object->MaterialData->String->Null<Int>> = null; public static var posUnpack: Null<kha.FastFloat> = null; public static var texUnpack: Null<kha.FastFloat> = null; #if (rp_resolution_filter == "Point") public static var defaultFilter = TextureFilter.PointFilter; #else public static var defaultFilter = TextureFilter.LinearFilter; #end public static function setContextConstants(g: Graphics, context: ShaderContext, bindParams: Array<String>) { if (context.raw.constants != null) { for (i in 0...context.raw.constants.length) { var c = context.raw.constants[i]; setContextConstant(g, context.constants[i], c); } } // Texture context constants if (bindParams != null) { // Bind targets for (i in / 2)) { var pos = i * 2; // bind params = [texture, samplerID] var rtID = bindParams[pos]; var samplerID = bindParams[pos + 1]; var attachDepth = false; // Attach texture depth if '_' is prepended var char = rtID.charAt(0); if (char == "_") { attachDepth = true; rtID = rtID.substr(1); } var rt = attachDepth ? :; bindRenderTarget(g, rt, context, samplerID, attachDepth); } } // Texture links if (context.raw.texture_units != null) { for (j in 0...context.raw.texture_units.length) { var tulink = context.raw.texture_units[j].link; if (tulink == null) continue; if (tulink.charAt(0) == "$") { // Link to embedded data g.setTexture(context.textureUnits[j],; if (tulink.endsWith(".raw")) { // Raw 3D texture g.setTexture3DParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Repeat, TextureAddressing.Repeat, TextureAddressing.Repeat, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); } else { // 2D texture g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Repeat, TextureAddressing.Repeat, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); } } else { switch (tulink) { case "_envmapRadiance": { var w =; if (w != null) { g.setTexture(context.textureUnits[j], w.probe.radiance); g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Repeat, TextureAddressing.Repeat, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.LinearMipFilter); } } case "_envmap": { var w =; if (w != null) { g.setTexture(context.textureUnits[j], w.envmap); g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Repeat, TextureAddressing.Repeat, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); } } #if lnx_clusters case "_clustersData": { g.setTexture(context.textureUnits[j], LightObject.clustersData); g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureFilter.PointFilter, TextureFilter.PointFilter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); } #end } } } } } public static function setObjectConstants(g: Graphics, context: ShaderContext, object: Object) { if (context.raw.constants != null) { for (i in 0...context.raw.constants.length) { var c = context.raw.constants[i]; setObjectConstant(g, object, context.constants[i], c); } } // Texture object constants // External if (externalTextureLinks != null) { if (context.raw.texture_units != null) { for (j in 0...context.raw.texture_units.length) { var tu = context.raw.texture_units[j]; if ( == null) continue; var tuAddrU = getTextureAddressing(tu.addressing_u); var tuAddrV = getTextureAddressing(tu.addressing_v); var tuFilterMin = getTextureFilter(tu.filter_min); var tuFilterMag = getTextureFilter(tu.filter_mag); var tuMipMapFilter = getMipMapFilter(tu.mipmap_filter); for (f in externalTextureLinks) { var image = f(object, currentMat(object),; if (image != null) {"_depth") ? g.setTextureDepth(context.textureUnits[j], image) : g.setTexture(context.textureUnits[j], image); g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], tuAddrU, tuAddrV, tuFilterMin, tuFilterMag, tuMipMapFilter); break; } } } } } } static function bindRenderTarget(g: Graphics, rt: RenderTarget, context: ShaderContext, samplerID: String, attachDepth: Bool) { if (rt != null) { var tus = context.raw.texture_units; for (j in 0...tus.length) { // Set texture if (samplerID == tus[j].name) { var isImage = tus[j].is_image != null && tus[j].is_image; var paramsSet = false; if (rt.raw.depth > 1) { // sampler3D g.setTexture3DParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.AnisotropicFilter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); paramsSet = true; } if (isImage) { // Multiple voxel volumes, always set params g.setImageTexture(context.textureUnits[j], rt.image); // image2D/3D if ("voxels_")) { g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); } else if ("voxels")) { g.setTexture3DParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); } else { g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.LinearMipFilter); } paramsSet = true; } else if (rt.isCubeMap) { if (attachDepth) g.setCubeMapDepth(context.textureUnits[j], rt.cubeMap); // samplerCube else g.setCubeMap(context.textureUnits[j], rt.cubeMap); // samplerCube } else { if (attachDepth) g.setTextureDepth(context.textureUnits[j], rt.image); // sampler2D else g.setTexture(context.textureUnits[j], rt.image); // sampler2D } if (!paramsSet && rt.raw.mipmaps != null && rt.raw.mipmaps == true && !isImage) { g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.LinearMipFilter); paramsSet = true; } if (!paramsSet) { if ("bloom")) { // Use bilinear filter for bloom mips to get correct blur g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.LinearMipFilter); } if (samplerID.startsWith("shadowMap")) { if (rt.isCubeMap) { #if (!lnx_legacy) g.setCubeMapCompareMode(context.textureUnits[j], true); #end } else { g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, TextureFilter.LinearFilter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); #if (!lnx_legacy) g.setTextureCompareMode(context.textureUnits[j], true); #end } paramsSet = true; } else if (attachDepth) { g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureAddressing.Clamp, TextureFilter.PointFilter, TextureFilter.PointFilter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); paramsSet = true; } } if (!paramsSet) { // No filtering when sampling render targets var oc = context.overrideContext; var allowParams = oc == null || oc.shared_sampler == null || oc.shared_sampler == samplerID; if (allowParams) { var addressing = (oc != null && oc.addressing == "repeat") ? TextureAddressing.Repeat : TextureAddressing.Clamp; var filter = (oc != null && oc.filter == "point") ? TextureFilter.PointFilter : defaultFilter; g.setTextureParameters(context.textureUnits[j], addressing, addressing, filter, filter, MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter); } paramsSet = true; } } } } } static function setContextConstant(g: Graphics, location: ConstantLocation, c: TShaderConstant): Bool { if ( == null) return true; var camera =; var light =; if (c.type == "mat4") { var m: Mat4 = null; switch ( { case "_viewMatrix": { #if lnx_centerworld m = vmat(camera.V); #else m = camera.V; #end } case "_transposeViewMatrix": { helpMat.setFrom(camera.V); helpMat.transpose3x3(); m = helpMat; } case "_projectionMatrix": { m = camera.P; } case "_inverseProjectionMatrix": { helpMat.getInverse(camera.P); m = helpMat; } case "_inverseViewProjectionMatrix": { #if lnx_centerworld helpMat.setFrom(vmat(camera.V)); #else helpMat.setFrom(camera.V); #end helpMat.multmat(camera.P); helpMat.getInverse(helpMat); m = helpMat; } case "_viewProjectionMatrix": { #if lnx_centerworld m = vmat(camera.V); m.multmat(camera.P); #else m = camera.VP; #end } case "_prevViewProjectionMatrix": { helpMat.setFrom(camera.prevV); helpMat.multmat(camera.P); m = helpMat; } case "_lightViewProjectionMatrix": { if (light != null) { m = light.VP; } } case "_biasLightViewProjectionMatrix": { if (light != null) { helpMat.setFrom(light.VP); helpMat.multmat(biasMat); m = helpMat; } } case "_skydomeMatrix": { var tr = camera.transform; helpVec.set(tr.worldx(), tr.worldy(), tr.worldz() - 3.5); // Sky var bounds = * 0.95; helpVec2.set(bounds, bounds, bounds); helpMat.compose(helpVec, helpQuat, helpVec2); helpMat.multmat(camera.V); helpMat.multmat(camera.P); m = helpMat; } default: // Unknown uniform return false; } g.setMatrix(location, m != null ? m.self : kha.math.FastMatrix4.identity()); return true; } else if (c.type == "vec4") { var v: Vec4 = null; helpVec.set(0, 0, 0, 0); switch ( { #if lnx_debug case "_input": { helpVec.set(Input.getMouse().x / iron.App.w(), Input.getMouse().y / iron.App.h(), Input.getMouse().down() ? 1.0 : 0.0, 0.0); v = helpVec; } #end default: return false; } if (v != null) { g.setFloat4(location, v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w); } else { g.setFloat4(location, 0, 0, 0, 0); } return true; } else if (c.type == "vec3") { var v: Vec4 = null; helpVec.set(0, 0, 0); switch ( { case "_lightPosition": { if (light != null) { #if lnx_centerworld var t = camera.transform; helpVec.set(light.transform.worldx() - t.worldx(), light.transform.worldy() - t.worldy(), light.transform.worldz() - t.worldz()); #else helpVec.set(light.transform.worldx(), light.transform.worldy(), light.transform.worldz()); #end v = helpVec; } } case "_lightDirection": { if (light != null) { helpVec = light.look().normalize(); v = helpVec; } } case "_sunDirection": { var sun =; if (sun != null) { helpVec = sun.look().normalize(); v = helpVec; } } case "_sunColor": { var sun =; if (sun != null) { var str = sun.visible ? : 0.0; helpVec.set([0] * str,[1] * str,[2] * str); v = helpVec; } } case "_pointPosition": { var point =; if (point != null) { #if lnx_centerworld var t = camera.transform; helpVec.set(point.transform.worldx() - t.worldx(), point.transform.worldy() - t.worldy(), point.transform.worldz() - t.worldz()); #else helpVec.set(point.transform.worldx(), point.transform.worldy(), point.transform.worldz()); #end v = helpVec; } } #if lnx_spot case "_spotDirection": { var point =; if (point != null) { helpVec = point.look().normalize(); v = helpVec; } } case "_spotRight": { var point =; if (point != null) { helpVec = point.right().normalize(); v = helpVec; } } #end case "_pointColor": { var point =; if (point != null) { var str = point.visible ? : 0.0; helpVec.set([0] * str,[1] * str,[2] * str); v = helpVec; } } #if lnx_ltc case "_lightArea0": { if (light != null && != null) { var f2: kha.FastFloat = 0.5; var sx: kha.FastFloat = * f2; var sy: kha.FastFloat = * f2; helpVec.set(-sx, sy, 0.0); helpVec.applymat(; v = helpVec; } } case "_lightArea1": { if (light != null && != null) { var f2: kha.FastFloat = 0.5; var sx: kha.FastFloat = * f2; var sy: kha.FastFloat = * f2; helpVec.set(sx, sy, 0.0); helpVec.applymat(; v = helpVec; } } case "_lightArea2": { if (light != null && != null) { var f2: kha.FastFloat = 0.5; var sx: kha.FastFloat = * f2; var sy: kha.FastFloat = * f2; helpVec.set(sx, -sy, 0.0); helpVec.applymat(; v = helpVec; } } case "_lightArea3": { if (light != null && != null) { var f2: kha.FastFloat = 0.5; var sx: kha.FastFloat = * f2; var sy: kha.FastFloat = * f2; helpVec.set(-sx, -sy, 0.0); helpVec.applymat(; v = helpVec; } } #end case "_cameraPosition": { // #if lnx_centerworld // helpVec.set(0, 0, 0); // #else helpVec.set(camera.transform.worldx(), camera.transform.worldy(), camera.transform.worldz()); // #end v = helpVec; } case "_cameraLook": { helpVec = camera.lookWorld().normalize(); v = helpVec; } case "_cameraUp": { helpVec = camera.upWorld().normalize(); v = helpVec; } case "_cameraRight": { helpVec = camera.rightWorld().normalize(); v = helpVec; } case "_backgroundCol": { if ( != null) helpVec.set([0],[1],[2]); v = helpVec; } case "_hosekSunDirection": { var w =; if (w != null) { // Clamp Z for night cycle helpVec.set(w.raw.sun_direction[0], w.raw.sun_direction[1], w.raw.sun_direction[2] > 0 ? w.raw.sun_direction[2] : 0); v = helpVec; } } #if rp_probes case "_probeNormal": { v =[].transform.up().normalize(); } case "_probePosition": { v =[]; } #end default: return false; } if (v != null) { g.setFloat3(location, v.x, v.y, v.z); } else { g.setFloat3(location, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } return true; } else if (c.type == "vec2") { var v: Vec4 = null; helpVec.set(0, 0, 0); switch ( { case "_vec2x": { v = helpVec; v.x = 1.0; v.y = 0.0; } case "_vec2xInv": { v = helpVec; v.x = 1.0 /; v.y = 0.0; } case "_vec2x2": { v = helpVec; v.x = 2.0; v.y = 0.0; } case "_vec2x2Inv": { v = helpVec; v.x = 2.0 /; v.y = 0.0; } case "_vec2y": { v = helpVec; v.x = 0.0; v.y = 1.0; } case "_vec2yInv": { v = helpVec; v.x = 0.0; v.y = 1.0 /; } case "_vec2y2": { v = helpVec; v.x = 0.0; v.y = 2.0; } case "_vec2y2Inv": { v = helpVec; v.x = 0.0; v.y = 2.0 /; } case "_vec2y3": { v = helpVec; v.x = 0.0; v.y = 3.0; } case "_vec2y3Inv": { v = helpVec; v.x = 0.0; v.y = 3.0 /; } case "_windowSize": { v = helpVec; v.x = App.w(); v.y = App.h(); } case "_screenSize": { v = helpVec; v.x =; v.y =; } case "_screenSizeInv": { v = helpVec; v.x = 1.0 /; v.y = 1.0 /; } case "_aspectRatio": { v = helpVec; v.x = /; v.y = /; v.x = v.x > 1.0 ? 1.0 : v.x; v.y = v.y > 1.0 ? 1.0 : v.y; } case "_cameraPlane": { v = helpVec; v.x =; v.y =; } case "_cameraPlaneProj": { var near =; var far =; v = helpVec; v.x = far / (far - near); v.y = (-far * near) / (far - near); } case "_lightPlane": { if (light != null) { v = helpVec; v.x =; v.y =; } } case "_lightPlaneProj": { // shadowCube if (light != null) { var near: kha.FastFloat =; var far: kha.FastFloat =; var a: kha.FastFloat = far + near; var b: kha.FastFloat = far - near; var f2: kha.FastFloat = 2.0; var c = f2 * far * near; v = helpVec; v.x = a / b; v.y = c / b; } } case "_shadowMapSize": { if (light != null && { v = helpVec; v.x = v.y =; } } default: return false; } if (v != null) { g.setFloat2(location, v.x, v.y); } else { g.setFloat2(location, 0.0, 0.0); } return true; } else if (c.type == "float") { var f: Null<kha.FastFloat> = null; switch ( { case "_time": { f = Time.time(); } case "_sunShadowsBias": { var sun =; f = sun == null ? 0.0 :; } case "_pointShadowsBias": { var point =; f = point == null ? 0.0 :; } case "_envmapStrength": { f = == null ? 0.0 :; } case "_aspectRatioF": { f = /; } case "_aspectRatioWindowF": { f = iron.App.w() / iron.App.h(); } case "_frameScale": { f = /; } case "_fieldOfView": { f =; } default: return false; } g.setFloat(location, f != null ? f : 0); return true; } else if (c.type == "floats") { var fa: Float32Array = null; switch ( { case "_envmapIrradiance": { fa = == null ? WorldData.getEmptyIrradiance() :; } #if lnx_clusters case "_lightsArray": { fa = LightObject.lightsArray; } #if lnx_spot case "_lightsArraySpot": { fa = LightObject.lightsArraySpot; } #end #if lnx_shadowmap_atlas case "_pointLightsAtlasArray": { fa = LightObject.pointLightsData; } #end #end // lnx_clusters #if lnx_csm case "_cascadeData": { for (l in { if ( == "sun") { fa = l.getCascadeData(); break; } } } #end } if (fa != null) { g.setFloats(location, fa); return true; } } else if (c.type == "int") { var i: Null<Int> = null; switch ( { case "_envmapNumMipmaps": { var w =; i = w != null ? w.probe.raw.radiance_mipmaps + 1 - 2 : 1; // Include basecolor and exclude 2 scaled mips } default: return false; } g.setInt(location, i != null ? i : 0); return true; } return false; } static function setObjectConstant(g: Graphics, object: Object, location: ConstantLocation, c: TShaderConstant) { if ( == null) return; var camera =; var light =; if (c.type == "mat4") { var m: Mat4 = null; switch ( { case "_worldMatrix": { #if lnx_centerworld m = wmat(object.transform.worldUnpack, camera); #else m = object.transform.worldUnpack; #end } case "_inverseWorldMatrix": { #if lnx_centerworld helpMat.getInverse(wmat(object.transform.worldUnpack, camera)); #else helpMat.getInverse(object.transform.worldUnpack); #end m = helpMat; } case "_worldViewProjectionMatrix": { helpMat.setFrom(object.transform.worldUnpack); helpMat.multmat(camera.V); helpMat.multmat(camera.P); m = helpMat; } case "_worldViewProjectionMatrixSphere": { // Billboard var t = object.transform; helpMat.setFrom(t.worldUnpack); helpMat.multmat(camera.V); var scl = new Vec4(t.scale.x, t.scale.y, t.scale.z); scl.mult(t.scaleWorld); helpMat._00 = scl.x; helpMat._10 = 0.0; helpMat._20 = 0.0; helpMat._01 = 0.0; helpMat._11 = scl.y; helpMat._21 = 0.0; helpMat._02 = 0.0; helpMat._12 = 0.0; helpMat._22 = scl.z; helpMat.multmat(camera.P); m = helpMat; } case "_worldViewProjectionMatrixCylinder": { // Billboard - x rot 90deg var t = object.transform; helpMat.setFrom(t.worldUnpack); helpMat.multmat(camera.V); var scl = new Vec4(t.scale.x, t.scale.y, t.scale.z); scl.mult(t.scaleWorld); helpMat._00 = scl.x; helpMat._20 = 0.0; helpMat._01 = 0.0; helpMat._21 = 0.0; helpMat._02 = 0.0; helpMat._22 = scl.y; helpMat.multmat(camera.P); m = helpMat; } case "_worldViewMatrix": { helpMat.setFrom(object.transform.worldUnpack); helpMat.multmat(camera.V); m = helpMat; } #if lnx_veloc case "_prevWorldViewProjectionMatrix": { helpMat.setFrom(cast(object, MeshObject).prevMatrix); helpMat.multmat(camera.prevV); // helpMat.multmat(camera.prevP); helpMat.multmat(camera.P); m = helpMat; } case "_prevWorldMatrix": { m = cast(object, MeshObject).prevMatrix; } #end case "_sunWorldMatrix": { var sun =; if (sun != null) { helpMat.setFrom(sun.transform.worldUnpack); m = helpMat; } } case "_lightWorldViewProjectionMatrix": { if (light != null) { // object is null for DrawQuad object == null ? helpMat.setIdentity() : helpMat.setFrom(object.transform.worldUnpack); helpMat.multmat(light.VP); m = helpMat; } } case "_lightWorldViewProjectionMatrixSphere": { if (light != null) { helpMat.setFrom(object.transform.worldUnpack); // Align to camera.. helpMat.multmat(camera.V); helpMat._00 = 1.0; helpMat._10 = 0.0; helpMat._20 = 0.0; helpMat._01 = 0.0; helpMat._11 = 1.0; helpMat._21 = 0.0; helpMat._02 = 0.0; helpMat._12 = 0.0; helpMat._22 = 1.0; helpMat2.getInverse(camera.V); helpMat.multmat(helpMat2); helpMat.multmat(light.VP); m = helpMat; } } case "_lightWorldViewProjectionMatrixCylinder": { if (light != null) { helpMat.setFrom(object.transform.worldUnpack); // Align to camera.. helpMat.multmat(camera.V); helpMat._00 = 1.0; helpMat._20 = 0.0; helpMat._01 = 0.0; helpMat._21 = 0.0; helpMat._02 = 0.0; helpMat._22 = 1.0; helpMat2.getInverse(camera.V); helpMat.multmat(helpMat2); helpMat.multmat(light.VP); m = helpMat; } } case "_biasLightWorldViewProjectionMatrix": { if (light != null) { // object is null for DrawQuad object == null ? helpMat.setIdentity() : helpMat.setFrom(object.transform.worldUnpack); helpMat.multmat(light.VP); helpMat.multmat(biasMat); m = helpMat; } } case "_biasLightWorldViewProjectionMatrixSun": { for (l in { if ( == "sun") { // object is null for DrawQuad object == null ? helpMat.setIdentity() : helpMat.setFrom(object.transform.worldUnpack); helpMat.multmat(l.VP); helpMat.multmat(biasMat); #if lnx_shadowmap_atlas // tile matrix helpMat2.setIdentity(); // scale [0-1] coords to [0-tilescale] helpMat2._00 = l.tileScale[0]; helpMat2._11 = l.tileScale[0]; // offset coordinate start from [0, 0] to [tile-start-x, tile-start-y] helpMat2._30 = l.tileOffsetX[0]; helpMat2._31 = l.tileOffsetY[0]; helpMat.multmat(helpMat2); #if (!kha_opengl) helpMat2.setIdentity(); helpMat2._11 = -1.0; helpMat2._31 = 1.0; helpMat.multmat(helpMat2); #end #end m = helpMat; break; } } } #if rp_probes case "_probeViewProjectionMatrix": { helpMat.setFrom([].camera.V); helpMat.multmat([].camera.P); m = helpMat; } #end #if lnx_particles case "_particleData": { var mo = cast(object, MeshObject); if (mo.particleOwner != null && mo.particleOwner.particleSystems != null) { m = mo.particleOwner.particleSystems[mo.particleIndex].getData(); } } #end } if (m == null) { #if lnx_spot if ("_biasLightWorldViewProjectionMatrixSpot")) { var light = getSpot( - 1) - "0".code); if (light != null) { object == null ? helpMat.setIdentity() : helpMat.setFrom(object.transform.worldUnpack); helpMat.multmat(light.VP); helpMat.multmat(biasMat); m = helpMat; } } if ("_biasLightViewProjectionMatrixSpot")) { var light = getSpot( - 1) - "0".code); if (light != null) { helpMat.setFrom(light.VP); helpMat.multmat(biasMat); m = helpMat; } } #end } if (m == null && externalMat4Links != null) { for (fn in externalMat4Links) { m = fn(object, currentMat(object),; if (m != null) break; } } if (m == null) return; g.setMatrix(location, m.self); } else if (c.type == "mat3") { var m: Mat3 = null; switch ( { case "_normalMatrix": { helpMat.getInverse(; helpMat.transpose3x3(); helpMat3.setFrom4(helpMat); m = helpMat3; } case "_normalMatrixSphere": { helpMat.setFrom(; // Align to camera.. helpMat.multmat(camera.V); helpMat._00 = 1.0; helpMat._10 = 0.0; helpMat._20 = 0.0; helpMat._01 = 0.0; helpMat._11 = 1.0; helpMat._21 = 0.0; helpMat._02 = 0.0; helpMat._12 = 0.0; helpMat._22 = 1.0; helpMat2.getInverse(camera.V); helpMat.multmat(helpMat2); helpMat2.getInverse(helpMat); helpMat2.transpose3x3(); helpMat3.setFrom4(helpMat2); m = helpMat3; } case "_normalMatrixCylinder": { helpMat.setFrom(; // Align to camera.. helpMat.multmat(camera.V); helpMat._00 = 1.0; helpMat._20 = 0.0; helpMat._01 = 0.0; helpMat._21 = 0.0; helpMat._02 = 0.0; helpMat._22 = 1.0; helpMat2.getInverse(camera.V); helpMat.multmat(helpMat2); helpMat2.getInverse(helpMat); helpMat2.transpose3x3(); helpMat3.setFrom4(helpMat2); m = helpMat3; } case "_viewMatrix3": { #if lnx_centerworld helpMat3.setFrom4(vmat(camera.V)); #else helpMat3.setFrom4(camera.V); #end m = helpMat3; } } if (m == null) return; g.setMatrix3(location, m.self); } else if (c.type == "vec4") { var v: Vec4 = null; helpVec.set(0, 0, 0); switch ( { #if lnx_spot case "_spotData": { // spot size (cutoff), spot blend (exponent) var point =; if (point != null) { v = helpVec; v.x =; v.y =; var scale = point.transform.scale; v.z = scale.z == 0.0 ? 0.0 : scale.x / scale.z; v.w = scale.z == 0.0 ? 0.0 : scale.y / scale.z; } } #end } if (v == null && externalVec4Links != null) { for (fn in externalVec4Links) { v = fn(object, currentMat(object),; if (v != null) break; } } if (v == null) return; g.setFloat4(location, v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w); } else if (c.type == "vec3") { var v: Vec4 = null; helpVec.set(0, 0, 0); switch ( { case "_dim": { // Model space var d = object.transform.dim; var s = object.transform.scale; helpVec.set((d.x / s.x), (d.y / s.y), (d.z / s.z)); v = helpVec; } case "_halfDim": { // Model space var d = object.transform.dim; var s = object.transform.scale; helpVec.set((d.x / s.x) / 2, (d.y / s.y) / 2, (d.z / s.z) / 2); v = helpVec; } } if (v == null && externalVec3Links != null) { for (f in externalVec3Links) { v = f(object, currentMat(object),; if (v != null) break; } } if (v == null) return; g.setFloat3(location, v.x, v.y, v.z); } else if (c.type == "vec2") { var vx: Null<kha.FastFloat> = null; var vy: Null<kha.FastFloat> = null; switch ( { case "_tilesheetOffset": { var ts = cast(object, MeshObject).activeTilesheet; vx = ts.tileX; vy = ts.tileY; } case "_tilesheetTiles": { var ts = cast(object, MeshObject).activeTilesheet; vx = ts.raw.tilesx; vy = ts.raw.tilesy; } #if lnx_morph_target case "_morphScaleOffset": { var mt = cast(object, MeshObject).morphTarget; vx = mt.scaling; vy = mt.offset; } case "_morphDataDim": { var mt = cast(object, MeshObject).morphTarget; vx = mt.numMorphTargets; vy = mt.morphBlockSize / mt.morphImageSize; } #end } if (vx == null && externalVec2Links != null) { for (fn in externalVec2Links) { var v = fn(object, currentMat(object),; if (v != null) { vx = v.x; vy = v.y; break; } } } if (vx == null) return; g.setFloat2(location, vx, vy); } else if (c.type == "float") { var f: Null<kha.FastFloat> = null; switch ( { case "_objectInfoIndex": { f = object.uid; } case "_objectInfoMaterialIndex": { f = currentMat(object).uid; } case "_objectInfoRandom": { f = object.urandom; } case "_posUnpack": { f = posUnpack != null ? posUnpack : 1.0; } case "_texUnpack": { f = texUnpack != null ? texUnpack : 1.0; } } if (f == null && externalFloatLinks != null) { for (fn in externalFloatLinks) { var res = fn(object, currentMat(object),; if (res != null) { f = res; break; } } } if (f == null) return; g.setFloat(location, f); } else if (c.type == "floats") { var fa: Float32Array = null; switch ( { #if lnx_skin case "_skinBones": { if (object.animation != null) { fa = cast(object.animation, BoneAnimation).skinBuffer; } } #end #if (lnx_clusters && lnx_spot) case "_biasLightWorldViewProjectionMatrixSpotArray": { fa = LightObject.updateLWVPMatrixArray(object, "spot"); } #end // lnx_clusters #if lnx_morph_target case "_morphWeights": { fa = cast(object, MeshObject).morphTarget.morphWeights; } #end } if (fa == null && externalFloatsLinks != null) { for (fn in externalFloatsLinks) { fa = fn(object, currentMat(object),; if (fa != null) break; } } if (fa == null) return; g.setFloats(location, fa); } else if (c.type == "int") { var i: Null<Int> = null; switch ( { case "_uid": { i = object.uid; } } if (i == null && externalIntLinks != null) { for (fn in externalIntLinks) { var res = fn(object, currentMat(object),; if (res != null) { i = res; break; } } } if (i == null) return; g.setInt(location, i); } } public static function setMaterialConstants(g: Graphics, context: ShaderContext, materialContext: MaterialContext) { if (materialContext.raw.bind_constants != null) { for (i in 0...materialContext.raw.bind_constants.length) { var matc = materialContext.raw.bind_constants[i]; var pos = -1; for (i in 0...context.raw.constants.length) { if (context.raw.constants[i].name == { pos = i; break; } } if (pos == -1) continue; var c = context.raw.constants[pos]; setMaterialConstant(g, context.constants[pos], c, matc); } } if (materialContext.textures != null) { for (i in 0...materialContext.textures.length) { var mname = materialContext.raw.bind_textures[i].name; for (j in 0...context.textureUnits.length) { var sname = context.raw.texture_units[j].name; if (mname == sname) { g.setTexture(context.textureUnits[j], materialContext.textures[i]); // After texture sampler have been assigned, set texture parameters materialContext.setTextureParameters(g, i, context, j); break; } } } } } #if lnx_spot static function getSpot(index: Int): LightObject { var i = 0; for (l in { if ( != "spot" && != "area") continue; if (i == index) return l; i++; } return null; } #end static function currentMat(object: Object): MaterialData { if (object != null && Std.isOfType(object, iron.object.MeshObject)) { var mo = cast(object, MeshObject); return mo.materials[mo.materialIndex]; } #if rp_decals if (object != null && Std.isOfType(object, iron.object.DecalObject)) { var mo = cast(object, DecalObject); return mo.material; } #end return null; } static function setMaterialConstant(g: Graphics, location: ConstantLocation, c: TShaderConstant, matc: TBindConstant) { switch (c.type) { case "vec4": g.setFloat4(location, matc.vec4Value[0], matc.vec4Value[1], matc.vec4Value[2], matc.vec4Value[3]); case "vec3": g.setFloat3(location, matc.vec3Value[0], matc.vec3Value[1], matc.vec3Value[2]); case "vec2": g.setFloat2(location, matc.vec2Value[0], matc.vec2Value[1]); case "float": g.setFloat(location, matc.floatValue); case "bool": g.setBool(location, matc.boolValue); case "int": g.setInt(location, matc.intValue); } } #if lnx_centerworld static var mm1: Mat4 = Mat4.identity(); static var mm2: Mat4 = Mat4.identity(); static function wmat(m: Mat4, cam: CameraObject): Mat4 { var t = cam.transform; mm1.setFrom(m); mm1._30 -= t.worldx(); mm1._31 -= t.worldy(); mm1._32 -= t.worldz(); return mm1; } static function vmat(m: Mat4): Mat4 { mm2.setFrom(m); mm2._30 = 0; mm2._31 = 0; mm2._32 = 0; return mm2; } #end static inline function getTextureAddressing(s: String): TextureAddressing { return switch (s) { case "clamp": TextureAddressing.Clamp; case "mirror": TextureAddressing.Mirror; default: TextureAddressing.Repeat; } } static inline function getTextureFilter(s: String): TextureFilter { return switch (s) { case "anisotropic": TextureFilter.AnisotropicFilter; case "point": TextureFilter.PointFilter; default: TextureFilter.LinearFilter; } } static inline function getMipMapFilter(s: String): MipMapFilter { return switch (s) { case "linear": MipMapFilter.LinearMipFilter; case "point": MipMapFilter.PointMipFilter; default: MipMapFilter.NoMipFilter; } } }