package auratests.channels; import utest.Assert; import kha.arrays.Float32Array; import aura.Types.Balance; import aura.channels.UncompBufferResamplingChannel; import aura.dsp.sourcefx.SourceEffect; import aura.types.AudioBuffer; @:access(aura.channels.UncompBufferResamplingChannel) class TestUncompBufferResamplingChannel extends utest.Test { static inline var channelLength = 16; var audioChannel: UncompBufferResamplingChannel; final rampLeft = new Array<Float>(); final rampRight = new Array<Float>(); final data = new Float32Array(2 * channelLength); // interleaved stereo function setupClass() { rampLeft.resize(channelLength); rampRight.resize(channelLength); for (i in 0...channelLength) { // Fill data with a value ramp final val = (i + 1) / channelLength; data[i * 2 + 0] = rampLeft[i] = val; data[i * 2 + 1] = rampRight[i] = -val; } } function setup() { audioChannel = new UncompBufferResamplingChannel(data, false, 1000); } function teardown() {} function test_dataConversion() { for (i in 0...channelLength) { Assert.floatEquals(rampLeft[i],[i]); Assert.floatEquals(rampRight[i],[i]); } } function test_nextSamples() { final outBuffer = new AudioBuffer(2, channelLength); audioChannel.nextSamples(outBuffer, 1000); for (i in 0...channelLength) { Assert.floatEquals(rampLeft[i], outBuffer.getChannelView(0)[i]); Assert.floatEquals(rampRight[i], outBuffer.getChannelView(1)[i]); } // Now the channel has processed all data and will reset position to 0 Assert.equals(0, audioChannel.playbackPosition); Assert.floatEquals(0.0, audioChannel.floatPosition); // No looping, but request more samples final longOutBuffer = new AudioBuffer(2, channelLength + 4); audioChannel.nextSamples(longOutBuffer, 1000); for (i in 0...channelLength) { Assert.floatEquals(rampLeft[i], longOutBuffer.getChannelView(0)[i]); Assert.floatEquals(rampRight[i], longOutBuffer.getChannelView(1)[i]); } for (i in channelLength...channelLength + 4) { Assert.floatEquals(0.0, longOutBuffer.getChannelView(0)[i]); Assert.floatEquals(0.0, longOutBuffer.getChannelView(1)[i]); } // Now change the sample rate, second half should be zero audioChannel.playbackPosition = 0; audioChannel.floatPosition = 0.0; audioChannel.nextSamples(outBuffer, 500); for (i in / 2)...channelLength) { Assert.floatEquals(0.0, outBuffer.getChannelView(0)[i]); Assert.floatEquals(0.0, outBuffer.getChannelView(1)[i]); } // Now with looping audioChannel.playbackPosition = 0; audioChannel.floatPosition = 0.0; audioChannel.looping = true; audioChannel.nextSamples(outBuffer, 500); final halfChannelLength = / 2); for (i in 0...halfChannelLength) { Assert.floatEquals(outBuffer.getChannelView(0)[i], outBuffer.getChannelView(0)[halfChannelLength + i], null, '$i'); Assert.floatEquals(outBuffer.getChannelView(1)[i], outBuffer.getChannelView(1)[halfChannelLength + i], null, '$i'); } // TODO: check sample precise looping without gaps with unusual sample rates? } function test_nextSamples_onLoop_ApplySourceEffectsOnce() { audioChannel.looping = true; final sourceFX = new SourceFXDummy(); audioChannel.addSourceEffect(sourceFX); Assert.equals(0, sourceFX.numProcessCalled); final outBuffer = new AudioBuffer(2, channelLength + 1); audioChannel.nextSamples(outBuffer, 1000); // Make sure process is only called once for _all_ channels Assert.equals(1, sourceFX.numProcessCalled); } } private class SourceFXDummy extends SourceEffect { public var numProcessCalled = 0; public function new() {} function calculateRequiredChannelLength(srcChannelLength: Int): Int { return srcChannelLength; } function process(srcBuffer: AudioBuffer, srcChannelLength: Int, dstBuffer: AudioBuffer): Int { numProcessCalled++; return srcChannelLength; } }