/* * Copyright (C)2005-2019 Haxe Foundation * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package haxe.ds; #if cpp using cpp.NativeArray; #end private typedef VectorData<T> = #if flash10 flash.Vector<T> #elseif neko neko.NativeArray<T> #elseif cs cs.NativeArray<T> #elseif java java.NativeArray<T> #elseif lua lua.Table<Int, T> #elseif eval eval.Vector<T> #else Array<T> #end /** A Vector is a storage of fixed size. It can be faster than Array on some targets, and is never slower. @see https://haxe.org/manual/std-vector.html **/ abstract Vector<T>(VectorData<T>) { /** Creates a new Vector of length `length`. Initially `this` Vector contains `length` neutral elements: - always null on dynamic targets - 0, 0.0 or false for Int, Float and Bool respectively on static targets - null for other types on static targets If `length` is less than or equal to 0, the result is unspecified. **/ public inline function new(length:Int) { #if flash10 this = new flash.Vector<T>(length, true); #elseif neko this = untyped __dollar__amake(length); #elseif js this = js.Syntax.construct(Array, length); #elseif cs this = new cs.NativeArray(length); #elseif java this = new java.NativeArray(length); #elseif cpp this = NativeArray.create(length); #elseif python this = python.Syntax.code("[{0}]*{1}", null, length); #elseif lua this = untyped __lua_table__({length: length}); #elseif eval this = new eval.Vector(length); #else this = []; untyped this.length = length; #end } /** Returns the value at index `index`. If `index` is negative or exceeds `this.length`, the result is unspecified. **/ @:op([]) public inline function get(index:Int):T { #if cpp return this.unsafeGet(index); #elseif python return python.internal.ArrayImpl.unsafeGet(this, index); #elseif eval return this[index]; #else return this[index]; #end } /** Sets the value at index `index` to `val`. If `index` is negative or exceeds `this.length`, the result is unspecified. **/ @:op([]) public inline function set(index:Int, val:T):T { #if cpp return this.unsafeSet(index, val); #elseif python return python.internal.ArrayImpl.unsafeSet(this, index, val); #elseif eval return this[index] = val; #else return this[index] = val; #end } /** Returns the length of `this` Vector. **/ public var length(get, never):Int; inline function get_length():Int { #if neko return untyped __dollar__asize(this); #elseif cs return this.Length; #elseif java return this.length; #elseif python return this.length; #else return untyped this.length; #end } /** Copies `length` of elements from `src` Vector, beginning at `srcPos` to `dest` Vector, beginning at `destPos` The results are unspecified if `length` results in out-of-bounds access, or if `src` or `dest` are null **/ public static #if (cs || java || neko || cpp || eval) inline #end function blit<T>(src:Vector<T>, srcPos:Int, dest:Vector<T>, destPos:Int, len:Int):Void { #if neko untyped __dollar__ablit(dest, destPos, src, srcPos, len); #elseif java java.lang.System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, len); #elseif cs cs.system.Array.Copy(cast src, srcPos, cast dest, destPos, len); #elseif cpp dest.toData().blit(destPos, src.toData(), srcPos, len); #elseif eval src.toData().blit(srcPos, dest.toData(), destPos, len); #else if (src == dest) { if (srcPos < destPos) { var i = srcPos + len; var j = destPos + len; for (k in 0...len) { i--; j--; src[j] = src[i]; } } else if (srcPos > destPos) { var i = srcPos; var j = destPos; for (k in 0...len) { src[j] = src[i]; i++; j++; } } } else { for (i in 0...len) { dest[destPos + i] = src[srcPos + i]; } } #end } /** Creates a new Array, copy the content from the Vector to it, and returns it. **/ public #if (flash || cpp || js || java || eval) inline #end function toArray():Array<T> { #if cpp return this.copy(); #elseif python return this.copy(); #elseif js return this.slice(0); #elseif eval return this.toArray(); #else var a = new Array(); var len = length; #if (neko) // prealloc good size if (len > 0) a[len - 1] = get(0); #end for (i in 0...len) a[i] = get(i); return a; #end } /** Extracts the data of `this` Vector. This returns the internal representation type. **/ public inline function toData():VectorData<T> return cast this; /** Initializes a new Vector from `data`. Since `data` is the internal representation of Vector, this is a no-op. If `data` is null, the corresponding Vector is also `null`. **/ static public inline function fromData<T>(data:VectorData<T>):Vector<T> return cast data; /** Creates a new Vector by copying the elements of `array`. This always creates a copy, even on platforms where the internal representation is Array. The elements are not copied and retain their identity, so `a[i] == Vector.fromArrayCopy(a).get(i)` is true for any valid i. If `array` is null, the result is unspecified. **/ static public inline function fromArrayCopy<T>(array:Array<T>):Vector<T> { #if python return cast array.copy(); #elseif flash10 return fromData(flash.Vector.ofArray(array)); #elseif java return fromData(java.Lib.nativeArray(array, false)); #elseif cs return fromData(cs.Lib.nativeArray(array, false)); #elseif cpp return cast array.copy(); #elseif js return fromData(array.slice(0)); #elseif eval return fromData(eval.Vector.fromArrayCopy(array)); #else // TODO: Optimize this for others? var vec = new Vector<T>(array.length); for (i in 0...array.length) vec.set(i, array[i]); return vec; #end } /** Returns a shallow copy of `this` Vector. The elements are not copied and retain their identity, so `a[i] == a.copy()[i]` is true for any valid `i`. However, `a == a.copy()` is always false. **/ #if cs extern #end public inline function copy<T>():Vector<T> { #if eval return fromData(this.copy()); #else var r = new Vector<T>(length); Vector.blit(cast this, 0, r, 0, length); return r; #end } /** Returns a string representation of `this` Vector, with `sep` separating each element. The result of this operation is equal to `Std.string(this[0]) + sep + Std.string(this[1]) + sep + ... + sep + Std.string(this[this.length-1])` If `this` Vector has length 0, the result is the empty String `""`. If `this` has exactly one element, the result is equal to a call to `Std.string(this[0])`. If `sep` is null, the result is unspecified. **/ #if cs extern #end public inline function join<T>(sep:String):String { #if (flash10 || cpp || eval) return this.join(sep); #else var b = new StringBuf(); var len = length; for (i in 0...len) { b.add(Std.string(get(i))); if (i < len - 1) { b.add(sep); } } return b.toString(); #end } /** Creates a new Vector by applying function `f` to all elements of `this`. The order of elements is preserved. If `f` is null, the result is unspecified. **/ #if cs extern #end public inline function map<S>(f:T->S):Vector<S> { #if eval return fromData(this.map(f)); #else var length = length; var r = new Vector<S>(length); var len = length; for (i in 0...len) { var v = f(get(i)); r.set(i, v); } return r; #end } /** Sorts `this` Vector according to the comparison function `f`, where `f(x,y)` returns 0 if x == y, a positive Int if x > y and a negative Int if x < y. This operation modifies `this` Vector in place. The sort operation is not guaranteed to be stable, which means that the order of equal elements may not be retained. If `f` is null, the result is unspecified. **/ public inline function sort(f:T->T->Int):Void { #if (neko || cs || java || eval) throw "not yet supported"; #elseif lua haxe.ds.ArraySort.sort(cast this, f); #else this.sort(f); #end } }