/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package flash; @:keep private class RealBoot extends Boot { #if swc public function new() { super(); } public static function initSwc(mc) { flash.Lib.current = mc; new RealBoot().init(); } #else function new() { super(); if (flash.Lib.current == null) flash.Lib.current = this; start(); } #end } @:dox(hide) @:keep class Boot extends flash.display.MovieClip { static var tf:flash.text.TextField; static var lines:Array<String>; static var lastError:flash.errors.Error; public static var skip_constructor = false; function start() { #if dontWaitStage init(); #else var c = flash.Lib.current; try { untyped if (c == this && c.stage != null && c.stage.align == "") c.stage.align = cast "TOP_LEFT"; } catch (e:Dynamic) { // security error when loading from different domain } if (c.stage == null) c.addEventListener(flash.events.Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, doInitDelay); else if (c.stage.stageWidth == 0 || c.stage.stageHeight == 0) untyped __global__["flash.utils.setTimeout"](start, 1); else init(); #end } function doInitDelay(_) { flash.Lib.current.removeEventListener(flash.events.Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, doInitDelay); start(); } #if (swc && swf_protected) public #end function init() { throw "assert"; } static var IN_E = 0; public static function enum_to_string(e:{tag:String, params:Array<Dynamic>}) { if (e.params == null) return e.tag; var pstr = []; if (IN_E > 15) { pstr.push("..."); } else { IN_E++; for (p in e.params) pstr.push(__string_rec(p, "")); IN_E--; } return e.tag + "(" + pstr.join(",") + ")"; } public static function __instanceof(v:Dynamic, t:Dynamic) { try { if (t == Dynamic) return v != null; return untyped __is__(v, t); } catch (e:Dynamic) {} return false; } public static function __clear_trace() { if (tf == null) return; tf.parent.removeChild(tf); tf = null; lines = null; } public static function __set_trace_color(rgb) { var tf = getTrace(); tf.textColor = rgb; tf.filters = []; } public static function getTrace() { var mc = flash.Lib.current; if (tf == null) { tf = new flash.text.TextField(); #if flash10_2 var color = 0xFFFFFF, glow = 0; if (mc.stage != null) { glow = mc.stage.color; color = 0xFFFFFF - glow; } tf.textColor = color; tf.filters = [new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow, 1, 2, 2, 20)]; #end var format = tf.getTextFormat(); format.font = "_sans"; tf.defaultTextFormat = format; tf.selectable = false; tf.width = if (mc.stage == null) 800 else mc.stage.stageWidth; tf.autoSize = flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT; tf.mouseEnabled = false; } if (mc.stage == null) mc.addChild(tf); else mc.stage.addChild(tf); // on top return tf; } public static function __trace(v:Dynamic, pos:haxe.PosInfos) { var tf = getTrace(); var pstr = if (pos == null) "(null)" else pos.fileName + ":" + pos.lineNumber; if (lines == null) lines = []; var str = pstr + ": " + __string_rec(v, ""); if (pos != null && pos.customParams != null) for (v in pos.customParams) str += "," + __string_rec(v, ""); lines = lines.concat(str.split("\n")); tf.text = lines.join("\n"); var stage = flash.Lib.current.stage; if (stage == null) return; while (lines.length > 1 && tf.height > stage.stageHeight) { lines.shift(); tf.text = lines.join("\n"); } } public static function __string_rec(v:Dynamic, str:String, maxRecursion:Int = 5) { if (maxRecursion <= 0) { return "<...>"; } var cname = untyped __global__["flash.utils.getQualifiedClassName"](v); switch (cname) { case "Object": var k:Array<String> = untyped __keys__(v); var s = "{"; var first = true; for (i in 0...k.length) { var key = k[i]; if (key == "toString") try return v.toString() catch (e:Dynamic) {} if (first) first = false; else s += ","; s += " " + key + " : " + __string_rec(v[untyped key], str, maxRecursion - 1); } if (!first) s += " "; s += "}"; return s; case "Array": if (v == Array) return "#Array"; var s = "["; var i; var first = true; var a:Array<Dynamic> = v; for (i in 0...a.length) { if (first) first = false; else s += ","; s += __string_rec(a[i], str, maxRecursion - 1); } return s + "]"; default: switch (untyped __typeof__(v)) { case "function": return "<function>"; case "undefined": return "null"; } } return new String(v); } static public function fromCodePoint(code:Int) { var o = new flash.utils.ByteArray(); o.endian = LITTLE_ENDIAN; o.writeShort((code >> 10) + 0xD7C0); o.writeShort((code & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00); o.position = 0; return o.readMultiByte(4, "unicode"); } static function __unprotect__(s:String) { return s; } static public function mapDynamic(d:Dynamic, f:Dynamic) { if (Std.isOfType(d, Array)) { return untyped d["mapHX"](f); } else { return untyped d["map"](f); } } static public function filterDynamic(d:Dynamic, f:Dynamic) { if (Std.isOfType(d, Array)) { return untyped d["filterHX"](f); } else { return untyped d["filter"](f); } } static function __init__() untyped { var d:Dynamic = Date; d.now = function() { return __new__(Date); }; d.fromTime = function(t) { var d:Date = __new__(Date); d.setTime(t); return d; }; d.fromString = function(s:String) { switch (s.length) { case 8: // hh:mm:ss var k = s.split(":"); var d:Date = __new__(Date); d.setTime(0); d.setUTCHours(k[0]); d.setUTCMinutes(k[1]); d.setUTCSeconds(k[2]); return d; case 10: // YYYY-MM-DD var k = s.split("-"); return new Date(cast k[0], cast k[1] - 1, cast k[2], 0, 0, 0); case 19: // YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss var k = s.split(" "); var y = k[0].split("-"); var t = k[1].split(":"); return new Date(cast y[0], cast y[1] - 1, cast y[2], cast t[0], cast t[1], cast t[2]); default: throw "Invalid date format : " + s; } }; d.prototype[#if no_flash_override "toStringHX" #else "toString" #end] = function() { var date:Date = __this__; var m = date.getMonth() + 1; var d = date.getDate(); var h = date.getHours(); var mi = date.getMinutes(); var s = date.getSeconds(); return date.getFullYear() + "-" + (if (m < 10) "0" + m else "" + m) + "-" + (if (d < 10) "0" + d else "" + d) + " " + (if (h < 10) "0" + h else "" + h) + ":" + (if (mi < 10) "0" + mi else "" + mi) + ":" + (if (s < 10) "0" + s else "" + s); }; var aproto = Array.prototype; aproto.copy = function() { return __this__.slice(); }; aproto.insert = function(i, x) { __this__.splice(i, 0, x); }; aproto.contains = function(obj) { return __this__.indexOf(obj) != -1; } aproto.remove = function(obj) { var idx = __this__.indexOf(obj); if (idx == -1) return false; #if flash19 // removeAt is only available through as3 namespace and genswf9 will only generate it for a known Array, // so we have to type it properly (thus the typecheck). See https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe/issues/8612 (__this__:Array<Dynamic>).removeAt(idx); #else __this__.splice(idx, 1); #end return true; } aproto.iterator = function() { return new haxe.iterators.ArrayIterator(cast __this__); }; aproto.keyValueIterator = function() { return new haxe.iterators.ArrayKeyValueIterator(untyped __this__); }; aproto.resize = function(len) { __this__.length = len; }; aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("copy", false); aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("insert", false); aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("contains", false); aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("remove", false); aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("iterator", false); aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("keyValueIterator", false); aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("resize", false); #if no_flash_override aproto.filterHX = function(f) { var ret = []; var i = 0; var l = __this__.length; while (i < l) { if (f(__this__[i])) ret.push(__this__[i]); i++; } return ret; }; aproto.mapHX = function(f) { var ret = []; var i = 0; var l = __this__.length; while (i < l) { ret.push(f(__this__[i])); i++; } return ret; }; aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("mapHX", false); aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("filterHX", false); String.prototype.charCodeAtHX = function(i):Null<Int> { #else aproto["filter"] = function(f) { var ret = []; var i = 0; var l = __this__.length; while (i < l) { if (f(__this__[i])) ret.push(__this__[i]); i++; } return ret; }; aproto["map"] = function(f) { var ret = []; var i = 0; var l = __this__.length; while (i < l) { ret.push(f(__this__[i])); i++; } return ret; }; aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("map", false); aproto.setPropertyIsEnumerable("filter", false); String.prototype.charCodeAt = function(i):Null<Int> { #end var s:String = __this__; var x:Float = s.cca(i); if (__global__["isNaN"](x)) return null; return Std.int(x); }; } }