import bpy from bpy.types import Menu, Panel, UIList from bpy.props import * class LnxArrayItem(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): # Name property for each array item name_prop: StringProperty(name="Name", default="Item") index_prop = bpy.props.IntProperty( name="Index", description="Index of the item", default=0, options={'HIDDEN', 'SKIP_SAVE'} ) # Properties for each type string_prop: StringProperty(name="String", default="") integer_prop: IntProperty(name="Integer", default=0) float_prop: FloatProperty(name="Float", default=0.0) boolean_prop: BoolProperty(name="Boolean", default=False) class LnxPropertyListItem(bpy.types.PropertyGroup): type_prop: EnumProperty( items = [('string', 'String', 'String'), ('integer', 'Integer', 'Integer'), ('float', 'Float', 'Float'), ('boolean', 'Boolean', 'Boolean'), ('array', 'Array', 'Array'), ], name = "Type") name_prop: StringProperty(name="Name", description="A name for this item", default="my_prop") string_prop: StringProperty(name="String", description="A name for this item", default="text") integer_prop: IntProperty(name="Integer", description="A name for this item", default=0) float_prop: FloatProperty(name="Float", description="A name for this item", default=0.0) boolean_prop: BoolProperty(name="Boolean", description="A name for this item", default=False) array_prop: CollectionProperty(type=LnxArrayItem) array_item_type: EnumProperty( items = [ ('string', 'String', 'String'), ('integer', 'Integer', 'Integer'), ('float', 'Float', 'Float'), ('boolean', 'Boolean', 'Boolean'), # Add more types here as needed ], name = "New Item Type", default = 'string' ) class LNX_UL_ArrayItemList(bpy.types.UIList): def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname, index): # Use the item's index within the array as its uneditable name array_type = data.array_item_type if self.layout_type in {'DEFAULT', 'COMPACT'}: # Display the index of the item as its name in a non-editable label layout.label(text=str(index)) # Display the appropriate property based on the array type if array_type == 'string': layout.prop(item, "string_prop", text="") elif array_type == 'integer': layout.prop(item, "integer_prop", text="") elif array_type == 'float': layout.prop(item, "float_prop", text="") elif array_type == 'boolean': layout.prop(item, "boolean_prop", text="") # Add other types as needed elif self.layout_type in {'GRID'}: layout.alignment = 'CENTER' layout.label(text="", icon="OBJECT_DATAMODE") class LnxArrayAddItem(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "lnx_array.add_item" bl_label = "Add Array Item" def execute(self, context): obj = bpy.context.object if obj.lnx_propertylist and obj.lnx_propertylist_index < len(obj.lnx_propertylist): selected_item = obj.lnx_propertylist[obj.lnx_propertylist_index] # Create a new item in the array new_item = selected_item.array_prop.add() # Set the type of the new item based on the selected type new_item_type = selected_item.array_item_type if new_item_type == 'string': new_item.string_prop = "" # Default value for string elif new_item_type == 'integer': new_item.integer_prop = 0 # Default value for integer elif new_item_type == 'float': new_item.float_prop = 0.0 # Default value for float elif new_item_type == 'boolean': new_item.boolean_prop = False # Default value for boolean # Set the index of the new item new_item_index = len(selected_item.array_prop) - 1 new_item.index_prop = new_item_index # Update the array index selected_item.array_index = new_item_index return {'FINISHED'} # Operator to remove an item from the array class LnxArrayRemoveItem(bpy.types.Operator): bl_idname = "lnx_array.remove_item" bl_label = "Remove Array Item" def execute(self, context): obj = bpy.context.object if obj.lnx_propertylist and obj.lnx_propertylist_index < len(obj.lnx_propertylist): selected_item = obj.lnx_propertylist[obj.lnx_propertylist_index] if selected_item.array_prop: selected_item.array_prop.remove(selected_item.array_index) if selected_item.array_index > 0: selected_item.array_index -= 1 return {'FINISHED'} class LNX_UL_PropertyList(bpy.types.UIList): def draw_item(self, context, layout, data, item, icon, active_data, active_propname, index): layout.use_property_split = False # Make sure your code supports all 3 layout types if self.layout_type in {'DEFAULT', 'COMPACT'}: layout.prop(item, "name_prop", text="", emboss=False, icon="OBJECT_DATAMODE") layout.prop(item, item.type_prop + "_prop", text="", emboss=(item.type_prop == 'boolean')) elif self.layout_type in {'GRID'}: layout.alignment = 'CENTER' layout.label(text="", icon="OBJECT_DATAMODE") class LnxPropertyListNewItem(bpy.types.Operator): # Add a new item to the list bl_idname = "lnx_propertylist.new_item" bl_label = "New" type_prop: EnumProperty( items = [('string', 'String', 'String'), ('integer', 'Integer', 'Integer'), ('float', 'Float', 'Float'), ('boolean', 'Boolean', 'Boolean'), ('array', 'Array', 'Array'), ], name = "Type") def invoke(self, context, event): wm = context.window_manager return wm.invoke_props_dialog(self) def draw(self,context): layout = self.layout layout.prop(self, "type_prop", expand=True) def execute(self, context): obj = bpy.context.object prop = obj.lnx_propertylist.add() prop.type_prop = self.type_prop obj.lnx_propertylist_index = len(obj.lnx_propertylist) - 1 return{'FINISHED'} class LnxPropertyListDeleteItem(bpy.types.Operator): # Delete the selected item from the list bl_idname = "lnx_propertylist.delete_item" bl_label = "Deletes an item" @classmethod def poll(self, context): """ Enable if there's something in the list """ obj = bpy.context.object if obj == None: return False return len(obj.lnx_propertylist) > 0 def execute(self, context): obj = bpy.context.object lst = obj.lnx_propertylist index = obj.lnx_propertylist_index if len(lst) <= index: return{'FINISHED'} lst.remove(index) if index > 0: index = index - 1 obj.lnx_propertylist_index = index return{'FINISHED'} class LnxPropertyListMoveItem(bpy.types.Operator): # Move an item in the list bl_idname = "lnx_propertylist.move_item" bl_label = "Move an item in the list" direction: EnumProperty( items=( ('UP', 'Up', ""), ('DOWN', 'Down', ""),)) def move_index(self): obj = bpy.context.object index = obj.lnx_propertylist_index list_length = len(obj.lnx_propertylist) - 1 new_index = 0 if self.direction == 'UP': new_index = index - 1 elif self.direction == 'DOWN': new_index = index + 1 new_index = max(0, min(new_index, list_length)) obj.lnx_propertylist.move(index, new_index) obj.lnx_propertylist_index = new_index def execute(self, context): obj = bpy.context.object list = obj.lnx_propertylist index = obj.lnx_propertylist_index if self.direction == 'DOWN': neighbor = index + 1 self.move_index() elif self.direction == 'UP': neighbor = index - 1 self.move_index() else: return{'CANCELLED'} return{'FINISHED'} def draw_properties(layout, obj): layout.label(text="Properties") # Draw the LNX_UL_PropertyList rows = 4 if len(obj.lnx_propertylist) > 1 else 2 row = layout.row() row.template_list("LNX_UL_PropertyList", "The_List", obj, "lnx_propertylist", obj, "lnx_propertylist_index", rows=rows) # Column for buttons next to LNX_UL_PropertyList col = row.column(align=True) col.operator("lnx_propertylist.new_item", icon='ADD', text="") col.operator("lnx_propertylist.delete_item", icon='REMOVE', text="") if len(obj.lnx_propertylist) > 1: col.separator() col.operator("lnx_propertylist.move_item", icon='TRIA_UP', text="").direction = 'UP' col.operator("lnx_propertylist.move_item", icon='TRIA_DOWN', text="").direction = 'DOWN' # Draw UI List for array items if the selected property is an array if obj.lnx_propertylist and obj.lnx_propertylist_index < len(obj.lnx_propertylist): selected_item = obj.lnx_propertylist[obj.lnx_propertylist_index] if selected_item.type_prop == 'array': layout.label(text="Array Items") # Dropdown to select the type of new array items layout.prop(selected_item, "array_item_type", text="Array Type") # Template list for array items row = layout.row() row.template_list("LNX_UL_ArrayItemList", "", selected_item, "array_prop", selected_item, "array_index", rows=rows) # Column for buttons next to the array items list col = row.column(align=True) col.operator("lnx_array.add_item", icon='ADD', text="") col.operator("lnx_array.remove_item", icon='REMOVE', text="") __REG_CLASSES = ( LnxArrayItem, LnxPropertyListItem, LNX_UL_PropertyList, LNX_UL_ArrayItemList, LnxPropertyListNewItem, LnxPropertyListDeleteItem, LnxPropertyListMoveItem, LnxArrayAddItem, LnxArrayRemoveItem, ) __reg_classes, unregister = bpy.utils.register_classes_factory(__REG_CLASSES) def register(): __reg_classes() bpy.types.Object.lnx_propertylist = CollectionProperty(type=LnxPropertyListItem) bpy.types.Object.lnx_propertylist_index = IntProperty(name="Index for lnx_propertylist", default=0) # New property for tracking the active index in array items bpy.types.PropertyGroup.array_index = IntProperty(name="Array Index", default=0)