/** Copied from deprecated https://github.com/Kode/Kha/blob/15bfbdc2b3c363fe70ac3d178d9d3439f717861a/Sources/kha/graphics2/GraphicsExtension.hx **/ package zui; import kha.math.Vector2; import kha.math.FastVector2; import kha.graphics2.Graphics; import kha.graphics2.VerTextAlignment; import kha.graphics2.HorTextAlignment; /** * Static extension functions for Graphics2. * Usage: "using zui.GraphicsExtension;" */ class GraphicsExtension { /** * Draws a arc. * @param ccw (optional) Specifies whether the drawing should be counterclockwise. * @param segments (optional) The amount of lines that should be used to draw the arc. */ public static function drawArc(g2: Graphics, cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, sAngle: Float, eAngle: Float, strength: Float = 1, ccw: Bool = false, segments: Int = 0): Void { #if kha_html5 if (kha.SystemImpl.gl == null) { var g: kha.js.CanvasGraphics = cast g2; radius -= strength / 2; // reduce radius to fit the line thickness within image width/height g.drawArc(cx, cy, radius, sAngle, eAngle, strength, ccw); return; } #end sAngle = sAngle % (Math.PI * 2); eAngle = eAngle % (Math.PI * 2); if (ccw) { if (eAngle > sAngle) eAngle -= Math.PI * 2; } else if (eAngle < sAngle) eAngle += Math.PI * 2; radius += strength / 2; if (segments <= 0) segments = Math.floor(10 * Math.sqrt(radius)); var theta = (eAngle - sAngle) / segments; var c = Math.cos(theta); var s = Math.sin(theta); var x = Math.cos(sAngle) * radius; var y = Math.sin(sAngle) * radius; for (n in 0...segments) { var px = x + cx; var py = y + cy; var t = x; x = c * x - s * y; y = c * y + s * t; drawInnerLine(g2, x + cx, y + cy, px, py, strength); } } /** * Draws a filled arc. * @param ccw (optional) Specifies whether the drawing should be counterclockwise. * @param segments (optional) The amount of lines that should be used to draw the arc. */ public static function fillArc(g2: Graphics, cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, sAngle: Float, eAngle: Float, ccw: Bool = false, segments: Int = 0): Void { #if kha_html5 if (kha.SystemImpl.gl == null) { var g: kha.js.CanvasGraphics = cast g2; g.fillArc(cx, cy, radius, sAngle, eAngle, ccw); return; } #end sAngle = sAngle % (Math.PI * 2); eAngle = eAngle % (Math.PI * 2); if (ccw) { if (eAngle > sAngle) eAngle -= Math.PI * 2; } else if (eAngle < sAngle) eAngle += Math.PI * 2; if (segments <= 0) segments = Math.floor(10 * Math.sqrt(radius)); var theta = (eAngle - sAngle) / segments; var c = Math.cos(theta); var s = Math.sin(theta); var x = Math.cos(sAngle) * radius; var y = Math.sin(sAngle) * radius; var sx = x + cx; var sy = y + cy; for (n in 0...segments) { var px = x + cx; var py = y + cy; var t = x; x = c * x - s * y; y = c * y + s * t; g2.fillTriangle(px, py, x + cx, y + cy, sx, sy); } } /** * Draws a circle. * @param segments (optional) The amount of lines that should be used to draw the circle. */ public static function drawCircle(g2: Graphics, cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, strength: Float = 1, segments: Int = 0): Void { #if kha_html5 if (kha.SystemImpl.gl == null) { var g: kha.js.CanvasGraphics = cast g2; radius -= strength / 2; // reduce radius to fit the line thickness within image width/height g.drawCircle(cx, cy, radius, strength); return; } #end radius += strength / 2; if (segments <= 0) segments = Math.floor(10 * Math.sqrt(radius)); var theta = 2 * Math.PI / segments; var c = Math.cos(theta); var s = Math.sin(theta); var x = radius; var y = 0.0; for (n in 0...segments) { var px = x + cx; var py = y + cy; var t = x; x = c * x - s * y; y = c * y + s * t; drawInnerLine(g2, x + cx, y + cy, px, py, strength); } } static function drawInnerLine(g2: Graphics, x1: Float, y1: Float, x2: Float, y2: Float, strength: Float): Void { var side = y2 > y1 ? 1 : 0; if (y2 == y1) side = x2 - x1 > 0 ? 1 : 0; var vec = new FastVector2(); if (y2 == y1) vec.setFrom(new FastVector2(0, -1)); else vec.setFrom(new FastVector2(1, -(x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1))); vec.length = strength; var p1 = new FastVector2(x1 + side * vec.x, y1 + side * vec.y); var p2 = new FastVector2(x2 + side * vec.x, y2 + side * vec.y); var p3 = p1.sub(vec); var p4 = p2.sub(vec); g2.fillTriangle(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y, p3.x, p3.y); g2.fillTriangle(p3.x, p3.y, p2.x, p2.y, p4.x, p4.y); } /** * Draws a filled circle. * @param segments (optional) The amount of lines that should be used to draw the circle. */ public static function fillCircle(g2: Graphics, cx: Float, cy: Float, radius: Float, segments: Int = 0): Void { #if kha_html5 if (kha.SystemImpl.gl == null) { var g: kha.js.CanvasGraphics = cast g2; g.fillCircle(cx, cy, radius); return; } #end if (segments <= 0) { segments = Math.floor(10 * Math.sqrt(radius)); } var theta = 2 * Math.PI / segments; var c = Math.cos(theta); var s = Math.sin(theta); var x = radius; var y = 0.0; for (n in 0...segments) { var px = x + cx; var py = y + cy; var t = x; x = c * x - s * y; y = c * y + s * t; g2.fillTriangle(px, py, x + cx, y + cy, cx, cy); } } /** * Draws a convex polygon. */ public static function drawPolygon(g2: Graphics, x: Float, y: Float, vertices: Array<Vector2>, strength: Float = 1) { var iterator = vertices.iterator(); var v0 = iterator.next(); var v1 = v0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { var v2 = iterator.next(); g2.drawLine(v1.x + x, v1.y + y, v2.x + x, v2.y + y, strength); v1 = v2; } g2.drawLine(v1.x + x, v1.y + y, v0.x + x, v0.y + y, strength); } /** * Draws a filled convex polygon. */ public static function fillPolygon(g2: Graphics, x: Float, y: Float, vertices: Array<Vector2>) { var iterator = vertices.iterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) return; var v0 = iterator.next(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) return; var v1 = iterator.next(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { var v2 = iterator.next(); g2.fillTriangle(v0.x + x, v0.y + y, v1.x + x, v1.y + y, v2.x + x, v2.y + y); v1 = v2; } } /** * Draws a cubic bezier using 4 pairs of points. If the x and y arrays have a length bigger then 4, the additional * points will be ignored. With a length smaller of 4 a error will occur, there is no check for this. * You can construct the curves visually in Inkscape with a path using default nodes. * Provide x and y in the following order: startPoint, controlPoint1, controlPoint2, endPoint * Reference: http://devmag.org.za/2011/04/05/bzier-curves-a-tutorial/ */ public static function drawCubicBezier(g2: Graphics, x: Array<Float>, y: Array<Float>, segments: Int = 20, strength: Float = 1.0): Void { var t: Float; var q0 = calculateCubicBezierPoint(0, x, y); var q1: Array<Float>; for (i in 1...(segments + 1)) { t = i / segments; q1 = calculateCubicBezierPoint(t, x, y); g2.drawLine(q0[0], q0[1], q1[0], q1[1], strength); q0 = q1; } } /** * Draws multiple cubic beziers joined by the end point. The minimum size is 4 pairs of points (a single curve). */ public static function drawCubicBezierPath(g2: Graphics, x: Array<Float>, y: Array<Float>, segments: Int = 20, strength: Float = 1.0): Void { var i = 0; var t: Float; var q0: Array<Float> = null; var q1: Array<Float> = null; while (i < x.length - 3) { if (i == 0) q0 = calculateCubicBezierPoint(0, [x[i], x[i + 1], x[i + 2], x[i + 3]], [y[i], y[i + 1], y[i + 2], y[i + 3]]); for (j in 1...(segments + 1)) { t = j / segments; q1 = calculateCubicBezierPoint(t, [x[i], x[i + 1], x[i + 2], x[i + 3]], [y[i], y[i + 1], y[i + 2], y[i + 3]]); g2.drawLine(q0[0], q0[1], q1[0], q1[1], strength); q0 = q1; } i += 3; } } static function calculateCubicBezierPoint(t: Float, x: Array<Float>, y: Array<Float>): Array<Float> { var u: Float = 1 - t; var tt: Float = t * t; var uu: Float = u * u; var uuu: Float = uu * u; var ttt: Float = tt * t; // first term var p: Array<Float> = [uuu * x[0], uuu * y[0]]; // second term p[0] += 3 * uu * t * x[1]; p[1] += 3 * uu * t * y[1]; // third term p[0] += 3 * u * tt * x[2]; p[1] += 3 * u * tt * y[2]; // fourth term p[0] += ttt * x[3]; p[1] += ttt * y[3]; return p; } static public function drawAlignedString(g2: Graphics, text: String, x: Float, y: Float, horAlign: HorTextAlignment, verAlign: VerTextAlignment): Void { var xoffset = 0.0; if (horAlign == TextCenter || horAlign == TextRight) { var width = g2.font.width(g2.fontSize, text); if (horAlign == TextCenter) { xoffset = -width * 0.5; } else { xoffset = -width; } } var yoffset = 0.0; if (verAlign == TextMiddle || verAlign == TextBottom) { var height = g2.font.height(g2.fontSize); if (verAlign == TextMiddle) { yoffset = -height * 0.5; } else { yoffset = -height; } } g2.drawString(text, x + xoffset, y + yoffset); } static public function drawAlignedCharacters(g2: Graphics, text: Array<Int>, start: Int, length: Int, x: Float, y: Float, horAlign: HorTextAlignment, verAlign: VerTextAlignment): Void { var xoffset = 0.0; if (horAlign == TextCenter || horAlign == TextRight) { var width = g2.font.widthOfCharacters(g2.fontSize, text, start, length); if (horAlign == TextCenter) { xoffset = -width * 0.5; } else { xoffset = -width; } } var yoffset = 0.0; if (verAlign == TextMiddle || verAlign == TextBottom) { var height = g2.font.height(g2.fontSize); if (verAlign == TextMiddle) { yoffset = -height * 0.5; } else { yoffset = -height; } } g2.drawCharacters(text, start, length, x + xoffset, y + yoffset); } }